Ace-of-Hearts's Quotes Page #4

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Ace-of-Hearts  —  There are currently 103 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Durante mi infancia, que nos enseñaron nuestros padres para tratar a todas las mujeres de edad avanzada, como a madres y mujeres jóvenes como hermanas. Nos enseñaron a creer que las mujeres, al igual que los hombres, son creados a imagen de Dios, y debe ser tratado con amor, dignidad y respeto. lecciones de éstos vida de mi infancia aún permanecen cerca de mi corazón, sin importar la hora, lugar o sociedad que vivo en. Espero que vamos a seguir para enseñar las mismas lecciones preciosas para nuestros hijos, para que ellos también tratan cada mujer con amor, dignidad y respeto - como su propia madre o hermana o hija, como una imagen divina de Dios, y no como un objeto de deseo de ser miradas lascivas y fantaseaba. En mi opinión, los verdaderos hombres siempre tratan a las mujeres con la igualdad y el respeto que se merecen por derecho.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Quand vous réalisez que la porte menant à vos rêves est verrouillé, ne jamais abandonner. essayer d'ouvrir la porte avec tout et toutes les touches que vous pouvez avoir dans votre boîte à outils. Si quelques premières touches ne fonctionnent pas, vous ne devez pas perdre votre espoir - car il est souvent la dernière clé qui ouvre la porte, et vous permet d'atteindre votre onirique. Voilà pourquoi il est judicieux d'avoir beaucoup de clés dans votre boîte à outils, continuer à essayer, ne jamais perdre espoir, et le dernier mais non le moindre, jamais fait partie de vos rêves.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

When you realize that the door leading to your Dreams is locked, don't ever give up. Try to open that door with any and all keys that you may have in your toolbox. If first few keys don't work, you mustn't lose your hope - because it's often the last key that unlocks the door, and enables you to reach your Dreamworld. That's why it's smart to have lots of keys in your toolbox, keep on trying, never lose Hope, and last but not the least, never part with your Dreams.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

For my tears fall upon them, the blood of life awakens them.

Unknown  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Accepting your Ignorance is your first step towards Knowledge. Acknowledging the Darkness around you will lead you to the Path of Illumination. Thou shalt therefore know and accept thy limitations, in order to overcome them successfully.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Smartphone is a classic example of disruptive innovation that has quickly disrupted not only the existing markets and value networks, but also our society and her values - by creating millions of Selfie-obsessed narcissistic individuals worldwide. Whether it's good or bad, Selfie-obsession has certainly become epidemic, and no one is immune. Social media, such as FB, Twitter, Instagram etc are totally flooded with selfies of self-obsessed folks from all walks of life, all strata of society, rich and poor, beautiful as well as beauty-challenged, celebrities as much as obscurities, and people of all colors, genders, races, religions and ethnicities etc. While 'Selfies’ may have become a huge trend in social media, many psychiatrists associate the Selfie-obsession to serious mental health issue called "Body Dysmorphic Disorder" that involves dysfunctional narcissism and person’s obsession with her/his looks. Thank you Smartphone! You're truly the most disruptive innovation of 21st Century!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Time proves to us that every failure carries the seedlings of success. Every disaster contains within itself the blessings from God. And for every closed door of opportunity, there is always a new door opening a brand new opportunity in life. The point is to first find it and recognize it for its potential value in life- and that can be a tough challenge sometimes! It's easy said than done, and still you got to do it!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Metamorphosis is an immanent component and one of the most profound processes of life, IMHO. We constantly transform into better versions of ourselves, gracefully like a Caterpillar into a beautiful Butterfly. Metamorphosis continues throughout our journey of life, and extends from one generation to next generations. There is an element of elegance and beauty in the fact that we all evolve continuously, and metamorphosize metaphorically, into better and more beautiful versions of ourselves; just like fascinating Butterflies with Earth as our Chrysalis.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Today life is going through unstable paces, animals slaved in cages and food exhibited in show-cases. We eat trash, our language is brash, life is a dash and humanity is about to crash. Black is cash, party is a bash and cleansing is just a splash. Wake up, come back to nature or else a human being will just be reduced to a caricature . Let your life be naturalized, get MickeyMized.

Mickey Mehta  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

It's been debated for years whether Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or Beauty is in the heart of the beholder. Yet it's not so well appreciated that Beauty can be totally worthless without her true appreciator. As Sir Allama Iqbal pointed out in his poetry: "For a thousand years the most beautiful and rare flower of Narcissus (or Nargis) laments her blindness. It's with great difficulties that the one with true vision is ever born in the garden." I also believe that either Beauty or Creativity or Genius attains her true meaning only after meeting with her authentic aficionado, her true appreciator; and that seldom happens easily. A connoisseur is therefore absolutely critical, IMHO, for the existence of Beauty, Creativity and Genius in our world.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

