Donkey Kong Country

This page contains the quotes from the Donkey Kong Country series of electronic platforming games first released in 1994 by Nintendo, as well as the animated series based on it. The series typically depicts a feud between a family of great apes and… more »

Klump: Hip hup, hip hup, hippityyyy HUPP! Krusha? KRUUUUUUUUUUUSHA? Krusha: (From a distance) KLUUUUUUUUMP? Klump: Oh KRUUUUUUUUSHA? K. Rool: Klump? Where's the Magic Amulet? Haven't you found Donkey Kong yet? Klump: Uh, almost, sir! K. Rool: ALMOST? AS IN, "I'M ALMOST READY TO BARBEQUE YOUR SORRY CARCASS"?!? Klump: Uh, no.... Somewhere as in, somewhere between Not really, and sorta kinda... K.Rool: Don't tell me you're lost! Klump: Oh negative sir, my keen sense of sight, smell and direction have yet to fail me.... Hip hup, hip Hup (Marches off, than comes back) Hip hup...... Hip hup, whatcha got? K. Rool: A general whose brain can't hold a thought!

Cranky: DK, back to the cabin PRONTO! Donkey Kong: But we haven't found the Well of Woe yet.... Cranky: There is no Well of Woe you knucklehead, I made it up to teach you two goons a lesson! DK and Diddy: A practical joke? Donkey Kong: You mean, the Amulet isn't even evil? Cranky: IT'S JUNK!!!!

Cranky: To the Forbidden Forest! Hurry! Donkey Kong: (quickly) No can do! Diddy Kong: Oh, not again... Cranky: What are you talking about? Diddy: When DK was a kid, he thinks he saw a Bog Monster.... Donkey Kong: I DIDN'T THINK! I SAW! Cranky: Theres no such thing as Bog Monsters.... Donkey Kong: Oh yeah? Tell that to the one I saw! Cranky: THAT WAS ME THAT DAY, YA BIG GOOF!

K. Rool: (after firing Klump) Well now, General, what do you think of your new position? Krusha: But, uh, I ain't moved.

Bluster: Hey, Candy. Surprise! Candy: A birthday cake. How original, Bluster. Bluster: Yes, I am a thoughtful son-of-a-gun. Happy birthday! Banana cream, your favorite! Candy: Rejected; I'm watching my figure. Bluster: Don't bother, I'm watching it for you.

K. Rool: [Krusha is] a natural... disaster, that is! Klump: Deploy the tranquilizer dart, sir? K. Rool: No! Kill it! Klump: Uh, does he get any last words? K. Rool: The music, you militant mushhead!!

K. Rool: Once again, I, King K. Rool, have done the impossible. What do you think, Klump? Klump: (does jumping jacks) Doododododododododododooooo! K. Rool: I wish you wouldn't do that!

K. Rool: (after winning the dance contest) Now let me see, what do I want? To be ruler of all of Kongo Bongo Island? That sounds good... Cranky: It's not your fault, Donkey Kong. Klump: (celebrates with his jumping jacks) Doododododododododododooooo! K. Rool: I WISH YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT! Cranky: Hahahahaha! Looks like you got your one wish, K. Rool!

(DK and Dixie are sitting in the woods when Krusha comes up behind them.) Krusha: (in DK's voice) Hey, what about you, Dixie? Little Dixie Doodles. You are fine. Dixie: Huh? What is up with you, DK? DK: What? I didn't say anything! Krusha: C'mon! Put a lip lock on me, Dixie! That chump chimp Diddy will never know! Dixie: Why you lousy double crossin' two timin'... wait till Diddy gets a load of this!!!

Bluster: Do I get any last requests? K. Rool: OK, but it can't be too expensive! Bluster: Nonono! I simply wish to sing a song! (starts singing "100 Banana Bunches on the Wall" with Krusha and some Kritters)

K. Rool: Left turn, Krusha! We're heading back to the base for a brainstorming session! Krusha: Left? K. Rool: Right! Krusha: Right. K. Rool: No! I mean-- (Krusha turns right and the minecart crashes around the corner) Lunkhead!

K. Rool: Tell them the plan, Klump! Klump: A4 will go to the left, and A5 will... K. Rool: Keep it simple, Klump! Klump: We're going to Cranky's house to steal the Crystal Coconut! Any questions!?

