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Susan Parker: [cooking] I went to see Andrew and the girls today.Tom Parker: And how are they?Susan Parker: I didn't see 'em. Andrew said they weren't home; they went to a friend's.Tom Parker: That's good. I mean, they should be with friends; have some fun.Susan Parker: Hmm. Andrew met me out front. He was carrying a box. He - he was hiding it from me. What was inside.Tom Parker: Well, did you ask him about it?Susan Parker: He basically ran away from me. There was a moment when the box top slid open and I swear, Tom, there were pictures of Debbie inside of it. He was throwing it in the trash. The TRASH!Tom Parker: Oh, Suze. There's gotta be an explanation.Susan Parker: Oh, I don't know. There was somethin' wrong about the whole thing.Tom Parker: People... grieve... differently. Uh, uh, maybe it was too painful for him to have those photos around.Susan Parker: No. There's something else going on here. I can't stop thinking about what Laura and Kathy said about the note.Tom Parker: Oh, Suze. We already talked about this.Susan Parker: Tom, there are so many unanswered questions and Andrew is acting so strangely; I just... I think - I think we should do something.Tom Parker: Nothing we do is gonna bring her back.Susan Parker: [emotional] I need to know, Tom. I need to know if Debbie took her life or if someone took it from her.Tom Parker: So what do we do?Susan Parker: We start asking questions.

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