Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

First sequels are the true test of an enduring movie franchise, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets passes with flying colors. Expanding upon the lavish sets, special effects, and grand adventure of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry involves a darker, more malevolent tale (parents with younger children beware), beginning with the petrified bodies of several Hogwarts students and magical clues leading Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) to a 50-year-old mystery in the monster-laden Chamber of Secrets. House elves, squealing mandrakes, giant spiders, and venomous serpents populate this loyal adaptation (by Sorcerer's Stone director Chris Columbus and screenwriter Steve Kloves), and Kenneth Branagh delightfully tops the supreme supporting cast as the vainglorious charlatan Gilderoy Lockhart (be sure to view past the credits for a visual punchline at Lockhart's expense). At 161 minutes, the film suffers from lack of depth and uneven pacing, and John Williams' score mostly reprises established themes. The young, fast-growing cast offers ample compensation, however, as does the late Richard Harris in his final screen appearance as Professor Albus Dumbledore. Brimming with cleverness, wonderment, and big-budget splendor, Chamber honors the legacy of J.K. Rowling's novels. --Jeff Shannon

Production: Warner Bros. Pictures
  Nominated for 3 BAFTA Film Awards. Another 11 wins & 42 nominations.
Rotten Tomatoes:
The Second Year Begins
Hogwarts is Back in Session
Dobby Has Come to Warn You, Sir
Something Evil Has Returned to Hogwarts
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir...beware!
The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened

[Malfoy corners Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley children at Flourish & Blotts Bookstore after Harry unwillingly gets his picture taken with Lockhart.]

Draco Malfoy:
Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page.

Ginny Weasley:
Leave him alone.

Draco Malfoy:
[Smirking] Oh, look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend.

Lucius Malfoy:
[Places the silver snake of his walking stick on Draco's shoulder] Now, now, Draco. Play nicely. [To Harry] Mr. Potter. Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me. [uses the silver snake to pull back Harry's bangs; sees his scar] Your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.

[firmly] Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer.

Lucius Malfoy:
Hmm, you must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish.

[Indirectly quoting Dumbledore] Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.

Lucius Malfoy:
And you must be... Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents. [glances at the Grangers, who are speaking with Mr. Weasley] Muggles, aren't they? [Looks at Ron] Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions... [Takes a book out of Ginny's cauldron] Tatty, secondhand book. [Smiles coldly] You must be the Weasleys.

Arthur Weasley:
[Arriving and attempting to ignore Mr. Malfoy] Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside.

Lucius Malfoy:
Well, well, well. Weasley Senior.

Arthur Weasley:

Lucius Malfoy:
Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur. All those extra raids; I do hope they're paying you overtime. [Picks up one of Ginny's books] Though judging by the state of this, I'd say not. [Places the book back in Ginny's cauldron; another book has been slipped in with it, though only Harry notices] What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard... if they don't even pay you well for it?

Arthur Weasley:
We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy:
Clearly. Associating with Muggles... And I thought your family could sink no lower. [Mr. Weasley glares at Mr Malfoy.] I'll see you at work.

Draco Malfoy:
See you at school.

[Lucius and Draco leave]

Minerva McGonagall:
Yes, Miss Granger?

Hermione Granger:
Professor, I was wondering if you'd tell us about the Chamber of Secrets.

Professor Minerva McGonagall:
[seeing everyone's faces] Very well. Well, you all knew, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago, by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously. One did not.

Ron Weasley:
[Sarcastic] Three guesses who.

Professor Minerva McGonagall:
Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families – in other words, "pure-bloods". Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though shortly before departing, he sealed it... until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic.

Hermione Granger:

Professor Minerva McGonagall:
Well, naturally the school has been searched many times. No such chamber has been found.

Hermione Granger:
Professor, what exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?

Minerva McGonagall:
Well the Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. it is said to be the home... of a monster.

[Hermione stares in shock, and Ron turns to Malfoy, who smirks.]

Draco Malfoy:
You'd never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world – all of them! [Ron (disguised as Crabbe) clenches his fist angrily] What's wrong with you, Crabbe?

[gets nudged by Harry (disguised as Goyle)] Ahem... stomachache.

Draco Malfoy:
You know, I'm surprised that the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place.

You're wrong!

Draco Malfoy:
[sternly] What? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore? ["Goyle" doesn't reply] Well? Do you?

[gulps] Harry Potter?

