emeasoba_g's Favorite Quotes

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The Impact of one's life, not the longevity is what really matters. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Doing your own best presently is the best way to prepare for the future ahead of you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Quit telling us to forget the past and never look back. We learned from the past, gained wisdom from the past that we apply every day in the process of living. If we forget the past, we’ll forget who we are since that’s where we came from.

RJ Intindola

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.

King Jr. Whitney

Today is Christmas day. And it does not really matter whether Jesus Christ was actually born today or not. That is to say, chronological accuracy has nothing to do with today's celebration. The fact is that a Grand Genius (Jesus Christ) had been born. Who preached the truth (the undiluted word of God). Guess what? the summary of his message was true love. And by the virtue of his message the world has become better. Oh! yes, Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. Thus, as we commemorate his

Emeasoba George

True Love always protects, it always trusts, it always hopes and it always perseveres. Reference 1st Corianthians 13:7. The scripture says all that in black and white. And that is to say evidently and obviously, every true love must be protective of his or her spouse or partner. Besides, every true love must be trustworthy. In other words, he or she should always trust his or her partner or spouse and should be trusted equally. Moreover, every true love should be hopeful always and not at all ho

Emeasoba George

Champions are made out of challenges or rather challenges make champions. Yes! no champion has ever emerged without challenges. So, if you want to be reckoned and celebrated as a champion just entertain challenges period. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What is True Love? True Love is unselfish affection for someone else or others growing out of God's own affection for oneself. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What is Hope? Hope is confident expectation of a better life to come. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What is Faith? Faith is simply an abiding trust in God (Almighty) and his promises. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

When something goes wrong, don't cry. When Misery comes, don't ask why. Karma is negating the bad you have done. Once it is done, then you can have fun.


The moment the bride and groom tie the nuptial knot, that couple is brought into the boxing ring to fling & fight and subsequently those very marriage guests and outsiders become the spectators to clap and cheer with their every knock on each other.

Anuj Somany

Psalms 66:12 says, you let men ride over our heads. We passed through water and fire. Yet, you finally brought us to a place of abundance That is to say, God might allow you to pass through difficulties, tough times or diverse challenges in order to eventually make your life, future and end better off and worthwhile (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True love is not just a mere feeling. It is more than that. I mean, true love is a decision to treat others the way God would treat them. That is to say, satisfying other people's needs or emotions at your own expense. Yes of course, any love that does not portray some sort of sacrifice is obviously an untrue love. For, true love is meant to be sacrificial and never the opposite (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Be grateful to God (Almighty) for what you have achieved already, while you pursue all that you still want to achieve. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You've got to stop dwelling on what went wrong. That is to say, your past life, mistakes and failures. Rather, start focusing on what to do next. As well, dare to speak words of encouragement and motivation to yourself as often as possible. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Grace of God in a nutshell, is God doing for us what we can never do for ourselves and what we don't deserve for life. I mean, what God's Grace does for us is what we can't do for ourselves and not at all what we can do for ourselves. Now, that's why we do have weaknesses but God is ever perfect and strong. Moreover, we do have shortcomings, but God's Grace does overshadow them. We equally fail or fall sometimes or rather we are sometimes unfaithful. But, God is infallible and ever faithful unli


A slack hand causes poverty. But the hand of the diligent makes rich (Proverbs 10:4). That is what the scripture says. So, it is up to you. Do you prefer to keep to your pride and then end up achieving nothing? Or are you ready to swallow your pride and then emerge a success eventually? The choice is always yours. But, never forget. The collision of preparation and opportunity is what generates an offspring called genuine success. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Are you or have you been taking your life for granted. If yes then, you've got to think twice. For, you ought to appreciate your life the way it is presently, not the way you wished it should have been. Oh! yes, you should not take your life for granted. Lest you forget. The scripture says in (Hebrews 13:5). It says, be contented with whatever you have now no matter how small it seems to you. Note: appreciating God always for the little induces him to endow you with more and never less. -Emeaso

Emeasoba George

Have you been or rather are you being bothered about your future? If yes, then you've been a worrywart all the while. However, you've got to stop being worried about your future or tomorrow. Because, you don't have to worry about it and you don't equally need to know what the future holds for you. Rather, all you need to know is the one who holds the future right inside the palms of his hands. And, the person in question is nobody else but Almighty God. Believe you me, once you acknowledge him (

Emeasoba George

God's plan or agenda has never been thwarted and it can never be thwarted by anyone or any force. Yes! And so, God's plan or agenda for your life cannot be thwarted. I mean, with time whatever God has planned for you must surely come to pass. Although, you may be challenged presently. But, sooner or later God will certainly cause his plan or agenda for your life to have its way and take or run its full course. ~Emeasoba George


You may never acquire and use everything that you want in life. But guess what? You do have access to your basic and daily needs or rather the five necessities of life (food, water, clothing, air and shelter). And that is a logical reason why you should always thank God Almighty everyday come what may. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The biggest challenge you will ever engage in daily is to challenge yourself. And not just merely challenging yourself. Rather, it is challenging yourself everyday to be betteroff than you were yesterday. For, self-growth or self-development is all about deciding to move beyond your so seemed present unfavourable circumstance into a better condition. Oh! yes, you ought to be appreciating and never depreciating. And what it really takes for you to appreciate rather than to depreciate is just to c

Emeasoba George

It takes time, love, patience and mutual concessions to build up a good and long-lasting relationship or marriage. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

It is needful sometimes to disagree in order to agree eventually. Most especially in leadership and relationships (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

There's so many things that you can learn from it. Proverbs, the chapter, 'never bend to envy.' I've had that thing all of my life where people are bending to envy. Actually, it's an incredible book, so many things you can learn from the Bible and you can lead your life. I'm not just talking in terms of religion; I'm talking in terms of leading a life even beyond religion. There are so many brilliant things in the Bible, the Bible is special, the Bible -- the more you see it, the more you read i

Donald Trump

Proverbs 16:9 says, in their hearts humans plan thier course but God directs, determines and establishes their steps. That is to say, you can only plan for your future and undertakings. But, it is only God that can cause them to come true. No wonder there is a saying that says, man proposes but God disposes. Yes! that is just a fact. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You have to be mindful of your thoughts, utterances and attitude. That is to say, do think positively, speak positively, change personally or rather act positively. For your thoughts and utterances can influence your disposition and outlook to life. In other words, they can affect your attitude or approach to life (your relationship with others) positivey or negatively and your prospect for the future as well. ~Emeasoba George


A wise and promising person is anyone who has learnt lessons from his or her past life and mistakes. And then, has resolved to utilize and maximize the present moment and every opportunity that shows up. Besides that, he or she is often optimistic about his or her future. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do you know? Knowledge is not enough until it is applied properly. Do you also know? Wishes are worthless unless you get yourself engaged in something genuine. Besides, hearing alone does not produce positive result except you believe undoubtedly what you have already heard and then act on it. Oh! yes, until you believe anything in toto that is just when you will surely receive it. In other words, believeability precedes actualization. So, have you been believing what you've been hearing? Or hav

Emeasoba George

Every human is a unique creation. Yes! no other human is like you and no one can and will ever be like you. In other words, you are absolutely unique. Thus, you've got to be unique and remain unique in all your endeavours. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whoever that is saturated with pride is bound to be devoid of God's Grace. For, God gives his Grace only to the humble and never to the proud (James 4:6) mark you. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You should not be bothered to be better than someone else right here out there. Rather, the only person you ought to strive to be better than is yourself and nobody else. Oh! yes, you should be only more concerned with being better than the person you were yesterday. For, the so called models right here or out there in the real sense and logically are not models. Because, they themselves also look up to someone else as their own model. And that means truly, you've got to strive just to be bette

Emeasoba George

Take Note: God will not only hold you responsible or accountable for what you say or said. He will equally hold you responsible or accountable for what you ought to have said which you refused to say. Moreover, he (God) will not just hold you responsible or accountable for what you do or did. He will as well hold you responsible or accountable for what you ought to have done which you failed to do. Thus, say all you have to say and do all you have to do at all times without fear, favour or compr

Emeasoba George

You are not a true love until you love everyone all-out. In other words, until you love everyone with all you have including your whole strength and resources you've not yet started loving properly. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life is too short to be passive and unproductive. Thus, live out loud, be productive, make impact and endeavour to make every minute of your life count. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The future is never built in the future. Yes! it is only built in the present moment by utilizing the opportunities that come your way. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Dare to be original and unique in all you do. For, the world is already saturated with imitations and copycats. Besides that, it is only originality or uniqueness that is ever celebrated by the world. Yes! imitations and copycats have never been celebrated by the world (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Proverbs 16:4 says, God works out everything for his own proper ends and never for any human's proper ends. That is to say, everyone's present life, future and end is already designed and predetermined by God. Thus, never be bothered about your present life, future and end. For, God has got it all figured out and planned out. And so, he will surely see you through eventually. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Forget your past (just learn from it). As well, look and march forward (diligently) and with optimism to the great future ahead of you. For, the best things of life are yet to come (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains, it stops raining after a while. Each time you get hurt, it heals. After darkness there is always light. We are reminded of this every morning, but still we often forget. Instead we choose to believe that the night will last forever. But it cannot and will not. Nothing lasts forever. Thus, if things are good for you presently enjoy them. Because, they will not last forever. Moreover, if things are bad for you currently, don’t worry. For, they

Emeasoba George

Simply, what it really means to do one's best is just to do one's utmost. That is to say, to make the greatest possible effort that you can make in anything. And once you've done your best in anything. Just relax and dare to count on God to do the rest for you. For, he can and he will surely do the rest for you. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What it really means to be hopeful is just to have hope against all hope. That is to say, to be hopeful even when a situation appears utterly hopeless. For instance, Abraham against all hope believed in hope and God that he will father a child even at a very old age. And eventually he became not just the father of faith but, also the father of many nations. Thus, you've got to hope against all hope. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Live happily, give cheerfully, as well receive all things thankfully or gratefully. For, if you dare to live happily, give cheerfully and resolve to receive all things thankfully. Believe you me, longevity will be your portion, prosperity will run after you. And above all, you will be remembered and celebrated eventually. Even by the posterity (all future generations). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Worrying or regretting over and over again changes nothing, not even your past life or mistakes. Yes! it only worsens one's condition. - Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do what is expected of you, dare to say all that you ought to say, as well endeavour to write and publish all your thoughts or ideas. Moreover, never mind who will read, assimilate, utilize, apply or criticize them (presently) or (subsequently). In other words, strive to do your best in life and then relax and allow the end to justify the means. For, the end is meant to justify the means. Yes! the end of your life should be worthwhile and not at all worthless. If the reverse is the case, then be


It takes guts, determination and hard work to make every dream, vision or aspiration a reality. Yes! that is the stuff. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What is your Life’s biggest dream or vision? Mine is to impact and influence other people's lives positively. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Endeavour to make God (Almighty) your priority in all you do in life. For, he (God) will surely and eventually pay you off financially and even otherwise. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Perseverance (continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition) is one of the most difficult disciplines. But interestingly, it is the one who perseveres that wins it all. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never failing or falling is not glorious. Rather, never quitting is glorious. For, anyone who never fails or falls hardly rises up when he or she eventually fails or falls. But, contrariwise whoever that does not quit will always rise up and forge ahead whenever he or she fails or falls. Oh! yes, show me a man or woman that says he or she does not fail or fall. Then, that is just a man or woman that will never rise up if he or she fails or falls once. All am saying in essence is this. Failing or

Emeasoba George

Do you know? You will end up developing and learning a lot more about yourself and your God-given potentials the moment you start teaching others. In other words, the more you teach others, the more enlightened and advanced you will become. Thus, dare to teach the world right here and even beyond here. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never aspire to be or become anyone right here or out there. Listen up, it is okay to appreciate someone who is doing good. But, you should not aspire to be like him or her. Yes! just aspire to be a role model to others. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Inefectiveness is a good reason to have a rethink and then switch over to a brillant strategy. Sometimes, we have to adjust and readjust our plans. I mean, once you realize that whatever you are doing is ineffective. You are expected to change. Change of course is what next to do. Oh! yes, you should change in order to innovate your strategy and accomplish your goal eventually. Do remember, the moment you open up yourself for a change. You've just opened up yourself to new opportunities and solu

Emeasoba George

Proudness is a feeling of deep pride, pleasure and satisfaction in one's own or someone else's achievements, qualities, skills, potentials or possessions. Are you proud at all? If yes, then you've got to get rid of it (pride) and afterwards saturate yourself with humility. In case you don't know, God opposes the proud. But guess what? he gives more grace to the humble (James 4:6). Yes! God's grace is only and fully available to the humble. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every true leader right here or out there should not be moved easily by what he or she feels, sees or hears. Rather, he or she ought to be moved relentlessly by purpose, vision and quest to outperform his or her predecessor. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

