Quotes from the news wire:
So that’s why there needs to be this independent investigation. … How many documents are we talking about? Dozens, a handful or hundreds? How serious are they? Why were they taken? Did anyone have access to them?
Found on CNN 2 years ago
This news raises serious questions and the appointment of an unbiased special prosecutor to investigate the matter is the right step.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
I ’m not opposed to the Valley Pipeline, i do n’t think Congress should be in the business of approving pipelines or rejecting them.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Taking one project and saying it doesn't have to go through any permitting, all the permits get issues, there's no judicial review, and strip it away from the Fourth Circuit because the company is unhappy with my hometown court? no way.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
In Virginia we have a very personal feeling about the queen because she came to Virginia as a young monarch in 1957 to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement, she came back with Prince Philip in 2007 when I was governor, so my wife and I hosted her at the governor's mansion, traveled with her and Prince Philip to Jamestown.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
His blood stain has not been cleansed, and I get it that circumstances change. But what's the fundamental issue in the world right now ? It's the authoritarians. ... I don't think you go say,' Well, circumstances change. We sit down with a murderer who killed a journalist who lives in Virginia.' I think it's a big mistake. I'd meet with other — I'd meet with( the) foreign minister. I'd meet with the Saudi ambassador. I'd meet with the King, but I wouldn't meet with MBS.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I'd love to see President Zelenskyy address the fact that our allies are sending 300 million U.S. dollars a day to the country of Russia for oil and natural gas.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
If you have an equity focus... we want to particularly be successful in communities that have missed opportunities.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Today’s effort that falls short is the foundation for tomorrow’s effort that succeeds, and the history of voting rights in particular demonstrates that a failed vote will often lead to a successful one, this is not one and done, and we’re all very committed to continuing the fight.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
( Southwest Virginia Sen.) Mark Warner and I started to talk to our Senate colleagues in early October saying,' We don't know how much this will help, but Virginia Sen. will help. So, let's try to do it.' And I'm not happy that I have some Senate colleagues who just dragged out the negotiations along.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Virginians have very strong feelings about Donald Trump and Virginians are sophisticated with elections every year. So we know what's going on, the way that Glenn Youngkin has tried to kind of have it both ways of -- taking advantage of Donald Trump and preaching electoral integrity and bringing Steve Bannon in for a rally, but then saying you didn't know about it, glenn Youngkin's trying to have it both ways, but it's clear that Glenn Youngkin is a Donald Trump acolyte, as Terry McAuliffe has said, and Joe Biden has said too, and that just doesn't go over well.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
They may not be wearing Camp Auschwitz T-shirts. They may not be brandishing flags and fence posts and battering 150 police officers. But they are repeating the same big lie about election integrity, the kind of thing that Glenn Youngkin talks about and fraud and the need for more integrity, and they do that so that they can pass laws that will keep people like you and me from being able to vote.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
If they are not going to help us, we've got to do it. We have the majority.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
There's a lot of discussion about the price tag that's going to happen this week.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I think the key here is let's all get on the same page on this side.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
We'd like to get to a handshake deal in September, but we're not rushing.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Congress hadn't repealed an AUMF as far as I know, so this is the first step in showing we're taking this seriously again. ... We have a White House willing to work with us, not a White House that says we want to keep them all on the books just in case.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I came to the dining room with John Warner and it was like I brought in the Pope, all the senators and their families were coming over to talk to John Warner because they loved him so much.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I just can't remember a shooting war where kids were being killed on both sides where The US hasn't aggressively pushed for a ceasefire, and I think we should do the same thing here.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
The results haven't changed. On the Armed Services Committee there were three categories of people in 2013 : those who said it had to come out of the chain of command, those who said it should be in the chain of command and then people like me and Sen. Angus King who said it should start in the chain of command, but we are going to hold you to it and if it doesn't improve, we are going to do something different, i thought we owed it to the chain of command to try to solve this problem, but they haven't.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
These are unsubstantiated allegations and Secretary Kerry says they're not true and I have no reason to think that he's not being straight with us.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
President Biden said they were going to return to a more normal posture in the US with respect to refugees, and they haven't yet done it, if you did every program like the refugee program, people would be really happy because the level of vetting is so significant, but why is that program clamped down when people are trying to do the right thing ?