K. Rool: I'll go on national television! Klump: ...On the 'Sing Along with Uncle Swampy' show?

Klump: Good. I won't have to say 'fire'. (The Kritters fire their Klap-Blasters.) What the-? Stop, you moronic, robotic lizards!! STOOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!!! Kritter 1: "Stop"? Did he say "stop"? Kritter 2: I thought he said "fire"! Klump: When I said "fire", I didn't mean fire! (The Kritters fire again.) Oh, I give up. What's the use? Soon King K. Rool will have his barrel supersonic satellite, and I'll be nothin' but a rest-home reptile. Diddy: What's going on up there? DK: I don't know. But there's Kritters and Klaptraps. That means King K. Rool's not far behind. (After two Klaptraps ate Bluster's Banana Flip.) Klaptrap 1: You know what I hate about hair? Klaptrap 2: You eat a head full and half an hour later, you're hungry again. Bluster: MY BANANA FLIP!!

Cranky: Well, you did get the Trigger Barrels. But, I only needed two, not 2,000! DK: That reminds me. Bluster told me to give you this. (DK gives the receipt to Cranky, causing his eyes to widen in shock.) DK: He says it's due in 30 days. Cranky: DONKEY KOOOOOOOOOONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DK: Little buddy? Diddy: I'm way ahead of you, DK! Cranky: DONKEY KOOOOOOOOOONG!!!

Cranky: I'm sure that Bluster was up to some monkey business with the crystal, but what? DK: Why don't you just ask it? Cranky: Good idea, Donkey Kong. Did that blowhard Bluster ask you for something? Heart, flowers, bees... A love potion! DK and Diddy: A love potion? DK: What would Bluster want with a... Love potion?! BLUUUSTERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(K. Rool is playing a video game on his computer.) Krusha: Only 500 more points to beat your record, your croc-ship. K. Rool: Come on, come on, come on!!! (Klump appears on the computer, erasing the game.) Klump: General Klump, King K. Rool sir! Y'read me, you’re high 'n mightyness? ...Looking a little pale there, chief! K. Rool: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (K. Rool smashes the computer and takes deep breaths. Klump calls on the cell phone.) Klump: Chief? You there, chief? Krusha: For you, your highness. Klump: Seems we had some sort of interference.

Green Kroc: If we dig any deeper, we'll sink the island! Kutlass: Aye! Are you sure we buried that treasure here, Captain-a-Skurvy, sir? Skurvy: Aye! X marks the spot! It be buried here, positively! Why, I'd even stake my reputation as the scurviest sea dog on it. I'd--ah, but even so, y'might wants to take a look over thar.

Green Kroc: Why does we bury the treasure, Captain? Skurvy: Why does we bury the treasure? WHY DOES WE BURY THE TREASURE?! Kutlass! Tell Mr. Green Kroc here why we be buryin' treasure! Kutlass: Ahem. According to Section D, Paragraph 4 of The Pirate-a Handbook-a, any and all-a treasure acquired by ill-gotten means shall and will be systematically buried... sir. Skurvy: So there be your answer, Mr. Green Kroc-Smarty Boots! Now, not another word. Green Kroc: But, if we just gonna be digging it up again... Skurvy: ARE YOUR EARS FULL OF COTTON, SAILOR!?!

DK: Y'see, I got bumped on the head, and now, um, who am I? Kutlass: You're Donkey... (Skurvy interrupts him with an elbow blow to the gut) Skurvy: ...KROC! DK: Huh? Skurvy: Aye! Donkey Kroc! Me old first mate! Green Kroc: But, I'm-a-your first-- (Skurvy elbows him in the gut, too) Skurvy: Surely you must remember Mr. Green Kroc, and me second mate, Kutlass.

Skurvy: And now that I have retrieved the Crystal Coconut, I shall rule the Six Seas! Polly Roger: Bhawk! Last I counted there was seven. Skurvy: Even better!

Skurvy: Now what be we doin', lads? Kutlass: Section D, Paragraph 4, Captain-a-Skurvy, sir! Green Kroc: Gift-wrap it?

Green Kroc: Maybe we should get [DK] to dig up the holes before we get rid of him? Skurvy: Aye, but I can't stands having any more of that monkey stuff on my ship. Kutlass: Easy for you to say! You just hold the map; you don't have to dig! Skurvy: "What be that, third mate?!"

