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Global Writer, Wordster, Motivator, Inspirator And Author Of Numerous Thought-Provoking Quotes.

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The Bible is the Greatest book of wisdom and knowledge ever written and published. In fact, it is the most widely read book in the world, the most fiercely debated and the most often quoted book in history. Thus, the Bible is the Greatest book of all time. It is a collection of books that encompasses past or ancient stories, chronicles, teachings, laws, parables, proverbs, psalms, teachers, preachers, heroes, heroines, saints, kings, queens, prophecies, prophets, prophetesses, miracles, warnings, signs, wonders, mysteries, revelations (the past, present and future events collectively) and much more than that, including extraordinary insights or words of wisdom (encouragement) from Jesus Christ himself (the greatest teacher and inspirator of all time), king Solomon, king David, saint Paul among other ancient wise men and women. Billions of copies have been published and sold globally already. And many more copies will be published and sold sooner or later. In other words, the Bible has been read by the world as a whole. Even the posterity (all future generations ahead) will surely read the Bible. You can bet your bottom dollar. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Your life per se is a journey and like every other journey it will surely end someday, sometime, somewhere and somehow. So come on, engage yourself in doing only the things that can outlive you and speak for you globally or perpetually after your demise. Listen up, you can succeed in leaving behind an indelible mark here (on earth). As a matter of fact, many mortals like you have already succeeded in leaving behind their indelible marks here (on earth) by living for others and by enriching or touching numerous lives e.g. Mother Theresa, Maya Angelou, Henry Ford, Pat Robertson, Myles Munroe, Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Uma Ukpai, Og Mandino, Les Brown, Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jnr., Mahatma Gandhi, Bill Gates, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, Warren Buffett, William Shakespeare, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Zig Ziglar, Mark Zuckerberg, John Dewey, Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie Foundation, George Soros, John D. Rockefeller Snr., John D. Rockefeller Jnr., Rockefeller Family, Rockefeller Foundation, Sudha Murthy, J.R.D Tata, J.N Tata, Tata Family, Tata Group, Tata Motors, RVM, RVM foundation, Aliko Dangote, Dangote Foundation, Dangote Group, MTN Foundation, MTN Group, Robert F. Smith, Rochas Okorocha, Rochas Okorocha Foundation, Sir Emeka Ofor, Sir Emeka Ofor Foundation, Ifeanyi Ubah, Ifeanyi Ubah Foundation, among others. ~Emeasoba George


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Appreciation gives rise to motivation/multiplication. Let's take this as a case study. When Jesus Christ was faced with the task of feeding a multitude. The scripture says that he (Jesus Christ) first and foremost gave thanks to God. And just because he gave thanks to God. God was motivated to multiply the five loaves of bread/two fishes which he already had. Now that's why he (Jesus Christ) miraclously fed/overfed at a time 5,000 men excluding women and children, scripture reference (Mattew 14 and verse 17 through 21). Anyway, that evidently proves, appreciation truly gives rise to motivation which eventually leads to multiplication. Have you been unappreciative to God/your fellow humans all these while? If YES then, you've got to learn to appreciate your fellow humans. But most importantly, do appreciate God all the time/way even in time of scarcity/insufficiency of resources like money/food stuffs. Because if you dare to appreciate him (God) at all times. Then, he will be motivated to multiply whatever you have until you are wholly gratified/satisfied.

– Emeasoba George

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Ingratitude is thinking nothing of what has been done or given to you by someone else i.e. not feeling bound to show gratitude. I mean, ingratitude is a discreditable lack of gratitude. Yes! you heard me right and that is just what it is. So, you've got to show gratitude to all (everyone and everything) for every bit of kindness, love, care, gift and stuffs like that, which you've already received. And most importantly, never hesitate to show more and more gratitude to God (almighty) who gives you all that you ever need (the four necessities of life which are shelter, food, clothin­g and water) As well, always show gratitude to him (God) even for your life itself. Because, he is the sole giver and taker of every life including yours. Now listen up, you should show gratitude and you've got to resolve to show gratitude to all (everyone and everything). For, until and unless you resolve and learn to show gratitude to everyone and everything, you are an Ingrate and you will remain an Ingrate for life (period). You can say I said so, anyway. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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King Solomon was a wise king and teacher too. Moreover, Plato was a wonderful teacher and inspirator. As well, Socrates was also an awesome teacher and inspirator. Zig Ziglar was equally a profound teacher and motivator. Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate is undoubtedly an inspiring teacher and motivator. Enoch Adeboye is an insightful teacher and preacher. Besides, David Oyedepo is a charismatic teacher and preacher among other teachers and inspirators like John C. Maxwell, Martin Luter King Jnr., Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Chinua Achebe, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka, Chris Oyakhilome, Dr. Uma Ukpai, Paul Enenche, David Ogbueli, Matthew Ashimolowo, David Abioye etc. But above all, Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher and inspirator. And he will ever remain the greatest teacher and inspirator of all time. Because, he was the embodiment of divine wisdom, he is still the embodiment of divine wisdom and he will ever remain the embodiment of divine or extraordinary wisdom. Oh! yes, Jesus Christ is as well the epitome of divine wisdom. If you don't concur with me. Go ahead and read the scriptures (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). For, you will surely and eventually concur with me QED. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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1. Never compare your life with someone else's life. For, you have no idea what he or she does secretly i.e. behind your back. 2. Don't have negative thoughts over things that you can't control. And refuse to bear grudges against anyone right here or out there. In otherwords, forgive all things and everyone. 3. Never over do anything, have a limit and keep to it. 4. Don't take yourself and life so seriously. For, you ought not to do that. I mean, disregard/overlook somethings sometimes. 5. Never waste your precious energy/time on gossip or habits like that. Rather, utilize/maximize your God-given energy and time. 6. Dream big, be a visionary and dare to pursue your dream and vision unyieldinly until you realize them. 7. Listen up, envy is a waste of time. Yes! you already have all you need presently to survive. Any other thing which you think that you need to live comfortably will be given unto you by God in due course i.e. at the right and proper time. 8. Emancipate yourself from the issues of the past. I mean, stop living in your past life and mistakes . For, living in your past is most likely to ruin your present happiness and future success. 9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. So, don't hate anyone. Do love all and sundry as much as you can. 10. Strive to live in peace with everyone. For, peace is better off than war or conflict. 11. In case you don't know, no one else is responsible for your happiness except your own self. Yes! you heard me right. So, always be happy and never sad. 12. You've got to realize that life is a school and you are meant to learn daily. Moreover, challenges are simply part of life. They do appear just for awhile and then fade away like flowers. Thus, never mind your challenges. 13. Always smile, laugh and share all you have with someone else/others. Beause, you've got to be doing that. Never forget, givers never lack. 14. Conclusively, dare to believe in God almighty and do believe he can do all things. Besides, believe in your own self i.e. be self confident. For, it is expected of you. That's just a piece of advice and words of encouragement for you.

– Emeasoba George

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Król Salomon był mądrym królem i nauczyciel też. co więcej, Platon był wspaniałym nauczycielem i inspiratorem. jak również, Sokrates był również niesamowite nauczyciel i inspiratorem. Zig Ziglar był równie głęboka nauczycielem i motywatorem. deodatta v. shenai-khatkhate jest niewątpliwie inspirującym nauczycielem i motywatorem. Enoch Adeboye jest wnikliwe nauczyciel i kaznodzieja. Poza tym, David Oyedepo jest charyzmatyczny nauczyciel i kaznodzieja wśród innych nauczycieli i inspiratorów, takich jak John C. Maxwell Martin Luter Król JnR., Mahatma Gandhi, Matka Teresa, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Chinua Achebe, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka, chris oyakhilome, dr. uma ukpai, paul enenche, david ogbueli, Matthew ashimolowo, david abioye itd., ale przede wszystkim, Jezus Chrystus był największym nauczycielem i inspiratorem. i będzie on kiedykolwiek pozostaje największym nauczycielem i inspiratorem wszechczasów. ponieważ był ucieleśnieniem mądrości Bożej, jest on nadal ucieleśnieniem mądrości Bożej, a on nigdy nie pozostanie uosobieniem boskiego lub nadzwyczajne mądrości. och! Tak, Jezus Chrystus jest również uosobieniem mądrości Bożej. Jeśli nie zgadzają się ze mną. iść dalej i przeczytać Pisma (Mateusza, Marka, Łukasza i Jana). na, to na pewno w końcu zgodzić się ze mną do okazania.

– Emeasoba George

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I may not know what the future holds for me. But guess what? I do know the person that holds the future right inside the palms of his hands. And the person in question is nobody else but God almighty, who created the whole wide world out of nothing. And just because he (God) lives. I do believe I can face, embrace and maximize the future ahead of me. Now, that's why I don't really need to know what the future holds for me. And so, I urge you too never to be anxious of anything including your future. All you've got to do is just to strive and acknowledge the holder, controller and determinant of all things including the future i.e. God almighty. Because, once you've dared to acknowledge him (God). Believe you me. Your future must be worthwhile, enviable and fabulous. You can take my words for it/that.

– Emeasoba George

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D'innombrables livres ont été écrits et déjà publié par de nombreux auteurs, plus de livres sont écrits et publiés actuellement quelque part et beaucoup plus de livres seront écrits et publiés ultérieurement. En fait, Bill Gates a écrit et publié des livres perspicaces, beaucoup de livres de lecture vaut aussi bien John C. Maxwell a écrit et publié, Og Mandino a écrit et publié des livres d'inspiration, Les Brown a écrit et publié des livres de motivation, Zig Ziglar a écrit et a publié de nombreux livres profonds, Maya Angelou a écrit et publié des livres qui changent la vie, Chidi Okoroafor a également écrit et publié plusieurs livres de sagesse, de merveilleux livres aussi Enoch Adeboye a écrit et publié, Uma Ukpai a écrit et publié des livres d'inspiration, sans aucun doute David Oyedepo a écrit et publié de grands livres, WF Kumuyi a écrit et publié des livres de mind-blowing, Chris Oyakhilome a écrit et publié des livres réfléchis, de même Myles Munroe a écrit et publié des livres étonnants, Chinua Achebe a écrit et publié des livres sagaces, Wole Soyinka a écrit et publié livres intéressants, tout comme David Abioye qui a également écrit et publié des livres qui suscitent la réflexion parmi d'autres livres énormes et leurs auteurs qui sont nombreux pour moi de mentionner leurs noms ici et maintenant. Mais surtout, l'Ecriture (Bible) est le plus grand livre de la sagesse et de la connaissance jamais écrit et publié. Et marquer mes mots, il restera toujours le plus grand livre de tous les temps. Oui! parce que contrairement à tous les autres livres, l'écriture (la Bible) est inspirée de Dieu (il est donné ou écrit par inspiration divine) Ecriture Référence 2 Timothée 3:16. En outre, il est historique, mystique (il a une signification spirituelle) et faisant autorité dans la nature, il contient également des directives incomparables pour le comportement moral et de croyance (il est un mode de réalisation de passé ou de guerres anciennes et (les séquelles), histoires, cultures , les normes, les traditions, les valeurs, les modes de vie et les dossiers généalogiques). En outre, il est une collection de livres qui englobe passées ou anciennes histoires, chroniques, des enseignements, des lois, des paraboles, des proverbes, des psaumes, des enseignants, des prédicateurs, des héros, des héroïnes, des saints, des rois, des reines, des prophéties, des prophètes, des prophétesses, des miracles, des avertissements , des signes, des prodiges, des mystères, des révélations (événements du passé, présents et futurs collectivement) et beaucoup plus que cela, y compris des idées extraordinaires ou des paroles de sagesse (encouragement) de Jésus-Christ lui-même (le plus grand professeur et inspirateur de tous les temps), roi Salomon, roi David, saint Paul parmi les hommes et les femmes sages anciens. En d'autres mots, l'écriture (la Bible) est rien d'autre qu'un exemple typique et parfait d'un livre saturé de rare et sans précédent inspirations, motivations, la sagesse, la connaissance, l'encouragement et d'espoir pour les désespérés. Maintenant, voilà pourquoi l'Écriture (Bible) est toujours digne d'être lu maintes et maintes fois, quelle que soit sa religion. Le plus intéressant, l'Écriture (Bible) a été écrit et déjà publié dans presque toutes les langues du monde à savoir des milliards de copies ont déjà été publiés à l'échelle mondiale, plus de copies sont publiés actuellement et beaucoup d'autres copies seront publiées tôt ou tard. En fait, de façon irréprochable (au-delà de doute et la critique) l'Écriture (Bible) a été lu par le monde entier et vous pouvez parier votre dernier dollar, il (la Bible) va sûrement être lu par la postérité avant (toutes les générations futures à venir ). Quoi qu'il en soit, à ce stade, je pense que vous devriez accord avec moi que l'écriture (la Bible) est et restera toujours le plus grand livre de tous les temps. Toutefois, si vous ne concordent pas toujours avec moi, alors il est évident ou plutôt je vous soumets que vous avez pas encore pris le temps de lire les Écritures (la Bible) à fond. Néanmoins, vous devez prendre votre temps afin de lire attentivement et de découvrir le caractère unique et l'exceptionnalité des Écritures (la Bible). Car, une fois que vous avez fait tout cela, vous aurez sûrement et éventuellement accord avec moi que l'écriture (la Bible) est et restera toujours le plus grand livre de tous les temps, QED. ~Emeasoba George


