List of voters for the quote

Chandler: In college, Ross used to wear leg warmers!Ross: Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-alike contest and won!Chandler: Ross came in fourth and cried!Ross: Hey! I welled up![Monica is laughing hard]Ross: You find that funny? Maybe Chandler should know some of your secrets!Monica: I already told him everything! You shush!Ross: Once, Monica was sent to her room without dinner, so she ate the macaroni off a jewelry box she made!Monica: Ross used to stay home every Saturday night to watch Golden Girls!Ross: Monica couldn't tell time till she was 13!Monica: It's hard for some people!Chandler: Of course it is! [secretly backs off and mouths 'whoa']Monica: Chandler once wore my underwear to work!Chandler: HEY!Monica: I'm sorry! I couldn't think of any more for Ross!Ross: In college, Chandler got drunk and slept with the lady who cleaned our dorm!Chandler: That was you!Ross: Whatever, dude! You kissed a guy!

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