Laksheishmpatel_1's Quotes Page #2

Here's the list of quotes submitted by laksheishmpatel_1  —  There are currently 137 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Never assume that if the share price has fallen from Rs.250 to Rs.130, it can't drop further and its classic example is GMDC. Never trust any share brokerage firm as well as they are all worst to believe

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

GMDC Share price has fallen from Rs.175 to 132 in just last 3 days of this week almost Rs.40 fall . Its downward trend is continuing since last one month from Rs.220. Ihus fall of Rs.90 and everyday it falls only so whoever is trying to average with dropped price must be making huge losses

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

GMDC Share price has fallen from Rs.175 to 132 in just last 3 days of this week almost Rs.30 fall . Its downward trend is continuing since last one month from Rs.220. Ihus fall of Rs.90 and everyday it falls only so whoever is trying to average with dropped price must be making huge losses

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

May 2022 month's stock market crash is worse than that of March 2019 and still 7 days to go of this month, yet there is no uproar in the news channels and no tweets for this because no agency has been paid by brokers for creating shout out

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities has closed down the functional keys of its trading platform while the market was rolling down and thus not allowing its traders to sell any shares. Corrupt brokerage firm maligning the good image of SBI bank

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

GMDC Share price has fallen from Rs.165 to 130 in just 1 day today almost 20% fall . No prize for telling who is the beneficially of this fall. Party will happen in the management office today

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities web trading platform has been disabled by its key officials since morning while market tumbling down. Do you still need proof that traders lose money because of these corrupt brokerage firms

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Whenever mega shares worth Rs.2600-3000 do not fall while other shares worth Rs.100-200 since the beginning, it has been seen that entire market falls within last 1 hour of ,session

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI Securities is a crook that can lock the functional keys of its trading platform for that traders who could make money through stock market by buying the shares at lowest price

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities trading platform not accepting any price for sell and often not opening and sometimes showing Your connection was interrupted A network change was detected. ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Now share traders can go to sleep as share price of various companies is likely to remain stagnant or negligible up down till last 1 hour of today's session on 25 th May. Prices will fall more by end. Any increase in between is an opportunity to sell only

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Jindal saw ltd share price is likely to touch Rs.81.55 -83.25

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Sensex has come down from 61000-60000 mark to 54000-53000 in just last one month, just image how much money companies would have made with this sharp decline by selling shares. Mind boggling

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Downward movement of Indian stock market continues even today. It seems all govt shares are being subject to most thrashing. BHEL, ONGC, SAIL, NALCO etc

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities is doing new type of drama today as its trading platform gets logged out after every 5 minutes or so automatically

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Tomorrow the stock market is most likely to open in red and those who purchased shares today thinking it has bottomed down enough will be making more losses . Stock Brokers have become richer during this downward journey since 13 April by closing their terminal operation and cheating their clients only

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Remain ready for the stock market sudden fall at any moment from now and your brokerage firm especially SBI securities will close down the server

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Computer Trading terminal Server of SBI Securities again closed down and that means stock prices fall is on anvil. Blank screen is seen

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SENSEX is at 54165 at this moment, most traders think that it will go to 55000 but little presume it is on downward trend and may touch 54000

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

At 11 AM today when electricity power will be restored, small traders will see that stock market has come down so those fools will be tempted to buy more shares but they do not think that ihe price will go further down thereafter in the last hour today. Brokers like SBI securities and others will allow traders to buy shares but in the last minutes it disable their trading platform to not allow traders to sell at falling spree

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Share traders can go off to sleep as nothing major will happen in the stock market until the last one hour of session today. Don't waste time and strain your eyes before the computer screen. Market will fall father as it appears

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

VIsit now SBI securities trading platform and you will find that it is not allowing you to do transactions as pages become unresponsive or price feeding is not possible

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

As expected, SBI securities web trading platform pages have been made UNRESPONSIVE by them again today. SBI securities have no fear of any authority for such open mischievous dacoity being done with regularity

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Shares worth Rs.2600 is likely to close at Rs.2555-2575 today. Won't be surprised if it touches Rs.2500 in a day or two

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

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