List of voters for the quote

Unser: Why am I looking at one of Oswald's tanker's?Jax: Ah, that leads us to our next conversation with the owner of Unser Trucking. Its 8,500 gallons of diesel. It's yours for 20k.Unser: Stolen diesel.Jax: Gas costs gotta be killing your bottom line. I'm offering you a 50% discount.Unser: Half the cost, twice the risk.Jax: Come on. You fill your pumps after dark and a uni finds the tanker on the side of the road. Insurance covers Oswald, and you run your trucks at a buck-ninety a gallon for the next six weeks. Where's the risk in that?Unser: Can you at least pretend I'm a cop sometimes?

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    C All is Lost
    D Dead Calm