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Walter Abrams: We need a bat light like one of those signals that shoot up into the clouds no matter where you are no matter what time of day just look up and say "hey Walter needs me" because I must have beeped you a hundred f***ing timesBrandon Lang: Who were they? [Sarcastically] the Salvation Army, how does someone go one for eight? A f***ing monkey tossing darts could do betterBrandon Lang: What's with all the money?Walter Abrams: I got a plan, we take all your picks we reverse them like one of those twilight zone episodes where everything is the opposite you say "black" we go whiteBrandon Lang: How much is there?Walter Abrams: [Holding up stacks of cash] peanuts, two hundred seventy five thousand that's how desperate I amBrandon Lang: What happen to the two million?Walter Abrams: Two million? I was carrying twice that in red ink before you even showed up, look around you everything you see is smoking mirrors I got three mortgages on this house what do you want to know? I'm gambling again

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