It takes only discovery and fulfilment of one's destiny to truly fulfill oneself. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you fail to discover and fulfill your God-given destiny. Then, God will have no other option than to use you to fulfill someone else's destiny. And guess what? He (God) might do that at your own expense (at your own detriment). Therefore, having known that. Endeavour to discover and fulfill your God-given destiny by all means. For, you've got to do just that. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

No one is self-made in actual sense. Yes! anyone who claims to be a self-made person is delusive. For, each and everyone of us has been helped, supported or blessed by someone else or God himself in one way or another. Thus, you've got to show gratitude to anyone or God who deserves it. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George


Emeasoba George

No matter what battles you, never be depressed because of it. Rather, dare to laugh it off. In other words, dismiss it in a light-hearted way. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Self-delusion is one's failure to recognize a reality. Now, permit me to tell you this. Anyone who thinks or says that true Love does not exist is just delusive. Yes! because, true Love exists and it will ever exist. Note: A Cheat always thinks and says that everyone cheats and a Liar often thinks and says that everyone lies (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Note: Oftentimes, what you desire in life is never what you actually deserve. Yes! and that is why, God (Almighty) often denies you your mere desires in order to give you eventually what you really deserve (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whatever you've spent or done on your own self already will surely die with you. Besides that, whatever you will spend or do on your own self subsequently will equally die with you. Yes! you heard me right as ever. But guess what? whatever you've spent or done on others already will rather outlive you. Moreover, whatever you will resolve hence forth to spend or do on someone else, others or the world will equally outlive you and speak for you perpetually after your demise. Now that is to say, yo

Emeasoba George

It takes only courage to take the bull by the horns . That is to say, it takes only courage to decisively and fearlessly face or deal with challenges of one's lifetime. Thus, you've got to be courageous so that you can face and deal with life's challenges squarely. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

To do one's best is nothing else but maximum utilization of the ability that one has. In other words, anyone who fails to utilize his or her ability (physically, intellectually or otherwise) maximally has not really done his or her best (to my mind). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Are you teachable or not? Listen up, you've got to be teachable for life. Because, until and unless you are teachable, you cannot learn something new. Yes! if you are not willing to learn no one can teach you. Besides that, if you are not determined to learn no one can persuade you to learn. Now that is to say, teachability (ability and willingness to learn) is the key to learning. So come on, be teachable for life. As well, be apt (quick to learn) at all times. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In life things may not always work out according to your plans or wishes. But never worry. For, with time whatever that falls apart or has fallen apart will fall into place eventually. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Self-motivation (ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations) is the best motivation. Oh! yes, people who are self-motivated can and will always find a reason and strength to complete a task. Even when it seems challenging, without giving up or asking someone else to encourage them. Thus, you've got to be self-motivated. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never give up buddy, just keep pressing on. For, you are almost there. Yes! you will soon get there or rather you will soon realize your dreams, goals, visions or aspirations. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

No human is beneath contempt. In other words, no human is utterly worthless or despicable. Yes! anyone who thinks or says otherwise is either a hater, bigot or racist. You can say I said so. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God Almighty is a God of second chance. That is to say, he (God) cannot and will never give up on you until and unless you decide to give up on him. But, never ever give up on God. For, he is never willing to give up on you or anyone else. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you need anything don't just continue waiting for it. Rather, dare to go for it. For, the more you wait the more it delays and delay is often dangerous. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Mindset is one's habitual way of thinking. And (mark you) anything you often set your mind on is what you will definitely experience. Be it success, failure or stuffs like that. Therefore, do have a positive mindset at all times and never a negative aspect of it. For, as you think so you are. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Be grateful to God (Almighty) for everything you have presently, no matter how small or unpleasant it seems to you. For, someone right here or out there is longing to possess everything that you have presently. In fact, your dislikes are someone else's likes. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

I do aspire to inspire the world and the posterity ahead because my lifetime will surely and eventually expire someday. Thus, you too should aspire to inspire the world as well. For, whether you like it or not your lifetime on earth will surely and eventually elapse or expire someday. Oh! yes, every living thing and every human was born to live here (on earth) just for a while. And then, die someday or eventually and never to live forever (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Judge no one by how many times he or she has fallen. Rather, always judge him or her by the number of times he or she has risen up after falling or failure. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Inspirations and motivations are like spring boards. That is to say, they do provide impetus for someone to engage in an action or enterprise that challenges him or her. So what? go for them as often as you can. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Until and unless your love is devoid of conditions. Believe you me, you are not loving rightly or properly. For, your love ought to be devoid of conditions at all times. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Until and unless you are challenged you will not discover and know the stuff that you are made of. And once you have overcome your challenges, you will become stronger than ever. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

No matter what transpired in your past. You should not look backward regrettably. Yes! what you've got to do is just to look forward hopefully and then work diligently towards making your future better than your past. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Entire water of the sea cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, negativity of the world cannot put you down unless you allow it to get inside you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The END of anything or any human counts more than the beginning. Yes of course, it is only he or she that endures to the end or rather holds firm to his or her faith that will be saved at last. Moreover, it is the end of a vision, aspiration or dream that proves whether it is ordinary or extraordinary, true or false. Also, it is he or she that perseveres or persists to the end that can and will leap or reap the reward for hard work (genuine success). Likewise, it is he or she that eventually rea

Emeasoba George

Recipe for genuine success includes or encompasses vision, passion, courage, relentless action and determination. Once all that is applied genuine success is inevitable and realizable. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The Internet is a Mine of information. In other words, it is a rich and huge source of information (wisdom, insights, inspirations and motivations). In fact, the Internet is a treasure that will last perpetually. Oh! yes, no one is going to shut down the Internet. Thus, you've got to utilize it (the Internet) as often as you can and as long as you live. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God is ever indispensable. In other words, God is all-important or rather too important to be disregarded by anyone or anything. Oh! yes, no human can do anything successfully without God or rather no human can survive or live without God (John 15:5) QED. Thus, never ever take God Almighty for granted. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Originality is better off than imitation. Yes! because originality endows peculiarity and which at the long run leads to profitability and excellence. Whereas, imitation brings about limitation, which often leads to frustration and mediocrity. That is to say, you've got to be original rather than imitation. Therefore, dare to be original and remain original in all your undertakings. Note: whoever that continues to imitate or copy someone else or others will definitely end up a copycat QED. -Emea

Emeasoba George

Pressing on gives one a chance to explore himself or herself and then fall in love with himself or herself again. But on the contrary, giving up makes a person depressed and miserable. Now that simply implies, it is wiser and advisable to hold on and press on when challenged than to quit. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life itself is simple. But you can make it complicated by worrying. Oh! yes, you can and you will keep on complicating your life by just worrying. So, you've got to quit worrying over and over again. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is a universal language. That's why its impact is widely felt by billions of people. Yes of course, love is impactful. And so, true lovers ought to be impactors of true love and never impostors. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Success is not just all about what you've acquired, it transcends that. It is more of what you've succeeded in doing with it (what you've acquired). Besides that, what you have or what you know does not count. Oh! yes, what really counts is just the lives that you've enriched or touched with it. In other words, whatever you have or whatever you know is insignificant, until and unless you enrich someone else's life or other people's lives with it. You can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George


Nothing is impossible. Although, some things do seem difficult sometimes. But, nothing is impossible actually. Yes! it is just a matter of belief or faith. For, with God and time all things are possible. So come on, do believe in possibilities and never in impossibilities. Because, until and unless you beleive in miracle, you will never encounter it in your lifetime (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Have you been anxious of what the future or tomorrow will be or bring? If yes, then you've got to stop being anxious about your future. Because, God is too faithful to fail you or anyone else. And so, he (God) will surely and eventually make every aspect of your life beautiful at his own time or rather in due course. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Time passes, memories fade, fashion changes, humans are born and they die eventually. But, guess what? thought-provoking quotes, motivations, inspirations, words of wisdom, encouragement, insights and ideas like mine will surely live on throughout the posterity ahead (all future generations ahead). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is Sine Qua Non. In other words, Love is a virtue which is absolutely necessary in all areas of human lives. Besides that, Love is designed by God for you to embrace it, imbibe it and then live it out wholeheartedly. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You are valuable. Yes! you heard me right. No matter who you are or what you’ve been through in life, you are still valuable and never valueless. Thus, cheer up and be encouraged. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Resolve to be a lifetime learner. For, learning in life is living truly. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Perseverance pays off. As a matter of fact, anyone who dares to persevere even against all odds will surely and eventually win or succeed in life. Because, what makes anyone a failure is just his or her unwillingness to persevere all the way. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never give in and never give up until you make it big time. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In order to get through your problems. You have to realize they are not just mere problems. But challenges that you've got to face and defeat by all means. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love someone not because of who he or she is nor because of what he or she does. But just because you've got to love him or her. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do good to all and sundry. That is to say, act virtuously and kindly towards everyone. Most especially towards meeting the needs of the needy, the helpless, the poor or the less privileged persons around you and even those afar-off. I mean, be obliging (be willing to help someone else or others). For, kindness or generosity pays off eventually, no matter how small it seems. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Success is defined as the accomplishment of a set goal, target or an objective within a specified or desired time or period. Success is direct opposite of failure. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Preparation is defined as the process of getting something or someone ready for an action or a presentation. It is simply those things done before the occurrence of an event. Besides, it is usually done or made to ensure excellence and success at last. Preparation is synonymous with arrangement. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Opportunity is a set of circumstances that is conducive for the occurrence of an event or for the performance of a task. It can also be defined as the amount of time or a situation in which something can be done. Opportunity is synonymous with chance. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Death is not actually the worst thing that can happen to any human or anybody. Rather, it is one of the best things that can happen to any human or anyone. Yes! you heard me right as ever, come to think of it (death) logically. If there is no death here (on earth) those who are going through misery, difficulty, hardship or poverty would keep on experiencing it forever or endlessly. Moreover, if there is no death here (on earth) those who are living life of affluence or luxury would keep on enjoy

Emeasoba George

Inspiration is a prerequisite to aspiration just like competence is a prerequisite to promotion. Thus, dare to inspire someone as often as you can, so that he or she can aspire. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Have you learned anything positive from anyone or from anywhere? If Yes! then, dare to teach or educate the world right here and even beyond here. Moreover, if you've got anything worth sharing out. Then, go ahead and share it all with someone else or others right here or out there. Because, you've been taught and given in order to share it all with someone else or others and not at all to withhold it (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life may be tough to you sometimes. Yes! but you've got to be tough as well and never weak. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Self-discipline begins and ends with the mastery of your own thoughts. Because, until and unless you control your own thoughts, you cannot control your actions. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Take nothing for granted no matter how small it appears to you. For, just a mark can pass or fail you. Even a little mistake can tarnish your image for life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God's Grace, Mercy, Wisdom and Insights cannot and will never abound in you until and unless you realize and believe that without him (God) you can do nothing successfully (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Vision is defined as the mental picture or image of what the future could be or would look like. It can also be defined as one's concept, thought or imagination at a given period of time. It is synonymous with fantasy. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Envision is simply defined as the state of being able to foresee, think and plan one's future with imaginations, wisdom, insights, foresight and proactive approaches or steps. It also means to picture mentally, especially one's future event or events. It is synonymous with visualize. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

L'immortalité est définie comme la continuation indéfinie de l'existence d'une personne même après la mort. En d'autres termes, c'est une existence sans fin, indépendamment du fait que le corps meurt ou non. Je veux dire, c'est l'état de pouvoir vivre perpétuellement. C'est-à-dire, un être immortel est quelqu'un qui a atteint l'immortalité (renommée durable). Et par conséquent, il ou elle ne sera jamais oublié. Parce que, il ou elle mérite d'être rappelé et célébré globalement ou perpétuellement

Emeasoba George

Whether it is a simple spat with your spouse or long-held resentment towards a family member or friend, unresolved conflict can go deeper than you can think or imagine. As a matter of fact, unforgivingness may be affecting your physical health unknowingly. Nevertheless, there is good news. Studies have shown that the act of forgiveness can reap huge rewards for your health, lowering the risk of heart attack, improving cholesterol levels and sleep, and reducing pain, blood pressure, and levels of

Emeasoba George

Wherever there is no vision, there is no future. Yes! and where there is no future, life is meaningless or worthless. Thus, you've got to be a visionary and never give up on your vision until and unless it is actualized. ~Emeasoba George


