America's Next Top Model, Cycle 6

America's Next Top Model (2003-) is an American reality television show created and hosted by Tyra Banks in which several young women (regularly called "girls" on the show) compete to win a modeling contract. Each "cycle" of the show constitutes roughly half of a regular U.S. TV season (9-14 episodes).

[the top thirteen selected girls of America's Next Top Model Cycle 6 when they return to the panel to receive the verdict for the very first official elimination] Thirteen beautiful girls stand before me... [long pause] ...but I only have twelve photos in my hands and these photos represent the girls that are still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. The first name that I am going to call is... [flips over Nnenna's photo] ...Nnenna [Nnenna gets startled and shock and then comes to collect her photo] Congratulations, Nnenna! You took a stunning photo and you won the challenge. Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you very much.

You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Sara's photo] ...Sara. [Sara comes to collect her photo] Sara, this picture is magical. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Leslie's photo] ...Leslie. [Leslie comes to collect her photo, flips over Joanie's photo] Joanie. [Joanie comes to collect her photo, flips over Kari's photo] Kari. [Kari comes to collect her photo, flips over Danielle's photo] Danielle. [Danielle comes to collect her photo, congratulates Danielle] Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Jade's photo] ...Jade. [Jade comes to collect her photo, flips over Mollie Sue's photo] Miss Mollie Sue. [Mollie Sue comes to collect her photo, flips over Brooke's photo] Brooke. [Brooke comes to collect her photo, flips over Gina's photo] Gina. [Gina comes to collect her photo runway walking] Work the runway girl! [other girls laugh]

Mmm! Hmmm! Mmm! Hmmm!

[to Gina] Congratulations, Gina. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. [Gina joins the other nine girls while Wendy, Furonda and Kathy are left standing anxiously in the final three to await the last girl safe from the bottom two before receiving the verdict for the very first official elimination] The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Wendy's photo] ...Wendy. [Wendy comes to collect her photo] Congratulations, Wendy.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[to Kathy and Furonda in the bottom two] Will Furonda and Kathy please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and this photo represents the girl that is still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. Furonda, you thought that you did an amazing job in your photoshoot. You thought you rocked it. You thought you did better than all those other girls in this entire room. Some of the judges think you did the worst. Kathy, you did an okay job in your photoshoot. Some of the judges look at you and they see a girl in the hometown that's cute however in the real world of modeling it just doesn't measure up. So who goes home? The girl with the worst photo in the bunch or the girl whom some of the judges just don't see true potential. [flips over Furonda's photo] Furonda. [Furonda hugs Kathy and goes to Tyra to collect her photo]

[to Furonda] Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. So now instead of thinking that you rocked it you need to know that right now you're at the bottom of this heap because what you think is right is so wrong but we think that you have the potential to grow as a model. Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you. [joins the eleven girls who were safe from the bottom two]

[to Kathy] Thank you, Kathy.

[to Tyra] Thank you. [goes to say goodbye to everyone including hugs from Danielle, Sara and Wendy]

[to everyone] Thanks it was good.

[to Kathy] Bye, Kathy. [Kathy leaves panel, Danielle looks a little sad]

[in confessional after getting eliminated first] I'm very disappointed. I do not want to be the first to go home. I felt like this way maybe my chance to shine but I guess not. Oh well, I made it this far and this is pretty big. I just wanted to say this isn't the end. You'll be seeing and I'll be on the cover of something someday. Just wait. I'll be big!

Wendy's Mother:
[on the phone to Wendy] ...and we couldn't even get in the kitchen. [Jade knocks on the door]

[looking up to Jade] Yeah?

[to Wendy] Sorry, I need to use the phone. I have not used the phone, like, since I got my haircut. May I please use the phone?

[to Jade] I'm almost done. I had to get up at three o'clock in the morning. When I get off, I will let you know.

[in confessional] I hadn't talked to my family since my makeover, so everything's building up inside me. [to Furonda] I haven't used the phone at all...but everybody else has used the phone. [in confessional] I don't know who I am right now. I'm lost, I need balance. [to Furonda] Yo, I'm tired of struggling. I feel like I am the undiscovered supermodel, you know what I'm saying? I live in New York City, the belly of the beast. I'm tired of this.

