WWE SmackDown!, 2006

WWE SmackDown is a professional wrestling television program that originally debuted as a special on April 29, 1999 and formally became a weekly show on August 26, 1999.

John "Bradshaw" Layfield [standing on the announcers' desk, waving to Rey Mysterio who is in the ring]:
Como está, my amigo? Sunday, Domingo, is Judgment Day, Rey. Your judgment day, when I take that championship off your undeserving body! But I got a question for you, Rey. [to Howard Finkel] Give him your microphone! Give him your microphone! [Finkel obliges and walks out of the ring. JBL addressing Rey again] You look like roadkill, vato! The last two weeks has been rough on you, Rey, ya look terrible! You don't even know which way is up, do ya? Rey! Let me ask you a question: do you even know where we are? [interrupting Rey before he could reply] Son! Son! I'll help ya: we're in Albuquerque, north Mexico. Do you even know, Rey? Look at - you got dain bramage, ese! Do you even know what year it is, Rey? [interrupting Rey before he could speak again] Rey, I'll help ya, I'll help ya...2006. Do you even know what day it is?

Rey Mysterio [walking towards JBL]:
May 19th!

JBL [feigning shock, then grinning]:
You said it...I didn't!

[JBL laughs hysterically as suddenly a fireball goes off and then Kane arrives. Rey looks shocked]

Michael Cole:
Oh...oh, my God!

What the hell-?

You gotta be-

What, no!

It's Kane! It's Kane! It's Kane!

No! No!

JBL, you sick bastard!

What are you - what is going on?!

You gotta be kiddin' me! What the hell is wrong with you?!


Kane! Oh my God, this is gonna be a massacre! [Kane enters the ring and immediately attacks Rey; the bell rings to start the match] Kane, beating the hell out of Mysterio!

You gotta be kid - I, I'm...I'm shocked!

JBL, what the hell is wrong with you?? What the hell is wrong with you?!?

You shouldn't upset Kane, you know what Kane hates when you say that! He shouldn't upset the Big Red Machine! This is Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger all rolled into one, except for the fact he's a living, breathing human being, and he is a walking, talking stud!

John "Bradshaw" Layfield:
We just witnessed the greatest travesty of all time at Judgment Day! [crowd chants "you suck"] Rey Mysterio is still the World Champion. [crowd cheers] But I challenged him to take on all comers. I appealed to his machismo. Well Rey, oh Rey! If you're still a man of your word, and you'll still take on all comers, then I'm gonna prove it was a fluke on Sunday! Come out here right now with your World Championship and let's do it right here! [Rey Mysterio's theme hits]

Michael Cole:
Oh ho ho! The World Champion, as he proved Sunday, is a man of his word! [Rey Mysterio comes out] A standing ovation for the man who's still living his dream, successfully defending the World Championship Sunday at Judgment Day.

I don't know how Mysterio did it on Sunday but he did it. He left Phoenix with the World Championship.

Rey Mysterio:
JBL, you're right. I did say I would take on all comers. And I took you on at Judgment Day. And I beat you!

You sarcastic little punk, that was a fluke! Now get out here, let's do it right now!

Hold on. JBL, you are the United States Champion. I don't, I don't see you defending your title. I don't see you taking on all comers.

You little punk. You have the audacity to question me? THIS IS MY SHOW! I carry this company! And yes, I will take on all comers, because nobody but a true American hero represents this country better. I am proud to be your United States Champion.

Did, did you, did you just say you are willing to take on all, all comers?

I kicked you too hard in the head Rey. Is your mask covering your ears? Under the blood that you bled at Judgment Day covering up your ears? You want it in English? The answer is yes, I take on anybody!

English, Spanish, I understood you. [speaks Spanish] So, since you are willing, let me introduce to you your opponent. Bobby Lashley!

[during the World Heavyweight Championship rematch between King Booker and Rey Mysterio]

John "Bradshaw" Layfield:
I don't get it, Michael, what keeps Rey in this match? This stupid machismo thing!

Michael Cole [as King Booker grabs Rey from the top turnbuckle]:
Uh-oh, King Booker caught Mysterio!

He may not be in it any longer!

Rey Mysterio trying to reverse fortune here! Trying to shift balance and he does, kick to the midsection! Mysterio, a suplex!

[Rey gives King Booker a suplex]

I know what keeps him in this match!

Michael [as Rey holds on to King Booker and sets him up for another suplex]:
And look at this!


Look at this!