La Bible est le plus grand livre de sagesse et de connaissance jamais écrit et publié. En fait, c'est le livre le plus lu au monde, le livre le plus débattu et le plus cité de l'histoire. Ainsi, la Bible est le plus grand livre de tous les temps. C'est une collection de livres qui comprend des histoires anciennes ou anciennes, des chroniques, des enseignements, des lois, des paraboles, des proverbes, des psaumes, des enseignants, des prédicateurs, des héros, des héroïnes, des saints, des rois, d

Emeasoba George

Without faith it is impossible to please God Almighty (Hebrews 11:6). That is to say, you can worship God without faith. But, until and unless you are faithful you cannot please him. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every challenge is an opportunity for you to showcase the stuff that you are made of. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Giving is a prerequisite to receiving or getting more and more blessings, riches and money from God. Yes! whoever that gives generously and cheerfully most especially to the poor, the needy and the helpless cannot and will never lack throughout his or her lifetime (Proverbs 28:27, Acts 20:35). Uncommon and renowned givers Bill Gates, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation or Gates Foundation, Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie Foundation, George Soros, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller Snr., John D. Rockefeller

Emeasoba George

Hard work is advisable and encouraging too. But, mind you it does not really make anybody rich. Yes! it is God's blessing that actually makes a person rich. Hard work adds less or nothing to it (Proverbs 10:22). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Happiness is meant to be an acquired taste. In other words, happiness ought to be an attitude or lifestyle which you have to imbibe and portray over and over again. For, happiness is worth imbibing and portraying for life, unlike sadness which is ever uncalled for. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Wishing and trying to be like someone else is like attempting to live someone else's life. Oh! yes, that is just what it is like. Besides that, whenever you copy or imitate anyone right here or out there, you are indirectly and unknowingly devaluing yourself and limiting your God-given potentials or talents. In case you don't know. Every human was created or made differently and never collectively. And that implies, each and everyone of us is unique and wonderfully made by almighty God. Yes! you

Emeasoba George

Failure is not just an important part of life's learning experience. It also becomes one's preparation for success inadvertently. Besides that, you will end up learning more about life through failure than through success (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You should not thank God only for what he has done for you already. Yes! you should equally thank him in advance for what he is yet to do for you. I mean, dare to thank God in anticipation. Moreover, thank him (God) for your past life, your present life and the future ahead of you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Mediocrity, inferiority complex and low self-esteem are the causes of self-doubt (lack of confidence in your own self or in your own ability). Yes! that is just the causes. So, desist from all of the above. - Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Take responsibility for your life. In other words, do what you ought to do when you ought to do it. That is to say, don't allow any opportunity to pass you bye. I mean, utilize and maximize every opportunity that comes your way, no matter how small it appears. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The scripture says in (Joel 3:10) let the weak say I am strong and the poor say I am rich. That is to say, you should not speak negatively, no matter your present condition. So, dare to speak and act positively at all times. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whoever that is too used to the usual will hardly get used to the unusual. In other words, anyone who is rigid naturally will equally be inflexible to change and stuffs like that. So come on, be flexible rather than rigid in all your endeavours. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you fail to leave a child or children behind it does not matter. Yes! but if you fail to leave behind your own footprints on the sands of time it matters. Because, you should succeed in leaving your footprints behind for the posterity. Besides that, the posterity ahead cannot and will not remember or celebrate you for merely succeeding in leaving a child or children behind. Rather, they (the posterity) will only remember or celebrate you for succeeding in leaving your footprints behind. Thus,

Emeasoba George

Faithlessness is a sin as far as God (Almighty) is concerned. Yes! but faithfulness is righteousness. Now, that is why the scripture says in (Genesis 15:6) Abraham believed the lord and he (God) credited it to him as righteousness. Thus, you've got to be faithful and remain faithful even in the face of challenges or difficulties. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Self-centeredness is nothing else but being preoccupied only with oneself or one's own affairs. It is more of being too interested in yourself and not caring about the needs or feelings of other people. And that is inhumane. Oh! yes, life is not meant to be all about you. In fact, meeting someone else's or other people's needs should be one of your priorities in all you do in life (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Sacrifice is meant to be the bedrock of every true love or relationship. I mean, any love or relationship that lacks sacrifice from both parties or partners is not a true love or relationship and will never last perpetually. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Potenial winners and winners never see failure as failure. Rather, they always perceive failure as a game which they must play and win even against all odds. Now that is to say, you should endeavour to make everything work positively in order to become a success eventually. No matter how many times you have failed already. Yes! your aim should be success at last. Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Note: whoever that longs to be remembered or celebrated by the posterity (all future generations) ahead should always have the posterity in mind. In other words, he or she should always have the best interest of the posterity at heart (in whatever he or she does or says). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Look forward expectantly to who you can become in the future and to what you can still achieve subsequently. But, never look backward regretfully to who you used to be and to what you have already achieved. For, the future ahead of you is brighter and very promising. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Pursuing and acquiring the best of everything is most likely not capable of making you happy in life. Yes! what will really make you happy is your ability to make the most of everything that you have acquired (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every setback is a set up for a comeback. Thus, never mind your setback. For, you will sooner or later encounter a great comeback. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Be thankful to God (Almighty) for all things and at all times. In case you don't know, there is always a reasonable reason for every season and for every lesson in life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

To say that one loves someone else is so easy to say. In fact, that is why it is now a formality. But, to prove it (Love) is not often so easy. Oh! yes, that is just a reality. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

An impactful person or life is anyone or any life that adds value to other lives. Besides that, until and unless you are passionate and determined to make impact you cannot and will not impact other people's lives positively. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You can realize or achieve any dream, vision or aspiration. As well, you can attain any position or status in life, once you have resolved to pursue it and work towards it tirelessly. Oh! yes, you can unless you think otherwise. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. That is to say, whenever you are challenged. You are expected to press on and never to give up. For, there is an uncommon reward for perseverance. And which is reserved to be reaped only by the indomitables. Guess what? the uncommon reward is nothing else but genuine success. Lest you forget, the patient dog always eats the fattest bone (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Basically, it takes an unyielding spirit to emerge a success or winner in anything in life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You tend to attract or encounter what you often think and speak of. So, do think and speak positively and never negatively. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is every good thing and every good thing is Love. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

It takes courage to take risks. Yes! until and unless you are courageous you cannot and will not dare to take risks. Now, that is to say, whoever that is reluctant to take risks is a coward. So come on, don't be a coward. Rather, dare to take risks. ~Emeasoba George


Faith is an unwavering belief in the unseen or unseeable being (God Almighty). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Nothing should bother you in life not even adversity nor poverty. For, nothing lasts forever. Yes of course, every matter or issue of life has a limit or breaking point including adversity and poverty. Are you undergoing adversity presently or are you currently experiencing poverty? If Yes, then listen up, it's just for a little while. That is to say, you will sooner or later outlive it or rather you will overcome it eventually. I mean, you won't remain poor forever or rather you won't keep on u

Emeasoba George

Every human may not seem good to you. But, every person has at least one good quality. Thus, identify it, appreciate it and then learn something new. For surely, there is something good in every human. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life is a gift from God. And so, God is good. Because, he (God) gives us the privilege or the opportunity to pursue and realize our dreams, visions and aspirations. Thus, we should reciprocate his (God's) benevolence upon us by helping someone else or others as much as we can and as long as we live. ~Emeasoba George


Impact making is better off than money making. Yes! you should be more concerned with making global and long-lasting impact rather than just making money. In other words, impact making ought to be your utmost priority in all you do in life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life is subject to change. And as life changes, you are meant to be changing along with it. But, never ever change negatively. Rather, you are expected to change positively, intellectually, mentally, attitudinally and otherwise. Yes of course, you've got to change and keep on changing like that. Because, change as a factor is meant to be continuous, permanent, and consistent. Guess what? the time for positive change is now. Yes! you heard me right, if not now when? and why later? -Emeasoba Geo

Emeasoba George

True love is ever God's heart desire. That is to say, true love is a virtue which God greatly wishes that all humans including YOU should portray. Yes! God earnestly expects us to show true love to one another as long as we live. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

No task or mountain is insurmountable. Yes! you heard me right, it takes just courage, faith, patience, persistence and perseverance to surmount any of the above. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Get motivated or inspired and remain motivated or inspired until you realize all your dreams, visions or aspirations. For, you need motivations and inspirations as often as you need food and water to survive or live. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do you know? No matter how bad things appear to you currently. God can still make it up to become good enough. Do you also know? No matter how miserable your condition seems to you. God can still make it enviable. That is to say alternatively, no condition or matter is too difficult for God to interfere and intervene too. I mean, nothing is impossible with God SCRIPTURE REFERENCE ( Luke 1 : 37). Oh! yes, impossibility doesn't exist in God's dictionary i.e. the scripture. Besides, he (God) doesn'

Emeasoba George

Do you know? No condition of life is too bad to become good, better and even the best. Do you also know? No human life as well is too damaged or beyond salvation. Besides, there is an iota or atom of sense right inside every so seemed or called nonsense. Yes of course, because when you remove non from every so called nonsense what remains is sense. Now, that is to say obviously, there is also always something in every nothing. Moreover, that signifies conclusively, your so seemed worst condition

Emeasoba George

The easiest way to forgive yourself or others and then let go, is just to realize and also to keep on reminding yourself that you can't change your past. Yes! you can't help it. You only have the present moment and the future ahead of you to modify and to your own taste (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never get depressed when things go wrong. And never be over confident when everything goes fine. Always be at the equilibruim position or state. Do remember, nothing is permanent. In other words, nothing lasts forever. Oh! yes, everything under this planet earth can change or vanish within a twinkle of an eye. Thus, you've got to be conscious of that at all times. Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Everyday is a good day. Because, there is something good in everyday. Thus, always thank God (Almighty) for everyday. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Nothing is unrecoverable. Yes! even your so seemed wasted years can be recovered back in seven folds . As a matter of fact, God can metamorphose your wasted years into enviable blessings. For, everything is possible with time and God. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Old people or Adults are meant to hand over the mantle of leadership to the youths. Then, the youths to the children. Whereas, the children are meant to hand over directly to the posterity (all future generations ahead). Now that implies, children are strategically located with regard to continuity of every society or country. Thus, never take the children for granted. Rather, do appreciate or value them. In other words, take care of them as much as you can. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Many people often say that love is blind. But, as far as I am concerned Love is never blind. It sees more and not less. On the contrary, Lust is blind and no wonder it blindfolds one and makes the person to grope in obscure darkness. Yes! that is just what it does. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Ignore the bees and go for the honey. Now listen up, life's challenges are the bees. Whereas, the success which you stand to achieve and enjoy after the challenges is the honey. Thus, you've got to face your challenges squarely. For, nothing good or genuine comes easy. Moreover, nothing of value is without a price tag (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Undoubtedly, no human can live or last here (on earth) forever. But interestingly, each and everyone of us can do or achieve something that can last perpetually or throughout (the posterity ahead) just by living a selfless life. That is to say, putting someone else's or others needs first and then thinking less about your own self or rather having the best interests of others at heart. ~Emeasoba George


Inspirations and motivations can boost, revive, resuscitate or revitalize a dying or already dead human spirit or morale. So, never hesitate to inspire or motivate all and sundry or the world at large and even the posterity ahead. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Until and unless you are insuperable (incapable of being surmounted) you will hardly get over any challenge. Yes! you've got to be insuperable in order to promptly overcome the challenges of life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Basically, it often takes a positive mindset, positive thinking, positive speaking, positive action, proactive approach and reactive approach to emancipate oneself from limitations or restrictions. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In your quest for genuine success obstacles may show up just to dispirit you. But refuse to be dispirited until you are made of money. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Difference between excellence and mediocrity is nothing else but determined decision and quest to be recognized as a world-class and to remain a world-class. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Greatness is never a will-o'-the-wisp. That is to say, it is not a difficult thing to achieve. For, the seed of greatness is already in you. But, you've got to spring it up, by taking a leap of faith and calculated risks. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You should not look down on anyone right here or out there. No matter the person's current condition. For, one who is nobody today can become somebody tomorrow. Yes! condition changes with time. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. So, don't hate anyone. Rather, do love all and sundry as much as you can and as long as you live. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Lies often spread faster than the Truths. Thus, don't be quick to believe everything that you hear. Unless and until it is proven beyond reasonable doubt. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In all you do never ever forget that God is always watching you from a far distance. And so, he will surely bring all things into judgement at the end of the day. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Self-realization or self-fulfillment begins and ends only with discovery and fulfillment of your own God-given destiny. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You should utilize today's opportunities in order to correct and erase your yesterday's mistakes and failures. For, every new day is an opportunity for you to do just that. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Quality education is the key to civilization and socialization. Yes! sound education is bound to make you civilized and socialized eventually. Thus, endeavour to be educated. Moreover, never mind your age in your quest for education. For, it does not matter. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Appreciation is nothing else but an indirect application for more or multiplication. Besides that, any person who feels appreciated will surely end up doing more than he or she has done before. Thus, take nothing for granted. For, anything taken for granted will eventually be taken away (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Failure cuts both or two ways. That is to say, it has both good and bad effects. Yes! it can be disheartening sometimes. But, it can as well open up your eyes on how to improve on something, on your own self or on someone else. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Strive to be happy and remain happy no matter what happens. Because, happiness is good for your health (an advantage) and a plus to you and your life span. Whereas, sadness is not good for your health and it is a minus (a disadvantage) to you and your life span. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A walk with God Almighty is a walk into a glorious future and glorious end. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You worth so much. So, refuse to be disregarded by anyone. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You've got to believe in your own ability, value and potential. For, once you believe in yourself undoubtedly. Then, you can and will achieve the incredible things. Even the so called impossibilities. Yes! self-belief (confidence in oneself and one's ability) accelerates success, (mark you).~Emeasoba George


