List of voters for the quote

[Chip and Mrs. Potts talk as he is being filled with tea, cream, and sugar for Belle] Chip: Told you she was pretty, Mama, didn't I? Mrs. Potts: All right, now, Chip, that'll do. [he hops over to Belle] Slowly now. Don't spill. Belle: Thank you. Chip: Want to see me do a trick? [takes a deep breath; bubbles foam up over his rim] Mrs. Potts: Chip?! Chip: [giggles] Oops, sorry. Mrs. Potts: [to Belle] That was a very brave thing you did, my dear. Wardrobe: We all think so. Belle: But I've lost my father, my dreams, everything. Mrs. Potts: Cheer up, child. It'll turn out all right in the end. You'll see. [suddenly startled] Oops! Look at me, jabbering on, when there's a supper to get on the table. Chip! Chip: [to Belle, hopping away] Bye! [the wardrobe approaches Belle] Wardrobe: Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner? Let's see what I've got in my drawers. [the doors fly open and moths flutter out. She slams them shut] Oh! How embarrassing. Here we are. [one door opens, the other serves as an arm. It pulls out a pink dress] Ah! There, you'll look ravishing in this one! Belle: That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner. Wardrobe: Oh, but you must! Cogsworth: [enters, clearing his throat] Dinner is served.

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