Timothy Goes to School, Season 2

Timothy Goes to School is a children's animated television series based on the series of Yoko and other individual books by Rosemary Wells such as "Shy Charles", "Fritz and the Mess Fairy", and "Noisy Nora", but is titled after the book of the same name.

Mrs. Jenkins:
Okay, everyone, put away your thingies, then, sit down under the Learning Tree. [off-screen] It's Yoko's turn for "In the Spotlight".

[Everybody except the Franks sit down under the Learning Tree. Frank #1 holds the football while running through the classroom because he and Frank #2 are playing football inside]

Frank #1:
[to Frank #2] Head's up, Frank. One, two, me to you!

[Frank #1 throws the football. But on his throw, Frank #2 bumps into the Earth globe as he catches and grabs the football. Then he catches the globe before it hits the floor as he almost had broken it.]

Frank #2:
[cautiously because the globe almost breaking was a close call] Oh, that was close.

[Luckily, the globe is not broken. In fact, at first sight, nothing is. Then, Mrs. Jenkins goes over to the Franks. And she asks them to put away their football because there is no playing sports --baseball, basketball, football, or soccer-- inside.]

Mrs. Jenkins:
[to Frank #1 and Frank #2] Frank and Frank, put your football in the Cloak Room, please. You know, we don't play sports inside.

Frank #1 and Frank #2:
Yes, Mrs. Jenkins.

[Mrs. Jenkins leaves as Frank #2 put the globe back on the top of the drawer.]

Frank #1:
Let me put it away. Throw me a running pass.

[Frank #2 sees Mrs. Jenkins helps Lilly untangling the jump rope. Then he turns back to his brother.]

Frank #2:
OK. But you better not miss.

Frank #1:
I never miss.

[Frank #1 and Frank #2 play sports in the classroom anyway. So, Frank #1 runs through the classroom just as Frank #2 throws the football to him. On Frank #2's throw, Frank #1 catches the football. But the football, it slipped out of his hands. And he --Frank #1-- missed it.]

Frank #1:

[Suddenly, the football hits Yoko's taketombo breaking it into pieces. Yoko gasps after what the Franks have just done. Then Mrs. Jenkins and the other students --especially Yoko-- they stare at the broken pieces of the taketombo after the Franks broke it from playing football in the classroom.]

Frank #1:
[to Frank #2 after he misses the football] I...! I missed.

[The thrown football --offscreen-- lands on the ground. Mrs. Jenkins --offscreen-- picks up, catches, and grabs the football that Frank #1 and Frank #2 threw after they made it break Yoko's taketombo.]

Mrs. Jenkins:
[holding the football which the Franks just threw and to the Franks] Frank and Frank, you two have broken Yoko's taketombo. [still holding the football and continuing to the Franks] What do you two say to Yoko?

Frank #1:
I am... sorry, Yoko.

Frank #2:
Yeah, we're sorry. We didn't mean to break it.

[Yoko stares sadly at the Frank twins and looks at the broken taketombo pieces.]

Mrs. Jenkins:
[still holding the football and then to Yoko] I'm sorry, Yoko. Perhaps your mother can help you fix (or replace) it?

[Yoko becomes really upset as tears roll down her cheeks]

Mrs. Jenkins:
Let me help you pick up the broken pieces. [to the students as "In the Spotlight" day is cancelled because of Frank #1 and Frank #2 after they broke the taketombo] We are not having "In the Spotlight" (day) today.

[Frank #1 and Frank #2 sadly watches Yoko picks up the broken taketombo pieces]

[regarding about Yoko's broken taketombo] Ooh! You wrecked everything, Frank and Frank!

[also regarding about it; as the work from Yoko getting the taketombo as a present from her grandmother was for nothing] Her grandmother sent that to her all the way from Japan.

Poor Yoko.

[as "In the Spotlight" day is cancelled and lost for good thanks to Frank #1 and Frank #2 who broke Yoko's taketombo] Aw! No more "In the Spotlight" (day)!

[Not only is Yoko's taketombo gone but "In the Spotlight" day is also gone too, all of it.]

[In the play, the Franks are the junk food. Frank #1 is a candy bar, while Frank #2 is a bag of cracker jacks.]

Frank #1:

[He gets off Yoko the tooth and creates a cavity.]

[as the role of the cavity] (Ow!) I am a cavity from candy and from cake. If you do not see a dentist, I can cause a toothache.

[as the dentist] Let's have a look just to make sure that these teeth are healthy and strong.

[Claude --as the dentist-- he finds a cavity --and it is made by the Franks who are "the junk food".]

[as the dentist --and wants to know what the "mouth" is eating] OH NO! WHAT IS THIS!?

[Claude as the dentist find the Franks who are pretending to be junk food. Claude --as the dentist-- sees the cavity which is Yoko. Then he turns to the Franks who are the junk food items. They are a candy bar and a bag of clodhoppers --or cracker jacks-- respectively.]