It takes uniqueness to be or become a difference maker. Or rather, uniqueness is what it takes to make a difference. So come on, be unique in all you do. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Inferiority complex or mediocrity is a matter of choice. Oh! yes, no one can persuade you to feel inferior. Moreover, no one can dare to make you a mediocre without your acceptance. Yes! but come to think of that biblically. You should not accept inferiority complex or mediocrity as your fate. Because, you are one of a kind, scripture reference (Psalms 139:14). That is to say, you are a unique and uncommon creation QED. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Worrying never solves a problem or a challenge. Yes! it only worsens a problem or a challenge. Thus, desist from worrying. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Endeavour to do only what you can be proud of someday. In other words, desist from doing anything that you might regret in the future or for life. That is to say, always think twice and as well apply wisdom on or before you take any decision or make any choice in life. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

These are my daily and ceaseless prayers and I think they ought to be yours too. God enrich me with sufficient Grace, uncommon wisdom and Great insight. So that I can motivate, inspire and impact the world and the posterity ahead of me. Also, that I may become an instrument of peace wherever there is conflict or misunderstanding. Moreover, where there is hatred God cause me to showcase love. Besides that, where there is pain may I become a soothing relief. Furthermore, God make me a solution or

Emeasoba George

Life is never a bed of roses. That is to say, things may fall apart sometimes or happen against your wish or plan. But notwithstanding, you should not be discouraged. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Challenges are accelerators to success. In other words, challenges do act as substances that speed up the process of success. Now put simply, your current challenges are meant to aid you to emerge the success that you have been longing for or aspiring for. So come on, dare to challenge all your challenges. For, they are designed to help you to succeed sooner or later. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You don't have to be good at something or anything before you can begin to do it. Yes! just dare to begin. For once you start, you will surely, gradually and eventually become good, better and even the best at (doing) it. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You've got to rule over life and its challenges with positive mind, positive words, (motivations and inspirations), positive attitude and unyielding spirit or faith. Otherwise, life and its challenges will have no other option than to rule over you and mind you, that will be at your own detriment. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Your mistakes and failures are meant to induce you to learn more. Whereas, your successes or achievements should make you to feel accomplished and never arrogant (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Strive to live in peace with everyone. For, peace is better off than war or conflict. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

One of my strongly held beliefs is that the best of all things is yet to come. Now, that is why I'm never bothered about anything that I have lost. And so I urge you too, never mind whatever that you've lost in the past. For surely, the best of all things is yet to come. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Genuine success should be celebrated. Oh! yes, but never be carried away by it (your own achievement). Because, once you are carried away by it (your own achievement), failure is inevitable. Besides that, being carried away by one's own success makes one to lose focus. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whoever that is unable to control what he or she thinks, cannot equally control what he or she does. Because, whatever goes on within you determines what flows out of you. That is to say, what you often think, does influence your words, attitude or actions. Therefore, do away with negative thoughts and then saturate your mind with positive thoughts. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Note: Take nobody or nothing for granted (never fail to appreciate anyone or anything) come what may. I mean, do accept or tolerate all (everyone or everything) with patience, hopefulness and gratitude. Because, nobody or nothing lives or lasts forever. Oh! yes, not even the good times, nor the bad times. Besides that, once you are grateful for all (everything and everyone), your life per se will automatically become less stressful, less worrisome, delightful, healthful and enviable eventually.


Never say die. That is to say, never be discouraged in life and never give up on your faith or hope. Just keep pressing on or forward. For, there is light at the end of the tunnel. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God is all in all (supreme, everything to everyone, the indwelling and controlling factor of life). Yes! you heard me right as ever, no human is actually your all in all, because no human can solve all your problems. That is to say, no human is absolutely necessary (you can survive without any human but, you cannot survive without God Almighty and you cannot succeed in doing anything successfully without him, John 15:5). No matter your relationship with the person in question and no matter how r


True love ought to be more in actions and less in words. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Vision is simply defined as the state of being able to foresee, think and plan one's future with imaginations, wisdom, insights, foresight and proactive approaches or steps. Permit me to tell you this, whoever that has the ability to see, think or plan like that is a visionary person or leader. Anyway, are you a visionary person or not? -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Any life without vision is meaningless. Yes! because, vision per se gives life a meaning. Besides that, until and unless you are a visionary, you are bound to lack foresight for life. ~Emeasoba George


Whenever you are praised or celebrated. Be wise enough not to be carried away by the praise or celebration. Besides that, whenever you are criticized. Refuse to be discouraged or dispirited by the criticisms. Just let the criticisms of your critics become nothing else but an eye opener for you to better or improve your whole self and what you are doing. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The entire law or scripture is summed up in a single command. Guess what I'm talking about? It is nothing else but LOVE scripture reference (Galatians 5:14). So says the scripture and I'm saying the same thing. You've got to love all and sundry, even if you don't like them. Therefore, do you hate at the expense of love? If yes then, please do away with hatred and kindly replenish yourself with love. For, the call to love all is a divine command which you should strictly adhere to. Yes of course,

Emeasoba George

Expect diverse challenges throughout your lifetime and dare to surmount all of them outrightly. ~Emeasoba George


What is Death? Death is the unavoidable End of every living human and every living thing. As a matter of fact, you will surely taste death someday, sometime, somehow and somewhere. Regardless of your present financial status, social status, academic qualifications or family background. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Faith is a strong belief that all things are possible. Oh! yes, all things are possible with God and time. Thus, you've got to believe just that. For, until you believe undoubtedly, you are faithless and never faithful. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whoever that refuses to be challenged in life is unknowingly refusing to be changed. Because, challenges are agents of change. Yes of course, challenges are meant to change you for the better, (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every living human should not for any reason or circumstance feel hopeless. For, once there is life, there is also a whispering hope for a better tomorrow. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Inspirations or timely ideas are just like august visitors that hardly visit, unlike other usual visitors. So, never take them for granted. In other words, recognize, embrace, appreciate, utilize and share them with all and sundry. Note: your timely ideas or inspirations could be a source of encouragement, enlightenment or empowerment to someone right here or out there (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

I have fallen in love with wisdom and I will keep on falling in love with it. For, wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7). Thus, you've got to quest for it and as well fall in love with it. Because, it (wisdom) can and will take you to the hall of fame and many places of honour sooner or later. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every person in any relationship right here or out there ought to be telling each other anything and everything at all times. No secrets, no lies. Yes! any relationship less than that is an untrue relationship, (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You should be attracted to someone's level of intelligence and not just his or her level of education. For, someone could graduate from the best University and yet remains clueless about the world and the society that he or she finds himself or herself. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Challenges are precursors to success. That is to say, challenges are substances from which successes are made of. Yes of course, genuine success is often meant to be achieved out of a challenge. So, it's high time you imbibe that. Because, until you imbibe the above fact. That's when you will stop misconcepting or mistaking challenges. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you are okay. Who watches over you and wants the best for you. Who loves and respects you genuinely. And above all, if you are so fortunate to find or meet someone who inspires or motivates you no matter what happens. Don’t let him or her go. Better still, never take him or her for granted. Because, someone like that is hard to find. Besides that, if you are still single or never married permit me to tell you this, it


Be grateful to God for the little things. Because, when you are grateful for the little things. God will be moved to give you big or more things to appreciate (Matthew 25:23). Thus, dare to appreciate whatever you have presently. Because, it will multiply even beyond your expectation and imagination. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never ever be carried away, bothered or moved by any in-thing or rather by anything that is in vogue presently. For, everything that is currently in vogue is fugacious. That is to say, everything that is in vogue presently is bound to fade away or change with time. Oh! yes, nothing or no one lasts or lives forever. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every exit is an entry to somewhere else. The end of anything is the beginning of another thing; Moreover, every finish line is the beginning of a new race. As I see it, every issue of life is a part of a continuous process. And if this is the case, it simply means that even your own seemed failure, disappointment or setback is not the end of your life. It also implies that experiencing any of the above instances should not weigh you down. Rather, you are expected to forge ahead of them regardle

Emeasoba George

Every finish line is the beginning of a new race. So, never you feel guilty of your past and don't be worried about your future. For, once there is a will to go forward there must be a way out. Oh! yes, you heard me right and regardless of any challenge that you may be facing presently. There is still unimaginable hope for you. Because, I believe in hope against (all) hope. And you too ought to believe in that as I do. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whoever that walks with God is bound to be made all-round. So, do walk closely with God (Almighty) in all you do. For, sooner or later you will be glad that you did. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Jesus Christ (the saviour of the whole world) is risen from the dead/grave to die no more. So, may you experience the power of his resurrection in all its ramifications. Happy Easter celebration, anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is meant to be reciprocated. But if the reverse is the case, dare to love anyway. Now that demands, you've got to love even those that refused to show love to you or rather you are expected to love those that often take your love for granted. Yes of course, you should love everyone. After all, God sent his son Jesus Christ to die for you and he eventually died for you even when you were still a sinner. Oh! yes, that is a typical example of true love. And I guess, that is worth emulating, is

Emeasoba George

Self-sacrifice is an obvious proof of true love and true leadership. That is to say, giving up one’s own life, interests or comfort just to help others or to advance a cause. Now, that is exactly what Jesus Christ gave up for us (humans) on the cross of Calvary (over 2,000 years ago). Yes! he (Jesus Christ) gave up his own precious life, well-being, comfort and interest so that humanity can be saved through his one and only sacrifice. Nevertheless, what have you given up for him (Jesus Christ) i


A successful person is not just someone who is rich, popular, highly educated or financially buoyant. it is actually someone who is real, humble and kind to others. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Inspiration or motivation is a means to an end i.e. it is something not often valued or sought after. But, it is needful and helpful in realizing visions, aspirations and dreams. Thus, dare to go for them (inspirations or motivations) and never take them for granted. ~Emeasoba George


Every action begins with the belief that one can complete an action. So, create a vision of where you want to be in the future. For instance in next 5 years. Then, believe you will get there. After all, you are just as powerful as so many people that have been where you want to be. Thus, just believe and then take action. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you really long to fully and efficiently utilize and maximize your God-given destiny, gift, potential or talent. Then, you have to acknowledge and believe that your best is yet to come. For, whoever that acknowledges and believes that his or her best is yet to come will never think or say that he or she has arrived.

