Normando's Quotes Page #21

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Normando  —  There are currently 1,823 quotes total — keep up the great work!

What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.

Eckhart Tolle  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

This leftist political strategy to win office and power relies on something very powerful: the desire to increase the number of Americans who are dependent on getting money that is taken from other citizens. Sadly, this strategy has worked for half a century! And now it works because Americans who are trapped in this nightmare do not want their government money taken away from them!

Star Parker  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.

Samuel Adams  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

A bow has no conscience: it is a prolongation of the hand and desire of the archer. It can serve to kill or to meditate. Therefore, always be clear about your intentions. A bow is flexible, but it has its limits. Stretching it beyond its capacity will break it or exhaust the hand holding it. Therefore, try to be in harmony with your instrument and never ask more than it can give.

Paulo Coelho  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Laws of nature do not make exceptions for nice people. A bullet has no conscience; neither does a malignant tumor or an automobile gone out of control. That is why good people get sick and get hurt as much as anyone.

Harold S. Kushner  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

A dirty player Is somebody who ultimately is trying to hurt somebody. There’s a huge difference. There’s no gray in that. Like, you have no conscience, no nothing, no guilt. I don’t have that mean streak in me. I don’t play angry. It’s not anger.

Ndamukong Suh  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

I know they say that a stiff dick has no conscience, but I tell you now that some cunts have teeth.

Stephen King  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

A satellite has no conscience.

Edward R. Murrow  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

If it weren’t for electricity, we’d all be watching TV by candlelight.

George Gobel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are the roads of genius.

William Blake  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindless.

Steve Allen  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Chemistry is the dirty part of physics.

Johann Philipp Reis  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

John Cleese  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

One of the most pathetic — and dangerous — signs of our times is the growing number of individuals and groups who believe that no one can possibly disagree with them for any honest reason.

Thomas Sowell  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

If you really want to compete with Russia and China to prevent the 21st Century from being dominated by a new axis of evil, you must first defeat the Church of Global Warming. As long as that’s the official state religion of the Western world, we haven’t got a prayer.

John Hayward  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

I have never seen more senators express discontent with their jobs. ... I think the major cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices to doing something terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful country. Deep down in our hearts, we know that we have bankrupted America and that we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. ... We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected.

John C. Danforth  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.

Benjamin Franklin  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

It is a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own.

Benjamin Franklin  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

To my mind it is wholly irresponsible to go into the world incapable of preventing violence, injury, crime, and death. How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.

Ted Nugent  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed — where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.

Alex Kozinski  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.

Benjamin Franklin  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

People who cannot find time for recreation are sooner or later to find time for illness.

John Wanamaker  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Sometimes the wheel turns slowly, but it turns.

Lorne Michaels  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

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