K. Rool: So that's the reason Donkey Kong took my throne! Klump: He, uh, wanted a seat?

K. Rool: Krusha! Abort the mission and come back to headquarters immediatly! Krusha: I can't..... K. Rool: WHY NOT??!! Krusha: Something bad happened... K. Rool:(Groans angrily) Then find Klump and tell him to get his leathery hide back here immediatly! Krusha: Kluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump!!! (The camera reveals that Klump is right next to Krusha) Klump: Ya don't have to shout! K. Rool: Klump? Klump: HAHAA! Heh. Oh, hello there, sir. Everything um... under control here. (K. Rool shuts off his monitor) K. Rool: One more of my villain tutorials lesson 109 states: "If all else fails, implement and execute famous diabolical plan... Yourself!"

Skurvy: OK, you lard-backed landlubber, hand over the amulet! K. Rool: Oh no, it's a nasty old pirate! OK, you win. (hands Skurvy the amulet in exchange for the Coconut) Skurvy: Arr, I be wantin' all the booty - the Crystal Coconut, too! Give it over! K. Rool: I would, but your hands are full. Allow me to relieve you of the hand cannon. Skurvy: "Oh, why, thank ye, mate. (K. Rool takes the cannon and points it at Skurvy.) K. Rool: All right, you uneducated piece of vermin! Skurvy: Arrrr! That be a dirty trick!

Skurvy: So, you hand over the cannon, and I give you the amulet? K. Rool: NO! Keep the cannon; I only want the Crystal Coconut! Skurvy: But who gets the amulet? K. Rool: WHO CARES, YOU IMBECILE!?

DK: Boy, it sure is nice having the Crystal Coconut back. Cranky: You can say that again! DK: Boy, it sure is nice having...

Cranky: Well, that's a relief. Back where it belongs. DK: You know, Cranky, maybe you better find a safer place for the Coconut. Cranky: Nah, as long as I carry a big stick, no one will mess with me! (Eddie the Mean Old Yeti barges in.) Diddy: Unless it's someone with an even bigger stick! Eddie: Me, Eddie! DK, Diddy and Cranky: THE MEAN OLD YETI!!!

Candy: Okay, Donkey Kong, you've got your peace and quiet. Now what? DK: I wrote a song for you, Candy. (starts singing) ♪100 banana bunches on the wall! 100 banana bunches! If one of the bunches should happen to bruise, 99 banana bunches on the wall!♪ Candy: You wrote that for me? DK: Yep! 'Cause you're prettier than a barrel full of bananas, Candy! And there's more, a lot more!

Klump: Thunderin' artillery! Did you hear that? Krusha: Uh, hear what? Klump: "Will you marry me?"! Krusha: Me? Klump: No, ya noncommissioned nincompoop! Donkey Kong! Krusha: You want to marry Donkey Kong? Klump: No! Donkey Kong's gettin' married! We gotta tell King K. Rool immediately! (Soon, at the hideout...) K. Rool: Who did you say was getting married? Krusha: Me and Klump. Klump: Never mind him, sir.

Klump: Shall I requisition an exploding wedding cake, sir? Or booby-trap the bouquets? Or obliterate the hors d'evoures? K. Rool: You're not exactly a romantic, are you, Klump? Klump: Negatory on that, sir.

Klump: Permission to ask why you care about the enemy's forthcoming marriage, your sentimental slobbiness? K. Rool: Because who's more important than the king? Krusha: Uh, you are?

K. Rool: Now that I have the Crystal Coconut in my possession, maybe it's time I thought about settling down with a wife! Klump: Sorry, sir, but I can't volunteer for that mission! Thank you for askin', though.

Diddy: Gee, DK, you're the bravest ape in Kongo Bongo. You're not afraid of getting married, are you? DK: Don't be silly. It's just that the future ruler of Kongo Bongo isn't allowed to get married. Yep, that's it - the Crystal Coconut forbids it! Diddy: Really? I never knew that. DK: Neither did I until just now. How's it sound?