Emeasoba George

One's emotions and attitude are self-directed. That is to say, yours are under your own control and not you under them. Therefore, do control your emotions and attitude towards life and towards your fellow humans. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Leadership is a call to serve the populace or group of people and not at all a call for the populace or group of people to serve you. Secondly, leadership is a call to enrich the lives of the populace or group of people via your policies, programmes and projects. It is never a call to enrich your own self. Conclusively, leadership is a privilege to positively impact the lives of the populace or group of people. It is as well an opportunity to leave behind landmarks for posterity, that will equal

Emeasoba George

There is nothing you have presently that is really an entitlement to you. Yes! you heard me right as ever, your riches, wealth, fame, qualifications, job, career, business, houses, cars, husband, wife, children and stuffs like that are all end results or end products of God's infinite Grace and mercy. So come on, show gratitude to God for his infinite mercy and grace upon your life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The fact that you are still alive is an obvious proof that God still has some things to accomplish in you or your life. I mean, you are an unfinished mission or project in God's hands. Oh! yes, God is not yet through with you, until he is through with you. Thus, be hopeful for life and never hopeless. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do not expect everyone to agree with all your thoughts, actions, speeches, write-ups and publications. For, some people are bound to tear and pull you down to pieces. That is to say, some people must harshly criticize all or some of your opinions and actions. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Dare to ask questions whenever you are not clarified. Never feel too wise or too educated to learn something new from someone else or others. For, you don't know it all and you will never know it all. Yes! learning is meant to be a continuous process. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is beyond human description or definition. That is to say, it can never be overemphasized, no matter how well you try to describe it or define it. In fact, there is more to it (Love) than you can imagine. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Get rid of the mentality that I CAN'T and get used to the mentality that I CAN. That is to say, you've got to think and speak positively at all times. Because, if you often think and speak positively. Believe you me, positive results will always show up for you. Yes of course, positive thinking and speaking evoke strength, initiatives, ideas, goodies, possibilities, realities and stuffs like that. But, the reverse will be the case if you resolve to keep on thinking and speaking negatively. So, n

Emeasoba George

If you inhabit a positive mindset. You will surround yourself with positive encounters that build an empire of possibilities. Thus, desist from negative thoughts. For, a negative mindset is bound to utter negative words. And that must at the long run yield a negative outcome. So, inspite of your current hardships or challenges dare to think positively. Because, it pays incredibly. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Count your blessings and not at all your deficiencies. That is to say, be grateful for whatever you have in your possession presently. And never be worried nor complain about your lacks. Because, anything you have now is what you really need. Besides, anything God refuses to give to you presently believe you me, you don't really need it for now. Oh! yes, God only gives you what you actually need at the moment. And never what you merely want. Mind you, God's gifts or grants are ever the best for

Emeasoba George

Accept and accommodate everything and everyone. In other words, never isolate or reject anyone in your Life. For, a good person gives you Happiness. A bad person gives you Experience. Whereas, the so called worst person teaches you a Lesson. Moreover, your favourite person gives you memories that live on. - Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you are left alone never mind. Because, you will end up realizing and utilizing the real you in you. That is to say, you will eventually discover and utilize the latent and God-given potentials in you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In life things may not change for you until and unless you change your words, thoughts and attitude as a person. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What lies before you matters more than whatever that lies behind you. In other words, whatever you think that you have lost in the past is nothing to be compared to what is obtainable for you in the future. Now that implies, you have to disregard your past life or past glory. And do regard only the fabulous future ahead of you. For, believe you me. What the future holds in stock for you is better off than whatever you think you have lost previously. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do you long to make the world a better place? If Yes then, live for others and keep on living for others, change your attitude or lifestyle, love all truly and as well show equal rights, respect and justice to everyone. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do you hate at the expense of love? If Yes, then you've got to do away with hatred and afterwards replenish yourself with true love. For, the call to truly love all and sundry is a divine command. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Blaming yourself or others for what went wrong is a waste of time and energy. So, if you think you have done anything or anyone wrong. Just go ahead and fix it up or correct it or rather correct yourself in order not to repeat it again. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Be kind to anyone you come across. That is to say, make a helpful contribution to him or her. For, you will be rewarded someday by God or even by the same person. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case. Now, what has been or could be your expectation? Could it be fame or obscruity, greatness or commonness, riches or poverty, grace or disgrace, mess or mercy, success or failure? However, in case you don't know, the scripture says that your expectations shall not be cut off or denied, scripture reference (Proverbs 24:14, Proverbs 23:18). Although, your expectations may be delayed, but the delay will be just for a while. Yes


Faith is a firm belief that God can do and change all things, no matter how bad, big or small it seems. Yes! God can do and change all things. Whatever he (God) leaves undone or unchanged is just what he does not want to do or change. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never compare your life with someone else's life. You have no idea what he or she does secretly i.e. behind your back. Forgive all things and everyone. Never overdo anything, have a limit and keep to it. Don't take yourself and life so seriously. Overlook some things sometimes. Never waste your precious energy or time on gossip. Utilize your God-given energy and time. Dream big, be a visionary and dare to pursue your dreams and visions unyieldingly until you realize them. Envy is a waste of time


Your actions ought to be louder than your words. Moreover, your actions do tell people more about you rather than your words. Besides, it is the collection of your actions that will eventually beget your reputation and never your words. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never compare your life with someone else's life. For, you have no idea what he or she does secretly i.e. behind your back. Don't have negative thoughts over things that you can't control. And refuse to bear grudges against anyone right here or out there. In other words, forgive all things and everyone. Never over do anything, have a limit and keep to it. Don't take yourself and life so seriously. For, you ought not to do that. I mean, disregard or overlook some things sometimes. Never waste y

Emeasoba George

Anyone who is hateful rather than loveful is most likely to be discourteous. That is to say, he or she is most probable to be rude and as well to lack consideration, sympathy and respect for others. Therefore, be loveful for life and never hateful. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Come what may now or subsequently. Never give up on what God has called you to do. That is to say, your destiny. For sooner or later in your lifetime, the End will justify the means. I mean, you will surely have a cause to be happy that you fulfilled your destiny. Because, to the best of my knowledge no one has ever regretted fulfilling his or her destiny. And so, believe you me, your own case will not be different. You can take my words for it/that. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Thinking negatively rather than positively is synonymous with sowing tares and yet expecting to harvest maize or corn someday. Yes! that is just what it is like. Therefore, introspect your thoughts and then think positively at all times and never negatively. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You COUNT. Oh! yes, anyone who thinks or speaks otherwise is just your critic and he or she is looking down on you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Whenever you are criticized for any reason. You should not feel embarrassed. Rather, all you've got to do whenever you are criticized is to prove your critic right or wrong. But I urge you, strive by all means to prove your critic wrong and never right. So that your critic will end up being ashamed of himself or herself. In fact, he or she will regret ever criticizing you at all. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Forgiving your offender or defaulter does not only help him or her. Moreover, it helps you that was offended to be at peace with your own self and most importantly with God (Almighty). Yes! you heard me right as usual. Besides that, anyone who refuses to forgive his or her fellow human is an enemy of God. And until and unless he or she forgives his or her offender or defaulter. He or she (the person in question) will never be in good terms with God (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You've got to stop mingling with the crowd. For, you were born and meant to stand out and never to mingle with the crowd. So what? dare to stand out and then make a difference. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every Adversity of Life is an Advancement. Although, it may be worrisome sometimes. But never mind. Because, at the long run. You will be advanced by it. For, every Adversity is designed to reinforce you to become stronger enough in Life and never weaker. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Destiny is ever critical to all human lives and future. I mean, destiny has a decisive importance in the success or failure of every human undertaking or endeavour including yours. And so, quest for your God-given destiny and strive to fulfill it at all cost. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Destiny is meant by God to be the making of all and sundry i.e. destiny is predetermined by God to bring about everyone's success or favourable development. Therefore, endeavour to discover and fulfill your God-given destiny. For you will surely be glad that you did. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Legacy is what lives on after one's demise. You will surely die someday. But, the legacy you will succeed in leaving behind will outlive you. So, strive to leave positive legacies. -Emeasobs George

Emeasoba George

Legacy is simply what you will be remembered for or celebrated for after your demise. In other words, legacy is all about what you've succeeded in building or destroying during your lifetime. Yes! that is it. Anyway, endeavour to succeed in leaving only positive legacy behind rather than negative aspect of it. For, positive legacy is the only legacy that is ever worth leaving behind for the posterity ahead. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The driving force behind every career or profession is nothing else but passion. Yes! it (passion) kindles and rekindles one's desire to pursue and realize a vision or aspiration all over again and again, until he or she decides to retire. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Anyone who is passionate will never be fed up with whatever he or she does. Yes! because, the driving force of passion will keep on moving him or her forward and never backward. For, passion kindles and rekindles one's urge or desire throughout his or her undertaking, career or profession until and unless he or she decides to retire. Thus, you've got to be passionate and remain passionate in all you do. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never you allow your hopes and aspirations to be overshadowed by fears and anxieties. Moreover, never you feel guilty over your past mistakes or errors by stopping to believe in yourself and the future ahead of you. For, God and time must surely make a positive difference in your life. Oh! yes, if and once there is still an iota of life in you. Believe you me, your life is still full of hopes. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Age is just a number. That is to say, your age should not discourage you from pursuing and realizing a new dream, vision or aspiration. Thus, disregard your age. For, it does not matter. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Avarice is reprehensible acquisitiveness, excessive and insatiable desire to acquire or possess more wealth, riches or material gain than one needs or deserves. In other words, avarice is the highest level of greed or greediness. Now listen up, wealth or success is good and worthwhile too. But, you should not quest for it desperately, fraudulently or dubiously. Besides that, genuine wealth or success is meant to be acquired or achieved overtime and not at all overnight. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A rich person is not actually he or she who has made enough money for himself or herself only. Rather, a truly rich person is one who has made enough money for the betterment (improvement) of other people's lives. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Guess what drives the world like nothing else does? It is passion. And it will forever remain the driving force behind all careers and professions. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Death is a matter of course. That is to say, it is a natural and expected thing. In other words, every living human will surely die someday. Yes! you heard me right. Even Jesus Christ (God incarnate) who was fully human and now fully God tasted it (death). So, who are you? and what makes you think you won't taste it (death) someday? Anyway, never be scared about it (death). Because, it (death) is just a transition from mortality (physical world) into immortality (afterworld), that is that (perio


Death is a fact of life. That is to say, it is something that must be faced, encountered, accepted and tasted by all humans and living things someday, although it is unpalatable most especially to humans. But, never be bothered about it and never be afraid of it (death). For, it is nothing but life's change agent. That is it (period). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The Bible is the Greatest book of wisdom and knowledge ever written and published. In fact, it is the most widely read book in the world, the most fiercely debated and the most often quoted book in history. Thus, the Bible is the Greatest book of all time. It is a collection of books that encompasses past or ancient stories, chronicles, teachings, laws, parables, proverbs, psalms, teachers, preachers, heroes, heroines, saints, kings, queens, prophecies, prophets, prophetesses, miracles, warnings

Emeasoba George

Insight is an ability to gain uncommon, accurate and deep understanding into something or a situation which will eventually lead to problem solving or conflict resolution. However, irrespective of anybody's riches, affluence, pomp, intelligence or personality, without insight he or she is like the beasts that perish (Psalms 49:20). Now, that is to say evidently, right inside every genuine successful man or woman lies an insight. In other words, any meaningful and positive legacy or impact is tra

Emeasoba George

Ingratitude is thinking nothing of what has been done or given to you by someone else. That is to say, not feeling bound to show gratitude. In other words, ingratitude is a discreditable lack of gratitude. In fact, it is simply lack of appreciations or thanks for something given or done to you or to someone else. Yes! you heard me right and that is just what it is. So, you've got to show gratitude to others for every bit of their kindness, love, care, gift and stuffs like that which you have alr

Emeasoba George

Life is a one time experience. Thus, endeavour to give it all you've got now that you are still alive. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God (Almighty) is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. That is to say, God is fantastically and extraordinarily good, wonderful and awesome all-round. In fact, God is indescribable and incomparable. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God (Almighty) is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. That is to say, God is fantastically and extraordinarily good, wonderful and awesome all-round. In fact, God's Greatness is incomparable. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Challenges are simply part of life. They do appear just for a while and then fade away like flowers. Thus, never mind your challenges. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Ungratefulness is a habitual act of being unappreciative or unthankful for something done for oneself or for someone else. Have you been ungrateful or grateful all the while? However, you should be grateful to everyone for everything. But most importantly, you ought to be more grateful to God (Almighty) from whom all blessings flow. Moreover, every good and perfect thing you have at your possession now came from him (James 1:17). Although, he gave them to you through humans. Nevertheless, regard

Emeasoba George

As a human it is normal for you to get annoyed sometimes. Yes! but you should not be irritable (don't be easily annoyed or angered). For instance, if someone says are you stupid? to your own self or to someone else around you. You don't have to be annoyed. Because, that is just a question and which you are expected to respond Yes or No or better still keep quiet alternatively. But most times, when such statement is made, many people often misconcept or mistake it to be an insult. Anyway, take no


Hope is a river full of expectations or anticipations. Therefore, do dive into it and swim as long as you live. Even if whatever you are doing presently seems abortive. For, surely a hopeful life is bound to be a successful life. Yes! It is a matter of time. But contrariwise, a hopeless life is likely to emerge a worthless life. So, be hopeful and remain hopeful for life and never hopeless. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Anything worth having is equally worth fighting for. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Happiness is a self-therapy or medication that cures all manner of depressions and dejections. Yes! you heard me right. So come on, dare to be happy and remain happy, no matter your present condition. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Refusing and insisting not to lower your own standard in order to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs is just what it really means to be principled in life. Are you principled or unprincipled? However, you should be principled in all you do in life. Because, to be principled is just like to be self-controlled and whoever that is principled or self-controlled cannot and will never be tossed around by anyone or anything. Yes! you heard me right. Besides that, it pays to be principled at a