[Draco sits back on the couch, considering this]

Draco Malfoy:
Good one, Goyle. You're absolutely right. Saint Potter. And people actually think that he's the Heir of Slytherin?

Well, then, you must have some idea who's behind it all.

Draco Malfoy:
You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you? [picks up the package and shakes it] Is this yours? [Harry shakes his head] But, my father did say this: It's been 50 years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So, it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me... I hope it's Granger. [Ron tries to rush at him, but Harry stops him] What's the matter with you two? You're acting very... odd.

It's his... stomachache.

Who is it?

[to a terrified Ron] Don't panic.

Hagrid? Is that you?

We're friends of Hagrid. [A colossal, tarantula-like spider emerges] You... You're Aragog, aren't you?

Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before.

Well, he's in trouble. Up at the school, there have been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets, like before.

That's a lie! Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets.

Then you're not the monster?

No. The monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land, in the pocket of a traveler.

[noticing other giant spiders around them; whimpering] Harry...

Shush. [to Aragog] Well, if you're not the monster, then what did kill that girl 50 years ago?

We do not speak of it! It is an ancient creature that we spiders fear above all others.

But have you seen it?

I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here.

[sounding like he's about to cry] Harry?

[irritated] What?! [Ron points upwards in terror – giant spiders descend and surround them] [to Aragog] Well... thank you. We'll just go.

Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye, friends of Hagrid.

[to Harry] Can we panic now? [the spiders move in for the attack] Know any spells?

One – but it's not powerful enough for all of them.

Where's Hermione when you need her?

[Harry has just entered the Chamber of Secrets. He see Ginny Weasley lying motionless at the end of the chamber.]

Ginny. [Runs to her] Ginny. Ginny. Please don't be dead. Wake up. Wake up!

Tom Riddle:
[suddenly appears out of nowhere] She won't wake.

Tom? Tom Riddle? What do you mean she won't wake? She's not...?

Tom Riddle:
She's still alive, but only just.

Are you a ghost?

Tom Riddle:
A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years.

[touches her hand] She's cold as ice. Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up. [Tom picks up Harry's wand] You've got to help me, Tom. There's a basilisk--

Tom Riddle:
It won't come until it's called.

Give me my wand, Tom.

Tom Riddle:
You won't be needing it.

Listen, we've got to go, we've got to save her!

Tom Riddle:
I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker... I grow stronger. Yes, Harry. It was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets.

No. She couldn't. I mean, she wouldn't!

Tom Riddle:
It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the mudbloods and Filch's cat. [flashback of Ginny watching the Chamber's entrance in the toilets open] It was Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls. [flashback of Ginny writing the massages]

But why?

Tom Riddle:
Because I told her to. You'll find I can be very... persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was in, shall we say, a kind of trance. Still, the power of the diary began to scare her, and she tried to dispose of it in the girl's bathroom. [flashback of Ginny running into a toilet cubicle and throwing the diary into the toilet] And then who should find it... but you? The very person I was most anxious to meet.

And why did you want to meet me?

Tom Riddle:
I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust.

[angrily] Hagrid's my friend! And you framed him, didn't you?

Tom Riddle:
It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent.

[smiling] I bet Dumbledore saw right through you.

Tom Riddle:
He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary – preserving my sixteen year-old self in its pages so that one day, I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work.

Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the mandrake draught will be ready and everyone who was petrified will be all right again.

Tom Riddle:
Haven't I told you? Killing mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now, my new target... has been you. How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape, with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?

Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time.

Tom Riddle:
Voldemort... is my past, present, and future. [uses Harry's wand to write his full name in midair: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. He slashes the wand and the letters rearrange to become I AM LORD VOLDEMORT, before they fade]

[stunned] You. You're the heir of Slytherin. You're Voldemort.

Tom Riddle:
Surely, you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name? No. I fashioned myself a new name. A name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world!

Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world!

Tom Riddle:
Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!

He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him! [Fawkes suddenly enters the chamber] Fawkes? [Fawkes drops the Sorting Hat to Harry and leaves]

Tom Riddle:
So... this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender: a songbird and an old hat. [turns to the statue of Salazar Slytherin and speaks in Parseltongue] Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four. [The statue's mouth begins to open] Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter. [The basilisk's snout emerges from the mouth; Harry turns and runs as the creature fully emerges] [in Parseltongue] Kill him! [to Harry] Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter! It only obeys me!

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