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I'm not here on earth accidentally or coincidentally. Rather, I'm here (on earth) for a purpose. And until/unless I accomplish outrightly my purpose of being here (on earth). That is, to motivate, inspire, encourage, mentor, educate and to teach the world and posterity ahead via my thought-provoking quotes, motivations, inspirations and my upcoming books. Also, eventually to make a remarkable difference globally and to become a solution or an answer to the problems of millions of people globally. That's just the moment I will be proud to say boldly that I have lived a fulfilled life. Oh! yes, in case you don't know. Until and unless you fulfill your purpose of being here (on earth) i.e. your God-given destiny. You've not yet lived a fulfilled life. Regardless of whatever you think you've acquired or achieved over the years. Thus, you've got to discover your God-given destiny by all means and do fulfill it outrightly for your own betterment. And most importantly, for the betterment of the world at large and even for the betterment of the posterity ahead. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Ingratitude is thinking nothing of what has been done or given to you by someone else. That is to say, not feeling bound to show gratitude. In other words, ingratitude is a discreditable lack of gratitude. In fact, it is simply lack of appreciations or thanks for something given or done to you or to someone else. Yes! you heard me right and that is just what it is. So, you've got to show gratitude to others for every bit of their kindness, love, care, gift and stuffs like that which you have already received from them. NOTE: Most importantly, never hesitate to show more and more gratitude to God almighty who gives you all that you ever need (the four necessities of life which are shelter, food, clothin­g and water) As well, always show gratitude to him (God) even for your life itself. Because, he is the sole giver and taker of every life including yours. Now listen up, you should show gratitude and you've got to resolve to show gratitude to all and sundry including God. For, until and unless you resolve and learn to show gratitude to everyone, you are an ingrate and you will remain an ingrate for life (period). -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Countless books have been written and published already by numerous authors, more books are being written and published presently somewhere and many more books will be written and published subsequently. As a matter of fact, Bill Gates has written and published insightful books, as well John C. Maxwell has written and published many worth reading books, Og Mandino wrote and published inspirational books, Les Brown has written and published motivational books, Zig Ziglar wrote and published many profound books, Maya Angelou wrote and published life-changing books, Chidi Okoroafor has equally written and published several books of wisdom, also Enoch Adeboye has written and published wonderful books, Uma Ukpai has written and published inspiring books, undoubtedly David Oyedepo has written and published great books, W.F Kumuyi has written and published mind-blowing books, Chris Oyakhilome has written and published thoughtful books, similarly Myles Munroe wrote and published amazing books, Chinua Achebe wrote and published sagacious books, Wole Soyinka has written and published interesting books just like David Abioye who has also written and published thought-provoking books among other enormous books and their authors who are numerous for me to mention their names right here and right now. But above all, the scripture (Bible) is the greatest book of wisdom and knowledge ever written and published. And mark my words, it will ever remain the greatest book of all time. Yes! because unlike every other book, the scripture (Bible) is God-breathed (it is given or written by divine inspiration) Scripture Reference 2nd Timothy 3:16. Besides that, it is historic, historical, mystical (it has spiritual significance) and authoritative in nature, it equally contains incomparable guidelines for moral behaviour and belief (it is an embodiment of past or ancient wars and (the aftermaths), histories, cultures, norms, traditions, values, lifestyles and genealogical records). Moreover, it is a collection of books that encompasses past or ancient stories, chronicles, teachings, laws, parables, proverbs, psalms, teachers, preachers, heroes, heroines, saints, kings, queens, prophecies, prophets, prophetesses, miracles, warnings, signs, wonders, mysteries, revelations (the past, present and future events collectively) and much more than that, including extraordinary insights or words of wisdom (encouragement) from Jesus Christ himself (the greatest teacher and inspirator of all time), king Solomon, king David, saint Paul among other ancient wise men and women. In other words, the scripture (Bible) is nothing else but a typical and perfect example of a book saturated with uncommon and unprecedented inspirations, motivations, wisdom, knowledge, encouragement and hope for the hopeless. Now, that's why the scripture (Bible) is ever worth reading over and over again, regardless of one's religion. Most interestingly, the scripture (Bible) has been written and published already in nearly all the languages of the world. That is to say, billions of copies have been published and sold globally already, more copies are being published and sold presently and many more copies will be published and sold sooner or later. In fact, unimpeachably (beyond doubt and criticism) the scripture (Bible) has been read by the world as a whole and you can bet your bottom dollar, it (the Bible) will surely be read by the posterity ahead (all future generations ahead). Anyway, at this juncture I guess you should concur with me that the scripture (Bible) is and will ever remain the greatest book of all time. However, if you still don't concur with me, then it is obvious or rather I put it to you that you have not yet taken your time to read the scriptures (Bible) thoroughly. Nevertheless, you have to take your time in order to thoroughly read and discover the uniqueness and extraordinariness of the scriptures (Bible). For, once you have done just that, you will surely and eventually concur with me that the scripture (Bible) is and will ever remain the greatest book of all time, QED. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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An attitude of gratitude is all about being grateful for all things. Irrespective of whether you are comfortable or not, favourable or not or satisfied or not. It is equally being happy everyday, regardless of your present state of health, condition or financial capacity or status. Yes of course, that's what having an attitude of gratitude really means. And in case you don't know. Even the scripture says in (PHILIPPIANS 4:4) it says, rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice, let your joyfulness and happiness be made known to all. Now, that is to say evidently and of a truth, you've got to imbibe and portray an attitude of gratitude. No matter what you are going through presently. Lest you forget, an attitude of gratitude if or when imbibed and portrayed wholeheartedly, will determine your altitude at the long run. Oh! yes, resolving to become and remain grateful will surely pay you off sooner or later in life.-Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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A praiseful life is bound to end up a wondrous or wonderful life. Do I really need to prove that to you? O.K listen up and let's take biblical David as a case study. He (David) throughtout his lifetime was praiseful. I mean, he was accustomed to praising God. That's why, nobody ever praised God as he did. Oh! yes, David praised God wildly to the extent that he once danced naked before God while he was in the mood of praise. And just because of that single act. God took him to be a man after his own heart. Not only that, even till now. David is still the most celebrated king of Israel. No wonder, there was and there is still a city in Israel called king David's city. Now, that's just a tip of what a praiseful life can do or achieve. Therefore, this is a call to praise God as much as you can and as long as you live. Because, you should praise God tirelessly and ceaselessly too. For, if you refuse to praise him continually, then it's obvious you are taking him (God) for granted. But, never take God for granted. For, as far as I'm concerned. God is always worthy of our praises. Unless you think otherwise. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Anyone who dares to speak or live positively notwithstanding his or her plight or ordeal and as well, he or she is always grateful to God for all things. Then, God will surely sooner or later make him or her a wonder to himself or herself or the world and even to the posterity ahead. Let's take king David as a case study. He (David) spoke or lived positively and all his lifetime he was often praisefulbor grateful to God even against all odds. No wonder, God took him to be a man after his own heart and eventually he (God) made him (David) the most celebrated king of Israel. Moreover, even his son Solomon was not left out. As a matter of fact, God also made him (Solomon) a wonder by endowing him with divine wisdom or great insight and that's why he was able to write 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs. Above all, he (Solomon) became the richest or wisest king ever according to the scripture. Now, do you long to be a wonder all-round? If Yes, then go ahead and think, speak, live and act positively. Also, dare to be grateful to God for all things even against all odds. For, God is ever ready or capable to equally make you a wonder to your ownself, generation, the world or posterity ahead. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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As a human it is normal for you to get annoyed sometimes. Yes! but you should not be irritable (don't be easily annoyed or angered). For instance, if someone says are you stupid? to your own self or to someone else around you. You don't have to be annoyed. Because, that is just a question and which you are expected to respond Yes or No or better still keep quiet alternatively. But most times, when such statement is made, many people often misconcept or mistake it to be an insult. Anyway, take note of that. And mind you, irritability is uncalled for and often catastrophic. In fact, excessive anger or irritability can cost you your own life. Thus, desist from it (irritability). I mean, don't be tetchy. That is to say, don't be easily annoyed or irritated, come what may (no matter what happens). ~Emeasoba George


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Chaque numéro ou de la matière a une option ou plutôt vous avez une option. Oui! vous me avez bien entendu. Vous pouvez choisir la vie ou la mort, le succès ou l'échec, de la richesse ou de la pauvreté, l'excellence ou la médiocrité, la grâce ou la disgrâce, le pardon ou unforgivingness, la justice ou l'injustice, la cupidité ou de contentement, de la moralité ou de l'immoralité, de patience ou d'impatience, la gloire ou l'obscurité, la paix ou la guerre, la sagesse ou folie, force ou faiblesse, la connaissance ou de l'ignorance, de la compréhension ou l'incompréhension, le respect ou manque de respect, d'alphabétisation ou l'analphabétisme, la bonté ou unkindess, l'unité ou la désunion, l'espoir ou de désespoir, de la construction ou de la destruction, le salut ou la damnation, l'encouragement ou de découragement, la grandeur ou la banalité, la solidité ou la matité, l'enfer ou le paradis, la lumière ou les ténèbres, Dieu ou Satan, augmentation ou diminution, appréciation ou la dépréciation, de gratitude ou de l'ingratitude, l'humilité ou la fierté, la loyauté ou de déloyauté, la douceur ou ungentleness, l'amour ou la haine, la fidélité ou infidélité, la générosité ou l'avarice, la fidélité ou l'infidélité, l'honnêteté ou la malhonnêteté, de courage ou de lâcheté, le bonheur ou le malheur, la compassion ou la cruauté, la piété ou de l'impiété, la justice ou l'injustice. Cependant, toutes les illustrations ci-dessus montre évidemment que, vous avez la volonté de choisir soit positif ou l'aspect négatif de chaque problème ou la question dans la vie. Ainsi, le monde est dans votre huître dire que vous êtes en mesure de choisir ou de profiter d'un large éventail de possibilités et options. Mais, je vous exhorte, comme d'habitude. Dare de choisir l'aspect positif de tout plutôt que l'aspect négatif de lui. Même si/quand vous êtes dans le dilemme.

