Justice League Unlimited, Season 2

Justice League Unlimited (JLU) is an American animated television series that was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and aired on Cartoon Network. Featuring a wide array of superheroes from the DC Comics universe, and specifically based on the Justice League superhero team, it is a direct sequel to the previous Justice League animated series.

[As he intercepts her on her bath]

Amanda Waller. Born in St. Louis, Rhodes scholar, PhD in Political Science. Served in Intelligence, under three administrations. Disappeared from public life, four years ago.

Amanda Waller:
[deadpan] Am I supposed to be impressed? Maybe I should rattle off your resume now? Y'know, I could blow the whistle on you any time I want...

Fine, why don't we step into the light together? I'm sure the American people will be just as interested in your activities as mine - Secret weapons, illegal cloning experiments, bypassing Congress...

Amanda Waller:
What do you want!?

I want to know what you think you're doing.

Amanda Waller:
Did Superman ever mention that to get Luthor's pardon, he had to tell us about your parallel universe adventure? All about it? We started to wonder what would happen if you took the same action that the Justice Lords did, so I had my people run some computer simulations. If the Justice League ever went rogue, what do you think would be the result?

That's moot.

Amanda Waller:
[Dryly] Humor me. In every single scenario, you beat us. Badly. But that was before Cadmus. Now we have the technology to defend ourselves.

[Threatening] Whatever you think you're doing, if you present a threat to the world, the Justice League will take you down...

Amanda Waller:
[Angry] If we present a threat!? You got a spaceship floating over our heads with a laser weapon pointing down! In another dimension, seven of you overthrew the government and assassinated the President! We're the good guys, protecting our country from a very real threat: you.

Something I can help you with?

I hope so. But I assume you don't want to discuss your White House weenie-roast in front of a crowd...

[to others] I'll be back in a few minutes. [he leads Question to the empty conference room]

Always wondered what was in here. Private conference room. Original members only, yes? A place where you're free to discuss your secrets and lies...

You said something about me in the White House.

Not you exactly. Another version of you, hmm?

Stop dancing around it. Tell me what you know.

I know what you told everyone. The Justice Lords, a parallel universe version of the Justice League, came to our world to rid it of crime, just as they did on their own world. With Lex Luthor's help, our Justice League managed to rout them before they could impose their totalitarian will on our populace. I also know what you didn't tell anyone, outside of the original seven members of the Justice League. On that other Earth, so very much like our own, a Superman, so very much like you, killed the President.

[tenses up, accidentally damaging a chair he was leaning on] Question, no one can know about this.

Or what? You'll incinerate me too?

I'd never do anything like that.

Wouldn't you? Didn't you recently try to lobotomize Doomsday with your heat vision, just as the Justice Lord did?

That's different!

It's the same. A heavily-armed Watchtower with an army of proactive heroes, Luthor running for President - if it's not quite the same, it soon will be! Have you seen Amanda Waller's computer simulations?

Batman told me about them.

Did he tell you all the models predict that a war between the Justice League and the government will devastate the planet?!

We would never fight the government!

Not even if Luthor was the government?! [beginning to ramble in fear] Predestined... Flash will die, you will kill Luthor, Armageddon... inevitable...

Question, I'm... [puts a hand on his shoulder; the Question recoils with a gasp] I'm worried about you. You're mixed up. This world isn't like the other one. We're not the Justice Lords. Those things you're afraid of will never happen here. I won't let them.

[Question is silent for a moment, then walks out]

Have you seen the latest polls? It's beginning to look like you're going to be our next President. Just like in that other world.

Lex Luthor:
[casually] I wouldn't bet against me.

No, it wouldn't be prudent. I want you to understand something, Luthor. Although my distaste for you as a human being is brobdingnagian, what I'm about to do isn't personal.

Lex Luthor:
What are you babbling about?

Everything that exists has a specific nature. Each entity exists as something in particular and has characteristics that are part of what it is. A is A, and no matter what reality he calls home, Luthor is Luthor. If I'm to save the world, your existence must come to an end before you take office. [removes his tie]

[unafraid] You're going to kill me so that Superman can't.

I'm a well-known crackpot. The Justice League's reputation will survive my actions, and Superman's legacy will remain intact. [holds up his tie, preparing to choke Luthor]

Interesting plan. Unfortunately for you, it's not really an option.

