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Officer Ziva David: Lt. Commander Wilkinson drives a 2002 silver Jetta.Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Figures...Officer Ziva David: What figures?Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Chick car.Officer Ziva David: Meaning?Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: There are guy cars and there are chick cars. It's a known and irrefutable fact.Officer Ziva David: Was it a government study?Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: It's just a thing you know, you don't know how you know it, you just do. Sebring, Liberty, Jetta and Bug; whole VW line are all chick. Mustang, Camaro, Escalade, PT Cruiser: all guy. Hummer is very guy, but with adequacy issues, and then there is some that go both ways.[Officer David steps on the breaks and points at a silver car]Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: It's an Accord, not a Jetta. But, case in point, Mini Cooper and Accura follow the same category.Officer Ziva David: Uff, you've giving this a lot of thought, it's very sad.Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Then there is the Miata, it's a special case: Leans to chick, but can go guy, usually means he's in denial, though. STOP!Officer Ziva David: Gladly, if it means I don't have to listen to your automobile gender issues.

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