nnoemi's Favorite Quotes

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Dolan Thirty-Six: Witches live among us in secret. Their magic passed down from an ancient race, diluted, half-forgotten, but dangerously powerful. After centuries of conflict, a truce was forged. Witches would be allowed to live and govern themselves if they followed one strict rule, that magic never be used against humans. But a truce is a fragile thing.

The Last Witch Hunter

Marie Laveau: [to Cordelia] Your husband was a Witch Hunter. Showed up at my place, runnin' his mouth 'bout how he been killin' witches his whole life, 'bout how he had all this access, how his mother-in-law was the Supreme. [to Fiona] Ooooh, he hated your ass. But he gave me a fair price, so... [scoffs] You *were* my sworn enemy.
Cordelia Foxx: You hired him to kill me? To kill my girls?
Marie Laveau: Uh-huh. But he was too soft on you, he couldn't do it. He was trying to protect you, all

American Horror Story

Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not. In either case, the idea is quite staggering.

Arthur C. Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clarke

Stiles: Everyone should have a dream! Even a pathetically unrealistic one.

Teen Wolf, Season 1

Three things that cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

Teen Wolf

Phil Coulson: Daisy, I need you to monitor all law-enforcement activity near Lincoln's last known location.
Daisy 'Skye' Johnson: How 'bout we take a team and go look for him ourselves?
Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie: No. The A.T.C.U.'s on a witch hunt for powered people.
Daisy 'Skye' Johnson: I'm not afraid of them.
Phil Coulson: No, but they're terrified of you. Which makes them dangerous. Until we know where he is, you're not going out there.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

[Kaulder falls asleep]
Chloe: [takes a selfie with him] Say "Witch Hunter"...
Kaulder: Witch Hunter. [Chloe freaks out]

The Last Witch Hunter

Chloe: What do you know about us? We have green skin, wear pointy hats and got burned to the stake at Salem!
Kaulder: Salem was wrong, those women were innocent!
Chloe: You don't care, you weren't one of them!
Kaulder: I'm not, but I do care.

The Last Witch Hunter

Chloe: Who said that a witch can't hunt witches?

The Last Witch Hunter

Well done!

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Barbra Streisand's first line in her first movie was...?
A "Hi, I am here!"
B "Hello gorgeous!"
C "Papa, can you hear me?"
D "Hello, Dolly!"