Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
[The episode begins with a cargo ship flying through deep space. We then cut to the front of the ship, piloted by an autopilot named Niner-Niner.]
Voice on Radio:
This is Flight Control. Cargo ship Niner-Niner, you are cleared for passage through the Gamma Quadrant. Please log in with flight status.
This is Niner-Niner logging in. On time.
Voice on Radio:
10-4, Niner-Niner. Flight Control, out.
[Warp is seen behind Niner-Niner and flexes his robotic claws, preparing for an assault with some of Zurg's Hornets behind him. Niner-Niner gasps as he hears Warp's voice and turns around to see him holding a large bazooka and his army of Hornets.]
Hi there! I'm Warp Darkmatter. I'll be your hijacker tonight.
[He aims his bazooka at Niner-Niner.]
If you have any comments or criticisms... [Warp fires a blast at him, which he ducks his head down to dodge it.] ...please contact our "How's my driving?" department.
[Warp prepares to take another shot at the autopilot, but then, coming to Niner-Niner's defense, Buzz flies up from a hatch in the floor and fires his laser at Warp, vaporizing his bazooka out of his former partner-turned-arch rival.]
[grunts and clenches his fists and grits his teeth together in anger as he glares at Buzz] Lightyear!
[gasps in awe] Buzz Lightyear? The pride of Star Command?
[landing in front of Niner-Niner and deactivating his jetpack] That's right, my robotic friend.
Hornets! Blast him!
[The Hornets morph their hands into laser cannons. Niner-Niner ducks his head down again to brace for any laser fire from the Hornets, but before they can begin to open fire, Booster suddenly appears by dropping through the ceiling and crushes the Hornets, reducing them into a pile of scrap.]
[gives a thumbs up to Booster] Good work, Booster.
[Niner-Niner pops his head up and smiles widely.]
[saluting Buzz] Sorry I'm late, sir. I had a heck of a time fitting through that airlock. [Warp glares angrily at the Jo-Adian, who stands up and confronts the former Space Ranger turned evil enemy.] Well, Mr. Darkmatter! [Warp jumps up, activates his wingspan and propels himself off the Jo-Adian's head.] Aw, man!
[He looks up to see Warp floating above him.]
Better luck next time, Rookie. [He flies down the hall and turns on his communicator to send in more Hornets.] Hornets! Rendezvous in the cargo hold. Move it! Lightyear's here.
[XR is then seen chasing after him with his eyes flashing red and blue, producing a siren sound like a police car.]
All right! Pull it over, pal!
[smirks] Oh, great! The tin toy.
Not tin. A terillium-carbonic alloy. [He rolls up a wall and pulls up alongside Warp on his left.] Let me tell you, by the way- [Warp smacks him off the wall with his left wing, sending him plummeting down to the ground.] YEOW! Hey! [He crash lands on the floor and skids violently.] Ugh! Aah! Agh! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, that hurts!
[Warp escapes from XR and flies past the robot Ranger.]
[tauntingly] See ya, tin toy!
Okay, you weren't listening because I said not tin, it's terillium! [He gets up.] Which is very tough, by the way! Don't kid yourself for its- [His arm suddenly pops off, interrupting him.] Augh! Okay, it's no problem. Nobody saw that.
[He puts his arm back on. Mira appears by ghosting through the door.]
Warp Darkmatter, you are under arrest! [She fires her laser at Warp, taking out his right wing and sending him crashing into the ground in front of her with a grunt. He gets up and smirks at the Tangean princess.] I recommend surrender. Not-Not because I can't take you on, because-because I can.
[deactivates his jetpack] Of course you can. [bows] You can do anything, Princess.
[He fires two spiked bombs at Mira from his shoulder, which miss as she makes them ghost through her.]
[sarcastically] Aww, care to take another shot?
No need. [Mira suddenly hears the bombs beep from behind her and when she turns around, they detonate, sending her flying behind Zurg's top agent.] I love fighting Rookies.
[XR's voice is heard behind him and he turns around to see Mira, Booster and XR confronting him with their hands on their hips.]
Good. Good. We've got a lot of fight left in us! [His right arm pops out again.] My fault. I'll get that.
[Buzz swoops down from above and taps Warp from behind, then activates his former partner's jetpack, which launches him into the ceiling and he gets stuck. He is then seen struggling to pull himself out of the ceiling.]
Arrgh! Hornets, attack!
[More Hornets come from above and attack Buzz.]
Buzz needs backup! [to Booster and XR] Can you guys handle this?
[Even more Hornets appear in the hall as Warp frees himself from the ceiling wall. Mira then looks behind her as large black and red robots, called Beetles, also appear.]
Can we handle it? [He arms himself with multiple weapons.] Can we handle it?! [to Booster, unsure] Can we handle it?
Affirmative, Your Highness!
Guys, please just call me Mira.
