WWE Monday Night RAW

WWE Monday Night RAW


[Walking through the halls dressed as the Crocodile Hunter, carrying a small plastic crocodile and speaking with an Australian accent] Crikey! Hello everybody, it's me, the Crocodile Hunter, off on another safari of fun and adventure. [Looks to see if anyone is following him] Now normally I would be in the swamps with the crocodiles everywhere. But tonight we are going to a much worse place, a more vile, nasty place than you've ever seen, the NWO locker room, come on. [Turns a corner and is standing in front of the door to the NWO locker room] Now remember, we have to be very quiet, because, even though there's no one at home, the NWO, they tend to travel in packs, and they can be very scary. But let's go anyway. [Opens door and walks in and sees the Big Show sleeping on a couch] By crikey, look at this, look at this. It's the giant sleeping Showpopotamus. These creatures are enormous, so big, but they smell, good grief, they smell like, like kangaroo crotch sac. [Goldust voice] Oh, gnarly! [Shudders and backs off when he hears a toilet flushing offscreen]

[Walks into the room] What are you doing here, you freak?

Yankers me crankers, look at this creature. Look, you don't see this every day. It's the rare bandana-wearing grease rat! [Crowd can be heard laughing] But be very careful, they tend to suck! [Throws the toy crocodile at X-Pac, who catches it, and runs off. X-Pac drops the crocodile on the floor and chases after Goldust]

Jerry Lawler:
Tend to suck?

The Big Show:
[Mumbling, asleep] Cheeseburgers... and a milkshake.

Bret Hart:
[Bret comes into the ring at the start of the show] There's something I gotta say!

Jerry 'The King' Lawler:
What's he doing out here?

Bret Hart:
There's something I gotta say to you! [Points at Vince McMahon] You know, when I decided to come back to the World Wrestling Federation, you promised me that I would get an opportunity to fight for the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. You put me in the ring with Stone Cold Steve Austin and said that if I could beat Stone Cold Steve Austin, that I would be the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. Now don't you think it's just a little bit convenient that for some stupid reason, Shawn Michaels finds himself out at ringside announcing in my World Championship match with Sycho Sid? I don't think it was any kind of a coincidence either. So Shawn Michaels jumps up and sticks his nose in my business and costs me the World Wrestling Federation Championship Belt with blatant interference. The Boy Toy costs me the championship and they go, "Oh that's okay. Don't worry about it, cause now you can go in the Royal Rumble and you only have to fight 29 other guys and then you'll get your opportunity for the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt." So I went in the ring, and it's very, very clear to me that I won the Royal Rumble and I should be getting a World Wrestling Federation Championship bout. Where is my opportunity? You know, the way I look at things right now, I've been screwed by Shawn Michaels the Boy Toy, I've been screwed by Stone Cold Steve Austin, I've been screwed by the World Wrestling Federation, and I've been screwed by you! [to Vince] I don't like to make idle threats, but the way I see things, it doesn't look like I'm going to get my opportunity for a shot at the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. So I quit! [slams the microphone down]

Dude Love:
Owww, have mercy! Hunter and especially your finer Chyna, I know what you must be thinking. 'Dude, what are you doing back here, when you should be out there kicking some heavy duty booty all over the garden?' Hunter my man, I do believe it's time we had a little rap, oh-ho. Because you see, falls count anywhere ain't exactly my bag baby. The pinfalls in the hot dog stands, the pinfalls in the street, the chairs, the tables, it's not exactly a Love thing. But I know somebody, baby, who's bag it indeed is. He's my man, he's my main man, you might even say, well daddy, he's a Kind man. A kooky type of cat, let's bring him out right now. [Mankind's music plays as Mankind walks into the picture] Mankind, my main mandible- up high big man, down low, owww you're too slow. Mankind, good to have you at the Love Shack.

Hey Dude. Thanks for having me here.

Dude Love:
The pleasure's all mine.

You really are eye candy for the chicks, Dude.

Dude Love:
That much I know, Daddy, but first you got to tell me about this wacky match: Falls count anywhere.

Dude, as much as I've dreamed about destroying Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

Dude Love:
I know you have.

As many horrible things as I'd like to do to him.

Dude Love:
I know you can.

I know someone who dreams about it even more.

Dude Love:
Oh no, are you thinking what I think you're thinking?

I think I am thinking what you think I think you're thinking

Dude Love:
Can you bring him out, Manny? Where is he?


Dude Love:
Somebody spank me, I thought he was dead.

He's alive.

Cactus Jack:
Hunter, it may be the darkest day of your life, but this is Madison Square Garden, and Mrs. Foley's baby boy is finally home! BANG BANG!