– Emeasoba George

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Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of any kind. Because you should know that testing of your faith stimulates perseverance in you. So says the scripture James 1:2-3. Now that obviously indicates trials and challenges are bound to come your way for as long as you are alive. But that also signifies, you shouldn't be overwhelmed by them. Because, they are naturally designed to test your faith. Moreover, they are aimed at inculcating the spirit of perseverance into you. Yes of course, that's the core reason for trials and challenges of life. Note: overcoming trials and challenges is nothing else but a sign of Great strength and not at all weakness. Therefore, no matter what is going on in your life presently or whatever might come your way subsequently. Just hold your peace and persevere all through it. For, you shall be glorified and dignified eventually (mark you). -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Death is not actually the worst thing that can happen to any human or anybody. Rather, it is one of the best things that can happen to any human or anyone. Yes! you heard me right as ever, come to think of it (death) logically. If there is no death here (on earth) those who are going through misery, difficulty, hardship or poverty would keep on experiencing it forever or endlessly. Moreover, if there is no death here (on earth) those who are living life of affluence or luxury would keep on enjoying it forever or endlessly. That is to say, death serves or works as a breaking point between the life of affluence (luxury) and life of adversity (misfortune). Besides that, it (death) terminates the severity, acuteness, excessiveness, intensity or climax of everything and everyone. That is that, QED. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Dieu est souvent plus soucieux de votre disponibilité à votre capacité à-dire Dieu est plus intéressé à vous de devenir disponibles pour lui de vous utiliser comme il aspire. Oui! parce qu'il (Dieu) peut et va facilement déléguer ou vous RENFORCER même lorsque vous êtes extrêmement faible. Par conséquent, vous avez à vous rendre disponible pour lui. Car, il aspire vraiment à vous utiliser pour toute bonne œuvre. Il désire aussi vous utiliser pour changer la vie de façon positive. Il aspire également à vous utiliser pour ajouter de la valeur à la vie. Il aspire ainsi de vous utiliser pour faire impact positif dans votre génération ou monde. Surtout, il (Dieu) aspire à vous utiliser. Alors que vous finirez par vous-même et partir pour la postérité avant monuments et les empreintes qui va sûrement vous survivront. Maintenant que vous êtes inspiré et informé. Souhaitez-vous pas plutôt faire vous-même disponible pour lui (Dieu) de vous utiliser comme il veut ou longs? Je espère que vous allez le faire. Parce que, vous serez sûrement heureux que vous avez un jour.

– Emeasoba George

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Disparity between a dream and a vision. A dream induces an expectation. But, a vision endows a provision. Moreover, a dream could be ordinary and extraordinary too. Meanwhile, an ordinary dream is synonymous with an ambition which often doesn't emerge a reality. But, on the other hand, extraordinary dream is divine or rather it comes from God. That's why most times it turns out to become a reality. Besides that, a vision could also be ordinary and extraordinary too. However, an ordinary vision is a mental picture of what the future could be or would look like. And like an ordinary dream, most times it ends up unrealized. Whereas, an extraordinary vision is of God. I mean, it originates or emanates from God and it is ever meant for an appointed time. As a matter of fact, it must come to pass even against all odds. SCRIPTURE REFERENCE (HABAKUK 2 : 3).

– Emeasoba George

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Do make up your mind that you are going to be strong and never weak come what may in your lifetime, resolve now that you will always motivate or inspire everyone you meet rather than discouraging them, decide to look at the positive side of everyone and everything in order to make your optimism come true, resolve to think only the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best, decide to be just as happy about the success of others as you are about your own, dare to forgive your own self and others, as well forget the mistakes of your past and then press on towards the great future ahead of you. Because, the future ahead of you is far more promising than your past. Just endeavour to do all of the above. For, you will eventually be glad that you did all that, believe you me. ~Emeasoba George.


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Do nothing for prosperity's sake. Rather, do everything you have to do for the sake of the posterity (all future generations ahead). Because, anything done for prosperity's sake does not last perpetually most times or rather it is not often impactful. But interestingly, whatever that is done for posterity's sake is ever impactful and will surely last perpetually. I mean, anything done for the sake of the posterity will surely be remembered and celebrated globally throughout the future generations ahead. Thus, do you have the gift of writing? If yes, then never write and publish for prosperity's sake. Instead, endeavour to write and publish for posterity. Note: anything written and published for posterity's sake will surely be read throughout the future generations ahead. In fact, I (personally) have been writing and publishing for posterity, I'm still writing and publishing for posterity and I will for life write and publish for posterity. Now, that's why the posterity in question will surely and eventually remember me and celebrate me too perpetually as a Great man, Writer, Motivator, Inspirator and Author by virtue of my thought-provoking quotes, insights, motivations, inspirations and my upcoming books. Oh! yes, my thought-provoking quotes, insights, motivations, inspirations and my upcoming books will surely be read, assimilated, shared, celebrated or criticized throughout the posterity ahead (all future generations) i.e. ad infinitum (endlessly, forever, never endingly). You can bet your bottom dollar. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Do you know? Knowledge is not enough until it is applied properly. Do you also know? Wishes are worthless unless you get yourself engaged in something genuine. Besides, hearing alone does not produce positive result except you believe undoubtedly what you have already heard and then act on it. Oh! yes, until you believe anything in toto that is just when you will surely receive it. In other words, believeability precedes actualization. So, have you been believing what you've been hearing? Or have you been doubtful all the while? Nevertheless, you've got to believe in positivities and possibilities and never in negativities and impossibilities. Because, if you do believe undoubtedly and certainly you will eventually receive. Even beyond your expectations. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Do you know? No condition of life is too bad to become good, better and even the best. Do you also know? No human life as well is too damaged or beyond salvation. Besides, there is an iota or atom of sense right inside every so seemed or called nonsense. Yes of course, because when you remove non from every so called nonsense what remains is sense. Now, that is to say obviously, there is also always something in every nothing. Moreover, that signifies conclusively, your so seemed worst condition or circumstance isn't the worst actually. And your so seemed most miserable life isn't the most miserable in the real sense. For, God can effortlessly make up every so seemed worst condition to become the best. Even the most miserable life right here or out there, can become the most enviable life ever. Yes you heard me right as usual, God can do all that and he will do even more than that. If only you do believe in his abilities and words undoubtedly. For, it is ever meant to be unto anyone according to his or her faith, scripture reference (MATTHEW 9:29). -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Do you know? No matter how bad things appear to you currently. God can still make it up to become good enough. Do you also know? No matter how miserable your condition seems to you. God can still make it enviable. That is to say alternatively, no condition or matter is too difficult for God to interfere and intervene too. I mean, nothing is impossible with God SCRIPTURE REFERENCE ( Luke 1 : 37). Oh! yes, impossibility doesn't exist in God's dictionary i.e. the scripture. Besides, he (God) doesn't change and cannot change come what may. But guess what? He (God) can effortlessly and unquestionably change anything and anybody at any time. However, living faith and patience are expected of you, in order for him (God) to turn around your condition or life for the better or for the best. - Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Every issue or matter has an option or rather you do have an option. Yes! you heard me right. You can choose either life or death, hard work or laziness, success or failure, riches or poverty, excellence or mediocrity, grace or disgrace, forgiveness or unforgivingness, righteousness or unrighteousness, covetousness or contentedness, morality or immorality, patience or impatience, fame or obscurity, peace or war, wisdom or foolishness, strength or weakness, knowledge or ignorance, understanding or misunderstanding, respect or disrespect, literacy or illiteracy, kindness or unkindness, unity or disunity, hopefulness or hopelessness, construction or destruction, salvation or damnation, encouragement or discouragement, greatness or commonness, fastness or dullness, hell or heaven, light or darkness, God or Satan, increase or decrease, appreciation or depreciation, gratitude or ingratitude, humility or pride, loyalty or disloyalty, gentleness or ungentleness, love or hatred, faithfulness or unfaithfulness, generosity or stinginess, fidelity or infidelity, honesty or dishonesty, courage or cowardice, happiness or unhappiness, compassion or cruelty, Godliness or ungodliness, justice or injustice. However, all of the above illustrations evidently shows that, you have the willpower to choose either the positive or the negative aspect of every issue or matter in life. As well, the world is in your oyster. That is to say, you are in a position to choose or enjoy a broad range of opportunities or options. But, I urge you as usual. Dare to choose the positive aspect of everything rather than the negative aspect of it. Even if/when you are in dilemma. ~Emeasoba George


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Everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains, it stops raining after a while. Each time you get hurt, it heals. After darkness there is always light. We are reminded of this every morning, but still we often forget. Instead we choose to believe that the night will last forever. But it cannot and will not. Nothing lasts forever. Thus, if things are good for you presently enjoy them. Because, they will not last forever. Moreover, if things are bad for you currently, don’t worry. For, they will not last forever either. Now listen up, just because life is not easy at the moment, does not mean you cannot make it again. Besides, that you are presently challenged, does not mean you cannot laugh at last. Every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. You get a second chance, every second. So, you just have to take it and make the best of it. For, eventually everything is going to be okay someday (only believe). -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Faith is of paramount importance. As a matter of fact, it takes faith to persevere all through hard times, trials and challenges. Moreover, it takes faith to believe that what the future or tomorrow holds in stock is far much greater than whatever the past or yesterday has already offered i.e. it takes faith to acknowledge and believe it is possible that the best or the greatest of good old days or yester years is probable to become the worst or the least of what is yet to come i.e. what is ahead of you. Besides, it takes faith to leap and reap God's promises, healing, health, breakthrough and even salvation of human soul. Yes! it is written in (John 11:40) "if only you would believe, you shall see or receive the glory of God". Permit me to tell you that the importance of faith is synonymous with importance of love and money. Oh! yes, love is also of paramount importance. No wonder the scripture says in (1st Corianthians 13:2) It says "whoever that doesn't love is "NOTHING" i.e. irrespective of your social status, qualification and affluence. For the fact you don't love all and sundry, you are "WORTHLESS" in God's sight. Come to think of money, the scripture says in (Ecclesiastes 10:19) it says "money answers all things and not at all some things''. Obviously that infers, as long as you are still living you can't do without money. Moreover, with regard to faith itself which is the subject matter, the scripture says in (Hebrews 10:38) it says "the just shall live by faith, but if anyone draws back my soul will have no pleasure in him" i.e. the person in question. Likewise, the scripture says in (Hebrews 11: 6) it says, "without faith it is impossible to please God". Now, all of the above indicates, it takes nothing else to please God almighty except faith. Besides, all of the above illustrations evidently signifies, faith is truly of paramount importance. So, if you've been faithless all the while. Hence forth, reawaken your senses and then become and remain faithful no matter what happens. I mean, admit the importance of faith, imbibe it (faith) as your attitude, profess it convincingly and undoubtedly too. As well, live with/by it on daily basis. For, that's just expected of you. ~Emeasoba George.


