Nahoulihan's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by nahoulihan  —  There are currently 2 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Has Vlad-i-mir Put-in become a class-ical mir-a-cle, a chron-icled obsta-cle, a convent-icle ora-cle, a pirat-ical spect-acle, a man-acled veh-icle, a tent-acled parti-cle, a monarch-ical art-icle, a cubi-cle recept-acle, a mon-acled cor-pus-cle, a pinn-acled ic-icle or a tri-ckled tre-acle?

Caitlin na Houlihan  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Has Vladimir Putin become a classical miracle, a chronicled obstacle, a conventicle oracle, a piratical spectacle, a manacled vehicle, a tentacled particle, a monarchical article, a cubicle receptacle, a monocled corpuscle, a pinnacled icicle or a trickled treacle?

Caitlin na Houlihan  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

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"Who steals my purse steals trash; But he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed."
A lincoln
B Othello
C Marcus Aurelius
D Julius Caesar