AIR's Quotes Page #6

Here's the list of quotes submitted by AIR  —  There are currently 218 quotes total — keep up the great work!

The Mind acts like a magnet...It gets stuck to the past. It gets sucked into our yesterdays, and our Joy and Peace does not last.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

God I am Grateful today, for all things that cash can't buy! What would Life be without eyes to see! Wonder, without music, how Happy could I be? Thank you Lord, are words I say, every moment on this Grateful day.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

As long as we Believe in Myth, we can never Realize the Truth.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Whatever our Present, it is not Magic… It may be Good, it may be Tragic… It depends on what we did in the past, Karma will decide until when it will last.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

There is no End. At Death, we Transcend. We are just Actors; we Come and Go. We must do our Part, the best way we can. And we must Enjoy the Show!

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Who stops us from Realizing God? It is the Mind… our Enemy. It hides from us, our Lord!

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

God is in the mountain. God is in the sea. God is in everybody… God is in you and me.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

If you Believe whatever you read, and don’t Discriminate between Bead and Seed...If Myth and Superstition is all you Feed, then Misery in Life will take the Lead.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

This world is like a drama. Everything that happens on the Earth-stage is produced and directed by the Creator. Then, why do we get upset, disturbed, and unhappy at what happens?

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

What is my GOAL? To know that I am Not the Body, Not the Mind, Not the Ego, but the SOUL.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

We are not the Bodies that we Wear. We are the ones that Wear the Body.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Every Pleasure ends in Pain... Loss follows every Gain. The ONLY way to Eternal Bliss is Self-Realization.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

We have a choice: to Hear God's Voice or just Hear the Noise.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

If you can just Live in the Now and Focus on this Moment with ease, then Fear and Worry will disappear as you Live with Joy and Peace!

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

You can Just Choose to Live and Die, or Start a Quest to Find out Who Am “I”!

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Nothing is Real; it's a Cosmic Drama. We are just Actors; we Come and we Go. There will be Laughter; there will be Tears. Such is the Cosmic Show.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

The world talks so much about God. But little do we really know. God is such an Amazing Power. This Cosmos is His Show.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

We are unable to Realize WHO WE ARE because the Mind Wanders and the Senses Desire and thus, we continue to BE WHO WE ARE NOT.

AiR- Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

We think Life is a Race, a Chase to be an Ace. So we increase our Pace and get caught in a Maze. We need Grace to remove this Haze!

AiR- Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

This is My house but this is not Me. What is Mine cannot be Me? Then how can my Body be Me? It is Mine, but it is not Me.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

There is a Cosmic Law, don't forget! What we Give, is what we Get. So, we Must know that if we Sin, we will Suffer, we will never Win.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

If there is garbage in your Mind, and it's full of joy, it's time to Tame your 'Monkey Mind' and make it into a Monk!

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

If only we Realize who we are and who God is, we will find everlasting Happiness.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

Happiness is a State of Mind. It's living with Peace and Joy. It's being able to Laugh and Smile, Playing with Life, like it's a Toy.

AiR Atman in Ravi  Famous Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: "Love the life you live. Live the life you love."?
A Socrates
B Estee Lauder
C Marilyn Monroe
D Bob Marley