Mickeymized's Quotes Page #5

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Mickeymized  —  There are currently 121 quotes total — keep up the great work!

No one is your enemy, we all are one. Some understand all about you and some none. Some accept you, some don't, some will like you and some won't. Let's not be divided, be on the same page, let's share love and care, not rage. Alone we may be powerful and together we become a force; let's not forget we are all born out of the same source. Let our egos be neutralized, let's heal together and get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

A true guru is one who let's his student stand on his shoulders and look beyond, so share all knowledge and wisdom without hiding anything up your sleeve and MickeyMize everyone's life. Share this for as many for a carefree and an evolved society.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Be open minded as an open minded person always sees everything possible and the one who sees everything possible is capable of making anything possible. So keep an open mind and MickeyMize your life. Share this to have a world of infinite possibilities.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

To have sound ears listen to what this existence has to say and harmonize your life, so be a good listener and MickeyMize your life. Share with as many to volunteer obedience to the laws of mother nature.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

When moods go bad, when feelings become sad, when excitement is low, stick it out; don't leave and go. When life gets heavier than Earth and meaningless seems birth, step back and breathe, collect yourself and don't seethe. Remember all gets eventually sorted don't stress out and get knotted. Remember again and again the sun will rise, to bring you love and light to MickeyMize. Share this to start a Wellness Revolution for Human Evolution.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Mickey Mehta says, "If you are deep rooted in humility you get better fruited in simplicity thus MickeyMizing your personality with adulation!" Share this for getting more humans grounded.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

For most of the things children do, parents are responsible. A good seed, noble thoughts and upbringing deeds can determine the character and personality feeds of our children. The amount of money we spend on them is not funny, to please them that's ain't the way honey! Give them your time to make their life sublime. Children are soft clay, mould them the appropriate way. Let your children's life not be compromised, let them blossom in fertile fields to Get Mickeymized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

One never grows old, but when one stops growing one becomes old. So let's keep growing and evolving, become timeless and let's be eternal and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Life is astounding and not strange. If one thing is certain that is change, guide and choreograph the dance of creativity and save yourself from helpless captivity. Winds of change will allow you to give all you have and receive all you can with grace. Let change be seamless and not at a jolting pace. Be aware in the moment of change as it will determine your fall or rise, choreograph the change to MickeyMize.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

When you achieve out of aggression and friction your ego gets satisfied and when one accomplishes with love and faith the soul gets fulfilled. So accomplish more in faith and MickeyMize your life!

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Do whatsoever with absolute conviction as there have been beggars who've lived like kings, and there have been kings who've lived like beggars so believe in your self and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

When hate for hatred if returned, hate ceases and strife ensues, when love for hatred if returned hate ceases and love ensues. So Love everyone and MickeyMize everyone's life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Man can accomplish everything he intends, as in the seeds of intention are the blueprints / mechanics of their manifestation. Let all your intentions serve larger interest & MickeyMize this world. Share this with as many for world harmony, health and happiness.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The best exercise for your biceps would be to uplift the down trodden in this society and bring them to our eye level, who knows your vision might also improve! So lift up the down trodden and MickeyMize everyone's life Share this with everyone to heal the world.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Workout should be a celebration not a punishment. It's not about a 6 pack body building, it's about refining and physical culturing. It's not about slimming it's about purifying and evolving. It's romancing your own being getting intimate with yourself, so get intimate with yourself and MickeyMize your life." Spread this message to have refined and more evolved humans.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Death has no right on life it is a culmination of your doing. Dying happens to disease which also is a culmination of your doing. Make sensible life choices and simply pass away, transform or transmigrate .We don't need to die in suffering. Live disease free and MickeyMize your life!!

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Your life is a gift for others to enjoy . Every day try and reach out to as many to support collective evolution to bring about harmony order balance on earth. Don't just MickeyMize yours but MickeyMize everybody's life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

This summer temperatures will soar high and may kill many birds due to lack of water. PLEASE KEEP A BOWL OF WATER IN YOUR BALCONY , WINDOW OR IN OPEN PLACES and save their lives, instead of shooing them away. Be sensitive to all lives and MickeyMize the ecology. Share this to support life for one and all and evolve.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Love is the single most creative energy which is ever perpetuating. Forget God Love will do but don't forget Love God alone won't do. So Love one and all and be a Co Creator of collective destiny and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

We should integrate ourselves at every level from micro to macro of mind body and spirit, only then we can have integrity as integrity can only be born out of unison and wholeness so integrate and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

To develop strong shoulders carry the responsibilities of the under privilege and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Take risks in your life. If you win you can lead, if you lose you can guide. Take a plunge of faith and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

I kept looking out for collecting happiness all my life till I one day realized that happiness stays with the one Who simply spreads happiness. So bring happiness to others and MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

This created  universe is a ceaseless dance of the molecules and all that is required for bliss is harmony order and balance so friends let our new prayer be only for harmony order and balance which will MickeyMize your life.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

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Who said, “Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances that we know to be desperate.”
A G.K. Chesterton
B Christopher Reeve
C C.S. Lewis
D Desmond Tutu