Naruto: Shippūden

Naruto: Shippūden is an anime series and a direct sequel to the Naruto anime series. The series corresponds with the second half for Masashi Kishimoto's manga series known as Part II. The second part of the series follows the adolescent Naruto Uzumaki attempting to rescue Sasuke Uchiha. However, Naruto also deals with the Akatsuki, which is used by the masked ninja Tobi to carry out a plan about an epic war.

Naruto, what did we just say?! Stick together---

I CAN'T TAKE THIS! I know why they're after Gaara and me. Sakura, you know why, too, don't you? (no response) There's no need to hide it... The Nine Tails is sealed inside of me. (Temari acts surprised, Kakashi acknowledges his sorrow and Sakura is surprised to remember he is the same boy the entire village shunned during childhood)

-Hey, isn't that the one? -How disgusting! Let's leave!

Gaara and I are the same... We both have monsters locked inside us. That's what those guys are after. I... HATE IT! They just see us as monsters! As means to an end!

(memory) A demon huh? My demon is as real as yours is. I was born a monster.

He was just like I was. (Temari understands) And he fought all on his own a lot longer than I did. (Temari sulks)

(feeling uttermost compassion and sympathy) Naruto...

(memory) To them, I'm just a relic from the past that they want to erase. Then why should I continue to exist? I thought about it, but couldn't find an answer. But, one needs a reason to live. Otherwise, it's the same as being dead.

He's been targeted by the Akatsuki! We're the same, again! And despite that... Why does everything bad always have to happen to him?! It's always him! That's why... That's why I can't waste a second! This time, I want to save him as fast as I can!

(sulking in sympathy for Naruto and Gaara, seeing the former's sympathy genuine when she fell a tear fall onto her face) Naruto, I... Thank you...

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