Emeasoba George

Authoritativeness is one of the attributes of true leadership. In other words, whoever that professes to be a true leader should be authoritative in nature. I mean, he or she is expected to be commanding respect and he or she should be self-confident as well, wherever he or she goes. Besides that, for Clarification's sake, to be commanding respect means to be respectable or rather to be worthy of other people's respect. Whereas, to be self-confident means to believe in one's own ability, worth a


Everyone counts, including you (personally). Oh! yes, anyone who says that you don't count is either a hater, a racist or a bigot (period). ~Emeasoba George


Anyone who professes to be an ideal leader or a true leader has to be selfless, accountable, transparent, principled, inspiring, punctual, humble, responsible and responsive all-round and at all times. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Passion, experience, willingness to learn and tireless quest for more insights are the roots of all knowledge and wisdom. ~Emeasoba George


Do away with all your worries and regrets. What am I trying to say in essence? I'm saying that you should cast all your worries or regrets on God. For, he (God) cares for you scripture reference (1st Peter 5:7). Mind you, if you keep on worrying or regretting, you cannot and will not help your condition. Rather, you will end up worsening it. But, when you cast all your worries on God. He will surely put his peace or calmness in your heart and life and as well he will take care of you. Yes of cou

Emeasoba George

Celebrate Valentine's day Giftwise and not Sexwise, unless you are legally married. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do spread true love wherever you go or wherever you find yourself. For, you've got to be spreading true love everywhere and every time. Besides that, true love per se is worth spreading all over again and again, unlike untrue love (hatred) which is ever uncalled for. ~Emeasoba George


No matter what happens, imbibe and show true love to all and sundry. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True Love Pays, Never Mind What It Takes. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True love is meant to be proven and not just to be spoken. Thus, you've got to prove your love to whoever you profess to love by sharing all you have with him or her including your God-given riches, money, time, talent, gift, knowlegde, inspirations, insights and stuff like that. Note: any marriage or relationship right here or out there which is devoid of sharing is not genuine at all. Yes, you heard me right as usual. Sharing is an act of true love. I mean, there is love in sharing. And so, sh


True love is an unconditional love. That is to say, it is a love or relationship devoid of any segregation, stigmatization, discrimination, intimidation, limitation or restriction. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Anybody who is devoid of a living faith and God's Grace is a LIVING DEATH. That is to say, he or she or the life in question is a life of complete misery. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Anyone who is devoid of true love is undoubtedly devoid of kindness. Yes! you heard me right and mind you, anybody who is devoid of kindness is equally cruel or inhumane. I mean, he or she is abysmal (extremely bad). You can say I said so anyway. ~Emeasoba George


True love should not be heedless. That is to say, true love ought not to be showing a reckless lack of care or attention. In other words, every true love should be caring and considerate at all times. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True love is not just meant to flow out of your mouth. It is also meant to outflow from your heart and then felt by someone else or others. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Feeling of love without expressing it is like wrapping a gift and yet refusing to give it out to someone whom it is meant for. And you ought to agree with me that an unpresented gift is never appreciated, unles­s and until it is presented to someone whom it is meant for. Now, that is to say true love is meant to be expressed orally, practically and otherwise. Oh! yes, love is more than just a feeling. So, it should be showcased or shared. I mean, mere feeling of love is incomplete, until and unl

Emeasoba George

Unless and Until you showcase your love to someone else or others you have not yet started loving truly. For, it takes two or more to tangle or tango. That is to say, the impact of your love ought to be felt maximally by someone else or others. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True Love gives up Its rights just to be right. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A determined person does not find it hard to succeed in life (in whatever he or she does). Rather, he or she finds it hard to quit. Now, that's why every determined person often ends up a success story. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Genuine love loves all and sundry without conditions, it loves without expectations and it loves without complaints. In other words, genuine love is ever patient and tireless (it bears or tolerates all flaws, mistakes, short- comings, weaknesses, insults or disappointments) come what may. That is to say, true love is complaisant in nature (it is willing to please others). I mean, it is not self-seeking (it has the best interest of others at heart). Moreover, its hopes are fadeless under all ci

Emeasoba George

Genuine love loves all and sundry without conditions, it loves without expectations and it loves without complaints. In other words, genuine love is ever patient and tireless (it bears or tolerates all flaws, mistakes, short-comings, weaknesses, insults or disappointments) come what may. That is to say, true love is complaisant in nature (it is willing to please others). I mean, it is not self-seeking (it has the best interest of others at heart). Moreover, its hopes are fadeless under all circu


To love is good, to be loved is better. But, to love and be loved back in return by the person you love is the best. I mean, that's just true love. Thus, never take true love for granted. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True Love is sacrificial and not sentimental. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is of great importance. Yes! that is why its importance can never be overemphasized. No wonder it is a bond that solidifies every marriage. It also gives meaning to every relationship. In fact, there is more to love than anyone can think or imagine. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What it takes to sustain every relationship is just compromise. Yes! besides, whoever that longs to be a true love or leader must be a compromiser of his or her right, interest or comfort. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What it really means to love unconditionally is just to love all and sundry without any segregation, limitation, restriction, intimidation or stigmatization. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

What it takes to sustain every relationship is just compromise. That is to say, mutual concession. Yes! whoever that longs to be a true love must be a compromiser of his or her rights, interests, comfort and time. Besides that, every true love or lover is expected to share whatever he or she has with his or her spouse or partner. For, without compromise and sharing there can't be and there won't be any lasting relationship. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Women do learn how to be submissive to your husbands, because it brings about true love. Besides, nothing weakens a man like a humble wife. Yes! you heard me right, you can and will terminate marriage pressure by submitting to your husband. Moreover, any woman who shows off how more intelligent or better off she is than her husband will sooner or later have high blood pressure as her nemesis or punishment. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A true love or an ideal love is never an illusion i.e. it's a reality. Although, it's now a rare bird i.e. it's uncommon nowadays. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is ever indispensable. Oh! Yes, whoever that says love is dispensable is unknowingly saying that God is dispensable. For, God himself is love (1st John 4:8). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Genuine success is never meant to come to you or to anyone else on a platter of gold or silver. Yes! you ought to either create it yourself, work it out yourself, go for it proactively, courageously and unyieldingly or you associate with those who are already successful and who are willing to act as catalysts towards the actualization or realization of your own prospective genuine success. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

An obvious proof of true love or leadership is self-sacrifice i.e. giving up one's own interest or comfort just to help others or to advance a cause. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You are not average. Yes! you are above average or rather you are excellent. Besides that, you are a unique combination of DNA that has never been known and will never be seen again in this world. Thus, do all you love to do most positively, uniquely, impactfully and passionately. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You should love all. But you should not trust everyone. For, every human is not trustworthy. Yes! So, love all and trust only a few people. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Dare to think the world of true love always. That is to say, have a very high regard for true love which covers up or neglects all flaws and all differences. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God is Love and Love is every good thing and every good thing is Love. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Welcome to February (the month of Love). May you experience and show true love (affection, care and lots of happiness) to someone else or others throughout this February and beyond. Happy new month ahead anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

There is hope beyond failure. Yes! So, never be depressed or discouraged if you encounter failure. Because, failure is an opportunity for you make your life more beautiful and more fascinating than it would have been if you had not failed. - Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Anyone who is full of God's Grace will soar and keep on soaring like an eagle throughout his or her lifetime. Oh! yes, God's Grace can take you to the highest altitude even to the zenith or peak of your career or business. So, ask for and quest for the fullness of God's Grace in all you do. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Hopefulness leads to overcoming hopelessness and self-confidence brings about belief in oneself or your own self. So come on, be hopeful and dare to believe in your own self as well. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never ever give up on your dream, vision or aspiration. If you encounter failure or difficulty. Just do a course correction and then press on. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you dare to chase after the giver and author (God) of every good and perfect gift rather than any other thing. Believe you me, you will certainly realize your full potential and maximize your life and future. Because, it is written in (Matthew 6:33). Seek you first and foremost the kingdom of God and its righteousness. Then, every other than thing that you never sought for will be added unto you as a bonus including riches, fame, greatness and stuffs like that. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Forbearance is an indispensable key to a lasting marriage or relationship. That is to say, without patience, tolerance and magnanimity (forgiveness) there can't be any lasting marriage or relationship. Yes! It takes patience, tolerance and magnanimity (forgiveness) to experience a lasting marriage or relationship. As a matter of fact, whoever that lacks patience, tolerance and (forgiveness) cannot and will never experience a lasting marriage or relationship. Anyway, do you really long for a last


Carpe diem: That is to say, seize each day, make the most of today in order to enjoy your life and yourself eventually. Because, everyday is a privilege given to you by God to utilize and maximize. Thus, never waste any day. Rather, spend everyday positively, wisely, judiciously and industriously as well. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You can get rid of limitations off your mind. Yes! you can do just that. Thus, do so now. For, you will surely, sooner or later break the shackles of limitations and as well go to many places in your lifetime. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you can get rid of limitations off your mind. Then, you will surely, sooner or later break the shackles of limitations and as well go to many places in your lifetime. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Limitations do not exist actually unless and until you harbour them within your own thoughts. That is to say, you can only be limited by your own thoughts, (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

It is up to you to make your choices. But mind you, your choices will surely and eventually make you or mar you. Yes! besides that, all other things being equal. Where you are in life presently is a sum total of the choices you have made in the past. Thus, always choose wisely. ~Emeasoba George


The choices you made yester years are instrumental to whoever and wherever you are currently. Moreover, the choices you are making presently and the ones you are about to make in the future will also become instrumental to whoever and wherever you will be or become subsequently. Thus, you've got to choose wisely and positively and never unwisely or negatively. I mean, beware of your choices. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Decisions or choices have changed many lives either positively or negatively. And they can change yours as well either positively or negatively. So, always decide or choose wisely. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Everyday that passes by shortens your lifetime or life span. Yes! you heard me right. So, you've got to make everyday count. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In order to get to anywhere. You have to begin from somewhere. Note: how, when or where you begin anything doesn't matter. Yes! what matters is the End. For, it is the end that justifies the means and not the means that justifies the end. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

In order to realize your dreams, visions or aspirations. You should take a flyer. That is to say, dare to take chances or rather dare to make a choice or take a decision with an uncertain outcome. Mind you, a coward does not achieve a lot of things in his or her lifetime. Now that means, you are expected to be courageous all the way. Because, a single chance or risk which you will resolve to take now or subsequently is most likely to change or turn your life around positively. Thus, dare to take

Emeasoba George

Capital, land, labour and entrepreneurship are indispensable factors of production. Likewise, self-esteem and self-confidence are prerequisites for achievement of genuine success. Yes! for until and unless you value yourself and believe in yourself as well as in your ability, you will hardly achieve genuine success. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

If you've not been dreaming and thinking big all the while. You've got to start dreaming and thinking big in order to become big eventually. For, high perception, imagination, anticipation and expectation do precede high success, achievement and attainment. I mean, you can and will achieve whatever you can perceive, imagine, anticipate and expect. Besides that, anybody who longs or aspires to emerge or become a millionaire or billionaire someday must think, speak and act like a millionaire or bi

Emeasoba George

Every issue or matter has an option or rather you do have an option. Yes! you heard me right. You can choose either life or death, hard work or laziness, success or failure, riches or poverty, excellence or mediocrity, grace or disgrace, forgiveness or unforgivingness, righteousness or unrighteousness, covetousness or contentedness, morality or immorality, patience or impatience, fame or obscurity, peace or war, wisdom or foolishness, strength or weakness, knowledge or ignorance, understanding o


Everything that life unfolds or offers is transient. That is to say, it lasts only for a short time. So, if life is fair to you, do appreciate God and then, enjoy, celebrate and share life's fairness positively and cheerfully. But, if life is unfair to you never worry. For, tough times never last. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Access to Internet is an access into a Great wealth of knowledge and information. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every imagination can become a reality. Besides that, every dream, vision and aspiration can be realized with God, time, passion, courage, hard work, resilience and persistence. Conclusively, that is to say, every so called impossibility can become a possibility and then a reality. For, everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done. ~Emeasoba George


Every marathon race starts with one step forward. Moreover, a single letter or word marks or begins an article or a book. Even the journey of a thousand mile begins with a step. That is to say, you have to begin from somewhere in order to get to anywhere. Thus, dare to start something new. For, you will gradually and eventually grow big or rather succeed. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