Mollie Sue:
[in confessional about herself, Jade and Furonda] I'm in the corner laughing. Furonda's laughing, which is just, like, adding fuel to the fire.

This is ugly and this is what I said in the car, saying that this was gonna get ugly! This is a competition! This is not America's Next Top Best Friend! I wanna be America's Next Top Model because I have everything that it takes to be that. [in confessional] I know I'm a threat. I'm a strong-ass woman, I'm a soldier sister. Recognize.

[in confessional] Maybe she's bipolar, or something? Because the behavior that she displayed was just totally erratic.

I am blonde, I am short! I'm—I'm unbalanced. You're wearing a crown on your head. You look ridiculous!

Well, you're up here in your panties.

Of course I'm in my panties, and I look damn good! Broke-ass crown, they ain't even real diamonds.

[to Jade when finished on the phone] You need to not take your attitude out on other people.

[to Wendy going in to use the phone] Goodbye, J-Lo! Goodbye, J-Lo! [Wendy walks into the bathroom with Joanie, Sara, and Furonda]

Dammit, she (Jade) woke me up!

You shouldn't have to bring someone else down to bring yourself high.

[girls return to the panel to receive the verdict for the second elimination]

Twelve lovely girls stand before me but I only have eleven photos in my hands and these photos represent the girls that are still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. The first name that I am going to call is... [flips over Brooke's photo] ...Brooke [Brooke comes to collect her photo] Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Danielle's photo] ...Danielle. [Danielle comes to collect her photo, flips over Nnenna's photo] Nnenna. [Nnenna comes to collect her photo, flips over Kari's photo] Joanie. [Kari comes to collect her photo, flips over Furonda's photo] Furonda. [Furonda comes to collect her photo, tells Furonda how far she has come] You were at the bottom of the pack! You're photo last week was ugh! But this, look at how your eyes connect. That's a model. Congratulations. The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Gina's photo] ...Gina. [Gina comes to collect her photo, flips over Mollie Sue's photo] Miss. Mollie Sue. [Mollie Sue comes to collect her photo, makes a name comparison] You know how I love saying your name like that. My name is Tyra Lyn. Congratulations. [flips over Leslie's photo] Leslie. [Leslie comes to collect her photo, flips over Sara's photo] Sara. [Sara comes to collect her photo] Sara you have the judges all confused and just... [Sara laughs] So you have a lot to prove. Congratulations. [Wendy, Joanie and Jade are left standing anxiously in the final three to await the last girl safe from the bottom two before receiving the verdict for the second elimination] The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Joanie's photo] ...Joanie. [Joanie comes to collect her photo] Congratulations, Joanie. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. [to Wendy and Jade in the bottom two] Will Jade and Wendy please step forward? Two beautiful interesting women stand before me but I only have one photo in my hands and this photo represents the girl that is still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. Wendy the judges see a model in person but for two weeks in a row, they have been less than impressed with your photos. So what the judges see right now is a lot of potential. They haven't seen that potential put into a photo. Jade, you are standing right in front of me because you have a lot of excuses, that you don't take responsibility for your actions. So who goes home? [long pause; Tyra flips over Jade's photo] Jade.

Thank you so much.

We think the arrogance is actually insecurity but we feel that you have potential if you can show us the real Jade. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

Thank you.

[Tyra sees Wendy hugging Mollie Sue and Joanie, Leslie looks like she is about to cry]

[in confessional after getting eliminated] I think I was a little shocked when Tyra delivered the news that I would be going home. [opens the front door to the house] I don't think I was really expecting it. [packing bags] I think my family will be proud of me that I've made it this far. [portfolio is shown] I wouldn't look at it as this is the end for I believe for me and that really likes what they think is all the beginning. [pulls suitcase and leaves]

[to Gina, Jade, Nnenna, Sara, Joanie, Danielle, Furonda, Mollie Sue, Leslie and Brooke] America's Next Top Model, baby! Holla! [Nnenna smiles] Give me a beat! [Leslie taps the table and claps] Bom! Uhh! Uhh! Bom!

Give me a beat!

[to Gina] Come on Gina! Have fun! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Laugh, Gina! Laugh! Hahahahahahahah! America's Next Top Model, baby!

