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Colette: Anyone can cook. [pause, Skinner looks around at the other cooks, who are smiling with approval] Skinner: Perhaps I have been a bit harsh on our new garbage boy. He has taken a bold risk, and we should reward that, as Chef Gusteau would have. If he wishes to swim in dangerous waters, who are we to deny him. Gusteau: You were escaping? Remy: Oh, yeah. Skinner: Since you have expressed such an interest in his cooking career, you shall be responsible for it. Anyone else? Hmm?! Then back to work! You are either very lucky or very unlucky. You will make the soup again, and this time I’ll be paying attention. Very close attention. They think you might be a cook, but do you know what I think, Linguini? I think you are a sneaky, overreaching little... [spots Remy attempting to escape] RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!! [Grabs a broom and hits Remy with it] Horst: Get the rat! [Everyone attempts to catch Remy] Skinner: Linguini! Get something to trap it! Horst: It’s getting away! Get it, get it, get it! [Linguini has trapped Remy in a jar.] Linguini: What should I do now? Skinner: Kill it! Linguini: Now? Skinner: No!! Not in the kitchen! Are you mad?!?! If anyone knew we had a rat in our kitchen, they’d shut us down! Our reputation is hanging by a thread as it is! Take it away from here, far away! Kill it! Dispose of it! GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Linguini: Whoa! [hops onto his bicycle] Doh! Don't look at me like that! You're not the one only who's trapped! They expect me to cook it again! I'm mean, I'm not ambitious, I wasn’t trying to cook, I was just trying to stay out of trouble! You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices! [Furiously] What did you throw in there?! Oregano? No? What? Ro... uh, rosemary? That's a spice, isn't it? Rosemary? You didn't throw Rosemary in there? Then what was all the flipping, all the throwing the... [sighs] I need this job, I have lost so many, I do not know how to cook, and now I am actually talking to a rat as if you... [gasps] Did you nod?! Have you been nodding?! You understand me! So, I'm not crazy. Wait a second, wait a second. Uh, I can't cook, can I? [Remy shakes his head “no”] But you, heh, you can, right? Look, don't be so modest. You're a rat for a Pete's sake. Whatever you did, they liked it. Yeah.

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