It's the spirit of Eddie Guerrero!

Michael [as Rey hits the second suplex] Paying homage to Eddie Guerrero! The Three Amigos!

No, no, no! [as Rey hits the third suplex] I've seen this from Eddie Guerrero, I've seen this from Rey Mysterio; I am sick of it!! [as Rey does Eddie's shimmy] Enough is enough!! No!

Michael [as Rey goes onto the apron and approaches the turnbuckles]:
And now Rey...


...with a little bit of Eddie in him! [as Queen Sharmell climbs the apron on the other side and tries to distract the referee] And look at Queen Sharmell up on the apron! [suddenly, Chavo Guerrero comes out through the crowd and grabs Rey] Hey! Who the hell-? [Chavo throws Rey onto the barricade behind him] Who the he-?

Oh, my God!

Is that Ch-? It's Chavo! It's Chavo again! What the hell is Chavo doing?!

JBL [as Chavo puts Rey back into the ring]:
Rey's out! Rey's unconscious!

He bounced his head and his spine off the barricade! What the hell is wrong with Chavo?!

There's nothing wrong with Chavo; I've known three Gue - generations of Guerreros! You can't trust a Guerrero!

Michael [as Chavo starts to make his way up the ramp]:
Chavo said he wasn't even in Detroit when we interviewed him, earlier tonight! Where the hell did he come from?!

Just like Eddie, he lies! He cheats! He steals! You cannot trust a Guerrero!

Michael [as Rey slowly starts to get up]:
And King Booker is measuring Rey; the World Championship is on the line! [King Booker then hits a scissors kick on Rey] There's the scissors kick!

Cinderella's done! Strike midnight!

Not again!

JBL [as King Booker covers Rey and the referee counts to 3]:
Call her the fat lady! Call her the wicked mama!

Not again! [the bell rings] Aww, damn it!

Tell her the saying, the King of the World! [as Chavo leaves and Queen Sharmell embraces King Booker] I told you, he should not - Rey should not have upset the coronation!

Tony Chimel:
Here's your winner, and still World Heavyweight Champion, King Booker!

Michael [as the referee hands King Booker back his title]:
You gotta believe that Rey Mysterio was moments away from regaining the title, and for some God-unknown reason, he was screwed again by Chavo!!

What are you, Sigmund Freud?! You don't know what I believe! I don't have to believe that! I believe the greatest word you can hear when you're a champion is, "still World Champion, King Booker"!

Let's take another look at what happened at the end of this matchup. [replay of Chavo throwing Rey into the barricade] Yet again, for the first - for the second time this week, Chavo has betrayed one of his best friends, Rey Mysterio! [replay of King Booker's scissors kick on Rey on his way to the 3-count] And that betrayal allowing the king to retain the World Heavyweight Championship!

Allowing King Booker to retain his place with destiny!

[back live, as King Booker and Queen Sharmell look back at the fallen Rey]

The bottom line is, that man, Chavo Guerrero, has stabbed Rey Mysterio in the back!

Tigers don't change colors, Michael!

Chavo Guerrero is cold-blooded, bottom line!

[Chavo Guerrero's music hits and he appears. The crowd boos]

Michael Cole:
I can't wait to hear this. Nothing this man can say will convince me what he did to Rey Mysterio in the past two weeks was right.

John "Bradshaw" Layfield:
Where's your objectivity? Let's listen to what he has to say.

Tony Chimel:
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Chavo Guerrero.

And why are you surprised? Why does Kasparov play chess? Why does Clemens pitch? It's in his DNA. It is in Chavo's DNA to be a Guerrero. I've known three generations of Guerreros; you cannot trust a Guerrero. Lie, cheat and steal, remember, Michael?

Oh yeah, I remember. That's their motto, the Guerrero motto.

Don't look down on it, Mr. High-and-Mighty.

Eddie Guerrero made that phrase famous.

And this is his nephew.

