V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta is a 2006 film drama set in a dystopian future United Kingdom, where V, a mysterious radical anarchist wearing a Guy Fawkes costume, works to bring down an oppressive fascist government, profoundly affecting the people he encounters. It was released in theatres March 17, 2006.

Genre: Action, Thriller
An uncompromising vision of the future from the creators of the Matrix trilogy.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
Remember, remember the 5th of November.
Strength through unity, unity through faith!
England prevails.
Ideas are bulletproof.

Gentlemen, you have had four hours, you had better have results. Mr Creedy?

Peter Creedy:
The Bailey area is quarantined, and all significant witnesses have been detained.

Good. Mr Etheridge?

Brian Etheridge:
A recording device was found wired into the central emergency broadcast system. The DCD was Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

Add it to the blacklist. I never want to hear that music again.

Yes, sir. We also doubled our random sweeps and are monitoring a lot of phone surveillance, indicating a high percentage of conversation concerned with the explosion.

Mr Dascombe, what are we doing about that?

Roger Dascombe:
We're calling it an "emergency demolition". We have spin coverage on the network and throughout the InterLink, and several experts have been lined up to testify against the Bailey's structural integrity.

I want Prothero to speak tonight on the dangers of these old buildings and how we must avoid clinging to the edifice of a decadent past. He should conclude that the New Bailey will become the symbol of our time and the future that our conviction has rewarded us. Mr Heyer?

Conrad Heyer:
Our surveillance cameras captured several images of the terrorist, though the mask obviously makes retinal identification impossible. We also managed to get a photo of the girl that Creedy's men were detaining.

Who is she, Mr Finch?

Eric Finch:
Not sure, yet, sir, but we're working on several leads.

Anything else?

We located the fireworks launch and found traces of the explosives used at both sides. Unfortunately, it appears that despite the massive amount of sophistication, these devices were homemade with over-the-counter chemicals, making them very difficult to trace. Whoever he is, Chancellor, he is very good.

Spare us your professional annotations, Mr Finch. They are irrelevant.

Apologies, Chancellor.

Gentlemen, this is a test. Moments such as these are matters of faith. To fail is to invite doubt into everything we believe, everything that we have fought for. Doubt will plunge this country back into chaos, which is the last thing we want, and I will not let that happen. Gentlemen, I want this terrorist found, and I want him to understand what terror really means. England prevails!

Party leaders:
England prevails.

What is this place?

It's my home. I call it the Shadow Gallery.

It's beautiful...where did you get all this stuff?

Oh, here and there. Most of it from the vaults of the Ministry of Objectionable Materials.

You stole them?

Oh, heavens, no. Stealing implies ownership. You can't steal from the censor; I merely reclaimed them.

God, if they ever find this place..

I suspect if they do find this place, a few bits of art will be the least of my worries.

You mean, after what you've done? God, what have I done? I Maced that detective. Why did I do that?

You did what you thought was right.

No. I shouldn't have done that. I must have been out of my mind.

Is that what you really think, or what they would want you to think?

I think I should go.

May I ask where?

Home. I have to go home.

You said they were looking for you. If they know where you work, they certainly know where you live.

I have friends. I could stay with them.

I'm afraid that won't work either. Now, you have to understand, Evey. I don't want this for either of us, but I couldn't see any other way. You were unconscious, and I had to make a decision. If I had left you there, right now, you'd be in one of Creedy's interrogation cells. They'd imprison you, torture you, and, in all probability, kill you in the pursuit of finding me. After what you did, I couldn't let that happen, so I picked you up and carried you to the only place I knew you'd be safe: here, to my home.

I won't tell anyone, I swear. You know you can trust me.

I'm sorry, but I can't take that risk.

But I don't even know where this is. We could be anywhere.

You know it's underground. You know the colour of the stone. That'd be enough for a clever man.

What are you saying? That I have to stay here?

Only until I'm done. After the 5th, I no longer think it'll matter.

You mean, a year from now? I have to stay here for a year?

Sorry, Evey. I didn't know what else to do.

You should have left me alone! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!

[Gordon pops a champagne bottle]

What is this all about?

I'm celebrating.

Celebrating what?

I think this could be the best show we've ever done.

[on the television] Very good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Listen. We've got an extraordinary show for you tonight. You're not going to believe it. As a matter of fact, I don't think I do. Would you please give a warm welcome to our own Chancellor Adam Sutler!

["God Save the Queen" plays on the background as an impersonator of Adam Sutler enters]

No way!

Girl with Spectacles:
It can't be!

We threw out the censor-approved script, and shot a new one I wrote this morning.

Oh, my god.

[Cuts to the audience applaud on being taunted by the fake Sutler's soldiers. Evey chokes on her champagne]

Chancellor, Chancellor, Chancellor. I understand you've been under tremendous strain lately since the beginning of this whole terrorism business, and we thought it would be a nice idea to try and help you relax. Girls?