Have a nice day!

Dude Love:
Owww have mercy!

Vince McMahon:
[Introducing the Attitude Era] It has been said that anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation, but now more than ever truer words have never been spoken. This is a conscious effort on our part to open the creative envelope, so to speak, in order to entertain you in a more contemporary manner. Even though we call ourselves "Sports Entertainment" because of the athleticism involved, the keyword in that phrase is "Entertainment". The WWF extends far beyond the strict confines of sports presentation into the wide open environment of broad based entertainment. We borrow from such programs niches like soap-operas like "The Days Of Our Lives" or music videos such as those on MTV, Daytime talk-shows like "Jerry Springer" and others, cartoons like "The King Of The Hill" on FOX, Sitcoms like "Seinfeld" and other widely accepted forms of television entertainment. We in the WWF think that you, the audience, are quite frankly tired of having your intelligence insulted. We also think that you're tired of the same old simplistic theory of "Good Guys vs. Bad Guys". Surely the era of the super-hero urge you to say your prayers and take your vitamins is definitely pass?. Therefore, we've embarked on a far more innovative and contemporary creative campaign, that is far more invigorating and extemporaneous than ever before. However, due to the live nature of "RAW" and the "War Zone", we encourage some degree of parental discretion, as relates to the younger audience allowed to stay up late. Other WWF programs on USA, such as the "Saturday Morning Live Wire" and "Sunday Morning Superstars", where there's a 40% increase in the younger audience obviously, however, need no such discretion. We are responsible television producers who work hard to bring you this outrageous, wacky, wonderful world known as the WWF. Through some 50 years the World Wrestling Federation has been an entertainment main-stay here in North America and all over the world. One of the reasons for that longevity is: As the times have changed, so have we. I'm happy to say that this new vibrate, creative direction has resulted in a huge increase in television viewership, for which we thank the USA Network and TSN for allowing us to have the creative freedom. But most especially, we would like to thank you for watching. RAW and the War Zone are definitely the cure for the common show.

The Rock:
According to The Rock's Rolex, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Your time is up and judging by the fact your sorry carcass isn't out here, delivering what's rightfully The Rock's, and that's the Intercontinental belt, It just goes to show that you're as gutless as can be. And Stone Cold Steve Austin, you've managed to do something that you shouldn't have done and that's piss The Rock off. And now The Rock and the Nation are coming to get my Intercontinental Belt.

Steve Austin:
[Austin is on the titantron up on a bridge] Well, I can you can It's a beautiful night, you see the moon shining bright up there,you see the cars rollin' back and forth over there, but you ain't got no one on this bridge but Stone Cold Steve Austin with the Intercontinental Championship belt. Rock, when I gave you this belt,I did just that,you didn't have to earn a damn thing. Well tonight, son if ya wanna find it, I got a few things I'm going to give ya first. If you're gonna find it you're going to need a few objects, you're gonna need a little mask so that you can see under the water [throws mask into river] ,you're gonna need a little snorkel [throws Snorkel into River] Hell son, you might even need a regulator because you're gonna have to go deep [Throws Regulator] Now I got your ass a little oxygen tank,but I doubt if there's any oxygen in the damn thing,so nonetheless, throw the damn thing in [throws Oxygen tank] And I tell you what, Rock,here are your little flippers, 'cause you probably can't swim worth a damn either [throws flippers in] here's a cell phone, [throws phone in] when you find the damn thing,dial my number,and here's a pager [throws it in] When ya dial me,tell me when you find your little belt, I'll page ya back with the 3-1-6 and give you the big thumbs up,Rock,you're the biggest piece of trash i ever saw,it hurts me to do this but, i really don't give a damn about you or the WWF so i guess i'll see your little belt later, and that's the bottom line,because the 3,1,6 said so... ya piece of trash!

The Rock:
[challenging the Big Show] Tonight, in front of all The Rock's fans, you will go one on one with the Great One! And go on and check your big, fat ass directly into the SmackDown Hotel!

[the "Countdown to the Millennium" clock appears on the TitanTron, counts down, and "Break Down the Walls" hits]

Chris Jericho:
Welcome to "Raw is Jericho"! And I am the new millennium for the World Wrestling Federation. Now, for those of you who don't know me, I am Chris Jericho, your...

[the audience starts to boo]

Chris Jericho:
Your new hero, your party host, and most importantly, the most charismatic showman to ever enter your living rooms via a television screen. And for those of you know do know me, well, all hail the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a! Now, when you think of the new millennium, you think of an event so gigantic that it changes the course of history. You think of a dawning of a new era.