I sometimes wonder that life can probably be compared best to a Rose Garden. Some writers like to do so in their efforts to romanticize life. Often as we walk through the rose garden, we become refreshed and rejuvenated by the warm, pleasant and sensuous breeze that carries captivating exquisite fragrance of beautiful roses. Life seems so remarkably wonderful at that very moment. Then on some occasions as we walk through the same rose garden, the sight of dried rose bushes with wilted flowers, dried rose petals and heaps of dead leaves all around saddens us deep inside. The cold callous currents of strong wind make us shiver, with the shocking harsh reality about the uncertainty of life. Oh, life can be so awesome and beautiful at times, and yet so cold and cruel on occasions. Such is the duality of life that reverberates and resonates in sync with the Rose Garden!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Beaucoup de gens préfèrent souvent le chemin de moindre résistance, et préfèrent rester dans leur zone de confort. Marcher en dehors de la zone de confort est inconfortable pour eux, en raison de l'incertitude et le chaos qui peut exister dans le territoire inconnu. Et pourtant, la vie commence souvent en dehors de la zone de confort, et un tout nouveau monde est toujours redécouvert qu'après aller au-delà des limites du statu quo. Ne l'oublions pas, Une étoile est née seulement du chaos colossal et énorme obscurité. Sortir de la zone de confort, avec confiance. - Deo.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Many people often prefer the path of least resistance, and like to stay within their comfort zones. Stepping outside the comfort zone is uncomfortable for them, because of the uncertainty and chaos that may exist in the unfamiliar territory. And yet, real life often begins outside the comfort zone, and a whole new world always gets rediscovered only after going beyond the boundaries of status quo. Lest we forget, a star is often born out of colossal chaos and tremendous darkness. So, take a chance, and step outside the comfort zone - with complete confidence in yourself.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Managing jealous people and their jealousy in your life can be one of the most difficult tasks, nonetheless it's not entirely impossible. The best cure for Jealousy is proven to be Love, because the green-eyed monster cannot simply survive in the environment that is filled with love, compassion and kindness. Only Love empowers you to boomerang Jealousy back to her source, resulting in burning the Jealous person in the fury and fire of Jealousy. Love is thus the only strongest and most effective way to tame that green-eyed monster in your world.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

It's very true that the only difference between "TRY" and "TRIUMPH" is just the "UMPH", even though it may sound like a cliche to some. In my view, that tiny 'Umph' often gives you monumental mph (i.e. miles per hour) to accelerate and reach your destination much faster. The 'Umph' can mathematically be expressed as: Umph = U + mph. The minuscule 'Umph' can thus make a mega-difference, and all you need is that little 'Umph' to succeed. Hence you must strive to get that 'Umph' in your life; by pushing yourself slightly harder, and by putting that extra little kick in every struggle of life. With that little 'Umph' on your side, you'll surely break a leg! So, what are you waiting for?

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

When I was growing up in India, I was taught that if you are gifted with special talents, you don't own them. Those talents aren't yours, because they come to you straight from God. I was further advised to use those God-gifted talents for advancing society, by helping people who're in dire need. It's one of the most powerful teachings that I've inherited from my childhood in India. It constantly reminds me that Life is a give-and-take process; and that the more you give back to society, the more you'll receive from God. This interesting philosophy of life instills humility, and keeps my feet firmly on the ground; no matter which country or continent I live in. And I am thankful to my parents, who guided me with such invaluable lessons of life.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

One of the major regrets of life, for most people, is their yielding to the wishes of others, instead of doing what their heart desired most. Always dare to respect yourself first before anyone else, in your speech as much as in your actions. Self-respect is the precursor to Success.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Monday seems to be the most misunderstood, unappreciated and thankless day, even though Monday signifies the onset of a new working week, and offers the best opportunity of a fresh start 52 times a year. In my view, if you have passion for whatever that you do in your life, then any and every day of the week becomes a wonderful day to look forward to. Every Monday then becomes Magical Monday, instead of Mundane Monday, only with your love and passion for your work. Make A Magical Monday!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

A "Szépség" nem áll sem a csábító vonzó arc!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

There is nothing surprising about getting knocked down in life. It's a given, and it happens to all, at least once in their lifetime. What matters in life is not getting knocked down, but getting up and standing taller than ever before. The smart people, who understand the purpose of Life, do that successfully - no matter how often they get knocked down, or how hard they get hit.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The best chapter in your book of life is always the one that's not written yet. Start writing it right away, with your own words and not the ones that get dictated to you by others. You're the only one who can fill those unwritten pages with enthusiasm, passion and dedication. So, take charge of your book of life, and don't ever rely on others who would be least interested in making it either exciting or outstanding. You're the Creator and the Master of your Destiny!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Bez względu na to ile masz lat, są pewne momenty w życiu, kiedy trzeba za rękę swojego ojca I swojej matki okrążenie cię pocieszyć, dać ci siłę, aby walczyć I wygrywać z kursów. I nie ważne ile masz lat stać, lub tam, gdzie może być w tym świecie, będziesz sobie sprawę, że twój ojciec rękę i lap twojej matki zawsze będzie tam, aby was pocieszać I chronić przez całe życie. Nauka i logika nie może tego wyjaśnić, bo to są sprawy związane z miłością i wiarą, które opierają się wszelkie normy.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Manage your Anger, because Anger is a highly deceptive and self-destructive sword. Anger would totally destroy the person who possesses it rather than the people against whom it gets directed. Greek Mythology also teaches us that when Gods wish to destroy someone, they always make her/him angry first. So, manage your Anger effectively, for your own sake, so that Anger would never be able to destroy you; never ever!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

After the extended period of heat and dry weather, comes the first rain shower of the season creating an exquisite eloquent fragrance in the air - an earthy sweet smell that permeates and floats all around us, refreshing and rejuvenating our lives. I love that powerful seductive scent - emanating from the long awaited sensual union of soft and gentle rain drops with dry and thirsty waiting ground, instantaneously instigating an intense intimacy in the air. This elegant enchanting fragrance is called "Petrichor"; a composite word from Greek language, where "Petra" means ‘the stone’, and "Ichor" means 'the fluid that flows in the veins of the Gods' per Greek Mythology. In my view, Petrichor is the most elegant and divine perfume that must be a gift from Supreme Power to us. If my life were a perfume, I would surely like her to smell like Petrichor, that exquisite earthy fragrance after the first rain.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

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