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[Fade to the digging site. Kocoum and his comrades are watching the settlers closely, their digging has yielded no results, but Ratcliffe, urges them on, certain that the gold they are searching for is around somewhere] Ratcliffe: That's it. Keep at it, men. Keep digging. It has to be here somewhere. [One of Kocoum's friends whistles to him and holds up three fingers, meaning that he has counted 30 more settlers in his quadrant. The Native American warrior is beginning to doubt his earlier statement about being able to take them all on easily] Native American Warrior #1: There's thirty more of them down past the ridge. Kocoum: That makes more than a hundred! Ratcliffe: [holding a plate and a chicken drumstick] Anything yet? Thomas: Nothing but rocks and dirt, sir. Lon: Um, how long are we going to keep digging like this, sir? Ben: [climbing out of his hole] Aye. We're slaving apart, busting our backs day and night for–– Ratcliffe: [interrupting] For king and country. I know, I know. And I share your fatigue. [takes a bite of his drumstick, clearly not enjoying it] Wiggins? Wiggins! [As Ratcliffe calls Wiggins's name, we see him making a topiary sculpture of an elephant, bear, giraffe and unicorn walking in a line] Wiggins: [snips the last branch off the unicorn's nose] Hang on! Ratcliffe: [evilly gives him the drumstick] Dispose of this. Wiggins: [waves it in Percy's face] Uh-huh. Who's a nice doggie, huh? Who's a nice doggie? [the pug just sighs annoyingly, and he throws the drumstick] Fetch, boy! [Meanwhile, the chicken drumstick misses one of the Native Americans hiding in the bushes. He pokes his head out to see who threw it and is spotted by Percy, who lets out a loud, anguished shriek and runs away] Ratcliffe: [panicked] Savages! It's an ambush! Arm yourselves! Wiggins: Run! [Wiggins ducks behind the topiary sculpture he carved and falls to the ground, teeth chattering in fear] Ratcliffe: Arm yourselves! [Meanwhile, Ratcliffe and the other settlers in all directions, grabbing some loaded guns to defend themselves] Ratcliffe: Make sure every man has a musket! Shoot! [Thomas runs past him, but accidentally trips on a log and his gun goes off, narrowly missing Ratcliffe and hitting a water barrel] Them, you idiot! [Thomas looks over his shoulder at a ticked off Ratcliffe, afraid he has already messed up. The other settlers fire their weapons, barely missing Kocoum and his companions. Seeing this as a challenge, they pull their bows taut and fire their arrows in retaliation. As this goes on, Percy runs for shelter under a helmet as an arrow bounces away from it] Ratcliffe: Where's that blasted Smith if I need him? [1 of the Indian warriors, Namontack, takes refuge in a tree and gets ready to shoot at Ratcliffe, but he evilly spots him there. He angrily fires a shot at Namontack. He groans as the bullet hits him in the leg and flops to the ground, yelling in pain] Kocoum: [drops his bow and runs to him] Namontack! [As Namontack looks up, he sees Ben about to angrily do him away. But just as he gets close, Kocoum intercepts him. The two strain for a bit before the former kicks the latter apart as Lon and Roy fire off their guns twice more. Luckily for Kocoum, the projectiles miss as he picks up his fallen friend] Kocoum: Back to the village! [Kocoum carries Namontack away, hopefully to get complete medical treatment. The settlers all cheer at their supposed victory, but Ratcliffe does not join in, certain he hasn't actually won] Ratcliffe: Shut up. Shut up, you fools! They'll be back. [As the cheering continues, Wiggins pokes his head out of the topiary, which has several parts shot apart and arrows stuck in it as a result of the fight] Ratcliffe: Everyone, back to camp. Get the rest of the cannons ashore, and conclude building the fort! Ben: Aye, Governor. Ratcliffe: [angrily turns to Thomas] And you! Learn to use that thing properly. A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot.

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    A John Paul Jones
    B George III of England
    C George Washington
    D Alexander the Great