List of voters for the quote

Emily Prentiss: What about local financial records?Penelope Garcia: I have cross-referenced every current and formerly licensed fisherman, crab men, shrimp men, friends of Poseidon, comes from the sea, you-name-it men with financial records showing default loans totaling over 35k.Ashley Seaver: Okay, what did you find?Penelope Garcia: A hundred and twenty-seven names. I know, do not shoot the messenger. Just tell me how to narrow it down.Emily Prentiss: Do all 127 have children?Penelope Garcia: No. But 76 do.Ashley Seaver: Okay, how many of them have homes in foreclosure versus other debt that might not put them out onto streets?Penelope Garcia: Oh, you are very good. We are officially down to 24.Emily Prentiss: Send us those files.Penelope Garcia: At cyber-tastic speeds, my sweets.

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