Ace-of-Hearts's Quotes Page #3

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Ace-of-Hearts  —  There are currently 103 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Today is the new day. The darkest night is long gone. Yesterday has become the past. Tomorrow is just an illusion. So, enjoy Today! Enjoy this moment! Welcome Today!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

It's always the darkest just before the beautiful dawn that welcomes you into a new day, and into a whole new world. Today is that new day, and you're stepping into a wonderful new world; with new ambitions, new dreams, and new energy to enjoy this new world. Be grateful, courageous, and open to new opportunities, with strong determination to succeed. Today is a New Day! The darkest night is long gone! Yesterday has become the past! Tomorrow is just an illusion! So, enjoy Today! Enjoy this moment! Welcome the New Day, as you step into your New World, Today!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Life often begins outside the comfort zone.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Algunas personas creen que el silencio es oro, y que el silencio habla más que mil palabras. En mi opinión, no es cierto. Silencio menudo representa los restos de sus miedos, defectos e inseguridades. Silencio significa su incapacidad e impotencia para responder a la realidad. Los sonidos más tristes de silencio se escucharon en la más profunda oscuridad que siguió genocidios nazis, 9/11, el tsunami y Katrina. El silencio no es oro en absoluto, y que sin duda se vuelve en tu contra. Asi, siempre se atreven a hablar en su mente, y la vida se convertirá en suave y sin problemas de flujo libre. la vie continuar!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Some people believe that Silence is golden, and that Silence speaks a million words. In my view, it's not true. Silence often represents the remnants of your fears, flaws and insecurities. Silence signifies your inability and impotency to respond to reality. The saddest sounds of silence were heard loud and clear in the deepest darkness that followed Nazi Genocides, 9/11, Tsunami and Katrina. Silence isn't golden at all, and it surely comes back to haunt you. Stay away from Silence, and always dare to speak up your mind, so that life becomes smooth and seamlessly free-flowing. La Vie Continue!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The difference between a Diplomat and a Husband is that the Diplomat remembers the birthday of a woman but doesn't remember her age, while the Husband remembers his wife's age but forgets her birthday. Be a Diplomatic Husband! Don't ever forget your Wife's Birthday, and never let her cross that evergreen age of timeless & tantalizing twenty-five.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Do you remember that guy who gave up? Don't worry if you don't, because no one else remembers that guy either. World remembers only those who never gave up, and continued relentlessly with strong determination to succeed. So, never give up, and never lose Hope - even during the darkest moments of your life. You never know what tomorrow may bring for you.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

La vie est toujours ce que vous faites de lui, mais il est souvent plein de surprises et de rebondissements inattendus. Dramaturge William Shakespeare a écrit que la vie est une histoire racontée par un idiot, plein de bruit et de fureur, qui ne signifie rien. En réalité, votre vie est une histoire écrite par nul autre que vous; et il est toujours à vous de le rendre intéressant, utile, et merveilleux.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

You'll often meet people who will try to belittle you. You mustn't get discouraged by their derogatory demeanor. The higher you soar, the smaller you'll always appear to those who cannot fly. You keep your spirits high, and continue to soar high in the sky; no matter what others say or do.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The most interesting aspect of Life is that it always goes on - either with or without you. Life also moves pretty fast, regardless of whether you take nothing away or you put nothing back. The truth remains that empires collapse and civilizations disappear, and yet Life goes on. La Vie Continue!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Loyalty is one of the most valuable qualities that's becoming exceedingly scarce, in personal as much as in professional life. The people and organizations who have been deeply hurt by someone whom they had trusted as a true friend or a loyal employee would surely underscore the fact that loyalty is indeed a dual-edged sword, i.e. something that can cut both ways. And yet, Loyalty is one of the most noble and admirable qualities IMHO. My respectful salute to all those exceptional individuals who have remained always loyal and ever faithful to their friends, families, organizations and nations, despite the challenging times and absolutely adverse circumstances. Our world would be totally empty, hollow, and shallow without such wonderful people. Long Live Loyalty! Kudos to Semper Fidelis!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