[the crowd begins a "Rocky" chant]

Chris Jericho:
Thank you. Thank you. And a new era is what this once proud and profitable company sorely needs. What was once a captivating, trendsetting program has now deteriorated into a clich? - let's be honest, boring - snoozefest that is in dire need of a knight in shining armor. And that's why I'm here. Chris Jericho has come to save the World Wrestling Federation. Now, let's go over the facts. Television ratings, downward spiral. Pay-per-view buyrates, plummeting. Mainstream acceptance, nonexistent. And reactions of the live crowds, complete and utter silence. And I know why you're silent. You're silent because you're embarrassed to be here. And quite honestly, I'm embarrassed for you. And the reason why you're embarrassed is because of the steady stream of uninteresting, untalented, mediocre "sports entertainers" who you're forced to cheer for and care for. No wonder you're not cheering. You could care less about every single idiot in that dressing room, and especially this idiot in the center of the ring.

[points at The Rock]

Chris Jericho:
You people have been lead to believe that mediocrity is excellence. Uh-uh. Jericho is excellence. And now, for the first time in history, you have a man who can entertain you. You have a man who is good enough for you. You have a man who can make you jump up off your chairs, raise your filthy, fat little hands in the air, and scream "Go, Jericho, go! Go, Jericho, go! Go, Jericho, go!"

[the crowd starts a "go, Jericho, go" chant]

Chris Jericho:
Thank you. The new millennium has arrived. And now that the Y2J problem is here, this company, from the front office idiots to all the amateurs in the dressing room, including this one...

[points at The Rock in the ring again]

Chris Jericho:
...to everybody watching tonight will never, e-e-e-e-ever be the same again!

The Rock:
After three boring minutes, The Rock says know your role and shut your mouth!

[the crowd cheers]

The Rock:
How dare you little jabroni come on The Rock's show and not even have the class to introduce yourself? What is your name?

Chris Jericho:
I told you...

The Rock:

[the crowd cheers]

The Rock:
The Rock says you talk about your Y2J plan? Well, The Rock has a little plan of his own, and it's called the KY Jelly plan! Which...

[the audience cheers again]

The Rock:
Which means The Rock is gonna lube his size 13 boot real good, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass! IF YOU SMELLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK... IS COOKING!

The Rock:
Finally, the Rock HAS COME BACK to St. Louis! Now you are probably wondering why every single WWF superstar is surrounding the ring with the People's Champ in the middle. Well the Rock says they have all asked the Rock to be their spokesman... and as unaccustomed to public speaking as the Rock is, he has agreed, so the Rock says Triple H and Stephanie, bring your candyasses out here and face the Rock! [Nothing happens] ock says... we'll try this one more time. Maybe you didn't understand the Great One - maybe you'll understand this - The Rock says: Triple H, Stephanie, bring your ROODY POO CANDYASSES... [HHH's music hits and he and Stephanie enter]

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
Now now now - gentlemen I don't know what you're up to... but, but I'm sure... ["Slut" chants, Rock cuts her off]

The Rock:
Let the Rock give you something you have needed for a long time. The Rock says you should know your role and SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Now the Rock says we're gonna talk about a couple of things. The very first thing we're gonna talk about is Mick Foley. [Cheers] Now the Rock knows that Foley's out there in the parking lot right now, here in St. Louis - probably selling popcorn, hell, he's probably *eating* popcorn, but the Rock says if you do not meet our demands, we've got every single WWF superstar ready to walk out on your candyasses and every single WWF superstar ready to join a new federation - the WRF - the World ROCK Federation! So the Rock says tonight you *will* reinstate Mick Foley - NOW! ["Foley" Chants]

Triple H:
As of right now, Mick Foley is back in the World Wrestling Federation - but not - NOT because you say so - it was already in the works, as a matter of fact we were gonna reinstate him today anyway.

The Rock:
Secondly, the Rock says he's been all - he's been in all type of matches as of late - the pink slip on a pole match, the you're fired handicap match, and the Rock says that as of tonight, there is no way... and the Rock means NO WAY matches like that will ever happen again.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
That - that seems fair - that seems fair." ["Slut!" chants continue]

The Rock:
It sounds to the Great One that there's fifteen thousand Rock fans calling you a slut!

Triple H:
I thought they were talkin' to you, Rock!

The Rock:
And thirdly, the Rock says this - you like to throw away - throw around your weight, like you're a big shot, like you're the Rock, well the Rock says as far as for anybody being fired, is that as of tonight, there is no one who will ever get fired again unless there is just due, jabronies.

