Mickeymized's Quotes Page #4

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Mickeymized  —  There are currently 121 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Believe only in what you have known through your personal experience and not in what you have heard. Till you haven't experienced it, it cannot be your truth. Don't let your life with hearsay be trivialized; live and learn through knowing and get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Let's pray to the elements like children again. Oh earth, as all grows out of you...let me grow too, oh sky, I too wish to rise high...oh water, let me go...with the flow, oh fire, let me evolve and dissolve all desires...oh air, bring me all blessings from this universe to share...oh ether, please raise my spiritual meter! Let our prayers be revolutionized, get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Today we live in a society of stupids. We swear by satellite navigation, but doubt the learned & the wise astrologers. We blindly trust the weather forecast, but doubt the vaastu science, when asked to turn our lives sailing mast. We constantly talk about liberation and still believe in creed and caste. Let our perspectives get maximized, wake up to deeper realities and get Mickeymized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Life can only happen between the past i.e. the history and the future i.e. the mystery. Both these are non-existential, thus insignificant. Between history and mystery lies now, let it be capitalized, seed your life every moment and get Mickeymized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Today life is going through unstable paces, animals slaved in cages and food exhibited in show-cases. We eat thrash, our language is brash, life is a dash and humanity is about to crash. Black is cash, party is a bash and cleansing is just a splash. Wake up, come back to nature or else a human being will just be reduced to a caricature . Let your life be naturalized, get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

This world has been patient with you, be patient with it too. True strength of a human is patience. Patience increases inner strength and endurance. Patience makes you a witness of darkness unto sunrise, patience is a virtue of faith, gets everyone MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

If gratitude doesn't take you to the divine, difficult times out of arrogant attitude will. An attitude of gratitude brings prosperity and divine solidarity. Start counting your blessings and you will never have to count your curses. Let your blessings be eternalized, align with the divine and get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Work for work itself. Work to add, continue working even if you are depressed and sad. The mechanism of passionate genuine value addition productive work, is self-rewarding. AND WORK TILL YOU NO LONGER NEED AN INTRODUCTION. Don't just open your beak, let your work speak. Let your work be immortalized, get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Life is all about unfolding of the genes, spilling off of the beans, mistakes of the teens, madness for the leans v/s goodness of the greens, living within and beyond means . Through all this chaos if you remain alert, aware, the master from inside will arise and you shall MickeyMize.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

There is nothing to show, yet, some say the show must go on. Flowers blossom at dawn in the dark, a sperm germinates without a spark and photographs too are developed in the dark. You simply be, create and be, doesn't matter whether or not the world can see. Let your work speak and actualize, MickeyMize. Share this for a creative and an expressive world.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Relax, nothing is in your control, as the collective destiny unfolds. Release all handles and flow with ease, let stress and tensions neutralize, MickeyMize. Share this for order, balance and harmony.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Your absolute faith and trust in someone, has the potential of turning a Satan into Saint. Try it always, if it doesn't work remember - an individual may let you down but mother nature will never. Have faith, don't compromise, MickeyMize. Share this for a faithful world.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The amount of time we spend thinking, criticizing, judging, worrying, calculating, fighting, hating, arguing, is not funny. Considering one third of our lives we spend sleeping and the rest is consumed by non-creative processes mentioned above... What a waste of life. Let's also stop becoming paranoid humanoids and instead simply be human beings living in joy. Mickeymize your life...

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

There is so much of good in the worst of us, so much of bad in the best of us, that it is ill behaved of many of us, to talk ill about the rest of us. If only we learn to appreciate all, we will be thereby motivating all to transform and MickeyMize lives. Share to have a world of appreciation and HEAL THE WORLD.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Water water everywhere and life is to share and care. Regard water with deep reverence whether from skies or anyone's eyes and MickeyMize human lives.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

If a seed can become a tree, flowers and fruits and if a sperm can become a body, eyes and hair, an idiot can become intelligent, and a stupid can become a genius. Only if we choose to. Because we are the immeasurable potential of all that was, is and will be. CHOOSE to become purposeful, meaningful and useful to this world and MickeyMize your life. Share this to create valuable humans for collective evolution.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Never brood over the past, for every saint has had a past and every criminal has a future. Encourage transformation and MickeyMize someone's life." Share this as every demon has the potential to become divine.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Participate in the process of change without compromising on your individuality. Let mother nature decide, as nature never takes sides but restores balance. Be open ended respecting all individualities and MickeyMize life. Share this to promote a healthy and a democratic way of life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Don't be desperate to make money instead find ways to earn it. If you wish to attract Lakshmidevi, first impress devi Sarasvati and the rest will be effortless. So seek knowledge and wisdom and MickeyMize your life. Share this with all to have a wisdom based society and evolve.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Every human is a God in seed form waiting for it's flowering, but not letting it blossom impeded by his own ego, he remains earthly. So annihilate your ego and evolve to divinity MickeyMizing your life. Share this for conversion of angels from humans and let us all know only bliss :)

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Start worshipping your parents and grandparents before you worship God. You will see a glimpse of divinity in that process. Practice worshipping your parents first and MickeyMize your chances for being worthy of higher worship. Share this to increase real worshipping experience and evolve.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Most people suffer in life because they ruin and sacrifice a certain beautiful today, for a hope of an uncertain glorious tomorrow. If today you destroy a potential seed, how will it flower tomorrow sow and nurture all the seeds today and MickeyMize your life! Share this with as many for a fragrant world.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Life moves in cycles. Sun takes hours twenty-four, rain clouds periodically open their doors, the moon, goes through phases never fills up soon and tides time to time touch the shores. Cycles and seasons #heal you with reasons, embrace them, be aware know mother nature will always care. Let summer, autumn, winter and spring be optimized, heal with every season to get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

As meditation heals, celebration also heals. A day of dance and music can add a year to your life, celebrating in every condition will end all your strife. It's the attitude and the perspective of life which is healing in the first place, releasing all the antibodies for #happy feeling in your holy space. Have the time of life and heal your lifetime, let your celebration be maximized, to be on the top of your game and get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
A Joseph Stalin
B Oppenheimer
C Albert Einstein
D Charles Dickens