[in confessional about Janice] Janice is cool.

[to Gina, Jade, Nnenna, Sara, Joanie, Danielle, Furonda, Mollie Sue, Leslie and Brooke] What? What?

[in confessional about Janice] Me and her kind of click because we're on the same level.

[to Gina, Jade, Nnenna, Sara, Joanie, Danielle, Furonda, Mollie Sue, Leslie and Brooke] Now what's really going on at the house? [to Gina] Gina. Come over here, Gina. Come here, baby. Who's giving you some crap? Tell me and I'll go hit them!

[to Janice] Do I have to?

[to Gina] Yes. Tell me who's giving you crap. [Gina point to Jade] Yo! [Jade looks shocked]

[to Gina] What? Are you serious? Are you really serious?

She just pointed at you.

[to Gina] What did I do now, Gina? What did I do now? [in confessional about Gina] I was thinking in my head like "What?!"

[to Gina] First of all, you get over there!

[to Gina] What did I do now, Gina?

[to Gina] You can go! You can go away! Gina, no matter what...rule number one, we never rat out our bitches!

[to Janice] The thing is, you see I never...

[to Gina] Zip it!

[in confessional] I wanted to explain myself at that point because it's not fair. [to Janice] The thing is, though, I...

[to Gina] There is no thing! Zip it, bitch! Zip it! You're dead in my book.

[in confessional about Janice] That's Janice, you know. What you get is what you get...

[to Gina, Jade, Nnenna, Sara, Joanie, Danielle, Furonda, Mollie Sue, Leslie and Brooke] Holla!

[in confessional about Janice] ...and you got to be prepared no matter what.

[to Joanie, Sara, Danielle and Mollie Sue] Did you see Jade's face and what happened.

[to Gina] I know.

[to Joanie, Sara, Danielle and Mollie Sue] So how did she deserve to be happy at that point and it's like I don't know if I can handle it.

[in confessional about Gina and Jade] I think Jade pick on Gina because like from day one Gina's been sort of quiet.

[to Joanie, Sara, Danielle and Mollie Sue] I didn't want to rat her out but she asked me again. What am I suppose to do? [to Nnenna] I don't know.

[to Gina about Jade] What the heck are you scared of? What is Jade going to do? Is she going to spank you? From now on even if you don't know what you're doing just look confident so they don't see you as an easy target.

[in confessional about Jade] After we get back from the restaurant, I was taking a shower, I come out and I see Jade is on my bed. She's the last person I want to see right at that point!

[commercial break]

[to Gina] You have got it so twisted.

[to Jade] I don't have it twisted, Jade.

[to Gina] Sweetheart, you do.

[in confessional about Jade] After we get back from the restaurant, I was taking a shower, I come out and I see Jade is on my bed. I'm tired. I want to go to bed.

[to Gina] I really didn't appreciate dinner. I thought that was so uncomfortable.

[to Jade] Jade...

[to Gina] Well we're going to have to do this now.

[in confessional] At that point, I really felt like I needed to stand up for myself.

[to Furonda and Jade in the bottom two] Will Furonda and Jade please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and this photo represents the girl that is still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girl that I do not call must immediately return to the hotel, pack her belongings and fly home. Jade, the judges joke about it when you're in front of them, and they're like, "Jade marches to her own drum. Jade is Jade!" But then, you leave the room, and they're like, "Jade is Jade." And they feel like you've come to your end... [pause] of adapting. Jade, you march to your own drum. But if you knew everything, Jade, you'd be a supermodel already and that hasn't happened yet, and Furonda, we don't know what you're marching to. So who goes home? [long pause, flips over Jade's photo] Congratulations, Jade. [Jade hugs Furonda]

Thank you for believing in me once again.

It's not necessarily me believing in you, but it's about you taking direction, Jade. There's something about you that's just like, "I'll change a little, but I know best!" I know you have potential, Jade. Don't be your own worst enemy. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

Thank you. [collects her photo and joins Danielle, Sara and Joanie]

Thank you Furonda.

Thank you. [goes to hug and say goodbye to Jade, Danielle, Sara and Joanie, runway walks her way out]

Work it!