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Faith is of paramount importance. As a matter of fact, it takes faith to persevere all through hardtimes, trials and challenges. Moreover, it takes faith to believe that what the future or tomorrow holds in stock is far much greater than whatever the past or yesterday has already offered i.e. it takes faith to acknowledge and believe it is possible that the best or the greatest of good old days or yester years is probable to become the worst or the least of what is yet to come i.e. what is ahead of you. Besides, it takes faith to leap and reap God's promises, healing, health, breakthrough and even salvation of human soul. Yes! it is written in (John 11 : 40) "if only you would believe, you shall see or receive the glory of God". Permit me to tell you that the importance of faith is synonymous with importance of love and money. Oh! yes, love is also of paramount importance. No wonder the scripture says in (1st Corianthians 13 : 2) It says, "whoever that do not love is "NOTHING" .i.e. irrespective of your social status, qualification and affluence. For the fact you don't love all and sundry, you are "WORTHLESS" in God's sight. Come to think of money, the scripture says in (Ecclesiastes 10 : 19) it says, "money answers all things and not at all some things". Obviously that infers, as long as you are still living you can't do without money. Moreover, with regards to faith itself which is the subject matter, the scripture says in (Hebrews 10 : 38) it says, "the just shall live by faith, but if anyone draws back my soul will have no pleasure in him" i.e. the person in question. Likewise, the scripture says in (Hebrews 11 : 6) it says, "without faith it is impossible to please God". Now, all of the above indicates, it takes nothing else to please God almighty except faith. Besides, all of the above illustrations evidently signifies, faith is truly of paramount importance. So, if you've been faithless all these while. Hence forth, reawaken your senses and then become and remain faithful no matter what happens. I mean, admit the importance of faith, imbibe it (faith) as your attitude, profess it convincingly and undoubtedly too. As well, live with/by it on daily basis. For, that's just expected of you.

– Emeasoba George

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Falibilidad se define simplemente como estado de ser capaces de cometer errores o estar mal a veces. permíteme decirte esto, cada ser humano es falible naturalmente. ¡sí! has oído bien, como de costumbre, cada ser humano está sujeto a errores o errores, incluso el mismo Papa es falible naturalmente. aunque, que es ampliamente considerado como infalible de acuerdo con el dogma de la Iglesia Católica Romana. pero vamos, es el Papa (a) católica? sin embargo, es la ilusión a considerar a nadie como infalible. Quiero decir, todo el que se refiere a cualquier humano como incapaces de cometer errores o estar equivocado no es más que engañosa. además, sea quien dice ser infalible nunca ha probado algo nuevo antes y es sólo un cobarde que es a menudo reacios a probar algo nuevo, sólo por miedo al fracaso o errores. vamos, es el Papa (a) católica? además, en caso de que no lo sé, Dios Todopoderoso es el único que está siempre infalible. aparte de él (Dios Todopoderoso) ninguna otra persona es infalible natural, independientemente de profesores de renombre mundial. de todos modos, no me cites derecha o bien se puede decir lo digo yo QED.

– Emeasoba George

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Fallibility is simply defined as state of being capable of making mistakes or being wrong sometimes. Permit me to tell you this, every human is fallible in nature. Yes! you heard me right as usual, even the Pope himself is fallible in nature. That is to say, there is no exception to what I'm writing or talking about. Although, he (the Pope) is widely regarded as infallible according to the dogma of the Roman catholic church. But come on, is the pope (a) catholic? Nevertheless, it is delusion to regard any human as infallible. I mean, anyone who regards any other human as incapable of making mistakes or being wrong is nothing but delusive. Besides, whoever that claims to be infallible has never tried out something new before and it is only a coward who is often reluctant to try out something new, just because of fear of failure. Wait a second, is the Pope (a) catholic? Furthermore, in case you don't know, almighty God is the only one who is ever infallible. Apart from him (Almighty God) no other person is infallible naturally, regardless of world renowned professors. Anyway, do quote me right or rather you can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Food for thought. You ought to do these four things as often as possible. Firstly, you've got to quest for and acquire whatever you need. Secondly, you ought to appreciate­ and enjoy your needs when you finally acquire them. Thirdly, you've got to share your needs that you've acquired already with someone else or people out there i.e. someone or people that you are better off or rather the less privileged around you or afar off. The last but never the least. Most importantly, you've got to acknowledge, appreciate or glorify the one (God almighty) who gave you the power, grace, life and privilege to quest for and eventually acquire all your needs. For, without him (God) you would not have acquired any of your needs. Oh! Yes, you just heard me right as usual, no matter how clever, smart, intelligent, hardworking or academically qualified you may think that you are currently, without God you can't and won't even quest for your needs, let alone acquiring them. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Forbearance is an indispensable key to a lasting marriage or relationship. That is to say, without patience, tolerance and magnanimity (forgiveness) there can't be any lasting marriage or relationship. Yes! It takes patience, tolerance and magnanimity (forgiveness) to experience a lasting marriage or relationship. As a matter of fact, whoever that lacks patience, tolerance and (forgiveness) cannot and will never experience a lasting marriage or relationship. Anyway, do you really long for a lasting marriage or relationship? If Yes, then you've got to be patient, tolerant and magnanimous (forgiving) in all you do. Most especially, with regard to the affairs of your marriage or any other relationship. For, (surely) patience, tolerance and magnanimity do pay off. Whereas, impatience, intolerance and unforgivingness are catastrophic naturally, to my mind (in my opinion). ~Emeasoba George


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Genuine love loves all and sundry without conditions, it loves without expectations and it loves without complaints. In other words, genuine love is ever patient and tireless (it bears or tolerates all flaws, mistakes, short- comings, weaknesses, insults or disappointments) come what may. That is to say, true love is complaisant in nature (it is willing to please others). I mean, it is not self-seeking (it has the best interest of others at heart). Moreover, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances. Besides, it endures all (everything and everyone) without weakening. Also, true love does no wrong to anyone (it never hurts anybody). Conclusively, genuine love lasts perpetually and never for a short while. Oh! yes, that is just the qualities of true love. So, permit me to tell you this, anything less than the above qualities is not a genuine love at all. Anyway, do quote me right or rather you can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Genuine love loves all and sundry without conditions, it loves without expectations and it loves without complaints. In other words, genuine love is ever patient and tireless (it bears or tolerates all flaws, mistakes, short-comings, weaknesses, insults or disappointments) come what may. That is to say, true love is complaisant in nature (it is willing to please others). I mean, it is not self-seeking (it has the best interest of others at heart). Moreover, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances. Besides, it endures all (everything and everyone) without weakening. Also, true love does no wrong to anyone (it never hurts anybody). Conclusively, genuine love lasts perpetually and never for a short while. Oh! yes, that is just the qualities of true love. So, permit me to tell you this, whoever that lacks the above qualities is not a genuine love at all. Anyway, do quote me right or rather you can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George


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Giving is a prerequisite to receiving or getting more and more blessings, riches and money from God. Yes! whoever that gives generously and cheerfully most especially to the poor, the needy and the helpless cannot and will never lack throughout his or her lifetime (Proverbs 28:27, Acts 20:35). Uncommon and renowned givers Bill Gates, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation or Gates Foundation, Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie Foundation, George Soros, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller Snr., John D. Rockefeller Jnr., Rockefeller Family, Rockefeller Foundation, Warren Buffett, Mother Theresa, Oprah Winfrey, Sudha Murthy, J.R.D Tata, J.N. Tata, Tata Group, Tata Motors, Tata Family, Aliko Dangote, Dangote Group, Dangote Foundation, Rochas Okorocha, Rochas Foundation among others. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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God almighty is awesome and all-powerful indeed. In fact, he (God) should not be underestimated by anyone. Because, he (God) has a track record of making the so called common people Great and he equally has a track record of making the so called ordinary people Extraordinary. Now that is to say, he (God) can make you (your own self) Great and Extraordinary overnight, regardless of your family background and academic qualifications. As a matter of fact, he (God) made Esther (an Orphan) a Queen in a foreign country, just like he made Barack Obama (a Kenyan) President of the United states of America, as well he made Joseph the general overseer also in a foreign nation just to prove that with him (God) everything is possible. Thus, you've got to stop underestimating God (come what may). ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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God can rewrite your story. Yes of course, in case you don't know. God can rewrite your story from being miserable to being enviable and from the worst to the best. As a matter of fact, he (God) rewrote the story of Jabez. And that's why, he changed his name and enlarged his coast too, scripture reference (1st Chronicles 4:10). Moreover, he (God) equally rewrote the story of Joseph. Now, that's why he made him (Joseph) a prime minister/general overseer in a foreign country (Egypt) to be specific, scripture reference (Genesis 41 : 41-45). As well, he (God) rewrote the story of Esther. And that's why she (Esther) surprisingly became a queen in a foreign nation (Babylon) to be precise, scripture reference (Esther 2:17). Besides, God rewrote the story of David. And that's why, he (God) transformed him (David) from being an ordinary shepherd to being the most celebrated king of Israel, scripture reference (1st Samuel 16 : 1-13). Now, the above instances truly signify that, God can surely and­ ­effortlessly rewrite your own story, no matter how bad or miserable it seems to you. Listen up, all you've got to do is just to trust in him (God) undoubtedly. And then, wait patiently on him to change your story or condition at his own time and not at your own time. ~Emeasoba George


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God can rewrite your story. Yes of course, in case you don't know. God can rewrite your story from being miserable to being enviable and from the worst to the best. As a matter of fact, he (God) rewrote the story of Jabez. And that's why, he changed his name and enlarged his coast too, scripture reference (1st Chronicle 4 : 10). Moreover, he (God) equally rewrote the story of Joseph. Now, that's why he made him (Joseph) a prime minister/general overseer in a foreign country (Egypt) to be specific, scripture reference Genesis 41 : 41-45. As well, he (God) rewrote the story of Esther. And that's why, Esther surprisingly became a queen in a foreign nation (Babylon) to be precise, scripture reference Esther 2 : 17. Besides, God rewrote the story of David. And that's why, he (God) transformed him (David) from being a shepherd to being the most celebrated king of Israel, scripture reference 1st Samuel 16 : 1 -13. Now, the above instances truly signifies that, God can surely and ­­effortlessly rewrite your story no matter how miserable and terrible your past life or current condition seems to you. Listen up, all you've got to do is this, just believe undoubtedly that he (God) can rewrite your story. Then, equally trust and wait patiently on him to do it in his own time and not at all, in your own time.