[She ghosts through the floor after apparently wanting to be referred to by just her first name. Booster and XR prepare to take on the large swarm of Hornets and Beetles. Meanwhile, the other set of Hornets force Buzz through a pile of cargo and into a pile of cartons as Mira enters the scene and aims at the Hornets swarming Buzz.]
[to Buzz] Need a hand?
No, thank you. [He flies up and spins the Hornets off of him and salutes Mira.] Everything's under control, Princess.
[annoyed] Okay, my name's Mira. Could somebody please call me Mira?!
[Buzz looks up as more danger looms.]
Thank- [Buzz tackles her out of the way of a laser blast.] OW!
[Buzz flies Mira to safety in front of a box as Warp flies down with a plasma cannon, the latter weapon being outlawed by the Galactic Alliance. He then deactivates his jetpack again.]
Hey, here's a weapon they don't issue you at Star Command. [He fires at a large box, destroying it.] Take a look, guys. What do you think?
[to Buzz] I thought the Galactic Alliance outlawed plasma cannons.
[to Mira] They did. [points at Warp] Warp, I'm adding possession of illegal firearms to the charges against you!
[More Hornets and Beetles appear behind Warp.]
Don't leave out obliterating two Space Rangers now!
[He fires at Buzz and Mira, who jump backwards over the box as it catches Warp's fire at mid-air in front of them from right above, surprising both parties as Warp gasps in surprise.]
Mira, your Tangean mental powers amaze me.
Uh, Buzz, that's not me. I think it's the box.
[The box shoots out an energy beam to absorb the laser blast shot by Warp, allowing Buzz and Mira to stand up.]
[impressed] That's some box.
[He and Mira aim their lasers at Warp and his army of robots.]
Hornets, hit 'em with everything you've got!
[The Hornets and Beetles ready their weapons and both parties prepare to open fire, but then, the box lets out a vampire-type roar a floats up into the air before unleashing a wave of red energy beams at the Hornets and Beetles, shutting them down immediately as Warp looks on in disbelief as they all fall down to the floor while Buzz and Mira look on in amazement. The tentacles take out the rest of the robots and vaporized Warp's plasma cannon, before it quiets down and lands back on the floor. Warp is angered at this while Buzz and Mira are amazed by what they just saw as some of the Hornets land in front of them.]
[amazed] No, really, that is some box.
[amazed] No wonder Zurg wants it.
And if the dark team can't have it, there's no way we're gonna let it fall in the hands of Star Command. [He speaks to his communicator.] Initiate freighter destruct, now!
[He takes off and escapes before Buzz and Mira can arrest him. Meanwhile, back with Booster and XR, the latter destroys three Beetles while the former grabs one Hornet and uses it to take out four other Hornets and spins it to the ground before they hear Buzz's voice and salute.]
[off-screen] Booster, XR, do you read me?
Yes, sir!
Good. Turn around. [They do so and turn to him and Mira.] This baby's gonna blow in nanoseconds. Booster, we need you to help us with this cargo.
[presses his emblem and activates his jetpack as well as closing his helmet] Can do!
[He takes off to collect the cargo.]
XR, the safety of the autopilot is in your hands!
[freaking out and panicking] I'M GOING TO BE BLOWN TO ATOMS!!!
[XR tries to pull him out of his stand to help him escape.]
[grunts] You are really bolted in there.
[Niner-Niner's stand pulls him and XR back and flips both of them over and smacks them against the control panel and floor repeatedly. Buzz, Mira and Booster are flying away from the ship with the cargo just as the freight explodes, sending Mira and Booster flying forwards and dropping the cargo, but Buzz catches it. Meanwhile, there's no sign of XR or Niner-Niner yet, leaving the three Rangers worried for the two.]
Mira and Booster:
[worried] XR!
[worried] Come on, Ranger.
[XR is then seen flying out of the smoke with Niner-Niner in tow, albeit with both covered in explosion soot.]
Hoo! I'll tell you what, if we had thought of that big bang beforehand, we could have saved ourselves a lot of energy, am I right?
Well done, XR! [XR salutes and chuckles while Niner-Niner coughs.] More or less.
[The scene changes to Star Cruiser 42, heading back to Star Command with the cargo and with Niner-Niner safe, but now without a job. He is also scowling at XR. Commander Nebula then contacts Buzz and his team.]
Commander Nebula:
Calling Buzz Lightyear. Commander Nebula to Buzz Lightyear.
[Booster flinches and XR lights up as they both salute the commander.]
Lightyear, sir.
Commander Nebula:
What's your team's status?
[interrupts] We're doin' great, Pop!
Commander Nebula:
[off-screen, angrily, to XR] Don't call me that!
[This startles XR as he jumps and sheepishly places his hand on his forehead. He flinches some more as Niner-Niner stretches his neck and speaks up.]
[to Commander Nebula] On behalf of the Robo-Freighter Company, I would like to file a formal complaint against your son, here.
