Regnumveritatis's Quotes Page #6

Here's the list of quotes submitted by regnumveritatis  —  There are currently 322 quotes total — keep up the great work!

We seem to be ready to go to war at the loss of our right to own a gun but yet we sit back quietly at the loss of our right to worship our God as we see fit.

Everett Piper  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Oklahoma Wesleyan is not a 'safe place,' but rather a place to learn: to learn that life isn't about you, but about others; that the bad feeling you have while listening to a sermon is called guilt; that the way to address it is to repent of everything that's wrong with you rather than blame others for everything that's wrong with them,

Everett Piper  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

History has taught us time and again that political power always raises its angry fist when timeless principles are lost. We know that without the scale of self-evident truths grounded in the laws of nature and nature's God, every culture eventually finds itself subject to the rule of the gang or the tyranny of the individual. Recognizing this, scholars of all ages have confidently given their hearts and minds to the words, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Everett Piper  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

You see, good education—complete education—liberal education must be grounded in the conservative respect for and the conservation of what is immutable and right and just and real. It should seek to reclaim what has been co-opted and to reveal what has been compromised. It should be free of intimidation and should honor open inquiry and the right to dissent. It should have confidence in the measuring rod of Truth—that unalienable standard that is bigger and better than the crowd or the consensus. Education—good, liberal education—is the business of pursuing Truth. It”

Everett Piper  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Take away his guns and he will use a sword. Take away his sword and he will use a club. Take away his club and he will use a rock. When you take away a culture's soul, there is nothing to stop the evil that lurks in human's heart. You can outlaw guns, swords, clubs and rocks but without the Gospel we are all still broken and angry men filled with hatred and rage.

Everett Piper  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

I feel profound sorrow in leaving my poor children: you know that I only lived for them and for you, my good and tender sister. You who out of love have sacrificed everything to be with us, in what a position do I leave you!

Marie Antoinette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Let my son never forget the last words of his father, which I repeat emphatically; let him never seek to avenge our deaths.

Marie Antoinette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

In our own misfortunes how much comfort has our affection for one another afforded us! And, in times of happiness, we have enjoyed that doubly from being able to share it with a friend; and where can one find friends more tender and more united than in one's own family?

Marie Antoinette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

It is to you, my sister, that I write for the last time. I have just been condemned, not to a shameful death, for such is only for criminals, but to go and rejoin your brother. Innocent like him, I hope to show the same firmness in my last moments.

Marie Antoinette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

I pardon all my enemies the evils that they have done me. I bid farewell to my aunts and to all my brothers and sisters. I had friends. The idea of being forever separated from them and from all their troubles is one of the greatest sorrows that I suffer in dying. Let them at least know that to my latest moment I thought of them.

Marie Antoinette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

I die in the Catholic Apostolic and Roman religion, that of my fathers, that in which I was brought up, and which I have always professed. Having no spiritual consolation to look for, not even knowing whether there are still in this place any priests of that religion (and indeed the place where I am would expose them to too much danger if they were to enter it but once), I sincerely implore pardon of God for all the faults which I may have committed during my life. I trust that, in His goodness, He will mercifully accept my last prayers, as well as those which I have for a long time addressed to Him, to receive my soul into His mercy.

Marie Antoniette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

die in the Catholic Apostolic and Roman religion, that of my fathers, that in which I was brought up, and which I have always professed. Having no spiritual consolation to look for, not even knowing whether there are still in this place any priests of that religion (and indeed the place where I am would expose them to too much danger if they were to enter it but once), I sincerely implore pardon of God for all the faults which I may have committed during my life. I trust that, in His goodness, He will mercifully accept my last prayers, as well as those which I have for a long time addressed to Him, to receive my soul into His mercy.

Marie Antoniette  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Somehow Luke understood - in a way that Lando never had, that Hand and Leia and Chewbacca had simply never grasped - just how dark a place the universe really was. Lando guessed that was where Luke got his humility. His kindness. His gentle faith that people could change for the better. That must have been why he rarely smiled, and almost never made jokes. Because the goodness was all he really had. It was his lifeline. The rope to which he clung, dangling over the abyss.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

If you have to justify an action, you probably shouldn’t have done it in the first place

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Being old enough to know better but still too young to resist mostly sucks.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The truth is always greater than the words we use to describe it.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

There are some who say that Time is itself a hammer; that each slow second marks another tap that makes big rocks into little rocks, waterfalls into canyons, cliffs into beaches. There are some who say that Time is instead a blade. They see the dance of its razored tip, poised like a venomous snake, forever ready to slay faster than the eye can see. And there are some who say that Time is both hammer and blade. They say the hammer is a sculptor's mallet, and the blade is a sculptor's chisel: that each stroke is a refinement, a perfecting, a discovery of truth and beauty within what would otherwise be blank and lifeless stone. And I name this saying wisdom.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Before one can learn truth, one must unlearn lies.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Scars are the key to power. Scars are the map of beauty... Each of us is the sum of our scars.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Pain is itself a god: the taskmaster of life. Pain cracks the whip, and all that lives will move. To live is to be a slave to pain.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

It is a truism that when one is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The glory of art is that it can show this proverbial hammer how everything looks to a screwdriver--and to a plowshare, and to an earthenware pot. If reality is the sum of our perceptions, to acquire more varying points of view is to acquire, literally, more reality.

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The dark is generous and it is patient and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies its weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back. Love is more than a candle. Love can ignite the stars.”

Matthew Stover  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

A sense of belonging is a sine qua non of healthy psychological functioning everywhere. Such a sense, beginning in infancy and continuing throughout life, comes about by experiencing mutual empathy; by sensing oneself as part of a whole, which recognizes and accepts that one is a member.

Maureen O'Hara  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

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