If you keep on gazing into an empty bottomless darkness, there's a good chance that darkness will gaze back at you at some point. So, stay away from that dreadful Darkness, and always take a high road on the illuminated path that leads to brilliant bright Light and Enlightenment.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Gérer votre colère, parce que la colère est une épée très trompeur et auto-destructrice. La colère serait détruire totalement la personne qui la possède plutôt que les personnes contre lesquelles il se dirigeait. Mythologie Grecque nous apprend également que lorsque les dieux veulent détruire quelqu'un, ils font toujours lui / elle en colère en premier. Donc, de gérer votre colère de manière efficace, dans votre propre intérêt, de sorte que la colère ne serait jamais capable de vous détruire.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Dancing with your demons to win them can be a risky proposal, unless you're a person of strong Character. It's quite possible that your demons may transform you into a demon before you realize. If you keep on gazing into an empty bottomless darkness, there's a good chance that darkness will gaze back at you. Your best bet is to walk away from your demons, and take the high road where demons fear to tread.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Ceux qui ne peuvent pas entendre la musique toujours rire avec mépris les étoiles de la danse, de penser les danseurs doivent être fou. Vous devez ignorer leur rire moqueur, enlevez vos chaussures, et continuer à danser comme il n'y a personne à regarder. Vous êtes la reine de la danse, et le dernier mot sera toujours la vôtre! Continuateur danse, étoile danser!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Those who can't hear the music always laugh contemptuously at the dancing stars, thinking that those dancers must be crazy. You must ignore their mocking laughter, just kick off your shoes, and keep on dancing like there is nobody watching. "You're the Dancing Queen. You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life." - as ᗅᗺᗷᗅ said it so appropriately. Never miss a chance to dance, and the last laugh will always be yours. Continuer danse, Danser étoile!

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Sie sehen immer die Welt, wie Sie sind. Wenn Sie etwas nicht gefällt, ist es wahrscheinlich, weil es den Teil von dir, dass Ihnen am wenigsten repräsentiert. Das ist genau das, warum die Welt zu verstehen, müssen Sie zuerst von ihr weg, und dann suchen Sie tiefer in, tief in sich selbst.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

You always see the world as you are. If you don't like something, it's probably because it represents the part of you that you dislike most. If you want to understand the world, you must first turn away from her, and then look deep inside within your Self - to be in sync with the world, and to be in perfect harmony with life.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Interestingly, it's the imperfection that makes things beautiful, even though this viewpoint may seem labyrinthine. Absolute perfection is often unattainable in reality, and yet so many imperfect things can be breathtakingly beautiful. So it must be that either the Perfection is overrated, or that our Imperfections must be making us so unique - and hence most beautiful. I like what Marilyn Monroe said decades ago: "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." So, go ahead and celebrate your differentiating differentness - including the imperfections that make you so beautiful.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Life is never measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of special moments you create that take the breath away.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Make your life most wonderful by making every moment worth living for, and creating special moments that'll simply take the breath away. Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of special moments you create that take the breath away.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Never give up efforts when you fail, because FAIL is truly an acronym for 'First Attempt In Learning'. Never lose hope, because HOPE is an acronym for 'Hold On, Pain Ends'. Successful people are those who never lose Hope, never give up Efforts, and build their Success out of failures. In my view, Successful persons rise from the ashes of their failures like proverbial Phoenix.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

We're always what we think. Our thoughts dictate our actions, confidence, self-esteem and achievements; or lack thereof. So, always think high and dream big, and take the high road.

Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

An entrepreneurial spirit that is sought in the workforce should not be mixed and confused with the spirit that an entrepreneur has got , as there are enough evidences and instances in which a person who has failed as an employee has turned out to be a successful entrepreneur, and vice versa.

Anuj Somany  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Houston, we have a problem"?
A Apollo 13
B 2001: A Space Odyssey
C Star Trek Generations
D Conquest of Space