[Question attempts to attack Luthor, but he uppercuts him straight to the waterwall with tremendous force and uses his newfound super-strength to beat him up]

President? Foolish faceless man. My campaign is a farce - a small part of a much grander scheme. President? Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be President? That's right, conspiracy buff. I spent $75 million on a fake presidential campaign. All just to tick Superman off. [Luthor then slams Question, breaking his desk at the same time, and peers closer to him] Now. About those files you stole from me...

[Discussing Cadmus]

Give me one good reason not to go down there and take them out.

Martian Manhunter:
If you didn't know the answer, you wouldn't have bothered to ask.

Don't handle me, J'onn! I'm serious!

Martian Manhunter:
We don't have hard evidence that they've committed any crimes.

Oh, come on! You know they're dirty!

Green Arrow:
Then maybe we should put more energy into proving it, and less into acting like a bunch of hyperthyroid stormtroopers.

I don't remember asking you for your opinion!

Green Arrow:
No? How about when you guys hijacked me up here against my will and made me join this team? Batman said I was supposed to keep you guys honest.

Do I look like Batman to you?

Actually, you kind of do. Especially when you're all scowly like that.

We can't let Cadmus get away with it!

Martian Manhunter:
No one's saying we should, but we have to keep a cool head.

Do you know what they did to me?!

Green Arrow:
Look, kid. Hamilton's a piece of garbage, and Luthor is worse, but this isn't the way to stop them.

Martian Manhunter:
We must also consider the possibility that Cadmus is right to be afraid of us...

[outraged] WHAT?!

Martian Manhunter:
...and there is strong evidence of Cadmus having legitimate connections to the government.

Maybe, to some rogue black ops group! The real government wouldn't get involved in anything like this!

Green Arrow:
Hey, I'm the only guy in the room who doesn't have superpowers, and let me tell you: you guys scare me. What if you do decide to go marching down there, taking care of whoever you think is guilty? Who could stop you? Me?

So you want the government to have a bunch of superhuman weapons just to keep us in check?!

Green Arrow:
No!... I don't know... Yeah! [regaining composure] Look, I'm an old lefty. The government must do for people what people can't do for themselves. The people sure can't protect themselves from the likes of us.

We're not talking about the government. We're talking about a shadow cabinet that's taken it upon themselves to eliminate us! They came after us, we have to hit them back hard.

Grammy Flash always used to say the trouble with "an eye for an eye"... is that everybody ends up blind.

[After destroying Brainthor's machine, weakly] You lose.

[Brainthor forms two army officers who restrain Flash]

Hardly. Look around you — the Justice League is completely defeated, and so are you. For all your efforts, you have but inconvenienced me, speck. [forms a rifle] But I'm still just human enough to enjoy taking my revenge. Looks like The Question was right all along. I kill you, and then, Armageddon. Right on schedule.

No! [Breaks free and stands up]

Are you going to fight me, boy?

[Flash pauses, then goes running off in the opposite direction. Brainthor begins rebuilding his tower, when Flash comes in from the other side of the planet and punches him at full speed; Flash keeps accelerating, and hits Brainthor again. And again, and again, and again, again, again... Eventually, Flash stops and starts rapidly punching Brainthor. Thereby, extracting Brainiac from Luthor molecule by molecule. Massive explosion ensues. Debris clears revealing... Lex Luthor, sans Braniac, laying panting on the ground, the rest of the core seven awaken]

[Electricity rippling through his body, stumbles forward] I feel kind of... funny. [Fades away]

Wonder Woman:

[Superman runs towards the non-existent Flash. The remaining six appear horrified]

[smugly] What do you know? I did kill him. [Looks up to see a furious Superman glaring at him.] I was mistaken earlier. I think this is the part where you kill me.

[Superman places Luthor in a choke hold and prepares to incinerate him. Wonder Woman initially attempts to intervene, but Batman stops her]

[Eyes return to normal] I'm not the man who killed President Luthor. Right now, I wish to heaven that I were, but I'm not.

Martian Manhunter:
Superman, everyone, Flash is still alive. I'm in telepathic contact with him. His spirit is weak, and it's growing weaker. But he's still here.

Shayera Hol:
[Walks in the direction J'onzz is moving. Her right arm slips into a portal] FLASH!

[From within the portal] Shayera? It's so beautiful here. There's this force - a Speed Force. It's calling me home. I have to go now.

Shayera Hol:
No, Wally! Take my hand! [Struggles to get a hold of him]

Green Lantern:
[Grabs Hawkgirl] I'm here, too, Wally!