– Emeasoba George

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God edifies whoever that magnifies him via praises. That is to say, magnification evokes edification. Therefore, you've got to magnify God if you've not been doing so. Because, if you dare to magnify him (God). He will definitely edify you. I mean, he (God) will reciprocally build you up like a house. Oh! yes, he can and he will. As a matter of fact, king David magnified him all his lifetime and due to that, he built him up like a house. That is why he (God) made him (David) the most celebrated king of Israel. Moreover, God took David to be the only man after his own heart. Now at this juncture, I hope you should have found a single reason why you should magnify God hence forth. For, he is ever ready to edify you even more than he edified King David. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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God is often more concerned with your availability than your ability i.e. God is more interested in you being available for him to use you as he longs. Yes! because he (God) can and will effortlessly empower or strenghten you even when you are extremely weak. Therefore, you've got to make yourself available for him. For, he truly longs to use you for every good work. He also desires to use you to change lives positively. He equally longs to use you to add value to lives. He as well longs to use you to make positive impact in your generation or world. Above all, he (God) longs to use you. So, that you will eventually leave for yourself and posterity ahead landmarks and footprints that will surely outlive you. Now, that you are inspired and informed. Wouldn't you rather make yourself available for him (God) to use you as he wills or longs? I hope you will do just that. Because, you will surely be glad that you did someday. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Grace is simply, a free and unmerited favour from God. Permit me to tell you that, grace is synonymous with destiny. In the sense that, it's also a God-given gift and which is meant to be realized and utilized within a given period of time just like destiny otherwise, it will surely elapse/decline/subside or even lost outrightly. Oh! Yes, God's grace is just for a while and never forever. So, you've got to acknowledge/appreciate/utilize/maximize it (God's grace) to the fullest. Unless you want it to be withdrawn/taken away from you sooner than you even expect it. And mind you, if/when God's grace is taken away/withdrawn from you. Believe me or don't, you're as good as done for, until it's restored back to you. Because, living without God's grace is like trying to live/survive without God himself. And I guess, you know what that entails don't you?

– Emeasoba George

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Grace of God in a nutshell, is God doing for us what we can never do for ourselves and what we don't deserve for life. I mean, what God's Grace does for us is what we can't do for ourselves and not at all what we can do for ourselves. Now, that's why we do have weaknesses but God is ever perfect and strong. Moreover, we do have shortcomings, but God's Grace does overshadow them. We equally fail or fall sometimes or rather we are sometimes unfaithful. But, God is infallible and ever faithful unlike us. Anyway, I don't know about you. I (personally) really need more and more Grace. Until God's Grace becomes abundant and fully noticeable in my life or rather, until I'm saved wholly by his Grace. In case you don't know, no human has been saved by his or her works and no human will ever be saved eventually by his or her works. Yes! you heard me right, we all are meant to be saved by God's Grace and nothing more or less. ~Emeasoba George


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Grace of God in a nutshell, is God doing for us what we can never do for ourselves and what we don't deserve for life. I mean, what God's grace does for us is, what we can't do for ourselves and not at all what we can do for ourselves. Now, that's why you do have weaknesses but God is ever strong. Moreover, you do have shortcomings, but God's grace does overtake them. You equally fail or fall sometimes or rather you are sometimes unfaithful. But, God is infallible and ever faithful unlike you. Anyway, I don't know about you. I personally really need more and more grace. Until God's grace becomes abundant and fully noticeable in my life or rather, until I'm saved wholly by his grace. In case you don't know, no human has been saved and no human will be saved eventually by his or her works. Yes! you heard me right, we all are meant to be saved by God's grace and nothing more or less.

– Emeasoba George

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Have you been or rather are you being bothered about your future? If yes, then you've been a worrywart all the while. However, you've got to stop being worried about your future or tomorrow. Because, you don't have to worry about it and you don't equally need to know what the future holds for you. Rather, all you need to know is the one who holds the future right inside the palms of his hands. And, the person in question is nobody else but Almighty God. Believe you me, once you acknowledge him (God Almighty). Your future must surely become worthwhile. For, acknowledgement of God as the holder and controller of the future guarantees and leads to enviable success or future. Do remember, because he (God) lives, you can face and maximize the future ahead of you. Unless you think otherwise. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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I don't believe in coincidence. I mean, all things happen for a reason and for a lesson too. Yes, you just heard me right. Everything that do happen under this planet earth/world whether good or bad, favourable or unfavourable is meant for a reason and for a lesson to be learnt by all humans. Now, that infers, nothing goes for nothing. You've got to accept the above fact. Because, even the scripture has said it long ago before now in ROMANS 8 : 28. It says, all things work together for good of them that love God i.e. even that your so seemed failure, disappointments, setbacks and stuffs like that, will sooner or later turn out for your good/betterment. Oh! Yes, that's just what will be your fate/portion. If only you do believe/accept the above fact. For, until you believe, that's when you will surely see/receive from God. Scripture reference JOHN 11 : 40. Never forget, whatever you undoubtedly believe in, definitely works for you and never against you. That is that.

– Emeasoba George

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I know you can do all things and no plan of yours can be thwarted. That's what (Job 42 : 2) says. And that infers, whatever God has destined to be must prevail. But may I tell you this, when God says that you will be great in life it doesn't mean you won't experience failure, misfortune, setback or thingss like that. Let's take biblical Joseph as a case study. Because, he's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. He (Joseph) was destined to be or become a ruler or leader. But, prior to the manifestation of his destiny. He was challenged, maltreated and even imprisoned. However, because God's plan cannot be thwarted. After all said and done. He finally ruled and became a prime minister/general overseer in a foreign country (Egypt). Having known that, what do I want to publicize in essence? I'm just publicizing that, regardless of whatever you are undergoing or passing through presently. For the fact, you are destined for greatness. You must excel and shine like a star that you are meant to be or become. Yes of course, destiny can only be delayed for awhile. But come what may, it cannot be denied. I mean, destiny must have its way even against all odds.

– Emeasoba George

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I personally don't believe undoubtedly/wholly all that I hear, read and see. And you too shouldn't believe undoubtedly/wholly all that you hear, read and see. Listen up, the only thing you ought to believe undoubtedly/wholly is nothing else but God/the scripture. Because, come what may, God/the scripture has never been broken and it cannot be broken by anyone/anything scripture reference (John 10 : 35). So, feel free to believe God/the scripture undoubtedly/wholly. For, even the grass withers, the flowers fade but God/the scripture stands forevermore, scripture reference (Isaiah 40 : 8). Oh! Yes, God and his words are ever infallible. Besides, God respects his word i.e. (the scripture) above/more than his name. That infers, he (God) can/will go extra mile just to ensure that his words/promises for you will come to pass. Therefore, do believe in God, his promises, words and the scripture undoubtedly/wholly. Because, you can't/won't be disappointed for believing in God, his promises, words and the scripture.

– Emeasoba George

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I'm writing and publishing not just for the present generation. I'm equally writing and publishing mostly or mainly for the posterity ahead of me (all future generations). As a matter of fact, I have succeeded in writing and publishing my ever-increasing and thought-provoking quotes all over the internet. Consequently, I have equally succeeded in making global impact and positively influencing or changing the thoughts, mindsets, lifestyles, beliefs and lives of millions of people via my thought-provoking quotes. Now, that's why they (the posterity) will surely remember me and celebrate me perpetually as a Great man, writer, motivator, inspirer or inspirator. Besides that, the posterity ahead of me will eventually remember me and celebrate me more and more by virtue of my upcoming books. I have seen the future. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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I'm writing and publishing not to make (both) ends meet. Oh! yes, I'm just writing and publishing in order to enrich or touch enormous lives globally and to change people's thoughts, lifestyles and beliefs positively. Guess what! I've succeeded in doing just that. Besides, I've equally succeeded in making a global impact all over the internet and even beyond it via my God-given thought-provoking quotes, insights, ideas, motivations and inspirations. As a matter of fact, I'm presently a source of inspiration and motivation to millions of people (globally). And mark my word(s), I will ever remain a source of inspiration and motivation to the world and even to the posterity ahead (all future generations ahead) by virtue of my upcoming books. Because, I'm full of strokes of a genius (I'm saturated with original, unique, innovative and impactful ideas, insights, motivations and inspirations). And so, I intend to write and publish many worth-reading books on or before my demise. Anyway, thank Goodness, God (almighty) and Heavens for everything is gradually turning around for my own good or betterment. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you are okay. Who watches over you and wants the best for you. Who loves and respects you genuinely. And above all, if you are so fortunate to find or meet someone who inspires or motivates you no matter what happens. Don’t let him or her go. Better still, never take him or her for granted. Because, someone like that is hard to find. Besides that, if you are still single or never married permit me to tell you this, it is advisable and encouraging to get married to such person(s). Yes! because he or she will be or become a friendly and extraordinary husband or wife to you. I mean, you will have little or nothing at all to worry about him or her. In other words, both of you will get on (or along) like a house on fire. That is to say, you will have a very good and enviable relationship. Mark my words. Anyway, IMHO in my humble (honest) opinion. ~Emeasoba George


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Immortality is defined as the indefinite continuation of a person's existence even after death. In other words, it is a never-ending existence, regardless of whether or not the body dies. I mean, it is the state of being able to live perpetually. That is to say, an immortal being is anyone who has achieved immortality (enduring fame). And consequently, he or she will never be forgotten. Because, he or she deserves to be remembered and celebrated globally or perpetually. Now listen up, many mortals like you have already achieved immortality through their passions, generosities, magnanimities, sagacities, professions, careers and through their God-given resources, gifts, talents, inventions, discoveries, creativities, originalities, ingenuities, published books, quotes, thoughts, insights, motivations, inspirations and other publications. For instance, all writers or authors right here or out there have already achieved immortality via their published books, quotes, insights, ideas, motivations, inspirations and via other written works or publications. In fact, that's why they (authors or writers) will surely be remembered and celebrated globally or perpetually throughout the posterity ahead (all future generations). Yes! because the writers or authors published books, quotes, insights, ideas, motivations, inspirations and other written works or publications will surely be read, shared, assimilated, adopted, utilized, celebrated or criticized globally and perpetually by the posterity ahead (all future generations ahead). Anyway, that connotes and infers, if you (personally) really long to be remembered or celebrated globally and perpetually after your demise, then you should strive to achieve immortality now that you are still alive either through your passion, profession, career, generosity or through your God-given sagacity, knowledge, gift, talent, resources, thoughts, insights, ideas or stuffs like that. Better still, endeavour to write and publish something worth reading or endeavour to succeed in doing things that are worth writing. All I'm saying is that you too can make a difference and you can equally succeed in leaving a positive legacy behind for the posterity ahead. Believe you me, you can do just that. Note: I (personally) do believe in you. So come on, dare to believe in your own self. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Ist Thessalonians 5:18 says give thanks in all things for this is God's will for you. Yes of course, so says the scripture in black and white. I'm just adding that giving thanks in all things implies these. Glorifying God for giving you thousands of money even when you expected to receive millions. It equally means, appreciating God daily even when you cannot afford three square meal. Giving thanks to God always also comprises, rendering praises to him although you may be presently hospitalized or sick. Thanking God in all things also includes, being happy that you encountered a failure although you wished to see success all the way. Conclusively, giving thanks to God in all things is all about, continuous appreciations to God, regardless of whether you are in a good time or in bad time, favourable or unfavourable condition. That is just the summary of what it really means to give thanks to God at all times. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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It is normal to look up to someone right here or out there i.e. you are expected to admire and respect anyone who is worthy of admiration and respect. But, you shouldn't wish to be like anybody, no matter his or her socioeconomic status. Now listen up, nobody is better off than you. Yes! and in case you don't know, you are God's masterpiece and one of a kind as well Scripture reference (Ephesians 2:10). So, you've got to stop wishing to be like anybody right here or out there. Take Note: if every human is the same, this world would be so boring and uninteresting to live in. Lest you forget, monotony kills interest and much more than that, but variety is the spice of life. In other words, our uniqueness is what actually makes the world vivacious and interesting to live in, (IMHO) in my humble (honest) opinion. ~Emeasoba George


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It takes spirit of faith for an impossibility to metamorphose into a possibility. It takes spirit of faith to acknowledge/believe in the existence/reality of the invisible i.e. God almighty. Also, it takes spirit of faith to believe undoubtedly that no mountain/obstacle is insurmountable. Likewise, it takes spirit of faith to acknowledge/believe that with God/time no goal/target/vision/aspiration/dream is unattainable/unachievable. Moreover, it takes the same spirit of faith to profess positivity even when negativity is imminent. Besides, it takes spirit of faith to live all through difficulty/hardship. Above all, whoever that bears the spirit of faith in him/her can't/won't say that he/she is done for/finished no matter his/her ordeal/predicament. In fact, spirit of faith does a lot in any life that it inhabits. So, if you lack it (spirit of faith) dare to quest/ask for it from God and do portray it outrightly when he (God) eventually endows you with it i.e. spirit of faith.

