Augustus Cole:
Take that all! Yeah, baby! Yeah! Come get some! Come get some! Yeah, Cole's here, baby!
Dominic Santiago:
Marcus. is that-?
Marcus Fenix:
It's gotta be!
Augustus Cole:
Oh yeah!
[Cole personally destroys the remnants of the Locust forces]
Augustus Cole:
Nobody plays this game like me! Nobody!
Dominic Santiago:
Augustus Cole:
Ha ha! In the flesh, baby!
[Cole saws throught the entrance to the Delta with a chainsaw]
Augustus Cole:
Tried to tell you to stay away from that chopper, man! Sounds like shit got thick for you.
Marcus Fenix:
It did. Thanks for the assist, Cole. [] Where's the rest of your squad?
Augustus Cole:
[Shaking COG Tags] Here's my squad... exept for Baird and Tanner. We got separated after the drop. Their last message came from nearby.
Marcus Fenix:
Sounds like we got a new objective. Control, this is Delta. Cancel mayday, we've regrouped with Cole. Baird and Sigma are MIA, we're assisting on the search.
Augustus Cole:
Regrouped?! Is that's what you call it when i save your ass?
Anya Stroud:
Copy that, Delta. We have additional squads moving in to secure Ilima.
Marcus Fenix:
Roger, Control. We'll keep you posted. Delta out.
Augustus Cole:
Regr- Ha ha! Regrouped! That's good one! Good thing you got your star player back, Delta!
Dominic Santiago:
Heh. Welcome back, Cole Train.