We're all here! [The rest of the League form a line, struggling to pull Flash out]

Green Lantern:
You gotta come back to us! [Hawkgirl grunts, and pulls Flash out of the Speed Force]

I can never go that fast again. If I do... I don't think I'm coming back. [Shayera nestles him. Green Lantern, behind her, smiles, relieved. The rest smile]

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to say... I'm guilty. We're guilty. Of the sin of hubris. We had the best of intentions, to be Earth's guardians, to keep you safe, but we failed you. We looked down on the world from our tower in the sky, and let our power and responsibility separate us from the very people we were supposed to protect. No one should ever be afraid of us. For that reason, we're decommissioning the Watchtower. The energy weapon up there is already gone; we're taking down the station as well.

[The crowd looks astonished and whispers amongst themselves]

There's more. We want to thank the members of the Justice League for your courageous service, but in the future, you'll all have to act as independent agents. We're not going to be an army anymore. As of right now, we're disbanding the Justice League. This is the end.

[The founding members begin to walk off the stage, but are stopped when Green Arrow speaks]

Green Arrow:
Says who? You remember what we did yesterday? We saved the world, again. You don't think that has any value? Well, think again, pal! The Justice League goes on, with or without you. Look, nobody can question your service or commitment to making things better. If you're quitting because you think you've already done your fair share, fine. We'll throw you a parade. But if you're quitting because it's easier than continuing the fight, then you're not the heroes we all thought you were. The world needs the Justice League, and the Justice League needs you, Superman!

[The crowd cheers and claps, along with Superman's fellow Leaguers. Green Arrow shrugs, and Batman gives Superman a subtle smile. Superman smiles back, and returns to the microphone]

All right! Okay! But there are going to have to be some changes. Maybe we can open an embassy on Earth, so we can be closer to the people. We can have a rotating staff...

[to Wonder Woman, as Superman continues] You guys can handle this. I've got work back in Gotham. You've got my number.

Wonder Woman:
I think so.

[to Green Arrow] Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Green Arrow:
"Who guards the guardians?" We got it covered. [rides off with Black Canary]

Terry McGinnis:
My dad wasn't a superhero. He didn't save the world from the near-apocalypse of '09, he never went toe-to-toe with Mr. Freeze, but he was a good man just the same. Even after he and Mom got divorced, he always tried to do the right thing. My brother and I were always provided for; when Mom couldn't quite make the bills, he always helped out. He tried to teach me right from wrong - would have too, if I'd ever listened to him. And he never laid a hand on me, although Lord knows I was asking for it.

Bruce Wayne:
What's your point?

Terry McGinnis:
[angrily] "What's my point"?! My point is, I never once doubted he loved me with all his heart! My point is, all those warm feelings I had for my dad - turns out they were just another lie! Another in a long list of things you've stolen from me! My point is, I just found out that Warren McGinnis isn't my father! YOU are.

Bruce Wayne:
...What do you want from me?

Terry McGinnis:
I wanna know the whole truth.

Bruce Wayne:
Sounds like you already do.

Terry McGinnis:
Guess I didn't wanna believe you were so incredibly ARROGANT that you thought the world couldn't go on without you.

Bruce Wayne:
Or someone like me. It's not arrogance, it's fact.

Terry McGinnis:
You set the whole thing up!

Bruce Wayne:
How? You were already a teenager when I first met your mother.

Terry McGinnis:
I don't know. Maybe you dug up some of that old Cadmus nanotech, used it to have my genes rewritten to match yours!

Bruce Wayne:
That technology's been illegal for over 40 years.

Terry McGinnis:
Didn't stop the Joker from using it on Tim Drake!

[Bruce's eyes widen in shock over the comment]

Terry McGinnis:
[remorseful] All right, low blow. [smiling sarcastically] Because you'd NEVER lie to me, right?

Bruce Wayne:
Fine. Believe what you want. But you know as well as I do, accident or not - it's a good thing that you're almost a clone of me. The world DOES need a Batman, and it always will. [suddenly groans in pain, clutches at his heart and tries to open a medication bottle] The mantle of Batman is an honor, Terry... [groans again, spilling the bottle and pills across the floor]

Terry McGinnis:
You know what, old man? All those years, turns out everybody was right. You are insane. Being Batman's no honor. It's a curse.

[Ace is on a swing set in the middle of her fantasy castle]



Did you like playing with my new Royal Flush Gang?

Can't say that I did.

Yeah. They aren't any fun at all. I gave them their powers and they still hardly ever play with me.

Can't imagine why.