Triple H:
That's fair, too. Hey, you guys gotta realise one thing - all we're about is fairness- [Mankind's Music hits]

First off, I would like to acknowledge THE DOZENS... of Mankind fans who sent out their care, their cards and their letters. Second off, I'd like to thank the Great One - not only for the kind words he inscribed to me in his new book, but for sticking his neck on the line in support of me. But as it refers to the McMahon-Helmsley era, I wanna say I condemn you for ridiculing me, for making fun of me, for mocking my family, and I've got a coupla suggestions I'd like to make - in concern to the Royal Rumble. You see, I think I've got a hell of a main event lined up and it concerns you and it concerns me in Madison Square Garden... before you think about it, I'd also like to add a couple of special stipulations at a later date - and with the knowledge that we've got about fifty wrestlers ready to walk on a moment's notice, I suggest you make up your mind... right about... NOW!"

Triple H:
You want me at the Garden, you want me at the Rumble?

You're damn right I want your ass at the Rumble!

Triple H:
You got it!

Cause you see, Triple H, the way I figure it is when I get my...

The Rock:
[Cutting Mankind off] Well, seeing as the WWF title match is set for the Royal Rumble, the Rock says he's gonna take it upon himself to include himself in ANOTHER match at the Royal Rumble. The Rock says, as the People's Champion, the Rock is gonna throw his name in the hat and be a participant in the thirty-man Royal Rumble... and the Rock says that night, at Madison Square Garden, New York City, the Rock says he is gonna take 29 other... jabronies... one by one by damn one... over the top rope, the Rock, standin' in the middle of the ring, goin' to WrestleMania to face YOU... or YOU."

Rock, that sounds like a hell of a matchup - but let's not just waste all our energy on the Royal Rumble - it seems to me we've got about twenty thousand screaming fans right here in St. Louis, Missouri. So why don't we put our heads together and come up with a hell of a show..."

Triple H:
A hell of a show is not your job to come up with!

Wait, wait, no, these are just suggestions, Triple H! Because you know I've been out on the road and doggone it, not a day goes by when someone doesn't come up to me and say 'Mick, who do you think the toughest of the two New Age Outlaws is?' Yeah, I think we deserve to find out... with your permission, I think we oughta book that match right here in St. Louis tonight."

Triple H:
And I suppose if we don't, everybody walks?

Everybody Walks.

Triple H:
Outlaw vs. Outlaw, sure, that oughta be a hell of a match, sure, that's great.

That is great, but you know while you were talking about that I had another idea - you see, it seems to me you told X-Pac that he was just as good as you were on SmackDown!, and I'm not sure everybody believes it, so I think we oughta find out, by golly! And hey, once again, Triple H, with your permission, I think we oughta see you and we oughta see X-Pac in this very ring tonight!

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:
You got it, Mick! You got it

The Rock:
After seven long years...

[the audience cheers]

The Rock:

[the audience cheers louder]

The Rock:

[the audience cheers louder still]

The Rock:
Finally... The Rock has come back to Anaheim! Which means finally, The Rock has come back to Monday Night Raw!

[the audience cheers again]

The Rock:
Which means finally, The Rock has come back... home.

[the audience cheers again, and break into a "Rocky" chant]

The Rock:
Now, before The Rock gets into that... before we electrify, before we turn this out tonight... for those of you who don't know, The Rock has many nicknames. The Great One, The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment, The People's Champion. But I want to tell you something that's important to me right now. I need to take this moment, and I need to tell you something as Dwayne. It's been a long time since I've been back. Seven years, to be exact. But I want to take this moment, in the middle of this ring, to tell you why I'm back. It's not because of the money, it's not to promote a movie. I am back in the middle of this ring because of you.

[the audience cheers]

The Rock:
When I left, when I left the WWE seven years ago, I dreamed big, and you guys dreamed big with me. You helped me accomplish my goals. I accomplished my dreams because you never left my side.

[the audience cheers again]

The Rock:
And I want to take this moment to tell you all here, you're live here, millions watching around the world. I want to tell you thank you, I love you, and it is because of you that I am back in this ring, and it is because of you, and I give you my word, I am never, ever going away.

[the audience cheers, and begins another "Rocky" chant]

The Rock:
Simply put, ladies and gentlemen, The Rock is back!

[another audience pop]

The Rock:
Now, The Rock is back because I wanted to do something unprecedented. Something no man had ever done before. I wanted to host WrestleMania. So it happened. The Rock called Vince McMahon and Vince McMahon said "Rock, I know why you're calling. I know you know I need a host for WrestleMania. Rock, there's only one man electrifying enough to host WrestleMania. Rock, there's only one man that can captivate the world. Rock, that man can only be Justin Bieber."

