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[Boog throws the cart away and sits on an old cactus named Ol' Prickly] Boog: [sighs] It figures. There's one cactus in all of Timberline and I land right on it. Elliot: [off-screen] Boog, I'm okay! [on-screen when he and Giselle are on Ol' Comfy] We landed in this super cushiony pile of rose petals and clover! [Elliot and Giselle walks away from Ol' Comfy] Elliot: Good thing we didn't land on old prickly. [Boog slides off Ol' Prickly] Wasn't that crazy? The dip where we went down and our stomachs went up! The lava singed my eye lashes! Boog: Listen, Elliot. I've had enough! This is too dangerous! And now Dinkelman's gone. You don't know what he meant to me. Elliot: [sadly] Yeah... [looks upset then smiles] But we're safe now. Boog: Safe? [he pulls off a cactus quill] (What do mean safe?!) We've never been safe! Crashing in airplanes, getting shot at by hunters, flying off the rails in a lava mine. Elliot: We're so close to finding the werewolf. We can't give up now. Boog: Now seems like the perfect time. [turns his back on Elliot] Elliot: Boog, I believe in you. When you want to be, you can be a super brave bear. The superest. Boog: I've had enough! I'm done! I'm building that panic room by myself and hibernating forever. Elliot: And then after that, can we go camping? Boog: No, Elliot. [Elliot gasps then turns his back on Boog] Elliot: Fine. I take it back. You're not super! You're a pooper! I don't need you. All I need is one thing. Myself. Because myself never hurts my feelings like certain heavy-set bears. Boog: That doesn't even make sense. Elliot: Words can hurt, you know that, tubby? [Giselle walks to Boog and Elliot] Giselle: Okay. Let's cool down for a second. Boog: (Elliot,) I stood up for you because I thought you were my best friend. Maybe you're not. [Elliot gasps] You don't care about me. You only care about your stupid camping trip. Elliot: [starts crying] It's not stupid. Boog: Go find yourself a new best friend who likes selfish deers. [Boog walks away from Elliot and Giselle] Elliot: Oh... Well, you can forget about that stupid camping trip! I wouldn't go with you if you were the last best friend on earth! [Elliot watches Boog walks into the forest]

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    In which cartoon does this quote appear: "Rule number three, I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!"?
    A Aladdin
    B Alice in Wonderland
    C Ice Age
    D The Jungle Book