Chavo Guerrero:
People want to know why I screwed Rey Mysterio, why I betrayed Rey Mysterio. But first, I want to know: what is betrayal? Is betrayal stealing from another man? Is betrayal stealing his name from him? Stealing his blood? Because that's what Rey Mysterio did to me, did to my whole family, the Guerrero family. What? You don't believe me? You don't believe that Rey Mysterio is a thief? Let me tell you what he stole from me. I grew up with Eddie Guerrero. We were like brothers. We used to lie, cheat, and steal together. When Eddie passed away, we all felt it. We all felt it, we were all devastated. I retired from wrestling, I walked away from wrestling. But did Rey Mysterio? Noooo. He used the Guerrero name, Eddie's name. It seemed like every other match, Rey was dedicating the match to Eddie's memory. The Royal Rumble, No Way Out, even at WrestleMania. Every five minutes, he was mentioning Eddie's name, very, very convenient. And when Rey won the World Heavyweight Championship, it got even worse. Rey, you couldn't stand on your own, Rey, you couldn't keep the title on your own. What did you do? You used another Guerrero — me. Rey, I saved you from losing the title to JBL. I saved you from losing the title to Mark Henry. I saved you over and over and over again. But you decided to stand right here in the middle of this ring and take all the glory, and use Eddie's spotlight and Eddie's name that all of you chanted to him. At The Great American Bash, I couldn't take it anymore. And that's when I realized that Rey Mysterio, you didn't just steal Eddie from me, you didn't just steal Eddie from the Guerrero family, you stole the memory of Eddie from each and every one of these people out here, from you [points to one person in the audience], from you [points to another person in the audience]. People ask me why I did what I did. Because Rey Mysterio, you're nothing but a leech, living off the blood of the Guerrero name.

[Rey Mysterio appears and charges towards the ring]

Oh my!

Oh my!

And look at this!


Michael [as Rey and Chavo begin fighting]:
It's Rey Mysterio! Rey has heard enough! Chavo, Rey unloading on Chavo Guerrero!

Chavo was right! Chavo was right with everything he said!

I thought it was a pathetic excuse, as Mysterio and Chavo continue to beat the hell out of each other inside the ring! [Rey and Chavo fall to the outside and keep fighting] And now it spills outside the ring; these two former best friends are beating the living hell out of each other!

He shouldn't have desecrated Eddie's name; that's what Rey Mysterio-

Rey never did that!

You know damn well he did!

John "Bradshaw" Layfield:
Five days ago at Armageddon, I was appalled, horrified at what transpired in front of me. Teddy Long, for his own amusement, for his entertainment, brought back a match that had been dormant for seven and a half years. An inferno match. There is a reason we don't have inferno matches for the last seven and a half years. You see, it looks really good on paper. Somebody gets burned. Until you realize somebody gets burned. A human being was set on fire at Armageddon. Where pictures in the Bible describe Hell as human flesh burning and people screaming in pain. That is what happened. Hell was brought to MVP at Armageddon, and every single bit of it was Teddy Long's fault. This is what Teddy Long did to MVP. [clips from the inferno match between Kane and MVP at Armageddon are shown] Look at this. He put him in the ring with a monster, Kane, and Kane set him on fire. That folks, is not entertainment. That is a human being burning! That is flesh rotting and burning off a human corpse! Right next to me, MVP comes. I can smell the flesh of a human being burning. Something I will never forget to the day that I die was that I watched a human being and thankfully, mercifully, they put him out. And Teddy, you call this entertainment? I call it garbage. So I'll tell you what, Theodore Long, you come down here right now. I don't demand your censure, I think you should be fired, but tonight, you come down here and you apologize to me, you apologize to SmackDown!, and you damn sure come down here and apologize to MVP, because MVP can't be here right now because he's lying in a burn unit! Come on out Teddy! [nothing happens] Teddy, I have a list of lawyers in arm law. You will be sued. You come down here right now. Do you hear me?! [nothing happens] Okay. If you won't come down, Teddy, then let's talk about the people that are really responsible. [points to the fans] You. And you. Each and every one of you and you cheer. You don't cheer because a guy gave his life for you in this ring. It's not enough that you pay your money and somebody spend, spends 200 days away from his family each year! It's not enough! Somebody gives his health to this very ring! I'm not in this ring because I broke my back, and that's enough for you sick people! You got to see a head broken open by a chair. You got to see somebody fall off a building. You got to see somebody caught on fire. You people are responsible and it disgusts me! Rome did not fall because of the gladiators in the Colosseum. Rome fell because of the sick people in the stands. Now think about this, you people wish for one instance in your life. You were like MVP and somebody would pay to see you. Well in your miserable life, there's not a soul alive that would pay to see one of you sons of bitches do anything! And if America, this great country goes down, it won't be because of what's good. It won't be because of great warriors. It will be because of people like you! You sick human beings! You have embarrassed yourself, you have embarrassed me. And take a lot at the person next to ya. You have embarrassed this country. You people make me sick.

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