[laughter and jeers]

The Rock:
But I told Vince, I said "No, no, no, no. Hey, no. The Rock knows Justin, he's cool. Dig-dig the kid. Cool kid. But make no mistake about it, Vince, there is only one man capable enough to host WrestleMania. That man is the jabroni-beating, la-la-la-la pie eating, trailblazing, eyebrow raising step off the break, put your foot on the gas, always ready to whoop some ass, People's Champ, The Rock!"

[audience cheers]

The Rock:
"The Rock is going to WrestleMania. The Rock will host WrestleMania, and at the drop of a dime, The Rock will layeth the smack down at WrestleMania." But... to who? That's the question. Could it be... the WWE Champion, The Miz?

[audience pops]

The Rock:
He's the one that goes around saying "I'm the Miz, and I'm awesome. I'm awesome, I'm awesome." I hear that all the time. "I'm awesome." Well, The Rock ain't no scientist but he pretty much knows that there's one formula that's a fact. If you gotta run around shooting your mouth off telling everybody how awesome you are, it means you absolutely, undoubtedly, unquestionably, one hundred percent completely *suck*!

The Rock:
But there's one more man who The Rock wants to see. There's one more man who The Rock is gonna see. And that man

[the lights in the arena blink off and on twice; Michael Cole smugly stands up from the commentator table]

Michael Cole:
[to the audience] Can I have your attention, please?

[the audience jeers]

Michael Cole:
I have just received an e-mail from the anonymous Raw General Manager.

The Rock:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Michael Cole, if you take one more step towards that computer, The Rock will get out of here and slap the taste so far out of your mouth you'll never get it back!

[the audience pops]

The Rock:
[Cole mouths something] Shut up! Michael Cole, you actually think that The Rock is just gonna let you walk over to that computer and interrupt him when he is *live* on Raw? Is that what you think? Do you actually think that any of us give a damn what your General Manager has to say?

[the audience pops and begins a "Rocky" chant]

The Rock:
Michael Cole, is that what you think?

Michael Cole:
I'll tell you what I think.

The Rock:

[the audience pops again]

The Rock:
Now what you do, Michael Cole, is you sit your ass down at that announcer booth, take off your headset, and you don't say a word. And I quote, you know your damn role and shut your damn mouth!

[the audience pops again]

The Rock:
Because if you don't, The Rock will have some pretty cool Facebook pictures to post on his Facebook tonight. Does anyone here want to contribute to The Rock's Facebook tonight?

[the audience pops]

The Rock:
Really simple. Facebook.com/Dwayne Johnson, if Michael Cole doesn't do as The Rock says, you're gonna get a beautiful picture of The Rock stepping out of this ring... going over to that computer - some of you may know where I'm going with this - the picture you're gonna get is The Rock shining it up real nice, turning that sumbitch sideways and sticking it straight up Michael Cole's candy ass! Now sit down, you look like a drunk Hobbit. Sit your ass down.

[Cole dejectedly sits down]

The Rock:
There is one man who The Rock is gonna see. There is one man who The Rock has to see face to face. A guy who I met, a guy who I thought was a cool guy. Wished him well, happy for his success. When The Rock leaves, he comes in and out of the blue, eventually, he starts talking trash about The Rock. I don't know why, and I don't care. But I'm back now. You might have heard of him, his name is John Cena.

[the audience pops again]

The Rock:
So let me get this straight. The WWE has gone from the powerful "Austin 3:16" to the dominant and iconic "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?", all the way to...

[mocking Cena's hand wave]

The Rock:
"You can't see me. You can't see me. You can't see me." What, are you playing peek-a-boo? "You can't see me, I can see you, you can't see me." Oh, believe me, we *all* can see you. We all can see you. A blindfolded, sleeping, stuck in the basement Stevie Wonder can see your monkey ass. How in the hell do you think we can miss? You come out here with your bright-ass purple shirt, and before that, your bright green shirt, before that your bright orange shirt, you run around here looking like a big fat bowl of Fruity Pebbles!

[the audience pops loudly]

The Rock:
John Cena, The Rock will see you at WrestleMania. Just like The Rock will see The Miz at WrestleMania, just like he will see everyone at WrestleMania. And just as sure as The Rock, just as sure as The Rock turns WrestleMania into the most epic WrestleMania of all time, and just as sure as anything can, and will, happen at WrestleMania, and just as sure as every day John Cena walks out here looking like he just got shot out of Barney the dinosaur's anus, is just... is just as sure as The Rock guaran-damn-tees three things at this WrestleMania. The Rock guaran-damn-tees to show the world that he is the most electrifying man in all of entertainment! The Rock guaran-damn-tees at the drop of a dime, just like that, to layeth the smacketh down on all their candy asses! And the last thing, and most important, The Rock... and the millions...

