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Lyin' Ryan: The night before, I went to this restaurant to get a basket of these things called Fries Quatro Queso Dos Fritos. You know, the ones where they inject potatoes with a four-cheese mixture, fry them trhee-quarters of the way, pull them out, batter them, fry them again, and then serve them with bacon and an ancho chile sour cream? Anyway, as I was sitting there, a car speeds right through the storefront across the street. It makes such a loud noise, I had to turn my head and look, and that is when I overheard the guy with the curlicues on his face tell the other guy at the corner table about the assassination plot.Shawn Spencer: [in the observation room] Can it be true?Burton 'Gus' Guster: No way.Shawn Spencer: I mean, is it even possible?Burton 'Gus' Guster: I couldn't imagine.Shawn Spencer: There's no way you could prepare a fry like that. That'd be way to much for the... for the human palate to manage.Burton 'Gus' Guster: It would be a flavor seizure.Karen Vick: Gentlemen, please? Don't be ridiculous.Shawn Spencer: She's right. Let's just take a minute here to think things through.[pause]Shawn Spencer: They must be parboiling the potato first.

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    In which movie does this quote appear: "Here's looking at you, kid."?
    A Taxi Driver
    B Casablanca
    C In the Line of Fire
    D Unforgiven