Laksheishmpatel_1's Quotes Page #3

Here's the list of quotes submitted by laksheishmpatel_1  —  There are currently 137 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Don't be surprised to see SAIL share price touching Rs.56 by the end of May month from the current price of Rs.74

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Today on 24th May electricity cut has been done till 11 am as per electricity board , it is a sign either stock market will fall or go down drastically till that time. Besides, traders can always expect brokerage firms playing trick like closure of trading platform calling it technical error .Also internet disruption is also possible during this time.

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Get ready Share TRADERS, it is now time for the market to fall dramatically. Prediction is based on SBI securities move as it has frozen its trading platform and thus not allowing traders to sell shares

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI brokerage is again on its daily practice of not allowing traders to sell shares as it has jammed its trading platform .All pages have UNRESPONSIVE while it is short selling closing hour. A scoundrel brokerage firm

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

The share price of Jindal Saw Ltd is likely to reach Rs.83-81 today and that of ONGC is likely to touch Rs.152-150, but the market likely to tumble in the fag end.

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SEBI takes minor actions on small brokers to show public of its presence, but never any penalizing action on national level brokerage firms which continue to cheat investors and its example can be seen often. SBI Securities are everyday disabling the function of its trading platform to cheat clients

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities have done such thing to its trading platform that no matter how much you try you as client can't sell your shares as all keys of its web trading have been stopped functioning as it does everyday

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities have again disabled its web trading platform on 21st May and thus not allowing its clients to do any transactions easily.

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

PAGE UNRESPONSIVE You can wat for it to become responsive or exit the page The above two lines will pop up with every command you give at SBI Securities trading platform during every sudden big fall or rise of stock price and this happens more especially during opening and closing of trading session time

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Internet connection is disrupted and brokerage firm's trading platform has been disabled for traders, it is an indication of ensuing sudden slump of stock market today within an hour or so

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities have already defunct its web trading platform at 1:15 pm and thus not allowing its intraday short selling traders to sell any shares and this shows downward slump likely today

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities in all likelyhood will not allow its clients to do any transactions and even its web trading platform going nonfunctional today between 2 to 3:25 pm as it has been its daily practice

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Within 15 minutes from now, the Indian stock market will today either fall or rise . The downward movement is more likely

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Keep writing complaints & yelling at the back office customer care of SBI Securities, but none will hear you and shamelessly pretend as if there is no problem with their web and mobile trading platform and complaining to SEBI against brokerage firm means wasting own time and headache

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

SBI securities have again made its web trading platform unresponsive meaningby whenyou astrader try to put price for buy or sell shares it will not accept as you are unable to feed because keys do not work of their platform.

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Since morning till this time, SBI securities trading platform kept on showing its pages UNRESPONSIVE while the share prices kept on tumbling down today. This is done with evil design by this brokerage firm to let its clients to lose money in stock market

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Since morning till this time, SBI securities trading platform kept on showing its pages responsive while the share prices kept on tumbling down today. This is done with evil design by this brokerage firm to let its clients to lose money in stock market

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Stock market first drop will come today around noon and then major bottom touching fall at the end of today's session

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Every price rise is an opportunity for investors to come out and better leave out of share market, but not before getting all accounts audited and holding stock brokers responsible for its involvement in misappropriation

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Tomorrow the India stock market is most likely to open further Rs.5 down of each Rs.100 worth shares and decling trend is likely to continue till June end month. Brokerage houses will continue to prohibit the entry of sell price and play spoilsport as companies have started looting invested money of public in share market

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Don't expect any miracle like upward movent to happen today on 19th May in Indian Stock market. Stricly NO BUY of any share until NALCO reaches Rs. 89, SAIL reaches Rs. 79 , ONGC touches Rs.150 and BOI reaches Rs. 40. Tomorrow it will fall further

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

As everyday, SBI securities had jammed its web trading platform to not allow traders to sell its shares. Like all other brokerage houses it is a trickester whose only business is to loot investors money by hook or crook

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

Investors think that since the share price of some scrip has come down from Rs. 200 to Rs.45, so it can not go further down without realizing that it can even kiss Rs.15

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

If the share price of LIC touches Rs.870 level then it is an alarming sign for investor to come out of this share

Lakshheish M Patel  Famous Quote

added 2 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Here's looking at you, kid."?
A Unforgiven
B Casablanca
C Taxi Driver
D In the Line of Fire