[the audience chants out "and millions"]

The Rock:
No, no, no, no. That's not good enough. No, no, no. The Rock, and the millions...

[the audience chants out "and millions" again, louder]

The Rock:
No, no, no, no. That's still not good enough. The Rock is the People's Champ, you are the backbone of The Rock. When we speak, our voices are heard, we all say "I Bring It." Anaheim, the world is watching. Anaheim, the world is listening. One more time. When The Rock, and the millions...

[the audience chants "and millions" again, even louder]

The Rock:
...of The Rock's fans go to WrestleMania, and electrify WrestleMania and the world like no one else can, IF YA SMELLLLLL... what The Rock...

[the audience chants "Is cooking"]

The Rock:
...is cooking.

John Cena:
[about The Rock's promo from the previous week] I guess I was really excited to see him last Monday, but after watching that back, he was... pretty much making fun of me. I... I think I should... I should probably say something about that, right?

[the audience cheers]

John Cena:
Wait... wait, wait, wait. Guys, if I go there, and if I call somebody out, there's only... there's only one way I know how to do it. I haven't... I haven't done it in a long time, but I still do have a degree in Thuganomics.

[the audience cheers again]

John Cena:
You know what? You know what? I think we gotta do this here tonight. I think we have to answer The Rock, I think we have to send a message because if I don't, I won't be able to focus on WrestleMania, I won't be able to focus on Miz. If I don't end this tonight, then all I will hear about is Rocky.

[the audience starts a "Rocky" chant]

John Cena:
So I'm gonna do this once. It's a one-time deal for y'all here tonight. I should probably make sure I've still got it. Hold on a second.

[Cena clears his throat]

John Cena:
[singsong] Yo, yo, yo. No, that's not right.

[Cena clears his throat again]

John Cena:
["thug"-style] Yo. All right, I got my Fresno state of mind, I'm ready to do this.

[the audience pops; Cena pulls a gold chain out from under his shirt]

John Cena:
Let me get my chain out for a second. Finally, The Rock came back and everybody was gettin' with it. 'Till he said I was talking trash, but he would never be specific. It's because I wasn't talking trash, Rock, I was talking truth. You left us hanging high and dry to play a fairy with a tooth?

[the audience pops; Cena gives them a confused look]

John Cena:
And... and then you walk into this ring and tell these people that I'm lame, man? He wore lipstick in "Get Shorty" and rocked a skirt for "The Game Plan". This "Fruity Pebble" that you dealin' with, I'm not your average jabroni. I'm like a big purple pinwheel, Rock, so go ahead and blow me.

[the audience pops]

John Cena:
And you're electrifying, yes. But hang with me, that's just absurd. See, now you gotta tell your family you just got schooled by Barney's turd.

[the audience pops again]

John Cena:
Oh, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. That's your material, you can have your joke back. Just don't go racing to Witch Mountain, Rock, 'cause your mountain is Brokeback.

[another audience pop]

John Cena:
Oh, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, The Rock's new movie, well it's nothing like "Walking Tall". He spends the movie in a bowling alley, polishing my balls.

[yet another audience pop]

John Cena:
The People's Champ? He's never with the people. Rock, your words are see-through. You imitate me every time you leave: for seven years we couldn't see you. And-and-and-and is it Rock or is it Dwayne? Pick a side, come on, son. If I was you, I'd stick with "Rock". 'Cause "Dwyane" ain't got a johnson. And you'll see me at WrestleMania, well then I'll make sure not to miss it. But you ain't gonna whip my candy ass, dude. I'll make sure you kiss it.

[audience pop]

John Cena:
You're the WrestleMania host, Rock. That's your role, know it. You tell these people that you love 'em. I'm here every week to show it.

Triple H:
I showed up. Apparently, all of you showed up. You know, I stood in this ring a week ago, bewildered, saw something that I never thought I would ever see. Fifty-five, some superstars, a few camera guys, some techs, all of the referees, all of the announcers, and they all walked out.

[the audience boos]

Triple H:
Never thought I'd see it, but they walked out of Monday Night Raw. Thing is, they didn't walk out on me. They walked out on all of you. And those... superstars now stand outside in the parking lot, holding some kind of "solidarity rally". Apparently, the WWE and Raw has "gotten too tough for them". "It's hard here," they-they "just can't do it anymore." So they're all standing outside, and from what I understand, they all have their gear. They all have their wrestling gear, but not one of them is gonna step in this building to perform for you.

[the audience boos again, louder]

Triple H:
Unless... unless I step down.

