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[Ted and Chris Docknovich are in Miriam Grasso's office watching a news report about how the defense will sleep better now that Miriam has quit from prosecuting the case]Miriam Grasso: How'bout it Ted? Getting any more sleep these days?Theodore Hoffman: I feel like I've been watching a production of waiting for Godot. It's fascinating, but what does it mean?Miriam Grasso: It means that the leak about Lester's nurse came from Garfield. I cornered him in his office. Told him I didn't appreciate him going around me to the press. And then after a brief stab at a denial, he admitted it. And one thing led to another and I quit.Theodore Hoffman: Do you think that's wise?Miriam Grasso: I'm not getting rich in this job Teddy. All I have is my reputation. I think your client's guilty as hell. But I don't like to feel like somebody's puppet. Especially when it's Roger Garfield's hand that's up my dress.Miriam Grasso: [Directed to Chris Docknovich] Excuse my language young man.Theodore Hoffman: Who's replacing you?Miriam Grasso: It's up to Roger.Theodore Hoffman: Well, speaking personally Miriam, I'm gonna miss you.Miriam Grasso: With all due modesty, you've got a better chance of getting Neil off without me.Theodore Hoffman: Maybe. But this case is turning into a circus. And if Garfield has his way, it's gonna get worse. This case needs your honesty Miriam.Miriam Grasso: Blow any more smoke up my bustle and you're gonna set the sprinklers off.Theodore Hoffman: It's no flattery; it's the truth. Stay on the case.Miriam Grasso: Funny; you didn't seem quite this charitable last night on Deadline America.Theodore Hoffman: New deck, new deal. We'll start over.Miriam Grasso: I don't know Ted. But I'll take it under advisement.[Chris and Ted get up and leave Grasso's office]Chris Docknovich: Teddy. Did I miss something in there? Getting Grasso off the case is the best thing that could've happened to us.Theodore Hoffman: How much money you got in your pocket?Chris Docknovich: Well, maybe thirty bucks.Theodore Hoffman: I'll put up my next week's draw against your thirty dollars that before the week is out, Miriam Grasso will be back on the case and Roger Garfield will be licking her boot.Chris Docknovich: She just quit!Theodore Hoffman: She's paper training that idiot. If you think Miriam is gonna walk off the biggest case in her life, you got another thing coming.

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