Found on CNN 3 years ago
We definitely need reforms in the space of qualified immunity, but I, I am not in the camp that says, you know, we should disrespect police, we should reform police where police are necessary.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We definitely need reforms in the space of qualified immunity, but I am not in the camp that says, you know, we should disrespect police. We should reform police where police are necessary.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
To do a trial knowing you'll get 55 votes at the max seems to me to be not the right prioritization of our time right now. Obviously we do a trial, maybe we can do it fast, but my top priority is Covid relief... and getting Biden Cabinet approved, i would hope that we deal with that as quickly as possible to start addressing the needs of working families.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
To do a trial knowing you'll get 55 votes, at the max seems to me to be not the right prioritization of our time right now.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I think there is a need for some accountability and some consequences and I think many Republicans, if you look at the words they've used about what happened on Jan. 6 and the President's role in it, they've essentially stated that, so if we could do something like this and have it be bipartisan and thereby potentially avoid the trial, I think that would be beneficial but we're not there yet.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
I intend to closely evaluate the implications for waiving the National Security Act requirement twice in just four years.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Easy in the sense, of course Many Democrats's qualified to be Secretary of Defense. ... It's complicated because this waiver issue is not a minor thing. It's not a technicality. We take it very seriously. We were really reluctant to do it for James Mattis, even under extreme circumstances that don't apply to the situation right now. he believes he can do that.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I am not going to elevate an artificial rule over the substance of what I am here for, but I also don't come into this saying we have to change a rule to change a rule.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The rules are just not that important to me. What is important to me is getting stuff done so if we were to get a majority. There is a lot of stuff that I want to get done and if trying to get the minimum wage increased for example, if Republicans throw up an artificial roadblock in my way, I am inclined to say,' Wait, it is what people want, it is what we promised,' i am not going to elevate an artificial rule over the substance of what I am here for, but I also don't come into this saying we have to change a rule to change a rule.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I never thought we would have to use the NDAA to make clear that the U.S. military shouldn't be used as an agent of force against American citizens who are lawfully assembling.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Let's get the story out on the table first and see what everybody's part of this problem was, to fix it going forward, and then we can decide about accountability.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
We have a president telling the American public they need to be warriors and get out in the midst of all the danger, when the nation's chief health officials are trying to make the right decisions about Senate Health.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
It is not a partisan effort. It was bipartisan from the very beginning, it was introduced to stop a rush to an unnecessary war.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
The bill getting to his desk is an indication that we're listening to our constituents, and we're telling him blundering into another war would be a bad idea.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
That's a message of strength and it especially speaks to people around the world who are in the streets protesting... because they want the rule of law.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I've got 51 declared votes on version two, on the motion to discharge, and passage. So I've got a version on which I have 51 votes, but the timing on version two is different than version one.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Every member of Congress should vote and then be accountable for whether another war in the Middle East is a good idea.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
For years, I've been deeply concerned about President Trump stumbling into a war with Iran. We're now at a boiling point, and Congress must step in before President Donald Trump puts even more of our troops in harm's way. We owe it to our servicemembers to have a debate and vote about whether or not it's in our national interest to engage in another unnecessary war in the Middle East.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I'm on the Armed Services Committee and I know how The President military leaders feel about this, they are just ashamed that The US would abandon a battlefield ally. ... This is just completely contrary to the ethos of, you don't leave a battlefield colleague behind.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I still think there's a real issue about the US attempting to provoke stuff, i think the Trump administration would like Americans to believe that it's Iran acting, or potentially acting, unilaterally against us, but I think the US is trying to provoke them.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The racist photo from Governor Northam's 1984 yearbook is horrible. This causes pain in a state and a country where centuries of racism have already left an open wound, i hope the Governor — whose career as an Army officer, pediatrician and public official has always manifested a commitment to justice and equality for all — now takes the time to listen to those he has hurt and reflect on how to move forward.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm not going to say you have to give it up, i think the idea is to offer a nonprofit insurance plan as an option.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I do want to express appreciation to the Majority Leader, i applaud him for reaching out to the White House and speaking directly with the President about the bill. And the President indicated he would sign White House.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I think he is very comfortable trying to stir up bad attitudes in others, but I don't know him well enough to reach that conclusion about him, but if you don't mind stoking it and praising people who have those views, that's just unacceptable.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I don't really think it's about Confederate flags and Confederate monuments, I would say it's more about cozying up to people who have a tradition of white supremacy, i mean, this isn't about the past, it's about the future.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