When I was little, Cadmus used to make me play all kinds of games, but they weren't any fun either. They'd strap me into their machines and poke wires into my brain - "Ace, can you move this object with your mind?" [Telekinetically uproots a tree] Yeah, I can move it. They weren't really games, you know. [stops swinging] They were training me, turning me into a weapon. "For justice," they said. They got their weapon - I got cheated out of my childhood.

I know what that's like.

You do, don't you?


You don't have to answer; I've read your mind. That's how I knew you weren't going to use Mrs. Waller's weapon on me.

[Batman takes the weapon out of his belt]

No. I wasn't. [tosses it away]

You were going to try and talk me into fixing what I've changed...before I die.


I'm dying very soon.

[softly] Yes...I'm sorry.

[tears in her eyes] Could you stay with me? I'm scared.

[Batman walks over and sits on the swing next to her. He offers Ace his hand and she takes it. Outside the castle, the Justice League have rounded up and tied up the Royal Flush Gang, when they and everything else Ace altered suddenly return to normal. As the castle vanishes, Batman returns with Ace's body in his arms]

Amanda Waller:
[continuing narration] He sat with her, until her time came.

Amanda Waller:
Honey, Bruce didn't overwrite your DNA with his - I did.

Terry McGinnis:
[astonished] How? Why?

Amanda Waller:
Because the world always needs a Batman. Not that I always thought so, mind you. Before you were born, Bruce and I were enemies. His Justice League was easily the most powerful force on Earth. As you know, I was in charge of Project Cadmus. Over the years I came to respect Batman, even trust him.

Terry McGinnis:
I guess the law of averages means somebody'd have to.

Amanda Waller:
Did you know I was the government liaison with the Justice League for a while? I met some extraordinary people in that job, but none of them were the equal of Batman.

Terry McGinnis:
[bitterly] Right, who could be?

Amanda Waller:
Not my point. I saw him save the day dozens of times with nothing but his wits, body and will. But I saw something else as the years passed - he was getting older. Slower. Soon he'd have to retire, or more likely, someone would finally manage to kill him. The thought of a world without Batman was unacceptable. So, I decided to make a new one. I used my old Cadmus connections to gather the technology necessary for Project: Batman Beyond. Bruce's DNA was easy enough to obtain. He left it all over town. [Terry gives her a look] Not REMOTELY what I meant! [Cut to a shot of Batman being bandaged by a paramedic] Then I found a young Neo-Gotham couple, with psychological profiles nearly identical to those of Bruce's parents. Your father thought he was getting a flu shot; actually it was a nanotech solution programmed to rewrite his reproductive material into an exact copy of Bruce Wayne's. A little over a year later, your mother gave birth to you, a child sharing half her genetic material... and half Bruce's. But when you're making a Batman, genetics is only part of the story - the rest is tragedy.

[Cut to outside a movie theater playing The Grey Ghost Strikes; a young Terry leaves with his parents while Waller narrates]

Amanda Waller:
Stop me if you've heard it before: you're eight years old, your parents have just taken you to a rousing adventure film, a grand time is had by all.

[Cut to theater parking lot; the Phantasm waits in the darkness]

Amanda Waller:
But unknown to you, a mysterious figure hides in the shadows. My plan was simple - the killer would leap out at you and kill your family. The trauma would put you on the path to becoming Batman. One problem: my assassin wouldn't pull the trigger.

[Phantasm backs off and leaves unnoticed; cut to Phantasm with Waller]

Amanda Waller:
I argued with her, but deep down, I knew she was right. People say Batman's obsessive, that he'd do anything to achieve his goals - but he'd never resort to murder. So if I was to honor all he stood for... neither could I.

Terry McGinnis:
And yet my dad wound up murdered, anyway. Don't you get it? No matter what you did or didn't do, I was gonna end up being Bruce's carbon copy. It was fate.

Amanda Waller:
You know, the Lord's been a great comfort to me all these years. Try not to look so surprised. Yeah, I've got a lot to answer for when I meet Him, but I'd like to believe for all the harm I've caused, I've also done some good. Maybe the angels need a sharp sword too. Like the good book says, He moves in mysterious ways. His plan is a mystery, but here's what isn't. He gave us free will, we choose our own fate, for good or ill. I've known Bruce Wayne for over fifty years, and I've been keeping an eye on you your whole life. You're not Bruce's clone, you're his son. There are similarities, mind you, but more than a few differences too. You don't quite have his magnificent brain, for instance. You do have his heart, though. And for all that fierce exterior, I've never met anyone who cared as deeply about his fellow man as Bruce Wayne - except maybe you. You wanna have a better life than the old man's? Take care of the people who love you. Or don't. It's your choice.

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