[Deitrich's girls arrive with a humidor, from where the fake Sutler takes a cigar. Another girl offers him a glass of milk]

Fake Sutler:
Ah! Warm milk. There's nothing better.

I understand you enjoy a glass every night, Chancellor.

Fake Sutler:
Since I was a boy. [The real Sutler is shown sitting in his bunker while watching, holding a glass of milk] But you're wrong, Mr Deitrich. The terrorist was never a serious concern.

(in background) Oh, really?

[A prankster dressed as V ties the fake Sutler's shoelaces together, whilst replacing his cigar with an exploding one]

Girl with Spectacles:
It's him!

Chancellor, Chancellor, are you saying that he's not still alive and active?

Fake Sutler:
The terrorist has been neutralised.

[The cigar explodes as the fake Sutler huffs from it.]

Oh, my God, Chancellor, look! The terrorist!

Fake Sutler:
The terrorist! [The camera pans to the fake V among the musicians, scraping a washboard] Get him! [Sutler walks toward the fake V, but having been shoe-laced, stumbles.]

Oh, dear!

[As Boots Randolph's "Yakety Sax" plays, the show plays a sped-up chase of V, the girls, and the soldiers, while the fake Sutler still struggles to get off from being shoe-laced. An actor in a gorilla suit appears randomly and bangs his chest with his fists. Gordon then throws a banana peel, and the fake V slips on it, and is tackled by the fake Sutler's soldiers]

Fake Sutler:
At last! And now, for all the world to see!

[The fake Sutler approaches the fake V, now restrained by the soldiers. He unmasks the fake V, who was revealed to be another Sutler impersonator]

Girl with Spectacles:
[As her mother gasps and shakes her head] It's him!

Fake V/Sutler:
Unhand me! I am your chancellor!

[A group of old men, who are watching the show, laugh out loud]

Fake Sutler:
How dare you! I am the chancellor!

[Gordon makes a funny act of confusion, pointing to one fake Sutler after the other]

Fake V/Sutler:
Imposter! [the two fake Sutlers tackle each other in a farcical fight. Gordon makes a funny act of sympathy before they get back up.] Soldiers! That man is the terrorist!

Fake Sutler:
I order you to shoot that traitor!

Fake V/Sutler:

Fake Sutler:

Fake V/Sutler:

Fake Sutler:

Fake V/Sutler:

Fake Sutlers:
[together, as Gordon blocks his ears with his fingers in a funny act of fright] FIRE!

[The soldiers shoot both fake Sutlers. The curtain closes, the entire public is left laughing and as Gordon bows down to the clapping audience, another fake V sneaks in from the cyclorama, snickering as he holds a cigar. The real Sutler shatters the glass of milk in his hand as he watches]

[Evey is allowed to leave her prison unexpectedly and finds she was actually in V's lair the whole time]

[entering] Hello, Evey.

..You...it was you...

[quietly] Yeah.

[gestures behind her] That wasn't real... Is Gordon — ?

I'm sorry, but Mr Deitrich's dead. I thought they'd arrest him, but when they found a Qur'an in his house, they had him executed.

[whispers] Oh, God.

Fortunately, I got to you before they did.

You got to me? You did this to me... You cut my hair... You tortured me... You tortured me! Why?

You said you wanted to live without fear. I wish there would have been an easier way, but there wasn't.

[whispers] Oh, my God!

I know you may never forgive me, but nor will you ever understand how hard it was for me to do what I did. Every day, I saw in myself everything you see in me now. Every day, I wanted to end it. But each time you refused to give in, I knew I couldn't.

[shouting angrily] You're sick! You're evil!

You could have ended it, Evey. You could have given in, but you didn't. Why?

Leave me alone! I HATE YOU!

THAT'S IT! See, at first, I thought it was hate, too. Hate was all I knew. It built my world, imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe! I thought I'd die with all the hate in my veins. But then something happened. It happened to me, just as it happened to you.


Your own father said that artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie, but because you believed it, you found something true about yourself.


What was true in that cell is just as true now. What you felt in there has nothing to do with me.


Don't run from it, Evey. You've been running all your life.

[gasping heavily] I can't... can't breathe... Asthma... When I was little... [collapses while V catches her]

Listen to me, Evey. This may be the most important moment of your life. Commit to it. They took your parents from you. They took your brother from you. They put you in a cell and took everything they could take except your life. And you believed that was all there was, didn't you? The only thing you had left was your life, but it wasn't, was it?

[sobbing] Oh... please...

You found something else. In that cell, you found something that mattered more to you than life. Because when they threatened to kill you unless you gave them what they wanted... you told them you'd rather die. You faced your death, Evey. You were calm. You were still. Try to feel now what you felt then.

I want anyone caught with one of those masks arrested!

Convenience Store V:
Give me the money! Give me the f***ing money!

We're under siege here. The whole city's gone mad.

That's exactly what he wants.