[the audience boos a third time]

Triple H:
If I am no longer running Monday Night Raw, then they will all come back. So what should I do? Should I... should I walk away?

[the audience chants "no"]

Triple H:
Should I quit?

[the audience chants "no" again]

Triple H:
I dunno. Maybe I should. Maybe I should just go, you know? But... here's the problem I have with it, you know? Because... I-I've just never been a quitter, you know? It's just not in me. I-I... I can't- I can't do it. I just-I just... I will not quit, you know? And-and I-I will not be intimidated! I will not be coerced! I will not be blackmailed! And I will not quit!

[the audience cheers]

Triple H:
So what that means is all you guys in the parking lot, you can pucker up real nice and kiss me where my cheeks meet! Because this is they way it goes: I don't care if I gotta take off this suit, strip down to my tighty-whities, get a broomstick in this ring, I'll wrestle the broomstick for two hours! Hell, I've wrestled a lot of the guys in that parking lot, the brookstick'll give me a better match than most of 'em. Come hell or high water, I am giving you Monday Night Raw! I am giving you a show tonight!

[the audience cheers; after a moment, John Cena's music hits and Cena joins Triple H in the ring]

John Cena:
There was a reason that I wasn't involved with the group's decision last week on Monday Night Raw. It's the same reason that I haven't addressed the press, or the tens of millions of people on social media who wanna know where I stand on this issue. Confidence or no confidence? And there's been a lot of people that said that that fifty-five person walkout in the parking lot would be a lot stronger if one more man was added to that list. And ever since, the second that Hell in a Cell ended and I was brutally attacked at the second I pulled up to this building this morning, each one of those fifty-five personnel from superstars to cameramen to audio guys has contacted me personally and asked me to join them.

[the audience jeers]

John Cena:
You never even sent me so much as a text message asking me to stay. They want me out in that parking lot because they believe their boss is too focused on himself, doesn't see what's going on around him. They believe their boss is... egomaniacal, self-centered, and power hungry. Those are good points, those are good points. But a lot of those gentlemen and ladies sittin' out in that parking lot, you're their first boss. I've been here for a while, so I ran down a list of my bosses. I've worked for Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff.

[the audience jeers again]

John Cena:
Those are two of the most humble guys on the planet! I've worked for... Vickie Guerrero.

[more audience jeers]

John Cena:
I've worked for fifty-six celebrity general managers ranging from Shaquille O'Neal to Al Sharpton.

[more jeers]

John Cena:
I've been told what to do by an anonymous computer who's the general manager of Raw. And I managed to even make it through the Mike Adamle era. *That* was an unsafe workplace. You know, you were there. So I'm not out here tonight to tell you that you're my best friend. I'm here to tell you that you're my boss. I'm staying.

[the audience cheers]

John Cena:
And I'm staying because I love Raw! I don't care who's in charge! I am *staying* because I love the unsafe workplace. It is the chaos that makes us all tune in every week.

[the audience cheers]

John Cena:
I am staying because the word "loyalty" on my sleeve is not a word, it is a principle. And my loyalty does not lie out in a parking lot, it does not lie behind a suit and tie, it lies in your living room, it lies with each and every one of you right here. Whether you love me or hate me, hell or high water, John Cena stays on Monday Night Raw!

[the audience cheers, and Cena and Triple H shake hands. Sheamus' music then hits]

What's the crack, Hunter? You know, less than two years ago, when you're giving a heartfelt speech about your best friend on the stage, I came and attacked you from behind and hit you in the skull with a lead pipe. See, the thing is, I was trying to make a name for myself by taking you out. And if anyone had any right to complain or take legal action, it'd be you. But you didn't do that, fella, did ya? Instead, you recovered, came back like a man, and I'm not ashamed to say, gave me the biggest asskicking of my entire life.

[the audience cheers]

Now, as you and me know, today that result would be very different. But the one thing is, fella, I'm not ashamed to say I have a lot of respect for you, for doin' that.

[the audience cheers again]

And the last couple of months, I've tried to adhere to the same set of principles that you showed. That's why tonight, I'm not gonna be backstage in some parking lot shenanigans. You see, I didn't travel thousands of miles, leave my family, my friends, everything behind me to come back and sit out there with all those losers. I came here to be part Monday Night Raw!

[the audience cheers; Sheamus and Triple H shake hands, and "Cult of Personality" hits]

CM Punk:
I can't help but feel a little bit respon-, well, hell, who am I kidding? I feel like I started this whole thing. This is all my fault. I've been at the epicenter of anything controversial ever since you took over. Actually, since before that. I'm sure you remember, John boy.

John Cena:
I was there.