DK: Hey, Bluster? This is devastating! We're done for, doomed! Yet you look... Bluster: Curious? Yes, as to what that crab is doing on King K. Rool's back. K. Rool: You think someone with my educational background is going to fall for such a desperate, infantile trick as the old 'crab-on-the-back' routine? (Crabby bites him.) Huh? YEEEEOOOOOWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

K. Rool: Think of the possibilities, Klump. Do you realize the things I could do with the Crystal Coconut in one hand and the Golden Banana in the other? Klump: Um... eh, juggle?

K. Rool: So any further along with your "clever plan", Klump? Klump: Makin' headway, King K. Rool, sir. So far, we've managed to decode "assault", "like lightning", "night raid", "no prisoners", and "running shoe". K. Rool: Running shoe?! Klump: "Well, it might be "rooster", but it would change everything we've got so far.

K. Rool: Even brain-challenged bozos like you must have noticed that time has stopped. Klump: Well, that's a relief, sir. I thought my watch was broken. Krusha: Ooh, does this mean I can stay up late?

K. Rool: Where is my Coconut?! Klump: The big monkey wouldn't release it, sir. Krusha: And we said "please"!

Diddy: It's a 'Dear John' letter! DK: Ah, thank you. For a second there I thought this was meant for me.

DK: BANANA-SLAMMA! K. Rool: What an odd thing to say when somebody's chasing you.

K. Rool: HOLD IT! Klump: Yessir! (stops cart and K. Rool falls out) K. Rool: Ow ow ow! AAAHHH!!! What just happened?! WHY DID WE GIVE UP THE COCONUT??!! Krusha: Uh, we had a coconut?

K. Rool: Klump! Get back there and find out everything you can about, eh, whatsisname! Klump: Yes sir! Right away, sir! Uh, what is his name?

Cranky: Business? You've got no business to go into business! You'll lose your shirt! DK: That's OK. I don't wear a shirt. Cranky: Then you'll lose your tie.

K. Rool: Behold! The plans for my latest Donkey Kong Doomsday machine! I call it: the KCCBM! Klump: Kccbm? I think you need to recruit more vowels.

K. Rool: (slurps a Coconut Chill) Mmm, delicious. Klump: They say it's nice to share. K. Rool: I'll be sharing my foot with your tail if you don't get me more of these delicious treats! Klump: Affirmative, ya ol' greedy guts.

Bluster: The bigger you think, the bigger big shot you are, and the more you impress Candy! DK: Candy? Why didn't you say so? I'm all ears! Diddy: And I'm in for 50%.

Kutlass: Stop, you little half-a-wit sea dog! Diddy: Halfwit? You two are the ones missing the boat! (Kutlass and Green Kroc realize that Skurvy left without them as they shout out to him.) What a bunch of goofus doofuses! (Laughs.)

Cranky: You're supposed to be at my place keeping an eye on the Crystal Coconut! DK: Don't worry, Cranky, I took it for safe keeping. It's right over... Uh oh! It was right here a minute ago! Cranky: Safe keeping, eh?

K. Rool: With my KCCBM, we'll be up to our tails in Coconut Chills before you can say "Blast off"! (Klump pushes a big red button that launches the KCCBM.) Kritters: HOORAY!! K. Rool: I wanted to push the big red button! Klump: But you said 'blast off', and I didn't get to say anything!

Diddy: That's no ordinary map. Look! Footprints leading to an "X"! DK: So who would want to go clear across the island for an "X"? Funky: Especially when all you can spell with is like, uh, "xylophone"! DK: Or "exit"! Funky: Or "ox"! Diddy: Or TREASURE! DK: There's no "X" in "treasure", Diddy. Diddy: D'OH, I KNOW THAT! I'm saying this is a treasure map! "X" marks the spot!

Candy: Hey, where's DK going? Bluster: Candy, uh... forget that. You didn't see them. You're hallucinating! You just think DK's going on a treasure hunt... uh, can I rephrase that? Candy: HE'S STANDING ME UP TO GO ON A TREASURE HUNT?! Why of all the... Dixie: Candy! Trea-sure hunt. As in treasure. Huh? Candy: Treasure? He's going on a treasure hunt? Bluster: Now Candy. As foreman of the... Candy: Are you flying this thing or am I learning to fly it without you!?

Klump: Seems the apes are performing some search-and-rescue operation in the mountain mines, sir! K. Rool: What could they possibly be looking for in the mountain mines? Krusha: Duh, rocks? K. Rool: Rocks? Of course! LIKE THE KIND IN YOUR HEAD! What's the target, Klump? Klump: Buried treasure, sir! K. Rool: Any idea what kind of treasure? Klump: Rocks?