– Emeasoba George

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King Solomon was a wise king and teacher too. Moreover, Plato was a wonderful teacher and inspirator. As well, Socrates was also an awesome teacher and inspirator. Zig Ziglar was equally a profound teacher and motivator. Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate is undoubtedly an inspiring teacher and motivator. Enoch Adeboye is an insightful teacher and preacher. Besides, David Oyedepo is a charismatic teacher and preacher among other teachers and inspirators like John C. Maxwell, Martin Luther King Jnr., Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Chinua Achebe, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka, Chris Oyakhilome, Dr. Uma Ukpai, Paul Enenche, David Ogbueli, Matthew Ashimolowo, David Abioye etc. But above all, Jesus Christ was the greatest teacher and inspirator. And he will ever remain the greatest teacher and inspirator of all time. Because, he was the embodiment of divine wisdom, he is still the embodiment of divine wisdom and he will ever remain the embodiment of divine or extraordinary wisdom. Oh! yes, Jesus Christ is as well the epitome of divine or extraordinary wisdom. If you don't concur with me, go ahead and read the scriptures (Matthew, Mark, Luke And John). For, you will surely and eventually concur with me, QED. ~Emeasoba George.


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Król Salomon był mądrym królem i nauczyciel też. co więcej, Platon był wspaniałym nauczycielem i inspiratorem. jak również, Sokrates był również niesamowite nauczyciel i inspiratorem. Zig Ziglar był równie głęboka nauczycielem i motywatorem. Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate jest niewątpliwie inspirującym nauczycielem i motywatorem. Enoch Adeboye jest wnikliwe nauczyciel i kaznodzieja. Poza tym, David Oyedepo jest charyzmatyczny nauczyciel i kaznodzieja wśród innych nauczycieli i inspiratorów, takich jak John C. Maxwell Martin Luter King JnR., Mahatma Gandhi, Matka Teresa, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Chinua Achebe, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka, Chris Oyakhilome, Dr. Uma Ukpai, Paul Enenche, David Ogbueli, Matthew ashimolowo, david abioye itd., ale przede wszystkim, Jezus Chrystus był największym nauczycielem i inspiratorem. i będzie on kiedykolwiek pozostaje największym nauczycielem i inspiratorem wszechczasów. ponieważ był ucieleśnieniem mądrości Bożej, jest on nadal ucieleśnieniem mądrości Bożej, a on nigdy nie pozostanie uosobieniem boskiego lub nadzwyczajne mądrości. och! Tak, Jezus Chrystus jest również uosobieniem mądrości Bożej. Jeśli nie zgadzają się ze mną. iść dalej i przeczytać Pisma (Mateusza, Marka, Łukasza i Jana). na, to na pewno w końcu zgodzić się ze mną do okazania.

– Emeasoba George

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L'immortalité est définie comme la continuation indéfinie de l'existence d'une personne même après la mort. En d'autres termes, c'est une existence sans fin, indépendamment du fait que le corps meurt ou non. Je veux dire, c'est l'état de pouvoir vivre perpétuellement. C'est-à-dire, un être immortel est quelqu'un qui a atteint l'immortalité (renommée durable). Et par conséquent, il ou elle ne sera jamais oublié. Parce que, il ou elle mérite d'être rappelé et célébré globalement ou perpétuellement. Maintenant écoutez, beaucoup de mortels comme vous ont déjà atteint l'immortalité par leurs passions, générosités, magnanimités, sagacités, professions, carrières et grâce à leurs ressources, dons, talents, inventions, découvertes, créativités, originalités, ingéniosités, livres publiés, citations, pensées, idées, motivations, inspirations et autres publications. Par exemple, tous les auteurs ou auteurs ici ou là-bas ont déjà atteint l'immortalité via leurs livres publiés, citations, idées, idées, motivations, inspirations et via d'autres œuvres ou publications écrites. En fait, c'est pourquoi ils (les auteurs ou les écrivains) seront certainement rappelés et célébrés globalement ou perpétuellement à travers la postérité à venir (toutes les générations futures). Oui! parce que les auteurs ou auteurs ont publié des livres, citations, idées, idées, motivations, inspirations et autres écrits écrits seront sûrement lus, partagés, assimilés, adoptés, utilisés, célébrés ou critiqués mondialement et perpétuellement par la postérité (toutes les générations futures) devant). Quoi qu'il en soit, cela suggère et infère, si vous (vraiment) vraiment envie de vous rappeler ou célébrer globalement et perpétuellement après votre décès, alors vous devriez vous efforcer d'atteindre l'immortalité maintenant que vous êtes encore vivant soit par passion, profession, carrière, générosité ou grâce à votre sagacité, à vos connaissances, à vos dons, à vos talents, à vos ressources, à vos pensées, à vos idées, à vos idées ou à d'autres choses comme cela. Mieux encore, tâchez d'écrire et de publier quelque chose qui vaut la peine d'être lu ou d'essayer de réussir à faire des choses qui valent la peine d'être écrites. Tout ce que je dis c'est que vous aussi pouvez faire une différence et vous pouvez également réussir à laisser un héritage positif pour la postérité à venir. Croyez-moi, vous pouvez le faire. Note: Je (personnellement) crois en toi. Alors allez, osez croire en vous-même. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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La Bible est le plus grand livre de sagesse et de connaissance jamais écrit et publié. En fait, c'est le livre le plus lu au monde, le livre le plus débattu et le plus cité de l'histoire. Ainsi, la Bible est le plus grand livre de tous les temps. C'est une collection de livres qui comprend des histoires anciennes ou anciennes, des chroniques, des enseignements, des lois, des paraboles, des proverbes, des psaumes, des enseignants, des prédicateurs, des héros, des héroïnes, des saints, des rois, des prophètes, des miracles, des avertissements. , merveilles, mystères, révélations (collectivement, le passé, le présent et le futur) et bien plus encore, y compris des idées extraordinaires ou des paroles de sagesse (encouragement) de Jésus Christ lui-même (le plus grand enseignant et inspirateur de tous les temps), le roi Salomon, le roi David, saint Paul parmi d'autres hommes et femmes sages antiques. Des milliards d'exemplaires ont déjà été publiés et vendus à l'échelle mondiale. Et beaucoup d'autres exemplaires seront publiés et vendus tôt ou tard. En d'autres termes, la Bible a été lue par le monde entier. Même la postérité (toutes les futures générations à venir) lira sûrement la Bible. Vous pouvez parier votre dollar bas. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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La fin de quelque chose ou tout décompte humains de plus que son, son début. Oui bien sûr, ce ne est que lui ou elle qui persévérera jusqu'à la fin ou détient plutôt ferme à sa foi qui sera enregistrée au dernier. En outre, ce est la fin d'une vision, aspiration ou un rêve qui prouve que ce soit ordinaire ou extraordinaire, vrai ou faux. En outre, ce est lui ou elle qui persévère et persiste jusqu'à la fin qui peuvent et vont sauter ou récolter la récompense pour le travail dur-à-dire un véritable succès. De même, il il est atteint ou franchit la ligne d'arrivée qui émerge un gagnant dans une course finalement. D'ailleurs, ce est vos dernières pensées, paroles et actions qui détermineront votre salut ou la damnation sur le jour du jugement. En fait, il est préférable pour vous de commencer quoi que ce soit en mal ou quelque chose et ensuite finissez bien en elle. Que pour vous de bien commencer en quelque chose ou quoi que ce soit et ensuite finissez mal en elle. Pour que entraînera rien d'autre, mais une tragédie. Quoi qu'il en soit, toutes les illustrations ci-dessus signifie évidemment que, la fin du ne importe quoi, quelque chose ou tout être humain compte vraiment plus que sa, Hisor son début. Par conséquent, je vous exhorte à être plus préoccupés par ce que sera votre fin ou la fin de quelque chose ou quelqu'un plutôt que votre, son, son début. Parce que, sûrement la fin de tout, humain et la matière est toujours la BOTTOM LINE. Vous pouvez dire que je le dis QED.

– Emeasoba George

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Most times, you do feel or think that God is hard/harsh on you. But, that's a mistaken feeling and misconception. Because, God has never been hard or harsh on you or anyone else. Yes! the truth of the matter is this, God loves you too much or earnestly. Now, that's why he left you the way you are presently. Take this from me, although you may be feeling uncomfortable currently. Never mind, for you are nothing but a divine project in God's hands. I mean, you are a work in progress in God's hands. Therefore, just relax and never complain. For, sooner or later, he (God) will be through or done with you. And until he's through or done with you. That's just the moment you will surely realize that you are really a divine project or work in progress in his (God's) hands. Oh! yes, I strongly do believe that I'm a work in progress in God's hands. You too may or may not believe that anyway.

