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MSgt. Stanley Erlenheim: Well... it ain't been over two weeks ago since I read this article in some magazine.Duty Sgt. Malcolm Greenbriar: What was this article on?MSgt. Stanley Erlenheim: G2.Duty Sgt. Malcolm Greenbriar: Intelligence?MSgt. Stanley Erlenheim: And this article tells how these guys in G2, no matter what is their actual rank, can go around posin' as anything they want. A private in G2 can put on a general's uniform, or a general in G2 can put on a private's uniform, or anything in between.Duty Sgt. Malcolm Greenbriar: Which do you think it is in this case?MSgt. Stanley Erlenheim: Well... if a man is a private and he has the chance to be anything he wants, would you suppose he would go right on pretending to be a private?Duty Sgt. Malcolm Greenbriar: Nosiree, boy. 'Cause any ordinary dogface knows what they can expect out of life... as an ordinary dogface... Nothin'! Stanley, Stanley, for the first time, I think I see what you mean. If they ain't privates masquerading as privates, then they gotta be something else masquerading as privates!MSgt. Stanley Erlenheim: Would our colonel be so free with his car and women unless he's ranked and feels that he ain't got no choice except to grin and shut up?Duty Sgt. Malcolm Greenbriar: Private Archie Hall is a general in G2!

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    In which movie does this quote appear: "I'm sure in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by"?
    A Love & Plutonium
    B The Big Lebowski
    C Back to the Future
    D Pulp Fiction