List of voters for the quote

El Greco: You once reached out for God, and your fingers closed on emptiness ; and you didn't learn. How can God speak to you when instead of loving you burn, ruin and spread hatred all around?El Greco: Now, of course, my turn has come - but you can't burn me... and I'll tell you why :El Greco: Because I've been burning all my life, my entire life ; not in the fire, in the light. I threw myself into the blaze of it.El Greco: You light fires because you're afraid to burn. You are afraid of the light and this is why I pity you, my old friend, Ni?o de Guevara.El Greco: Because you aren't wrong to be afraid, but every flame you light drives you deeper into the darkness and no matter how many people you burn, you will never escape it.El Greco: Can the darkness condemn the light?

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    D Betty Boop