Mattk.83301's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by mattk.83301  —  There are currently 7 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I should be surprised to find you here. I understand that Carmen wasn't available. Still, they should have tried for William Shatner.

Master of Misery:
Stay out of my business, shiny-boy! Ludicrous, protect this with that rotten little life of yours! (He tosses Ludicrous his Anti-Joy Transmidifier to Ludicrous)

Romans 12:21 says not to be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Master of Misery:
Don't be so sure!

Whoa! Hey gloomy guy, do you want me to use this anti-joy thing-a-ma-bob on him?

Master of Misery:
Of course, use it Ludicrous! Shoot him in the back! Shoot the bible-creep in the back! (To Bibleman) No more joy, joy, joy, down in your heart! Ha!

James 1 verse 2 says that we should count all of our trials as joy!

Misery 1, Bible 0. And the fans are lovin' it!

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

Master of Misery:
What joy? This life is full of suffering! Hope is always crushed by the facts of life!

There may be a lot of things wrong in this world, but in John 16:33, Jesus said, "Take heart, for I have overcome the world." You forget who I work for.

Master of Misery:
You believe that?

(To the audience) You bet.

Master of Misery:
Laugh while you can, Bible-Boy, but it'll be I who overcomes the world!

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):
I gotta hand it to you, dude, this is definitely the coolest hideout we've ever had. My voice even echoes! (Shouts into the distance) Echo! Echo! (His voice echoes throughout the lair) Falkor! (Echo plays back "Atreyu!" Both Ludicrous and Master of Misery look confused)

Master of Misery:
Would you be quiet? We've gotta give this thing more power! That whole God thing is hard to squash.

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):
I dunno, dude. What if Bible-Dude's right? What if God does have the power to turn sorrow into joy?

Master of Misery:
Joy-Schmoy! This world is full of depression! All you have to do is look around. And that is why, my friend, we will always be in business.

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

Michael, I've come to understand that you've been struggling some. And I wanted to tell you that, I've found that being happy isn't all about what goes right, it's how we handle things when they go wrong.

Everything is going wrong. It's just, I know that everyone else's science project is better than mine.

Hey, but you gave it your best shot though, right?

I did. It was hard work, but I did.

Well then, Michael, that's all a judge could ever ask for.

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):
Whoa dude, somebody's coming. What should we do?

Master of Misery (Brian Lemmons):
(To audience) It's like talking to phones. (To Ludicrous) You ask them how their day went.

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):

Master of Misery (Brian Lemmons):
What do you think we do? We run! Get! Go!

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

Ludicrous (Les VanValkinburgh):
Ugh! Boss, when are we gonna move out of the sewer?

Luxor Spawndroth:
When we get a bigger budget.

Ludicrous (Les VanValkinburgh):

Luxor Spawndroth:
Besides, it's my...*sewer-cali-futuristic-science-laboratory!*

Ludicrous (Les VanValkinburgh):
Hey, isn't there a song that goes something like that?

Luxor Spawndroth:
Yeah, but we can't use it, or the mouse will sue.

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

Miles Peterson:
I'm starved. How about something to eat?

Hey, that sounds good to me. How about a liver and anchovy pizza?

Miles Peterson:'re in serious need of counseling.

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):
Uh, Mister of Misery, dude, sir, um, did you change your name again, cuz, like, you got fired again?

Master of Misery:
I wasn't fired, I was *downsized!* (to the audience) The producers gave this part to me because Carmen wasn't available.

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):
Oh. Well, like, maybe they shoulda called you *and* William Shatner, cuz, like, he keeps doing parts, and nobody likes him either! (Laughs)

Master of Misery:
Ludicrous, you're interrupting! Never interrupt my evil speeches! This is exposition! *This is where I rant and rave about all the evil, vile stuff I'm gonna do!*

Ludicrous (Andrew Hicks):
Dude, you're like, *way* stressed out. Uh, I think you need to chill...

Master of Misery:
(Grabs Ludicrous by the collar, shakes him repeatedly) *I don't want to chill!* *!*

Bibleman  Movie Quote

added 3 years ago

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