Convenience Store V:
Anarchy in the UK! [fires shots into the air, then escapes with the money]


Mr Creedy, I am holding you personally responsible for this situation.

[we soon go to a new scene, where Creedy is revealed to have accepted his earlier deal with V.]

The problem is that he knows us better than we know ourselves. That's why I went to Larkhill last night.

That's outside quarantine.

I had to see it. There wasn't much left. But when I was there it was strange – I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected. It was like I could see the whole thing; one long chain of events that stretched back to before Larkhill. I felt like I could see everything that had happened, and everything that was going to happen. It was like a perfect pattern, laid out in front of me, and I realised that we were all part of it, and all trapped by it.

So do you know what's going to happen?

No. It was a feeling. But I can guess. With so much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty. And then, Sutler will be forced do the only thing he knows how to do. At which point, all V needs to do is keep his word. And then...

[V causes his completed dominoes to fall. During this, a martial-law like world is shown, with people attacking police and military vehicles.]

[confronting a helpless Sutler] At last, we finally meet. I have something for you, Chancellor. A farewell gift. For all the things you've done, for the things you might have done, and for the only thing you have left. [places a rose in Sutler's coat] Goodbye, Chancellor. Mr Creedy?

Disgusting. [executes Sutler with his revolver] Now that's done with. It's time to have a look at your face. Take off your mask.


[Creedy nods and two Fingermen approach V; one tries to remove his mask, but V kills them both]

Defiant until the end, huh? You won't cry like him, will you? You're not afraid of death. You're like me.

The only thing that you and I have in common, Mr Creedy, is we are both about to die.

[scoffs] How do you imagine that's going to happen?

With my hands around your neck.

Bollocks. What are you going to do, huh? We've swept this place. You've got nothing. Nothing but your bloody knives and your fancy karate gimmicks. We have guns!

No. What you have are bullets and the hopes that when your guns are empty, I'm no longer standing. Because if I am, you'll all be dead before you've reloaded.

That's impossible! [Raises his revolver and thumbs back the hammer] Kill him.

[Creedy and his men open fire on V. After their guns are empty, with many rounds fired, V starts to keel, but then straightens and inhales deeply]

My turn.

[V keeps his word and kills all of Creedy's 12 remaining men with his knives, while Creedy frantically reloads his revolver]

[Starts shooting the approaching V] Die! Die! Why won't you die?! [His gun clicks empty] Why won't you die?

[Gasping] Beneath this mask, there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask, there is an idea, Mr Creedy. And ideas are bullet-proof!

[V grabs Creedy by the neck, lifts him up and pins him to the fence; within seconds there is a sickening snap, and Creedy goes limp. V pulls off a steel breastplate full of punctures (which he was wearing to prevent the bullets from puncturing his organs) and staggers away, bleeding to death from his wounds.]

I can assure you, I mean you no harm.

Who are you?

Who? Who is but the form, following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask.

Well, I can see that.

Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation, I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.

Oh, right.

But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona.

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valourous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! (carves V in sign with sword) The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.(Laughs wheezily) Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.

Are you like a crazy person?

I am quite sure they will say so. But to whom may I ask am I speaking?

I'm Evey.

Evey? E-V — of course you are.

What do you mean by that?

It means I, like God, do not play with dice, and do not believe in coincidence. Are you hurt?

V: Our story begins, as these stories often do, with a young, up-and-coming politician. He's a deeply religious man and a member of the Conservative Party. He's completely single-minded and has no regard for the political process. The more power he attains, the more obvious his zealotry and the more aggressive his supporters become. Eventually, his party launches a special project in the name of "national security". At first, it's believed to be a search for biological weapons and is pursued without regard to its cost. However, the true goal of this project is power, complete and total hegemonic domination. The project, however, ends violently; but the efforts of those involved are not in vain, for a new ability to wage war is born from the blood of one of the victims. Imagine a virus, the most terrifying virus you can, and then imagine that you, and you alone, have the cure. But if your ultimate goal is power, how best to use such a weapon? It's at this point in our story that along comes a spider. He is a man seemingly without a conscience, for whom the ends always justify the means, and it is he who suggests that their target should not be an enemy of the country but rather the country itself. Three targets are chosen to maximise the effect of the attack: a school, a tube station, and a water treatment plant. Several hundred die within the first few weeks. Fueled by the media, fear and panic spread quickly, fracturing and dividing the country until, at last, the true goal comes into view. Before the St Mary's crisis, no-one would have predicted the results of the election that year. No-one. And then, not long after the election, lo and behold, a miracle. Some believe it was the work of God himself, but it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members that made them all obscenely rich. A year later, several extremists are tried, found guilty, and executed, while a memorial is built to canonise their victims. But the end result, the true genius of the plan, was the fear. Fear became the ultimate tool of this government, and through it, our politician was ultimately appointed to the newly-created position of high chancellor. The rest, as they say, is history.

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