MaximBehar's Quotes Page #2

Here's the list of quotes submitted by MaximBehar  —  There are currently 68 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Ten years ago, in order to be able to spread news, you were supposed to have a major in journalism, have a press card, and be called a journalist. Otherwise, you couldn`t. Now, to spread the news, all you need is a social media account.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Actually, without the opportunity to make something go viral, social media would be nothing more than the good old Web 1.0.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

At first glance, it might seem as though the death of the press release was slightly exaggerated. After all, press releases are still in circulation.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

The one-time ubiquitous emblem of classic PR, the press release, has technically been dead for a while now. To be a bit more precise, His Majesty the Press Release has been dying - a relatively slow death, but a death, nonetheless. And there is no coming back. Now we are in the afterlife, thanks to the social media revolution.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

As already noted, the only legitimate way for a PR representative to pay media would be if you purchase content that is clearly marked as paid or sponsored.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

In my work as a PR expert so far, there has never been a case in which we have paid even a single cent for media coverage. Not on our behalf, and not on behalf of any of our clients.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

My first definition of PR was that PR is the industry of news creation or good news-making.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

While thousands of people had been aware that newspapers would go extinct, nobody had really imagined certain disturbing developments in the new media, and more specifically in social media.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

For years now, PR has been developing services in the era of social media that cover more and more communication needs. That`s the part of the reason why PR will be on top of the future merger of the three industries.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

While the death of the press release could be construed as more symbolic, the death of the press conference has actually been even more evident and overwhelming for the PR industry in the social media revolution era.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

However, in PR, we communicate messages. Going back to one of my original points, if we produce anything, it's news stories. Regardless of what you call your message, it is news. If it doesn't contain news, then you probably aren't doing a very good job.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

That's what social media has done to our business. At the same time, it has made the PR industry infinitely more measurable, and much more transparent.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

The main feature and top advantage of social media, which has made it such a powerful instrument in the hands of PR experts, is the ability to share - and especially the intriguing possibility of seeing your post go viral. In that case, your post is so catchy and contagiuos that it spreads like an epidemic and can consequently become a pandemic.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

By definition, however, PR should be trying to achieve virality for its stories - that's one of its goals.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

We in the PR industry now hold in our hands new tools for announcing news - and those tools are beyond exciting! These new tools are faster, more reliable, and - what probably matters most - they are interactive.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

There are other classic PR instruments - press conferences, media meetings, business brunches, business conferences, etc. All those are now replaced by posts on social media, and occasionally still by personal meetings with journalists.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Visuals are becoming an inseparable part of our work as PR experts. Yet at the end of the day, we, the PR experts, are the people who manage content. We are the masters of content, whether it's textual or visual.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Regardless of what is done in the wider communications industry, PR will always be linked to content creation. And that content remains textual, first and foremost.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Even in the age of the social media revolution, PR's essence remains the same as always: honesty, integrity, and preparedness to react.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

This new world of total transparency and the previously unimaginable abundance of data is the level playing field in which only true PR professionals really stand out based on how they can position a client's message in the most efficient and beneficial way.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Each of the three parties might have its arguments, but it is my strong conviction that the PR business will emerge on top in this future merger of the three industries.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Today, the PR business is 100 percent measurable. You can demonstrate with utmost accuracy who read what, when they read it, what gender they are, what education they have, what country they are from - we have all kinds of data to the smallest detail. That, too, is related to the transparency of our business.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

It is all part of the PR Revolution brought by social media. This is part of the new definition of public relations that has not been invented yet. When it does emerge in a clear-cut fashion, it is going to require - and receive - a new name because the name PR categorically isn't going to exist in five or ten years.

Mxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

Live communication, live contact, and live presentation are becoming increasingly dominants in our lives, let alone in our business. So everything that's not live is doomed to quickly become already known, obsolete, and boring.

Maxim Behar  Famous Quote

added 4 years ago

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