Female Thomasite:
It's Filipino soldiers. I wonder if they're going to eat with their hands.
José Alejandrino:
(to his translator) Kung tingnan nila tayo dito para tayong mga tsonggo. (They look at us as if we're monkeys.)
Elwell Otis:
You must excuse them. Those Thomasites just got off the boat.
José's Translator:
Pasensya na lang. (Don't mind them.)
José Alejandrino:
General Otis, sé comer con cuchillo y tenedor. (General Otis, I know how to eat with a knife and fork.)
José's Translator:
Ah, sir, we know the eating habits of Europeans. And we are sufficiently informed.
Elwell Otis:
Certainly you are.
José's Translator:
(to the server) Por cierto, this fork is placed last going in. Entiendes?
Elwell Otis:
Wonderful, wonderful. Gentlemen, shall we?
(From a deleted scene)