K. Rool: It's so obvious that the treasure they're looking for is some kind of Doomsday Device capable of destroying an entire island! Do you know what that means? Krusha: Duh, the apes will have supreme domination over Kongo Bongo Island and probably turn us into matching luggage. K. Rool: He does have his moments.

Funky: Whoa! Maybe the kids have doom-swooped the island! Bluster: What will we do? Funky: Only thing we can do. Chill here and wait for the others to give us the 'All Clear' sign. Bluster: But that could take a long time! Funky: So, we get to know each other. I'll tell you my middle name if you, like, tell me yours. Bluster: LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!

Cranky: Now zip your lip and listen! I've got something that'll snap Eddie the Mean Old Yeti out of his mean old mood! DK: Eddie's not the only one who could use some of that. Cranky: I heard that!

Cranky: I think I just spotted Eddie! Funky: I am ready, dude! Cranky: Not ready! Eddie! Funky: Not ready yet? Just say when! Cranky: Isn't there something you can do so we can communicate? (Funky does something on the control panel and the noise stops.) Funky: All right. So, let's communicate. Cranky: What did you do? Funky: Turn the engine off. Cranky: Then what's holding us up? Funky: Like... (the plane starts to fall) ...nothing.

Eddie: Me cranky! Cranky: No, I'm Cranky! Funky: Welcome to the club, cranky dudes! I'm cranky too! Eddie: Me crankiest! Cranky + Funky: AND HE'S GOT THE CLUB!!

Cranky: Stop moving ya moron! I'm taking an X-ray of the inside of your head. Funky: Cool! I'll take an 8x7 and 3 wallet size! Cranky: The brain's already wallet size.

Bluster: I am a remarkable specimen! Sound mind with the body of a Greek god! Diddy: Yeah - Blimpo, god of the fatheads.

Cranky: [Bluster] thought we were talking about him and not the X-Ray machine, and now he's trying to weasel his way into the history book by killing all of us with his good deeds. Fat chance. Diddy: How do we make him stop? Cranky: With the cherry soda! Right there on the shelf, next to the Super-Sonic Vitapunch pack. DK: Cherry soda? Cranky: He thinks he has a fatal disease? DK: Yeah. Cranky: All we have to do is convince him that this cherry soda is some new miracle drug that will cure him. Diddy: Cherry soda's a miracle drug? Cranky: Of course not! But he'll think so and stop trying to destroy Kongo Bongo by being a hero. Besides, I've been trying to unload that stuff for ages.

Bluster: The BarrelCopter! Mummy'll be livid! Cranky: Tell her to take a number - I was livid first! Candy: What about me? Bluster: What about you? Candy: I'm livid! Cranky: You can be livid later; now get this thing out of my house!

Klump: Ooh ooh, I could use my secret emergency code. Like: "The fog was thick and dense." K. Rool: Like your brain.

K. Rool: I know exactly how to keep Donkey Kong running in circles until the proverbial cows come home. Krusha! Krusha: (enters behind K. Rool) When did the cows leave? K. Rool: How many times have I told you not to sneak up behind me like that?!

Inka Dinka Doo: Donkey... share... everyone. Diddy: No kidding! Tell DK and it'll be all over Kongo Bongo before you can say "Spill the Beans"! DK: What do you mean? I can keep a secret! Diddy: Yeah, right. Like the time I told you about my rash? And the time Cranky told you about his rash? And the time Candy told you about her... DK: Allrightallrightallright! I get the picture!

Cranky: "Who built the ancient and mysterious temple of Inka-Dinka Doo?" Now why do you knuckleheads suppose it's called mysterious? DK: We don't know? Cranky: Exactly! It's a mystery! No one knows who built it! The end!

DK: It's an invasion! DK + Diddy: They're gonna zomibify us! Cranky: I'll smackify the both of ya unless you knock off the Science-Fictional nonsense.

Diddy: This is weird! DK: Yeah! I didn't know Funky was opening a hair salon.

DK: Do your zombie worst! No interplanetary visitor dude mind vibe can control my mind! Cranky: No kidding! They'll never be able to find it!

