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[Keyboard clacks as Flynn attempts to gain access to the system. Hovever he is stopped by the Master Control Program] Master Control Program: You shouldn't have come back, Flynn. Flynn: Hey, hey, hey, it's the big Master Control Program everybody's been talking about. Master Control Program: [calmly] Sit right there; make yourself comfortable. Remember the time you used to spend playing chess together? [Flynn types in an access request] That isn't going to do you any good, Flynn. I'm afraid you... [sounding distressed] Stop! Please! You realize I can't allow this! Flynn: Now, how are you gonna run the universe if you can't even answer a few unsolvable problems? Huh? Come on, big fella, let's see what you got. Master Control Program: I'd like to go against you and see what you're made of. Flynn: You know, you don't look a thing like your pictures. [The MCP turns on digitization laser behind Flynn, getting ready to digitize him.] Master Control Program: [threateningly] I'm warning you. You're entering a big error, Flynn. I'm going to have to put you on the Game Grid. Kevin: Games? You want games? I'll give you games– [a klaxon blares, and the laser fires at Flynn, slowly decomposing him and digitizing him into the computer, and he appears in a holding area. He looks around, bewildered.] ...Oh man, this isn't happening, it only thinks it's happening. Guard: Vacate entry port, program! [after Flynn stands there looking confused] I said, move! [jabs Flynn with an energy staff] Flynn: Hey! Look, if this is about those parking tickets, I can explain everything, okay? [gets jabbed again]

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