Frank #1:
[as one of the junk food items --that being the candy bar] A LUMPY, CRUNCHY, CANDY BAR! (AND FRANK #2 IS THE CRACKER JACKS!)

[Claude --as the dentist-- this is obviously not what he wanted to hear. He knows that the mouth has a cavity in one of its teeth.]

[to the Franks --who are the sweets/junk food] YOU NEVER ARE GOING TO BE HERE FOR LONG!

[Claude pretends to get them off the teeth and off the tooth with cavity. Because now --in the play-- the junk food items --that being the Franks who are the candy bar and cracker jacks-- have created a cavity. The cavity is Yoko. Claude "destroys" both the chocolate bar and cracker jacks --played by the Franks-- and makes the mouth cut down with the junk food.]

[Grace is painting a picture of herself]

It's going to be perfect.

[The painting of Grace is almost finished. The Frank twins have decided to play a prank on her]

Frank #1:
Do you want some help?


Frank #2:
I can hold the (orange) paint for you, while you finish you picture.

[gives him the orange paint] Oh, all right.

[Grace uses a paintbrush and adds some orange paint to finish the picture. To play the "paint prank" on Grace, Frank #1 gives Frank #2 a can of green paint. Frank #2 gives the orange paint to his brother Frank #1. Frank #1 hides the orange paint behind his back. While Frank #2 is holding the green paint, Grace adds some green paint. Not knowing that it is green paint, she thinks that she still has the orange paint. Then the scene reveals to showing Grace's portrait face --which she just painted-- having green paint on it. When Grace finds out that she had used the green paint on her picture, she then gasps when she finds green paint on her picture.]

[gasping] MY PICTURE!

[Grace looks at her picture. The Franks begin to laugh after they pranked her. Grace sees one look of the green paint that Frank #2 is holding then one look at her picture. Then the scene cuts to the now-destroyed picture. Grace's picture is completely ruined thanks to the Franks who wrecked it by their prank. The scene cuts to Grace who looks hurt. But then her hurt expression turns into an outrage.]

[enraged after the prank] YOU WRECKED IT!

[Grace completed with her glaring at the Franks who pranked her with the green paint making her think it was orange paint when it was really green. Finding the Franks's prank not funny, Grace now is furious about their pranks and she off-screen vows to get revenge on them]

[After making the craft models and hanging them up on the wall in the hallway, the scene then cuts to Mrs. Jenkins and her eleven kids looking at the models of themselves which they created]

Mrs. Jenkins:
[off-screen] What fun! [sees the craft models of herself and her students] Just look at all of you!

[about the models/figures] I am the biggest.

[Doris puts her hand on Nora's head to compare the sizes.]

And Nora is the smallest.

Huh? Wait! I am bigger than Charles!

[Nora correctly knows that she is bigger than Charles. Then, not lying about what she stated with her size and Charles's, she looks at Charles's model. She indeed is telling the truth. She goes over to the figures and finds Charles's project then turns to him and asks him how on Earth he grew so big.]

How (in the Earth) did you get so big?

[tells Nora how he grew big] I'm growing.

You're not that big.

[Not believing Charles, Nora looks at Charles's figure and finds it not touching the floor like her figure and the other students's. Indeed, Charles's figure is supposed to be touching the floor. She sees that Charles has moved his figure a few inches higher up as big as the other "bigger" students. Just so he could be big like them. She knows that Charles was just playing a joke on her. She's the only one who does not believe Charles about him being big. Charles had moved his model a few inches higher so he could be that size. Nora --not fooled about Charles's false pretense to be big and finding out it was only a joke-- she also sees his figure in the incorrect spot. Charles has moved his model a few inches higher rather than touching the floor. It indeed was a joke.]

[to Charles about his figure project] Hey...!

[She turns to Charles.]

[gets annoyed about Charles's model, moves on closer, puts her nose in Charles's nose, and glares at him] IT IS SUPPOSED TO TOUCH THE GROUND LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE'S!

[So Nora is not going to get out of Charles's face --and let him go-- until he corrects his figure. When Charles seems reluctant to comply about his model --after Nora tells him it's supposed to touch the ground-- Nora threatens to keep her nose in his. This leads Charles to stick to glue with her until he corrects it. When Charles sees the look on Nora, he does as she asks. It's probably because he does not want to be stuck with Nora forever. Charles does not argue with Nora. However, he sighs sadly. But he --unwillingly-- listens to Nora and goes over to his figure to fix its position. He moves his figure project back down after Nora makes him get it to "touch the ground like everybody else's" when she told him it was supposed to touch the ground. He moves his figure into the correct place.]


[After moving back down his figure, he sadly gives up his false tactics to be big. At last, after he has his project correctly moved to the right spot, he is the smallest again. He --standing with his project behind him-- faces in front of the class and tells them that he's the smallest really.]

[to Nora and the rest of the class] I'm the smallest.