Funky: I got that zombie stuff from a movie I saw on the late, late, late, late show! Candy: You see? There's no such thing as interplanetary visitor dudes! Funky: Not ones that turn people into zombies, anyway. The ones I've met have always been real mellow... in an alternate life-form kind of way.

Diddy: Then we'll kick some interplanetary butt! That is if they have butts. Klump: They might have two. Or three.

K. Rool: You lost the Crystal Coconut?! Polly Roger: Yeah, so sue me! If I had a little more ground support I might have kept it! K. Rool: KLUMP! You had orders to provide ground support! What's your excuse? Klump: Tactical error. I lost 'em. Polly Roger: The tactical error was giving you the job!

K. Rool: That's it! Cut Donkey Kong's hair, and before it grows back, I'll have the coconut! Klump: But uh... who will, uh... cut his hair? K. Rool: It's so obvious- the only person he'll let get close enough to him. You wouldn't know a good plan if it hit you in the head! Klump: I would too. If it hit me in the head.

Bluster: I'm tired, my feet are sore, I have sand in my shoes and I'm thirsty! Give me that bottle! Candy: No, this will save Donkey Kong! Bluster: So what if K. Rool wins? Who cares? Donkey Kong will be out of my hair; I can't stand that guy! Now gimme that stuff!

Candy: Leonardo Di-Ape-rio is the most adorable, talented, dreamy movie star I've ever drilled over! DK: What's he got that I don't have? Diddy: Well, movie-star good looks, movie-star fame, movie star money... DK: I've been in lots of movies. Candy: Huh? DK: Every Saturday afternoon I sit right in the front row.

DK: Hey, Bluster, what are ya doing? Diddy: Lemme guess; Funky glued your fingers together?

DK: Maybe we could fool K. Rool into thinking you could still hypnotize them! Bluster: I could do that. Or I could just use the last of the serum and really hypnotize them! DK: That would work too! (pats Bluster, causing him to drop the beaker) Oops! Bluster: At least it would have, if you weren't such a clumsy clutz!

Diddy: Jumpin' jungleants! What did you say? DK: It's the anniversary of the first time I broke a date with Candy. So I'm gonna write her a love letter using Funky's plane! Diddy: Yoohoo! Anybody home? Who celebrates that anniversary? It's like celebrating your first toothache!

Klump: Sir, there's an intruder on the island; some fella who's conspirin' with the enemy, AKA the apes. K. Rool: How so, Klump, AKA Twit?

K. Rool: Well Krusha, let's hear it! Krusha: Uh-huh, what? K. Rool: Your imitation! Krusha: Uh, all right. Here goes. (imitates K. Rool's voice) Lunkhead! Once I have the Coconut... K. Rool: Not me, you ninny! Donkey Kong's! Krusha: Ooh, sorry. I thought you meant you, your mightiness. K. Rool: Just do his voice! Krusha: (imitates DK's voice) Bananas, bananas, bananas. I always got bananas on the brain.

Klump: When the coast is clear, we'll jump out of the barrels, steal the Crystal Coconut back, and then swim back to shore. Krusha: Duh, I can't swim... Klump: Well, why didn't ya say so before we snuck on board!? Krusha: Well, you never asked.

Krusha: I've devised a new plan to let me do the following: One, take over the world; Two, get rid of those babbling baboons; Three, get the Coconut. Klump: And rescue K. Rool from being blown to tiny bits? Krusha: (sighs) And rescue K. Rool from being blown to tiny bits!

Klump: Hey, Fred Astairicle! I'm leadin'! Krusha: Why you? Klump: Because I outrank ya.

Klump: With Donkey Kong incommissioned, grabbin' the Coconut will be a piece of cake. Krusha: Ooh ooh ooh, we get cake too? Klump: Aw, nevermind...

Bluster: [after voting for himself] May I have another? Cranky: Sorry, Bluster, one vote each! That's how it works. Bluster: You mean, I get the same number of votes as him!? (points to Eddie the Yeti) And you call this a democracy!

DK: Well? Klump: Well... Job well done, sir. DK: Not so shabby yourself, Klump. Now, if I ever see you in my territory again, I'm gonna "BANANA SLAMMA!!!" you like you've never been Banana Slamma'ed before. Klump: In triplicate, varmint! (DK and Klump salute each other, turn around, and walk away)

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Submitted by wikidude on June 03, 2024


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