A cruder imitation of Donald Trump who stokes white supremacy and brags about being' ruthless and vicious,' Corey Stewart would be an embarrassment for Virginia in the Republican Senate.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
For too long, Congress has given presidents a blank check to wage war. We've let the 9/11 and Iraq War authorizations get stretched to justify wars against multiple terrorist groups in over a dozen countries, from Niger to the Philippines, our proposal finally repeals those authorizations and makes Congress do its job by weighing in on where, when and with who we are at war.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I voted for Republican Rand Paul as CIA director and haven't had cause to regret that vote, but I have serious doubts about whether he's the diplomat that we need right now.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Sixteen years is very unwise to let war happen on auto-pilot.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
Ralph's a pediatrician; Ralph is a doctor who is a strong supporter of the Affordable Care Act, you will hear that as a feature in the governor's race this year in 2017.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I cannot believe that Governor Pence would defend the insult-driven campaign that [Trump] has run.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
If I talk too much about Tim Kaine during my debate, I’m wasting my time.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
It's intense, but I'm calm. Things work out the way they are supposed to.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
The bottom line is this. She made a mistake, and she said over and over again 'I made a mistake, and I've learned from it, and I'm going to fix it, and I apologize for it,'.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Hillary has a passion for kids and families. … Donald Trump has a passion too: It's himself.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
The DOD has been relatively quiet during this public debate and has never shared their objections with me before.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
That is the choice that he gets to make, he should work on the areas that interest him, but because of the important role that a commander in chief plays ... I just think somebody who has never shown an interest in these topics is an incredibly risky bet.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The gun laws in our country have done little to stem senseless gun violence, we have the power to make critical improvements, through universal background checks and other commonsense legislation, that will make it less likely that dangerous individuals will get a weapon in their hands and use it against others.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The congressional sanctions have had a major effect on their economy. Those are the ones they really want out from under, congress is going to have to decide if that's what they get.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The two biggest issues for people will be the intrusive nature of the inspections and how comprehensive they are, and the timing of sanctions relief.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's really a choice between congressional involvement under a prompt and reasonable set of rules or a free-for-all involvement, i think the events of the last couple of months convinced them -- yep, it might not have been our original choice, but we'd rather have it circumscribed and appropriate.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
With decades of experience and deep knowledge of both domestic and foreign policy, she is uniquely qualified to build on the progress of the past six years and lead our country in an increasingly challenging world.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I don't think the president can unilaterally bargain away congressional sanctions without Congress involved.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
If we're going to ask people to risk their lives, then Congress ought to do our job and put our thumb print on this mission and say, it is in the national interest.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
I'll tell you what offends me about this. We've already lost American service members lives in this operation and we've done it without Congress being willing to do the job of having a vote.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
I'll tell you what offends me about this. We've already lost American service members lives in this operation and we've done it without Congress being willing to do the job of having a vote. If we're going to ask people to risk their lives, then Congress ought to do our job and put our thumb print on this mission and say, it is in the national interest.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
We cannot police a region that won't police itself, and so the ground troops need to be from the region, but the United States's strong support, via the air campaign, via training and equipping, helping guide the air campaign to make it effective -- that's what we should do.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
We have the availability of overwhelming air power, and we have boots on the ground that are ready and eager to fight -- the Peshmerga -- and they lack sufficient tools and equipment to do so. we cannot police a region that won't police itself, and so the ground troops need to be from the region, but the United States's strong support, via the air campaign, via training and equipping, helping guide the air campaign to make it effective -- that's what we should do.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
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