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Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: Howard?Howard Borden: Yeah Bob?Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Asking if he's predictable] Would you call me a fuddy-duddy?Howard Borden: Okay... you're a fuddy-duddy! Ha-ha-ha!Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: No ,Howard... do you think I have trouble dealing with changes?Howard Borden: I mean ,I know I have a lot of changes going on in my life right now ,the are a lot of changes going on in the world. You know ,cities change & values change. The whole universe is expanding.Howard Borden: You think that's bad? They've got a new emcee [M.C] on 'Bowling For Bucks'.Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Sounding concerend] They keep going.Howard Borden: Take things in stride Bob. Go with the flow ,go with the flow.Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Nodding in agreement,shrugs] Go with the flow.Emily Hartley: [Door buzzer rings ,Emily comes out] I'll get it ,must be the pizza. [Gets money from Bob] Honey? Ah... thank you. [Pays man] Oh ,thank you... keep the change.Howard Borden: [Overjoyed and eager to eat] OH BOY! PIZZA! PIZZA! OH BOY ,OH...Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Gives command ,as if to a dog] No! You,heel! Heel Howard!Emily Hartley: Well ,here we are gentlemen ,one #7 pizza!Howard Borden: [Still very happy] #7! That's my favorite pizza in the whole wide world!Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Looks at pizza] That isn't #7 ,it's got anchovies on it!Emily Hartley: [Reading paper flyer on box] Well ,they've got a new menu. They have anchovies on #7 now.Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Disgusted] I hate anchovies!Howard Borden: [Calm ,then very upset] They changed my favorite pizza. [pause ,then odd yell] Aaaah! [Stumbles around] I can't breathe ,open a window! I'm getting vapors,I'm getting vapors! I'm getting hives! I'LL SUE ITALY! [Leaving out the apt. door] AAAaahh!Emily Hartley: [Bewildered by Howard's reaction] What 'is' the matter with him?Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley: [Calmly] Emily, you have just seen a man go with the flow.

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