[Twiggy smiles, Tyra and Miss J. laugh, Danielle and Jade happily cheer Furonda on silently]

The next name that I'm going to call... [flips over Jade's photo] ...Jade. [Jade comes to collect her photo]

[to Tyra and the judges after being called second] Thank you, everybody, for believing in me!

[to Jade] Jade, you keep saying that every week. You say, "Thanks for believing in me, thanks for believing in me." It's not just believing in you, it's you producing. This picture is a huge improvement. So soft. It's beautiful. Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[to Sara and Danielle in the bottom two] Will Danielle and Sara please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands and this photo represents the girl that is still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. I will only call one name and the girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. Sara, Danielle took beautiful photos from the beginning. So did Joanie and so did Jade but the reason why you are here is because you have progressed and that's what this competition is about. It's about starting somewhere and then progressing however the judges are wondering "Has she progressed enough?" There's only so much that an A for effort can give you. Danielle the judges still struggle with your speech. The winner of this competition needs to be articulate. She needs to speak eloquently. So who goes home? [flips over Danielle's photo] Danielle. [Danielle hugs Sara before collecting her photo from Tyra] Danielle accents are beautiful because they show the world where we come from but as a model, you've got to learn to turn it on and turn it off. Practice speaking. Every time you open your mouth, try to speak like a Covergirl. Congratulations.

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[Sara hugs Danielle, Jade, Joanie and finally Tyra]

[to Tyra] Thank you.

[to Sara] You should be proud. You started not knowing what the heck you were doing.

[to Tyra] I'm still trying to figure it out.

[to Sara] You're getting there.

[to Jade who continuously forgets the lines while shooting the CoverGirl commercial] And, action!

[Actual Line: "Want a more casual mascara look?"] "Don't you ladies want to have a casual beautiful mascara that you can put on your eyelashes like mine? Well, I'm going to introduce to you, today..."

[to Jade who continuously forgets the lines while shooting the CoverGirl commercial] Cut! I don't know where you got that from, girl, but it was not what was written here.

[to Jay] I know.

[in confessional about Jade's performance in the commercial] Jade did not know her lines at all.

[Actual Line: "Wireless tapered bristle brush"] "An unbelievable brush."

[to Jade who continuously forgets the lines while shooting the CoverGirl commercial] Cut! [in confessional about Jade's performance in the commercial] She added her own words...

[Actual Line: "It's perfect for a daytime look"] "Nor as you see mine...are very beautiful."

[to Jade who continuously forgets the lines while shooting the CoverGirl commercial] Cut! I need a commercial out of you today, Jade!

[Actual Line: "New CoverGirl LashExact Mascara"] "Did you know...this little mascara..."

[to Jade who continuously forgets the lines while shooting the CoverGirl commercial] Cut! Yeah.

[to Jay] Sorry.

[to Jade helping her out after continuously forgetting the lines while shooting the CoverGirl commercial] Alright, what we're going to do is we're going to pull out cue cards for you.

[in confessional] When the cue cards came out, I was like, "Phew!" [starting a new take; Actual Line: "New CoverGirl LashExact Mascara"] "Start with the new CoverGirl Exact Mascara!"

[to Jade] Cut! You didn't say what was on the cards.

[to Jay] I didn't?

[to Jade] No. If anything, know the product you're selling. LashExact Mascara.

[delivering a commercial] "The new, the latest CoverGirl...L-Lash...

[to Jade] Cut!

[delivering a commercial] "New CoverGirl Lash..."

[to Jade] Cut!

[delivering a commercial] "New CoverGirl Exact Mascara..."

[to Jade] Cut! Can you read the cue cards?! Can you see them?

[to Jay] Yeah. "Lash Ex..."

[to Jade] Cut!

[to Jay] "Lash Ex..."

[to Jade] Cut! Do not get defeated. [Jade moans in frustration] Jade, come on, let's shake this off!

[in confessional] I'm not a failure, I don't give up. I'm a soul survivor. [delivering a commercial] "Want a more casual mascara look? Start with the new CoverGirl LashExact Mascara. The wireless tapered bristle brush delivers clump-free application that won’t smear or smudge."

[to Jade] Jade that was so good, oh my god!

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