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Caitlin na Uallacháin Fishing poetry "I'm sitting on a pier surrounded by books," Author: Caitlin na Houlihan First known date: 2008 Caitlin na Houlihan says: June 9, 2014 at 10:03 am PTSD is an issue of the aftermath of trauma Has the world learned nothing from Hitler ? Well one European elder stateman Foreign Minister has read his and our history. 85 years ago "Europe saw another deludid autocrat!" But what exactly does Vlad-i-mir Put-In think he is? A monarchical article, a piratical spectacle, a debacled carricle, a manacled vehicle, a chronicled obstacle, a cubicle receptacle, a monocled particle, a conventicle oracle, a classical miracle, a pinnacled icicle, a trickled treacle, or a tentacled corpuscle? You choose! What we do know from Vlad's Put-In at the St Petersburg gymnasium from which he and his crony gymnasts arose out of the tar-pit of the clean frenum, like Hitler, is that he adheres AB-SOLUTE-LY to the "clean, cleanability, clean and jerk, clean as a whistle"! Put-In the Autodidact continuing gymnast Autocrat confusing himself with the sovereign nation-state of Russia, with the Vlad-i-mir Put-out being a schizoid putsch a la Munich 1923 now imposed on the Republic of Ukraine as its neo-Nazi Final Solution to the eternal ignominious shame pf Mother Russia being sold by Vlad the In-[Darth]-Vaderas the Returning Jewish Messiah come to bring Salvation from the scourge of Fascist Neo-Nazism skulking in the Presidency of Ukraine all the while projecting his own modus operandi of aping in literally blood-thirsty maniacal fervor the alleged Hungarian Elizabethan Carpathian Countess Elizabeth Báthory (Báthory Erzsébet) as the modus vivendi of Eternal Peace, The tidal gore of maimed and dead children is a rising spurt of innocent blood that like

  February 2022     3 years ago


Are you a quotes master?

Who said : "Don't be so humble - you are not that great."?
A Robin Williams
B Mahatma Gandhi
C Golda Meir
D Ernest Hemingway