[He admits he's the smallest. But he still wishes that he was bigger like his other kindergarten students after showing throughout the episode that he was bigger enough to do anything like the other "big students" in the classroom. He still wishes he could pretend that he was bigger like Timothy, Yoko, Lilly, or even "the biggest" Doris]

[to Charles] Huh, you are a shrimp!

[So Charles found out that he wasn't big but the smallest in the class. That is, even though he did all those things that he was good at all along before this to be "bigger". Since it annoyed Nora, he was forced to give up on it and admit he was smallest. That also means if he says the word "big" again --at least about his size-- it would annoy Nora again.]

Frank #2:
We should trade all of our (chocolate chip) cookies for butterscotch pudding.

[To trade desserts, Timothy got Fritz's chocolate cake, while Fritz got Timothy's apple crisp. But Nora does not want to trade. Unlike Timothy and Fritz, she does not want to switch. And at this she does not want to trade her pudding for cookies brought from the Franks, apple crisp by Timothy, nor chocolate cake by Fritz. Nora is unaware that she has grabbed Jack's baby food.]

[to the Franks] (Nah!) I am not trading my pudding for anything.

[Nora --still unaware that she has Jack's baby food-- she spoons into her "butterscotch pudding" and takes one bite of it. She is still unaware that she has Jack's baby food, until she takes a bite out of it after thinking it was her "pudding". After one bite, she sticks out her tongue in disgust.]

What's wrong?

It doesn't taste like butterscotch!

[Nora smacks her lips.]

YUCK! [spits]

[That is, as Nora continues of what she just ate --and thought it was her "pudding".]


[That is, after Nora's reaction when she took a bite from her "pudding", realized that her "pudding" was not really pudding, and smacked her lips from the baby food taste.]

It doesn't look like pudding either.

[Nora's "pudding" is not really pudding. When she smells it, it smells like baby food. It's really her baby brother Jack's baby food though she had thought it was pudding. And therefore, she realizes that she grabbed Jack's baby food by accident rather than her pudding. When she smells it, it is Jack's baby food. After smelling it, she pinches up her nose from the baby food smell in disgust.]

[through pinched-up nose] UGH!

[Nora tells Timothy, Fritz, and the Franks it is not pudding but what it really is]


[It is really her baby brother Jack's baby food. It is not pudding. At this, Nora for the second time at school has mentioned her baby brother Jack after grabbing his baby food instead of her pudding by accident. She did not know she had Jack's baby food when she tried to grab her pudding that morning.]

Frank #1:

Frank #2:

Frank #1:
Baby food?!

[Frank #2 is disgusted about Nora bringing baby food, he declines to trade or share any of his cookies with someone who would ever bring baby food.]

Frank #2:

[Frank #2 pushes back his cookies in disgust.]

Frank #1:
[agrees with Frank #2 and declines about trading or sharing any of his] NEITHER AM I!

[Frank #1 also pushes back his cookies in disgust.]

Papi, my new bedroom is pink!

Juanita's Dad:
Do you like it pink, Juanita?

Oh, yes. And guess what else?

Juanita's Dad:
What else?

It echos in here. [echos] Hello!

[Juanita's Dad chuckles and went back to work. Juanita runs to the front yard and sees some colorful flowers]

Oh, what pretty flowers.

[Juanita's Dad and the mover --one of the movers-- put a dresser drawer down. Suddenly, Juanita's Dad hears a sound --someone saying "Mama!". It sounds like a dolly speaking. Juanita's Dad opens the drawer to see where the dolly sound has come from.]

María (Cat Doll):
[from inside the drawer] Mama!

[Juanita's Dad opens the drawer and finds Juanita's cat doll María inside. Now he fully knows it's a toy as he knows where the sound came from. That is, which is Juanita's cat doll. Knowing it's a toy, he sees Maria laying there in drawer.]

María (Cat Doll):
[camera faces the full doll Maria in the open drawer --and Maria says the same word] Mama!

Juanita's Dad:
[to the cat doll] Well, hello, María.

[Juanita's Dad picks up Maria and mimics her. He waving her from side to side, as if Maria is speaking.]

Juanita's Dad:
[impersonating the doll] "Juanita? Come and get me! I've fallen out of my box!"

[Before running up to get Maria, Juanita has not noticed that Maria was missing. But she turns to her father and says he was tricking her.]

[giggles] Papi, you're funny.

[Juanita runs to her father and gets María.]

Come on, María. I'll show you our new house. [to her mother] These are for you, Mama. They were growing in our yard.

Juanita's Mom:
[smells the flower] Thank you. If only I knew where we parked the bus.

[Henry's bus drives past Juanita's new house]

Look, Mama.

Juanita's Mom:
[about Henry's bus] That's the bus that will take you to Hilltop school tomorrow.

Oh, but... I won't know anyone at my new school.

Juanita's Mom:
Well, not at first. But soon you will make new friends. [pause] Would you like it if I take you to school tomorrow?

Yes, please come with me.

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