[He uses his hands to walk in front of XR and motions to him to the commander.]
Commander Nebula:
[annoyed] He's not my son.
[XR opens his drawer and pulls out a work order plaque.]
I have the work order right here. Look! He signed and initialed. [He shows Niner-Niner the work order as he crosses his arms in annoyance.] Commander Neubla authorized my construction. He gave me life.
[An embarrassed Mira rolls her eyes and places her hand on her forehead. Buzz looks unsure about this, then gets serious as he turns to Nebula again.]
Commander, the freighter was destroyed, but we salvaged the cargo.
Commander Nebula:
What is it?
Sir, it's a mystery.
All we know was that Zurg was after it.
Commander Nebula:
Check out the autopilot's black box. That's gonna tell you what you need to know: cargo, destination, who hired the freighter.
[opens his chest hatch] Oh, are you referring to this black box?
[He pulls out the black box, which was melted in the explosion. He then drops it to the floor.]
Probably not. That one got all melted in the explosion. [He tosses the box aside before rummaging through Niner-Niner's chest to search for another box that wasn't melted in the freighter self-destruct explosion.] Got any more in there?
Commander Nebula:
XR, were you assigned to rescue that autopilot?
[XR takes his hand out of Niner-Niner's chest as he closes his hatch and shoots another glare at the robot Ranger as the latter salutes Nebula.]
You bet, Pater.
Commander Nebula:
[off-screen, sarcastically] Uh, son, why don't you check on the status of that mystery cargo?
[XR's eyes widen at this and grins as he closes them.]
Absolutely! That's a job for someone like me. [Nebula rolls his eyes and his mustache droops in embarrassment.] Later, Pop!
[A hatch underneath him opens up and he gets sucked through the travel tube to the room where the mysterious cargo is located on the Star Cruiser. Niner-Niner watches him leave.]
[sarcastically] Oh, I see how it works. Everybody makes allowances just because he's the commander's son.
[Nebula loses his patience and starts shouting.]
Commander Nebula:
[yelling] HE'S NOT MY SON! He's not even a real Ranger! He's just a robot!
[Niner-Niner appears to be hurt at Nebula's hatred of robots, which began with the failed XL Project.]
[hurt and upset] Oh. You're one of those.
[He crosses his arms again. Buzz turns to the commander once again.]
Commander Nebula:
Alright. Here's how it's gonna be. Buzz, you're gonna do a performance evaluation on XR. And I want the truth! If he can't cut it as a Ranger, we're shuttin' him down.
[Buzz, Mira and Booster look at each other in worry for XR, not wanting to lose a member of their team.]
[worried, whispering] You'll give him a good report, won't you, Buzz?
Commander Nebula:
I repeat: I want the truth! Nebula, out.
[The communicator screens deactivate.]
The truth, huh?
That's right, Mira. Space Rangers don't fib. XR will just have to prove he has the right stuff.
Okay! So, how soon will you be interviewing for his position?
[We then cut to a view of Planet Z from space. The scene changes to inside the planet itself and the Zurg Tower.]
Ah, Darkmatter. You have returned. I crave good news! Did you attack the freighter?
[bows proudly] Yes, Evil Emperor Zurg.
[waves arms] And did Buzz Lightyear rush to the rescue?
Uh, yes.
[stands up] And was Lightyear victorious?
[disappointedly] Yes.
[Zurg holds his head as he bends over before standing upright and clutching his fists triumphantly.]
[confused] Don't you have a strict "failure means death" policy?
Normally, yes. Today, no.
But, Lightyear got the box.
Well, of course he did, dipstick. That was my plan. [Warp looks on nervously.] I hired the freighter to carry the box. I ordered you to attack. I wanted Lightyear to win, because yes, I wanted him to have the box!
In case you hadn't noticed, that box does some amazing stuff. Maybe I could use a box like that.
[dismissively] Darkmatter, it's a box of doom. It's not for you. [He waves his hand at Warp dismissively, making his number one agent look at him in annoyance. He then starts gloating.] For you see, it contains my latest instrument of evil, intended to destroy Star Command! And who better to deliver it for me than Buzz Lightyear? [He laughs evilly, but then starts coughing from laughing too hard.] Could I have a little water? Little water? [He reaches out for a glass of water given to him from somebody off-screen.] Thank you.
[The scene changes to 42's cargo hold, where the mystery box is located. The front of the box says "NOS-4-A2" on it. XR appears from the travel tube and speaks into his communicator.]
Ranger log. Operation: Check on the mystery cargo. [He circles around the box.] Mystery cargo status: still here. Still mysterious. Still, well, that-that about does it.
None dare defy my dark master!
Ranger, you are not helping your service record.
[He accidentally misfires, almost hitting Mira as she ducks down to avoid the laser fire as NOS-4-A2 flies out of the way.]
Hey! What, you wanna watch it?!
Submitted by wikidude on June 03, 2024
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