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Dr. K: Gem and Gemma have confronted me with the possibility that in an effort to protect myself from future emotional trauma, I may have treated some of you with a degree of forced emotional detachment, perhaps even bordering on coldness.Flynn McAllistair: [Puzzled, as with the other Ranger Operators] Bordering on coldness, you say?Summer Landsdown: That's ridiculous, Doctor.Dillon: [Sarcastically] You must be imagining it.Dr. K: No, no, I'm afraid it's true. My insistence on referring to each of you by your color series instead of by your real names is a perfect example. And, so, as your mentor...Ziggy Grover: Mentor? How can you be our mentor? Aren't we all older than you?Dr. K: As your mentor, in an effort to make my feelings clear in an official capacity, I have the following announcement. [Gem and Gemma prod her on. Dr. K walks up to Scott]Dr. K: Ranger Series Red, I greatly admire your honor, integrity, decision-making ability, and unusual hair. I feel lucky to have you as the leader of my team, Scott.Scott Truman: [Confused] Well, thank you, Doctor, uh... [Gets a hug from Dr. K] Whoa, what are you - what are you doing?Dr. K: [Lets go of Scott. Walks up to Summer] Ranger Series Yellow, as the only other female in the group, I want you to know that my feelings of fondness for you are so strong, they override even my base biological instincts to undermine and sabotage you in an effort to monopolize the attention of the males. Thank you, Summer.Summer Landsdown: [Puzzled] Sure, Doctor. The feeling's mutual, I think. [Gets a hug from Dr. K]Dr. K: [Lets go of Summer and walks up to Flynn] Ranger Series, Blue, your passion, optimism, and delightfully musical, though often incomprehensible, accent, ware what make you the heart of the team, Flynn.Flynn McAllistair: [Also confused] Well, happy to help out. Okay... [Gets a hug from Dr. K]Dr. K: [Lets go of Flynn and walks up to Dillon] And Ranger Series Black... [Dillon starts walking away but gets stopped by Flynn. Turns around to humor the young genius]Dr. K: Even though you are clearly psychologically unstable and only here as part of a work-release agreement, I still consider you a true hero, Dillon. [Scott snickers as Dr. K says this. She then hugs Dillon]Dr. K: [Lets go of Dillon. Walks up to Ziggy, who offers her a hug] You too, Ranger Series Green. [Walks back to Gem and Gemma]Dr. K: You five are the only family I've ever known. I love you all very much/ [Paces hurriedly back to her lab, followed by Gem and Gemma]Summer Landsdown: Well, that was certainly... awkward.Flynn McAllistair: Can we please just pretend this didn't happen and get back to work, now?Ziggy Grover: [Upset that Dr. K did not acknowledge him like she did the other Ranger Operators] Hey, hold on, what about me? What about all the nice things you wanted to say about me? [Alarm goes off]

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