CM Punk:
You were there. I'm the guy that made walking out look cool. The-the thing about it is I think everybody in the parking lot having a picnic right now completely misunderstood what I was trying to do. See, I didn't break my contract, I didn't break my word. My contract expired, as I was trying to prove a point to an entire company, not just one man. If anybody has any reason to walk out of the WWE, well, you can probably put me at the top of that list. I mean, my microphone constantly cuts out. Your friend, Kevin Nash, runs through - well, slowly, briskly - runs through the crowd and jumps me and screws me, not once but twice. Somebody here doesn't want me to be the WWE Champion.

[the audience jeers]

CM Punk:
The thing about it is this entire industry is based on men solving their problems in between these ropes. This is the company that gives you Hell in the Cell, this is the company that gives you the Elimination Chamber. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but unsafe working environment? I thrive on that! Hell, this is professional wrestling, this ain't ballet! If you believe in something, you stand and you fight. And if you fight on the front line, you don't have a hippie's sit-in and grill tofu dogs in the parking lot like a bunch of hippies. When I had a problem with you and your authority, I dealt with you personally. And you, you big Boy Scout, when I had a problem with you, being the poster boy for this company, I dealt with you personally. Sheam-o, I'm sure sooner or later you're gonna step on my toes. I'll deal with you personally. Now, I know you three smiley good guys look across the ring from me and I'm the last guy you expect to see here. And-and I know I'm the last guy you expect to see in the foxhole with you. But you know what? Here I am.

[the audience cheers]

CM Punk:
So... so, I got a question. What do we do now?

Triple H:
What do we do now? That's the big question, huh? What do we do now? I say we do what we do on Monday Night Raw. We shut up and fight!

[the audience cheers]

Triple H:
How about this, as long as you guys are in agreement, Sheamus you've got yourself a match, fella. Tonight, right here, right now, you will go one on one with one John Cena.

[the audience cheers again]

Triple H:
And, since I'm the only guy kinda wearing stripes out here, I'll referee. And, foxhole buddy, I got a whole table over there lined up with headphones and pipe bombs, just waiting for you with your name on it. And, if you want, you can go over there and say anything you feel like.

CM Punk:
Wait, you want me to do commentary?

Triple H:
I want you to do commentary.

CM Punk:
John Cena, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this, because before I leave in three weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I wanna get off my chest. I don't hate you, John. I don't even dislike you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate this idea that you're the best - because you're not. I'm the best. I'm the best in the world. There's one thing you're better at than I am and that's kissing Vince McMahon's ass. You're as good at kissing Vince's ass as Hulk Hogan was. I don't know if you're as good as Dwayne. He's a pretty good ass-kisser. Always was and still is. Oops - I'm breaking the fourth wall. [He waves at the camera] I am the best wrestler in the world. I've been the best ever since Day One when I walked into this company. And I've been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That's right, I'm a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar. And he split, just like I'm splittin', but the biggest difference between me and Brock is that I'm going to leave with the WWE Championship. I've grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon's imaginary brass rings that it's finally dawned on me that they're just that. They're completely imaginary. The only thing that's real is me. And the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I've proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring and even on commentary. Nobody can touch me. And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I'm not on your lovely little collectors' cups, I'm not on the cover of the program, I'm barely promoted, I don't get to be in movies, I'm not on any crappy show on the USA Network, I'm not on the poster of WrestleMania, I'm not on the signature that's produced at the start of the show. I'm not on Conan O'Brien, I'm not on Jimmy Fallon, but the fact of the matter is I should be. And trust me, this isn't sour grapes, but the fact that "Dwayne" is in the main event of WrestleMania next year and I'm not, makes me sick! Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now - you are just as big a part of me leaving as anyone else, because you're the ones sipping out of those collector cups right now, you're the ones that buy those programs that my face isn't on the cover of, and then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face thinking you can get an autograph and sell it on eBay, because you're too lazy to get a real job. I'm leaving with the WWE championship on July 17 and hell, who knows, maybe I'll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Maybe I'll go back to Ring of Honor. [Punk beckons again into the camera] Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing? The reason I'm leaving is you people because after I'm gone you're still going to pour money into this company - I'm just a spoke on the wheel - the wheel's gonna keep turning. And I understand that Vince McMahon's gonna make money despite himself. He's a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he's not a billionaire? It's because he surrounds himself with glad-handing nonsensical douche bag yes-men like John Laurinaitis, who's gonna tell him everything he wants to hear. And I'd like to think that maybe this company will be better after Vince McMahon is dead, but the fact is, it's gonna get taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family. Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon. You know we do this whole bully campaign- [the microphone is turned off, Punk knocks a few times on top of it and then calls without micro] I've been silenced!

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