With the best will in the world i.e. no matter how fascinating your intention, dream, vision or aspiration seems to you. Without passion and determination it will end up completely unrealized or rather willy-nilly. In other words, it will end up being realized or done haphazardly and miserably. Thus, you've got to be and remain passionate and determined all the way. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Listen up, it does not matter how much money you have or how much wealth you have acquired over the years. Yes! what really matters is how many people you have enriched already with your money and wealth. As a matter of fact, no one is going to remember you and celebrate you for just being rich and stingy. Note: you can only be remembered and celebrated perpetually for being rich and generous, (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You ought to be dreaming big. But wait a second, how can you know if your dream is big enough or not? It is so easy, if your dream does not seem unrealizable to others then, it is not big enough. Yes! you heard me right, your dreams should seem unrealizable to others and not to your own self. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Dreaming big is advisable and encouraging too. But mind you, in order to make your dream a reality. You have to pull your weight. That is to say, endeavour to do what you ought to do and when you ought to do it. Because, doing just that will speedily metamorphose your dreams into realities. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Those who are most likely to achieve their goals, dreams, aspirations or ambitions in life are only those who are ready to pay the price. For, nothing of value is without a price tag. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Thank God (Almighty). Because, your life is an act of his Grace. That is to say, your life is a privilege. And so, you should never take it granted. In other words, you are specially blessed for being alive (no matter your present condition). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Food for thought. You ought to do these four things as often as possible. Firstly, you've got to quest for and acquire whatever you need. Secondly, you ought to appreciate­ and enjoy your needs when you finally acquire them. Thirdly, you've got to share your needs that you've acquired already with someone else or people out there i.e. someone or people that you are better off or rather the less privileged around you or afar off. The last but never the least. Most importantly, you've got to ackno

Emeasoba George

A failure is nobody else but anyone who fails to accomplish or complete whatever he or she has started already. Yes! you are not and can't be a failure until and unless you withdraw or decline from accomplishing or completing your career, destiny, goal, mission, dream, vision, aspiration and what have you? So come on, endeavour by all means to accomplish or complete whatever you've left unfinished or unaccomplished all the while. Never forget, refusing to do just that will automatically make you

Emeasoba George

A challenge is often worrisome. But with time, it would be worth it. So never mind your present or subsequent challenges, no matter how worrisome they may seem to you. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A call to truly love all and to support or sponsor a good cause is just a walk-through i.e. it is an undemanding task or role. Yes! you heard me right. All it takes is just concession, mutual compassion, a large heart and a cheerful heart. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

(My Article Of Faith) This is my strongly held belief. I'm not here on earth coincidentally or by chance. Rather, I'm here on earth for a divine predetermined purpose or mission i.e. to fulfill my God-given uncommon destiny. Guess what? I cannot and will not fulfill my destiny miserably NO not at all. Instead, I can and will surely fulfill my God-given destiny in a grand style. Oh! Yes, I can and I will do just that even against all odds. That's just my own article of faith. I don't know about y

Emeasoba George

Salvation of a soul is the easiest and cheapest thing to acquire. But, guess what? it's the most difficult and most expensive to sustain or maintain. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A call to love all is a matter of life and death i.e. it's a matter of vital importance. Besides, the scripture says, whoever that hates anyone is a murderer or murderess and no murderer or murderess can and will inherit God's kingdom (1st John 3:15) Q.E.D. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Basically and often it takes courage to go after and suppress a task or challenge. Are you courageous at all? If Yes then, how courageous are you? If No then, you've got to be courageous. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

More or less, what causes desperation, depression or hopelessness is nothing else but lack of motivation and inspiration i.e. anyone who is not often inspired or motivated is likely to become despaired, desperate or hopeless in life. But on the other hand, anyone who is often inspired and motivated will hardly feel depressed, despaired or hopeless in life. Therefore, do source, search and always go for inspirations and motivations as often as you can. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

I'm writing and posting never to please or displease anyone. Rather, I'm writing and posting just to express, publicize and inculcate my thought-provoking ideas, quotes and insights. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every true leader or true love is meant to be a man or woman of his or her own words. In other words, he or she should strive to keep to his or her promises. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Difficulty is designed to discomfort you just for a while. But, afterwards and eventually, it will comfort you.

Emeasoba George

An opportunist is a person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise or show up, regardless of planning and principle. Permit me to tell you this, whoever that longs to realize or achieve all his or her dreams, visions or aspirations in life should be and remain an opportunist to the core. ~Emeasoba George


Dream big and dare to pursue your dreams tirelessly. For, failure to do just that is nothing else but an act of cowardice. ~Emeasoba George


Belief precedes acquisition, realization or attainment of anything or any level. Oh! Yes, you can acquire, realize or attain anything, any aspiration, any goal, any height or any level in life if only you do believe undoubtedly that you can. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Possibility or Impossibility is a matter of one's own mindset. For, if you think that you can do something, then you can and will. But, if you think you can't do anything, then you can't and won't. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A true leader is meant to be thinking and asking of what he or she can do for his or her subjects and not at all what his or her subjects can do for him or her. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A promise is meant to be kept or fulfilled and not at all to be broken. Yes! you heard me right. You shouldn't make any promise that you can't keep or fulfill. So, endeavour to fulfill all your promises no matter how or when you made them. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Vain glory or vanity is nothing else but excessive pride, regard, trust, hope, admiration or dependence in one's own or someone else's riches, wealth, social status, family background, qualification, beauty, handsomeness or stuffs like that. Oh! yes, that's just what vain glory or vanity is all about. So, beware of that. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Vision is a mental image or picture of what the future could be or would look like. Permit me to tell you this, a visionary is more insightful and more foresighted than an ambitionary. What am I trying to say? I'm saying that a visionary sees the future with an eagle's eye. Whereas, an ambitionary only sees the present moment. Moreover, vision always brings provisions to the visionary. While, ambition often leads to frustration. That signifies, it pays to be a visionary rather than an ambitionar

Emeasoba George

Immortality is defined as the indefinite continuation of a person's existence even after death. In other words, it is a never-ending existence, regardless of whether or not the body dies. I mean, it is the state of being able to live perpetually. That is to say, an immortal being is anyone who has achieved immortality (enduring fame). And consequently, he or she will never be forgotten. Because, he or she deserves to be remembered and celebrated globally or perpetually. Now listen up, many morta

Emeasoba George

You are just a mortal i.e. you are subject to death. But guess what? You can achieve immortality i.e. you can live perpetually even after your demise just by succeeding in achieving an enduring fame via living for others now that you're still alive. Yes of course, you can achieve immortality. For, many mortals like you have already achieved immortality, just because they lived for others throughout their lifetimes e.g. Zig Ziglar, William Shakespeare, Chinua Achebe, Nelson Mandela, Mother T

Emeasoba George

If you've succeeded in giving hope to the hopeless, you've (unknowingly) equally succeeded in achieving immortality. As well, if you've succeeded in enriching someone else's life or other people's lives. Then, believe you me, you've equally succeeded in achieving immortality. For, what it takes to achieve immortality is just to give hope (future) to the hopeless (the futureless) or rather to enrich someone else's life or other people's lives. Thus, do you long to achieve immortality eventually?

Emeasoba George

Anyone who has achieved immortality is never afraid to die someday. Yes! because his or her fame or legacy will surely outlive him or her. I have achieved immortality all over the internet via my thought-provoking quotes, motivations and inspirations. In fact, my thought-provoking quotes and my words of wisdom will surely and eventually outlive me or rather live on after my demise. And guess what? I'm yet to achieve more of it (immortality) even beyond the internet setting through my up-com

Emeasoba George

A call to love all and sundry or to live for others is never a big ask i.e. it is not a difficult task to undertake. Yes! what it takes is just to realize that God almighty gave you all that you know and all that you have presently including your money, riches, wisdom and insights. And so, he (God) expects you to share it all with someone else or others. Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be) i.e. if something is destined to happen, no one can stop it from happening. Yes! it's a matter of time and no matter how unimaginable, unrealizable or unattainable it seems to you or anyone else. For instance, Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Barack Obama of Kenya/U.S.A became presidents against the expectation and imagination of the world. Just because, God is too faithful and well able to begin and actualize whatever he has predestined to do or b

Emeasoba George

Why God blesses us is for us to be a blessing to someone else or others. No one is made for himself or herself. Yes! besides that, if your life does not enrich other lives, then you are not actually living. I mean, you are just existing. In other words, you are expected to be a channel of blessing to someone else or others as long as you live here (on earth). Season's Greetings anyway. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Christmas season is all about giving or rather it's a time of giving (tangible gifts, money or intangible gifts) to someone else or others. Thus, endeavour to be a blessing to someone else or others this season. Listen up, never claim that you don't have something to share with someone else or others. For, nobody is too poor to give. Yes! everyone has something to share with someone else or others. Besides that, God himself the author of true love gave us (humans) his ultimate and his

Emeasoba George

You can be charitable (generous) without being loveful (full of love). Yes! but dare to be charitable anyway. For, God almighty appreciates or rewards every act of charity. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is charity and charity is nothing else but life full of cheerful giving. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Dare to share everything you have with all and sundry or rather with the world including your God-given words of wisdom, insights, motivations, inspirations, money, riches, wealth and stuffs like that. For, that is the simplest way to achieve immortality. Besides, sharing is an act of charity or love. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

It's better off and more advisable to leave positive legacies behind than to leave your riches, wealth or money behind. Yes! because your riches, wealth or money can be squandered overnight by your posterity ahead i.e. your future generations ahead. But, guess what? Positive legacies like published writings, quotes, insights, books, speeches, motivations or inspirations cannot and will never be squandered by anyone. I mean, they will surely live on and last perpetually or forever. -Emeasoba

Emeasoba George

It takes only discovery and fulfillment of one's destiny to set thames on fire i.e. to achieve something amazing or exceptional or to do something which can bring great public acclaim. Yes! discovery and fulfillment of your destiny will surely and eventually make you to be celebrated and recognized not just by the public alone. But by the world at large and even the posterity. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

I'm writing and publishing not just for the present generation. I'm equally writing and publishing mostly or mainly for the posterity ahead of me (all future generations). As a matter of fact, I have succeeded in writing and publishing my ever-increasing and thought-provoking quotes all over the internet. Consequently, I have equally succeeded in making global impact and positively influencing or changing the thoughts, mindsets, lifestyles, beliefs and lives of millions of people via m

Emeasoba George

I'm assigned to globally and positively impact lives and to be a wonder to the world and eventually to be celebrated globally, even by the posterity ahead. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

I'm writing and publishing not to make (both) ends meet. Oh! yes, I'm just writing and publishing in order to enrich or touch enormous lives globally and to change people's thoughts, lifestyles and beliefs positively. Guess what! I've succeeded in doing just that. Besides, I've equally succeeded in making a global impact all over the internet and even beyond it via my God-given thought-provoking quotes, insights, ideas, motivations and inspirations. As a matter of fact,

Emeasoba George

I was not born just to live, die someday and then forgotten. Rather, I was born to leave my footprints behind on the sands of time and to leave landmarks behind for posterity. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

I do inspire and motivate you, the world and the posterity ahead not just for pleasure. But rather, I do inspire and motivate just to hearten you, the world and the posterity ahead. That is, I do inspire and motivate in order to encourage you, make you hopeful, more cheerful and confident. Yes! that's just why I do inspire or motivate you, the world and the posterity ahead. And guess what? I'm proud of that and glad for that as well. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Greatness is not reserved for certain group of persons. I mean, every human can achieve Greatness. For, the seed of Greatness is right inside everyone already. Yes! all you've got to do is just to discover why you are here (on earth) i.e. your God-given destiny and then strive to fulfill it (your God-given destiny) even against all odds. In case you don't know, you were not born just to exist, then die someday and be forgotten so soon. No not at all. Now listen up, you were born to inf

Emeasoba George

God is often more concerned with your availability than your ability i.e. God is more interested in you being available for him to use you as he longs. Yes! because he (God) can and will effortlessly empower or strenghten you even when you are extremely weak. Therefore, you've got to make yourself available for him. For, he truly longs to use you for every good work. He also desires to use you to change lives positively. He equally longs to use you to add value to lives. He as well longs to

Emeasoba George

Guess what bridges and covers up the gap or vacuum between the past and the present heroes or events? It is just compilation, documentation and publication of both the past and the present events, quotes, articles, writings, speeches, words, undertakings and stuffs like that. Thus, never ever hesitate nor fail to record, document, compile and publish all the positive and impactful things that you yourself or others have written already. Listen up, you ought to do just that if not for any other

Emeasoba George

Anyone who dares to speak or live positively notwithstanding his or her plight or ordeal and as well, he or she is always grateful to God for all things. Then, God will surely sooner or later make him or her a wonder to himself or herself or the world and even to the posterity ahead. Let's take king David as a case study. He (David) spoke or lived positively and all his lifetime he was often praisefulbor grateful to God even against all odds. No wonder, God took him to be a man after his ow

Emeasoba George

I'm not here on earth accidentally or coincidentally. Rather, I'm here (on earth) for a purpose. And until/unless I accomplish outrightly my purpose of being here (on earth). That is, to motivate, inspire, encourage, mentor, educate and to teach the world and posterity ahead via my thought-provoking quotes, motivations, inspirations and my upcoming books. Also, eventually to make a remarkable difference globally and to become a solution or an answer to the problems of millions of peopl

Emeasoba George

Sharing is caring. In other words, anyone who shares whatever he or she has or knows with you, really cares for you. For, it takes a caring heart to share-out. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never get too relaxed with who you are currently or with what you have achieved so far. Because, you may miss to become who you aspire to be or fail to achieve what you can still achieve. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Dare to add some value to the lives of others. Because each time you improve or better someone else's life. You are unknowingly sending forth a ripple of hope in what appears to be a hopeless life. You are as well giving a meaning to what seems to be a meaningless life. Yes of course, that's just what you would end up doing and achieving in someone else's life or other people's lives, each time you add some value to a life or more. Besides, it pays to do just that (mark you).

