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[Barbossa has just found out that Carina Smyth is his daughter] Captain Jack Sparrow: Smyth. Smyth is quite an unusual name. Did we not once know someone called Smyth? Captain Hector Barbossa: Shut your trap. Captain Jack Sparrow: What was her name? It's right on the tip of me tongue. [Barbossa draws his sword at Jack] Captain Hector Barbossa: Do you want to lose that tongue? Captain Jack Sparrow: Margaret Smyth. [Chuckles] Aye. Should we make an accord, then? Or shall I tell you-know-who what we both know to be true? Captain Hector Barbossa: We both take this secret to our graves. Captain Jack Sparrow: You mean it is true? I was bluffing. Captain Hector Barbossa: I'm not! Captain Jack Sparrow: You kill me, you got nothing to bargain the dead with. So you need me. [Barbossa puts down his sword] I'll have to be frank, Hector. You are very, very ugly. [Barbossa glares at Jack] So how could you produce a fetching creature such as that? Captain Hector Barbossa: Margaret died. I summoned as much honor as a worthless blaggard ever could. I placed the infant in an orphanage, never to see her again. I thought the ruby might afford her some ease in life, but I never imagined she'd take those scribblings and make a life of her own, a life that's led her back to me. Captain Jack Sparrow: I'd say this puts me in a rather favorable position, Daddy. Captain Hector Barbossa: You tell me what you want. Captain Jack Sparrow: I want me compass, 216 barrels of rum...and the monkey. Captain Hector Barbossa: [Confused] You want Jack?? Captain Jack Sparrow: Dinner. I want to eat him, I want to eat that monkey... [Jack the monkey puts something in Jack's mouth to stop him talking] Captain Hector Barbossa: No deal, Jack. A clever young woman such as that would never believe that a swine like me could ever be her blood. And the Trident will be mine.

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    What TV series is this quote from: "I am the one who knocks."?
    A One Tree Hill
    B Breaking Bad
    C Game of Thrones
    D The Vampire Diaries