– Emeasoba George

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Never be carried away by anything or anyone no matter the beauty or handsomeness. In fact, you should not be carried away by fashion, because it changes with time. You don't have to be carried away by beauty or handsomeness, because it fades away with time. Refuse to be carried away by money or riches, because you are here (on earth) just for a little while. Oh! yes, no human can live forever i.e. no one can and will ever enjoy his or her riches or wealth forever (Proverbs 27:24). Moreover, refuse to be carried away by your knowledge or wisdom, because it will cease once you are dead. Besides that, desist from boasting or bragging about your properties or assets, for they will surely become old-fashioned sooner or later and consequently they will depreciate in value and at worst become worthless. Conclusively, all of the above proves that everything or everyone comes and goes unimpeachably (beyond doubt and criticism) and then life goes on as ever. In other words, nothing or no one is perpetual (never ending or never changing) naturally and in actual sense. Therefore, always bear all of the above in mind. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Never compare your life with someone else's life. For, you have no idea what he or she does secretly i.e. behind your back. Don't have negative thoughts over things that you can't control. And refuse to bear grudges against anyone right here or out there. In other words, forgive all things and everyone. Never over do anything, have a limit and keep to it. Don't take yourself and life so seriously. For, you ought not to do that. I mean, disregard or overlook some things sometimes. Never waste your precious energy or time on gossip or habits like that. Rather, utilize and maximize your God-given energy and time. Dream big, be a visionary and dare to pursue your dreams and visions unyieldingly until you realize them. Listen up, envy is a waste of time. Yes! you already have all you need presently to survive. Any other thing which you think that you still need to live comfortably will be given to you by God in due course. That is to say, at the right or proper time. Emancipate yourself from the issues of the past. I mean, stop living in your past life and mistakes. For, living in your past is most likely to ruin your present happiness and future success. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. So, don't hate anyone. Do love all and sundry as much as you can. Strive to live in peace with everyone. For, peace is better off than war or conflict. In case you don't know, no one else is responsible for your happiness except your own self. Yes! you heard me right. So, always be happy and never sad. You've got to realize that life is a school and you are meant to learn daily. Moreover, challenges are simply part of life. They do appear just for a while and then fade away like flowers. Thus, never mind your challenges. Always smile, laugh and share all you have with someone else or others. Because, you've got to be doing that. Never forget, givers never lack. Conclusively, dare to believe in God Almighty and do believe he can do all things. Besides that, believe in your own self. In other words, be self-confident. For, it is expected of you. That is just a piece of advice and words of encouragement for you. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Never compare your life with someone else's life. You have no idea what he or she does secretly i.e. behind your back. Forgive all things and everyone. Never overdo anything, have a limit and keep to it. Don't take yourself and life so seriously. Overlook some things sometimes. Never waste your precious energy or time on gossip. Utilize your God-given energy and time. Dream big, be a visionary and dare to pursue your dreams and visions unyieldingly until you realize them. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need presently to survive. Any other thing which you think that you still need to live comfortably will be given to you by God in due course i.e. at the right time. Life itself is a school and you are meant to learn everyday from it. So, learn each day and then wise up. Challenges of life are like flowers that do show up for just a little while and then fade away. I mean, you are not yet done for. Oh! yes, once there is life there is equally hope. ~Emeasoba George


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No human is a role model in actual sense or rather logically. These are my reasons. A model is a perfect or ­peculiar representative of a system, an organ or a product. Whereas, a role model itself, is a distinctive model from models. Now, that signifies, a role model should be perfect and peculiar from the crowd or its counterparts. But unfortunately, the reverse is always the case with the so called role models right here or out there. Besides that, every so called role model right here or out there looks up to someone else as his or her own role model too. And that shouldn't be so. Anyway, all I'm saying in essence is this, the so called role models don't deserve to be called role models. Moreover, that infers you've got to be and remain your own model. I mean, always be your own self and stop copying or imitating someone else no matter what happens. Lest you forget, every human is a unique creation i.e. you are God's masterpiece scripture reference (Psalms 139 : 14). Nevertheless, I guess that's a reasonable reason why you should always long to be and remain your own self and not at all any other person or celebrity right here or out there.

– Emeasoba George

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Nothing is too difficult. Oh! yes, absolutely nothing is too difficult as far as God (almighty) is concerned. As a matter of fact, he (God) can raise you or anyone else from grass to Grace. Moreover, he can transform even your own seemed nothing into something else, as well a poor person can become rich overnight just by virtue of God's Grace. Even a nonentity can become a celebrity with God and time. In other words, every so called impossibility can become a possibility with God and time. In fact, God can create something out of nothing or rather, God can make a nobody a somebody unexpectedly. Besides that, everything about God is Great. And so, he (God) can make anyone/anything Great overnight. Thus, never underestimate God's Grace, come what may in your lifetime, QED. ~Emeasoba George.


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Nothing should bother you in life not even adversity nor poverty. For, nothing lasts forever. Yes of course, every matter or issue of life has a limit or breaking point including adversity and poverty. Are you undergoing adversity presently or are you currently experiencing poverty? If Yes, then listen up, it's just for a little while. That is to say, you will sooner or later outlive it or rather you will overcome it eventually. I mean, you won't remain poor forever or rather you won't keep on undergoing adversity or poverty forever. Furthermore, nothing should make you to become orgulous, proud, haughty, disdainful or arrogant in life. Not even your own child or children, nor your certificates, nor your qualifications, nor your political status, nor your social status, nor your job, nor your money, nor your properties, nor your knowledge, nor your wisdom, nor your insights, nor your power, nor your riches, nor stuffs like that. Because, you cannot and you will not live forever. Oh! Yes, you heard me right as usual, you will definitely leave everything you've acquired behind someday. Apart from that, God resists the proud or the arrogant (James 4:6). But guess what? He (God) gives more grace to the humble. Besides, whenever you are proud of whatever you have, you are unknowingly disregarding God and taking his grace upon your life for granted. In other words, whoever that is proud of anything he or she has acquired at any given period of time has failed to acknowledge almighty God as the giver of whatever he or she claims to possess. And God is never happy with such person(s). Thus, desist from pride and arrogance. For, you should not be condescending at all. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Persistence in business keeps you or one going, making you or one willing to put in more efforts to avoid or better deal with experienced failure or challenge in the future. There are many stories highlighting the importance of persistence in achieving success in any venture. One of these is that of the legendary United States President Abraham Lincoln. He failed several times in elections, but he was not discouraged from forging on in pursuit of his aspiration until eventually he became the 16th President of U.S.A. Back home in Nigeria (my country), the election of General Muhammadu Buhari as the president of Nigeria is another good example of persistence. The former military Head of State, who was overthrown by General Ibrahim Babangida-led coup in 1985 after spending less than two years in office, had lost three previous presidential elections in 2003, 2007 and 2011. While many people made fun of him and wrote him off, he was undiscouraged and persistent. Thus, dare to be persistent in all you do. ~Emeasoba George.


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Que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be) i.e. if something is destined to happen, no one can stop it from happening. Yes! it's a matter of time and no matter how unimaginable, unrealizable or unattainable it seems to you or anyone else. For instance, Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Barack Obama of Kenya/U.S.A became presidents against the expectation and imagination of the world. Just because, God is too faithful and well able to begin and actualize whatever he has predestined to do or be. And so, he (God) will surely and eventually bring to pass whatever he has predestined to happen in your life or lifetime. I mean, he will surely make you the person that you are destined to be or become. You (can) bet your bottom dollar i.e. it is bound to happen. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Selflessness (unselfishness) is defined as being concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own. Moreover, it can be defined as having or showing great concern for other people and little or no concern at all for yourself or oneself. Whereas, selfishness is directly opposite of that (selflessness). Now, are you selfless or are you selfish? Anyway, you should be selfless rather than selfish. Because, true love or true leadership is all about being selfless. Contrariwise, untrue love or untrue leadership has to do with selfishness. Besides, whoever that is selfless is true to form (or type) i.e. he or she is being or behaving as expected. But, anyone who is selfish is factitious (not genuine). Nevertheless, do quote me right or better still you can say I said so. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Souhaitant et essayer d'être comme quelqu'un d'autre, ce est comme essayer de vivre la vie de quelqu'un d'autre. Oh! Oui, à chaque fois que vous copiez ou imiter personne ici ou là-bas, vous êtes indirectement et sans le savoir vous dévaluant et en limitant votre potentiel donné par Dieu ou talents. Au cas où vous ne savez pas. Chaque être humain a été créé ou fait différemment et jamais collectivement. Et ce déduit, chacun de nous est unique et merveilleusement faite par Dieu tout-puissant. Oui! vous me avez bien entendu et ce que dit l'Écriture dans (Psaumes 139: 14). Maintenant, que signifie vraiment que vous êtes particulière. Et pour cette raison, vous ne devriez pas souhaiter et essayer d'être comme quelqu'un d'autre. En outre, si vous osez être et rester votre propre soi dans tout ce que vous faites. Croyez-moi, vous aurez sûrement et finalement obtenir ce qui n'a jamais été réalisé par quiconque auparavant. Surtout, vous finirez par faire une différence remarquable dans ce monde. Vous pouvez prendre mes mots pour cela.

– Emeasoba George

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Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude especially to God. But do you know? You shouldn't give thanks to God only when he has done something admirable or fascinating for you. Rather, you ought to give him thanks even when he hasn't done what you asked of him. Moreover, you should give thanks to God in anticipation. I mean, you've got to give thanks to him for what he's yet to do for you or rather you are meant to be thankful to God for your expectations that are yet unrealized. And believe you me. The very moment you imbibe an attitude of thanksgiving in anticipation. It stimulates him (God) to speedily respond or rather grant your expectations. Oh! yes, that's what an attitude of thanksgiving in anticipation does and that's what it will do for you. If you dare to imbibe it.

– Emeasoba George

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The END of anything or any human counts more than the beginning. Yes of course, it is only he or she that endures to the end or rather holds firm to his or her faith that will be saved at last. Moreover, it is the end of a vision, aspiration or dream that proves whether it is ordinary or extraordinary, true or false. Also, it is he or she that perseveres or persists to the end that can and will leap or reap the reward for hard work (genuine success). Likewise, it is he or she that eventually reaches or crosses the finish line that emerges a winner in a race. Besides that, it is your last thoughts, words and actions that will determine your salvation or damnation on the day of reckoning. As a matter of fact, it is better for you to begin badly in anything and afterwards end up well. Than for you to begin well and afterwards end up badly. For, that will entail nothing else but only a tragedy. Nevertheless, all of the above evidently signifies that the END of anything or any human truly counts more than the beginning. Therefore, I urge you to be more concerned with what your end would be rather than your beginning. Because surely, the END is ever the BOTTOM LINE QED. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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The scripture says in (1st Peter 1:24 ) all humans are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers in the field, the flowers fade and the grass withers eventually. Now, are you beautiful or handsome? If yes then, take note of this, never be carried away by your beauty or handsomeness. For, you will sooner or later grow old and consequently your beauty or handsomeness will fade away. Moreover, are you intelligent, rich or wealthy presently? If yes, then listen up, never be carried away by your intelligence, riches or wealth. Because, you can't live forever and you won't keep on enjoying your life of affluence or luxury forever. I mean, you will surely leave your riches or wealth behind someday. Anyway, this is not meant to scare you, so don't be scared. I'm just realistic, because I'm a realist and that's why I'm admonishing you. Thus, take heed of my admonitions or rather pay attention to my admonitions. ~Emeasoba George