Emeasoba George

Never ever look down on anybody, no matter his or her present condition. For, condition changes with time. I mean, one who is nobody today can become somebody tomorrow (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Proverbs 19:21 says there are many devices or plans in every human heart. Nevertheless, it's God's will that shall prevail. That is to say obviously, God's will is bound to prevail over your own will (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love holds the field. That is to say, love is and remains the most important virtue among every other moral virtues. Therefore, you've got to be loveful (full of love) for life and never hateful (full of hate). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

The best gift you can give to a friend is honesty or trust. To your offender: forgiveness or second chance. To the needy or helpless: your God-given resources or riches. To your boss: loyalty and selfless service. To your country: patriotism. To your job or career: passion, hard work and commitment. To your child or children: quality education, affection and care. To your spouse or partner: true love and fidelity. To all and sundry or the world at large: true love, compassion, kindness, respect,


Whoever that worries over and over again is faithless or hopeless. Yes! if you're faithful or hopeful you shouldn't be worried about anything, no matter what battles you. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Psalms 66:12 says, you let men ride over our heads. We passed through water and fire. Yet, you finally brought us to a place of abundance. That is to say, God might allow you to pass through difficulties, hard times or diverse challenges in order to eventually make your life, future and end better off or worthwhile (mark you). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is a task given to us by God. That is to say, we all are assigned by God to love one another regardless our differences which could be sex, religion, tribe, race, colour, language. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Contentment is a matter of choice. In fact, nothing will make you contented until you choose to be contented. Oh! yes, no person will make you contented unless you decide to be contented. Contentedness will not come to you. It can only come from you (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

A generous person is anyone who freely gives out anything tangible or intangible even more than it's necessary or expected of him or her. Are you generous at all? If YES then, do keep the fire burning. But if NO then, you've got to have a rethink and afterwards dare to be generous and do remain generous. For, it really pays to be generous. You can take my words for it/that. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Persistence guarantees expected result i.e. a satisfactory outcome. Likewise, motivation or inspiration guarantees aspiration or ambition. Thus, endeavour to motivate or inspire someone else, others or the world as a whole as much as you can and as often as you can. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

God does not show love to us only when we have done perfectly well. Rather, he (God) loves us, even when we make mistakes and fail. Now, that is a perfect example of a true love, which can melt the hardest heart, heal the wounds of the so called broken hearted and even calm down a furious heart. And permit me to tell you this. That's equally the kind of love that we all ought to portray and share among one another. Yes! you heard me right and this is a call to love everyone unconditionally

Emeasoba George

Death is unavoidable, unimpeachably (beyond doubt and criticism). In fact, you can manipulate and escape every other fact of life except death itself. Besides that, every other fact of life has a solution excluding death. Oh! yes, you will surely die someday, sometime, somehow and somewhere. Thus, engage and indulge yourself in doing only something or things that can outlive you and speak for you perpetually after your demise. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never be carried away by anything or anyone no matter the beauty or handsomeness. In fact, you should not be carried away by fashion, because it changes with time. You don't have to be carried away by beauty or handsomeness, because it fades away with time. Refuse to be carried away by money or riches, because you are here (on earth) just for a little while. Oh! yes, no human can live forever i.e. no one can and will ever enjoy his or her riches or wealth forever (Proverbs 27:24). Moreover,

Emeasoba George

Nothing in our lives is arbitrary. I mean everything happens for a reason. That is to say alternatively, whatever you are experiencing presently is not coincidental and cannot be. Because, even the scripture says that everything works together for good of them that love God (Romans 8:28). Now that implies evidently, nothing goes for nothing in our lives or rather nothing happens for nothing. In other words, there is always a reasonable reason behind everything that happens in our lives. So come

Emeasoba George

You have something that no one else has or has ever had. Yes! as a matter of fact, you were born separately. And that's why, your fingerprint is unique, your brain is outstanding, your acumen is peculiar, your reasoning is unprecedented. In other words, everything about you is unusual or uncommon. Now that infers, you've got to be unique and remain unique in all your endeavours. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

True leadership is all about being verbally and attitudinally positive or active, humble, compassionate, passionate, foresighted, pragmatic and proactive simultaneously. Yes! that is it and that is that. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of any kind. Because you should know that testing of your faith stimulates perseverance in you. So says the scripture James 1:2-3. Now that obviously indicates trials and challenges are bound to come your way for as long as you are alive. But that also signifies, you shouldn't be overwhelmed by them. Because, they are naturally designed to test your faith. Moreover, they are aimed at inculcating the spirit of perseverance into you. Yes of cours

Emeasoba George

Your lifetime or life span is limited. Yes! you can't and won't live forever. I mean, you're here (on earth) just for a while. Thus, endeavour to live the life you are meant to live i.e. your predestined life. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Your unknown and unseen future is in the hands of the all-knowing and all-seeing God. Yes! God has already known and seen what your future would look like and what your end is going to be, even before your birth. Thus, never be bothered about your future and your end. For, God has got it all figured out and planned out. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

There is hope for everyone who is living, no matter his or her current condition. Oh! yes, a living dog is better off than a dead lion (mark you). -emeasoba george

Emeasoba George

Your past or yesterday is gone forever. So, forget it outrightly. The future is yet to come. Thus, never be bothered about it. Rather, plan for it and work towards it. Today is right before you. And so, you've got to utilize it and maximize it as well in order to avoid regrets eventually. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Your ability to withstand and overcome pressures, predicaments and challenges of life is what truly makes you indomitable (mark you). -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Some challenges of life are predestined and some obstacles of your past are meant to become the gateways and turning points that will take you to the next level of your life. Moreover, you are the deciding factor of your life. In other words, your destiny is in your hands. So come on, choose to be positive each day. Because, positivity attracts opportunity and opportunity per se stimulates creativity eventually. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Getting knocked down doesn't make anyone a failure. Yes! what really makes someone or anybody a failure is just his or her refusal to get up and fight on/fight off. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

You are a unique human who has never been seen or known on earth before. And your uniqueness will never be seen or known again. Yes, as a matter of fact, your fingerprint is peculiar, your acumen is outstanding, your reasoning is spectacular, your grasp is uncommon. In other words, everything about you is unprecedented. Thus, dare to be unique and remain uniqiue in all you do. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Do you long to become successful in all you do in life? If yes, then you have to be proactive, productive and innovative (simultaneously).-Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Every human is gifted. Yes! the issue is that many humans fail to discover and use their God-given gifts before their demise. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Internet is not just an information highway or expressway. It's also the easiest and fastest way to make a positive, global and long-lasting change or impact. So, do you long to make a positive, global and long-lasting change or impact? If yes then, utilize or maximize the internet as often as you can. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Proverbs (chapter 24:16) says, when the just falls, he gets back up. That's what the scripture says. Now that implies, if you are down presently may be due to circumstances beyond your control. You shouldn't be weighed down. Rather, what you've got to do is just to get back up to your feet and then press on. Do remember this, the down fall of any human is not the end of his or her life. Yes you heard me right as usual. No matter how woefully you think you've fallen already. I

Emeasoba George

Winners are not extraordinary persons. Rather, they are people who do allow themselves to be guided by principle. Now that is to say, Losers are those who refuse to be driven by principle. And anyone who is not driven by principle is being driven by sentiment. Oh! yes, there is no two ways about that. Therefore, you've got to be principled rather than sentimental. For, even decisions taken based on sentiment is never impactful. In other words, any impactful and successful decision is a prod

Emeasoba George

Success is not something you should pursue. Rather, it's something you have to attract by being hard-working. Therefore, work hard as much as you can. For, if you do work hard tirelessly. Believe you me. At the long run, your children will have to go to the dictionary and look for the meaning of hunger and poverty. Oh! yes, you won't just reap alone the reward of your hard work which is genuine success. Moreover, your children and others will enjoy it with you and celebrate you too for

Emeasoba George

Failure/Mistake is synonymous with speed bump which is never meant to permanently stop anyone or any car. Rather, it's strictly meant to slow one or a car down i.e. it is designed to temporarily reduce one's speed in his or her journey to genuine success or Greatness. Yes! that's just what failure or mistake does. Thus, never stop forging ahead come what may (regardless of failures or mistakes). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

To achieve the incredible, you should first and foremost forsee its possibility, acknowledge its possibility, believe in its realization and then most importantly, work hard (relentlessly) towards its actualization. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Never say the sky is your limit. Rather, say it's your starting point. For, there are footprints already in the moon i.e. you can break the shackles of limitations. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Once there is life there is equally an endless hope. Yes! And so, refuse to see a hopeless end as long as you are still alive. For, your life per se is a sign of hope (undoubtedly). ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Love is a word (an emotion) widely spoken and felt by many people. But, true love per se is only proven by a few people. Anyway, are you among the few persons who often prove their true love as much as they can? If Yes, do you have anything to show for it? If No, then you've got to prove it (true love) by all means possible, regardless of the cost. ~Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Life per se is an opportunity. And so, it is advisable and encouraging to give it all you've got now that you still have the chance. In other words, live your life to the fullest (make full use of whatever that life offers you daily) now that you are still alive. For, no matter who you are presently, you will be gone someday (mark you). ~Emeasoba George


Your life per se is a journey and like every other journey it will surely end someday, sometime, somewhere and somehow. So come on, engage yourself in doing only the things that can outlive you and speak for you globally or perpetually after your demise. Listen up, you can succeed in leaving behind an indelible mark here (on earth). As a matter of fact, many mortals like you have already succeeded in leaving behind their indelible marks here (on earth) by living for others and by enriching or to


A challenge is a test of time, overcoming a challenge is a sign of strength or resilience. On the other hand, long-suffering (bearing problems, insults or annoyance patiently) is nothing else but a proof of an unwavering faith (firm relying trust) in God (almighty). ~Emeasoba George


Do nothing for prosperity's sake. Rather, do everything you have to do for the sake of the posterity (all future generations ahead). Because, anything done for prosperity's sake does not last perpetually most times or rather it is not often impactful. But interestingly, whatever that is done for posterity's sake is ever impactful and will surely last perpetually. I mean, anything done for the sake of the posterity will surely be remembered and celebrated globally throughout the fu

Emeasoba George

King Solomon was a wise king and teacher too. Moreover, Plato was a wonderful teacher and inspirator. As well, Socrates was also an awesome teacher and inspirator. Zig Ziglar was equally a profound teacher and motivator. Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate is undoubtedly an inspiring teacher and motivator. Enoch Adeboye is an insightful teacher and preacher. Besides, David Oyedepo is a charismatic teacher and preacher among other teachers and inspirators like John C. Maxwell, Martin Luter King Jnr., Ma

Emeasoba George

Two good heads are better than one, not just any two heads. Now that infers, you ought to make common cause i.e. you ought to unite with someone else or others sometimes in order to achieve some of your targets, goals, dreams, visions or aspirations. So, dare to synergize. -Emeasoba George

Emeasoba George

Countless books have been written and published already by numerous authors, more books are being written and published presently somewhere and many more books will be written and published subsequently. As a matter of fact, Bill Gates has written and published insightful books, as well John C. Maxwell has written and published many worth reading books, Og Mandino wrote and published inspirational books, Les Brown has written and published motivational books, Zig Ziglar wrote and published many

Emeasoba George

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A Napoleon Bonaparte
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