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The winner takes it all, whereas the loser often stands small and feels overwhelmed by the victory not just because of anything strange. But, just because the winner is importunate (very persistent). Now, that is to say, what makes a difference between a winner and a loser is nothing else but persistence. Yes! winners are known to be persistent and that is why they win eventually. On the other hand, losers do give up easily, no wonder they finally become failures. Thus, you've got to be persistent and remain persistent in all you do, most especially in the pursuit of your dreams, visions or aspirations. Note: Donald J. Trump won the U.S.A Presidential Election because he was persistent. He refused to quit the presidential race even when the race appeared to be against him. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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These are my daily and ceaseless prayers and I think they ought to be yours too. God enrich me with sufficient Grace, uncommon wisdom and Great insight. So that I can motivate, inspire and impact the world and the posterity ahead of me. Also, that I may become an instrument of peace wherever there is conflict or misunderstanding. Moreover, where there is hatred God cause me to showcase love. Besides that, where there is pain may I become a soothing relief. Furthermore, God make me a solution or an answer to the problems or challenges of multitude of people right here and out there. Even whenever and wherever there is hopelessness let me profess hope. Above all, make me an agent of positive change wherever I may find myself hence forth. I guess, that is worth praying for and worth asking for, isn't it? -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Those who have acquired or accumulated wealth, riches, knowledge, wisdom or stuffs like that for only themselves or their families are not worthy of global and perpetual celebration or remembrance. And they will never be celebrated and remembered globally or perpetually. Yes! because, their accumulated or acquired riches, wealth, knowledge, wisdom or stuffs like that will surely die with them. Consequently, they will be forgotten so soon after their demise. On the other hand, those who have succeeded in enriching someone else or others with their God-given money, wealth, riches, knowledge, wisdom or stuffs like that are worthy of global and perpetual celebration or remembrance. For, they cheerfully shared all they have with those who they are better off. And so, they will surely be celebrated and remembered throughout the posterity ahead (all future generations ahead). That is to say, you shouldn't be stingy with whatever you have or with whatever you know. In other words, you are expected to share whatever you have or whatever you know with someone else or others. Now that connotes, generosity gives rise to global and perpetual celebration or remembrance of oneself. Whereas, the reverse is the case with stinginess. Thus, be generous rather than stingy. Because, you yourself and the posterity ahead of you (all future generations) will surely be glad that you did someday. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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True Love always protects, it always trusts, it always hopes and it always perseveres. Reference 1st Corianthians 13:7. The scripture says all that in black and white. And that is to say evidently and obviously, every true love must be protective of his or her spouse or partner. Besides, every true love must be trustworthy. In other words, he or she should always trust his or her partner or spouse and should be trusted equally. Moreover, every true love should be hopeful always and not at all hopeless, no matter what. Also, every true love is expected to persevere all through tough times and never to give up or quit. Now that is just proven attributes of true love. The burning question is. Do you have the above characteristics in your relationship or marriage? If your answer is NO. Then, you've got to have a rethink and afterwards just imbibe and portray all the above attributes. For, that is just what is expected of you and nothing less than that. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Ungratefulness is a habitual act of being unappreciative or unthankful for something done for oneself or for someone else. Have you been ungrateful or grateful all the while? However, you should be grateful to everyone for everything. But most importantly, you ought to be more grateful to God (Almighty) from whom all blessings flow. Moreover, every good and perfect thing you have at your possession now came from him (James 1:17). Although, he gave them to you through humans. Nevertheless, regardless of any intermediary involved. You've got to be grateful to him (God). For, without him in your life, work, career, business and what have you? You cannot and will never be successful. So come on, be grateful to God at all times. Because, it pays to be grateful. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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vua Solomon là một vị vua khôn ngoan và giáo viên quá. Hơn nữa, plato là một giáo viên tuyệt vời và người khơi mào. là tốt, socrates cũng là một giáo viên tuyệt vời và người khơi mào. Ziglar zig không kém một giáo viên sâu sắc và động lực. Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate chắc chắn là một giáo viên cảm hứng và động lực. Enoch adeboye là một giáo viên sâu sắc và thuyết giáo. bên cạnh đó, david oyedepo là một giáo viên lôi cuốn và thuyết giảng trong giáo viên khác và inspirers như john c. Maxwell, Martin Luther King Jnr., Mahatma gandhi, mẹ Theresa, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, steve jobs, Chinua Achebe, Oprah Winfrey, henry ford, nelson mandela, Wole Soyinka, chris oyakhilome, dr. uma ukpai, paul enenche, david ogbueli, matthew ashimolowo, david abioye vv nhưng trên tất cả, jesus christ là thầy giáo vĩ đại nhất và khơi mào. và anh sẽ không bao giờ vẫn là thầy vĩ đại nhất và khơi mào mọi thời đại. bởi vì, ông là hiện thân của sự khôn ngoan của Thiên Chúa, ông vẫn là hiện thân của sự khôn ngoan của Thiên Chúa và anh sẽ không bao giờ còn là hiện thân của sự khôn ngoan của Thiên Chúa hoặc bất thường. Oh! vâng, jesus christ là cũng là hình ảnh thu nhỏ của sự khôn ngoan của Thiên Chúa. nếu bạn không đồng tình với tôi. đi trước và đọc Kinh Thánh (matthew, nhãn hiệu, luke và john). cho, bạn sẽ chắc chắn và cuối cùng đồng tình với tôi QED.

– Emeasoba George

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Whatever that God calls anyone to do, he equally equips him or her for it. Let's take prophet Jeremiah as a case study. He (Jeremiah) was destined to be a prophet even before he was formed or made in his mother's womb (Jeremiah 1 : 5). And that's why, when he complained that he was not outspoken or eloquent enough for his call and destiny. God neglected his complaints, because he already knew that he has wholly equiped him for the task in question. Now, that is to say, whatever you need to fulfill your God-given destiny is already deposited right inside you. So what else are you still waiting for? Anyway, what you've got to do is just to discover and fulfill your destiny by all means. And believe you me, the very moment your destiny is discovered and fulfilled. You will surely and eventually make a global impact and positive change in your lifetime or rather in the world just like prophet Jeremiah, biblical Joseph, king David, Zig Ziglar, Martin Luther King Jnr., Dr. Myles Munroe, Dr. Uma Ukpai, Chinua Achebe among others. Nevertheless, I so much believe in destiny. I don't know about you or rather what about you?

– Emeasoba George

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Whatever you've spent or done on your own self already will surely die with you. Besides that, whatever you will spend or do on your own self subsequently will equally die with you. Yes! you heard me right as ever. But guess what? whatever you've spent or done on others already will rather outlive you. Moreover, whatever you will resolve hence forth to spend or do on someone else, others or the world will equally outlive you and speak for you perpetually after your demise. Now that is to say, you should endeavour to spend more of your God-given riches, money, resources, knowledge, insights, wisdom, time and stuffs like that on others than on your own self. Because, you will surely and eventually be appreciated, remembered and celebrated perpetually by the posterity ahead (all future generations) for doing just that. So come on, don't be possessive. In other words, don't be unwilling to share your possessions and time with someone else, others or the world at large. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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When a stingy person dies, his or her stinginess dies with him or her. I mean, he or she is never celebrated or remembered for years after his or her demise (he or she is easily forgotten) because of his or her stinginess. But contrariwise, when a generous person dies, his or her legacy of generosity lives on. That is to say, he or she is celebrated and remembered perpetually, even though he or she has gone out of the world. For instance, Mother Theresa of India has gone as a person, but her legacy of generosity lives on, Andrew Carnegie Of U.S.A has also gone as a person but, his legacy of generosity lives on. As well, Bill Gates of U.S.A being a mortal will surely die someday but, he will ever be remembered and celebrated globally for his generosity among other famous and uncommon givers like John D. Rockefeller Snr., Warren Buffett, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Pat Robertson, RVM, Aliko Dangote, Sir Emeka Offor, Ifeanyi Ubah, Rochas Okorocha etc. In other words, it is better off to be generous than to be stingy. Thus, don't be stingy with whatever you have or whatever you know including your God-given insights, inspirations, wisdom, knowledge or stuffs like that. ~Emeasoba George


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Whether you are rich or not presently, someday it will not matter anymore. Yes! someday there will be no more sunrises, no more minutes, hours or days. All the things you have acquired over the years, whether treasured or forgotten will be transfered to someone else. Oh! yes, your wealth, fame, intelligence and power will be irrelevant someday. That is to say, someday it will no longer matter what you own or what you are owed. Even, your grudges, resentments, jealousies, frustrations, failures and challenges will finally disappear. Moreover, your hopes, ambitions, dreams, aspirations, plans and your intensions will expire. As well, your successes, wins and achievements that matter so much to you will equally fade away. I mean, you won't regard any of them anymore. In other words, you will sooner or later lose interest in all of the above in toto, the very moment you become old and eventually die someday. However, I think that's worth meditating on individually, isn't it? ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Wishing and trying to be like someone else is like attempting to live someone else's life. Oh! yes, that is just what it is like. Besides that, whenever you copy or imitate anyone right here or out there, you are indirectly and unknowingly devaluing yourself and limiting your God-given potentials or talents. In case you don't know. Every human was created or made differently and never collectively. And that implies, each and everyone of us is unique and wonderfully made by almighty God. Yes! you heard me right and so says the scripture in (PSALMS 139:14). Now, that signifies truly you are peculiar. And for that reason, you should not wish and try to be like anyone right here or out there. Moreover, the moment you make up your mind to be your own self in all you do. Believe you me, you will surely and eventually achieve what has never been achieved by anybody before. Above all, you will end up making a remarkable difference in this world. You can take my words for it. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba George

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Worry/Regret over nothing, if you've been worrying/regretting over anything before now. Because, worrying/regretting over and over again is as good as adding/rubbing salt to/on your own injury i.e. each time you decide to worry/regret over anything, be it your past life, mistakes, failures, disappointments and things like that, you are unknowingly worsening the case/matter in question. Yes, of course, that's just what you will end up doing to your own self/the case/matter involved. Although, I do know that some issues/matters do seem worrisome/regrettable like loss of job/opportunity. But regardless of that, rather than worrying/regretting over that/any other thing, pray about the/your case/issue. For surely, prayers can change your condition /case for the good. So, dare to worry/regret over nothing hence forth. Instead, pray over anything/everything.

– Emeasoba George

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Worry/Regret over nothing, if you've been worrying/regretting over anything before now. Because, worrying/regretting over and over again is as good as adding/rubbing salt to/on your own injury. i.e. each time you decide to worry/regret over anything, be it your past life, mistakes, failures, disappointments and things like that, you are unknowingly worsening the case/matter in question. Yes, of course, that's just what you will end up doing to your own self/the case/matter involved. Although, I do know that some issues/matters do seem regrettable like loss of job/opportunity. But regardless of that, rather than worrying/regretting over that/any other thing, pray about the/your case/issue. For surely, prayers can change your condition /case for the good. So, dare to worry/regret over nothing hence forth. Instead, pray over anything/everything.

– Emeasoba George

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Your confession is bound to be your possession sooner or later. Besides, every creation including you is a product of the spoken word of God. Now that signifies, you ought to use your mouth positively by professing/confessing positivities/possibilities and not at all negativities/impossibilities. Listen up, God knows what/all you need but he expects/demands you to undoubtedly/emphatically profess it/them over and over again to his hearing/ears until you possess it/all of them. Yes, even the scripture says in (Psalms chapter 81 : 10). It says, open up your mouth wide and then he (God) will fill it up with positivities/possibilities/realities. That's just what the scripture says and that evidently indicates, you should use your mouth ceaselessly to confess/profess positivities/possibilities and never negativities/impossibilities. Because, your mouth is equally meant/made for confessing/professing positivities/possibilities and not just only for mere eating/talking. Therefore come on, hence forth go ahead/dare to seal/solidify your faith with the words of your mouth.

– Emeasoba George

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Your confession is bound to be your possession sooner or later. Besides, every creation including you is a product of the spoken word of God. Now, that infers you ought to use your mouth positively by professing or confessing positivities/possibilities and not at all negativities nor impossibilities. Listen up, God knows all that you need. But, he expects and demands you to profess them undoubtedly and emphatically over and over again to his hearing or ears until you possess all of them. Yes! even the scripture says in (Psalms 81:10). It says, open up your mouth wide and then he (God) will fill it up with possibilities, realities and goodies. That's just what the scripture says and that evidently indicates, you should use your mouth ceaselessly to confess or profess positivities and possibilities and never negativities or impossibilities. Because, your mouth is equally meant and made for confessing or professing positivities and possibilities and not just only for mere eating or talking. Therefore, come on hence forth dare to seal and solidify your faith with the words of your mouth.

– Emeasoba George

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