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An unjust world: I denounce Marijuana and you call me a monster. I denounce same sex marriage, same sex relationships, and same sex intercourse and you call me a monster. I denounce military style weapons and open carry for civilian use and you say I'm violating your rights. I denounce alcohol which causes crashes and fatalities, health problems, high crime rates, your more susceptible to injuries and it's a squandering of tax dollars and resources and you call me a monster because I want to abolish it. You underage drink and steal booze but you say I'm the bad guy. You do drugs and steroids and you call me evil. Your irresponsible and get pregnant at 15 and you say I'm abusing the system. You bully people everyday and then when they go on a massacre you call them monsters and evil but really your the monster, your the evil one for bullying them and harming them and forcing them into causing a massacre. You spray paint stop signs, you vandalize public and private property but you call me a delinquent. You cheat, lie , rape, murder, etc, etc, but I'm the monster for defending myself, I'm the monster for standing up for what is right. You bring your children into a world of violence and abuse them but I'm the monster, you call me the criminal. The way I see it, humanity is the monster, humanity is the criminal, not me.

– Ryan Pack

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Being handicap: It's a very painful feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically when your handicap and you know you can't function like normal people. It's a very painful feeling when you know your universes behind even average people. It's a very painful feeling when you see everybody having fun and enjoying their freedom and your so handicap all you can do is be in a handicap prison. Now it's time for me to catch up no matter how long it takes me, no matter how hard it is, no matter how painful it will be. Only If I get out of this handicap prison can I begin to live a peaceful and happy life, until then I will continue to suffer. Even if I'm able to pull myself out of this handicap prison, this handicap Hell that I've been trapped in my whole life, I will be left with both scars for what I have lost and growth for what I have learned. If I'm unsuccessful in my attempts to leave my handicap prison, my handicap Hell than I guess the only thing I can do is be strong and learn to accept my circumstance.

– Ryan Pack

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Death With Dignity: I'm writing this quote in regards to the Death With Dignity laws across Michigan, America, and the world. I noticed Michigan failed to pass the Death With Dignity legislation back in 2017. I am a firm believer that everyone should have the right to die when and how they want so long as it's morally right to do so. Whether they're terminally ill, mentally ill, chronically ill, or they're suffering in some unjust way. Maybe they're suffering because their homeless, poor, old, or depressed. Maybe they suffer because they have no friends or family and they're lonely. Whatever their circumstance is they should have the right to die in a humane way. Only if you have a criminal record or your living an unjust life style should you be excluded from this human right. You don't want criminals and people living unjust life styles being rewarded for their bad behaviors. Any person that commits a crime/ behavior/act that unjustly harms another living life/living should automatically disqualify them from this human right. Death With Dignity is only for those who live just lives. I personally have been disabled since birth. I have more than a handful of mental illnesses and I also have several chronic illnesses. I have diabetic peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, interstitial cystitis, gastritis, OCD, OCPD, GERD, severe PTSD, persecutory-grandiose delusional disorder, depression, anxiety, confidence and self-esteem problems. I'm in uncontrollable pain all day everyday. I have very limited functioning and I suffer intensely due to each of my illnesses. It is morally necessary for me to have the option to die when and how I want and to do it in a humane way. It is the right of all living things who suffer unjust pain to die when they want to. You are not the one suffering I am, and therefore you have no moral right to tell me when I can and cannot die. You will go home to your families and I will suffer all alone. You will turn your backs on me when I'm at my illest because you lack compassion, respect, integrity, justice and mercy for my circumstance and I will have to suffer for it.You are not a criminal for helping the ill die in a humane way, you are a criminal for letting those who are ill suffer. You are not cruel for helping the ill die, you are only cruel when you sit there and watch people suffer unjust pain and do nothing. It is not a human rights violation to humanely assist a suicide or euthanize people when they're suffering, however it is a human rights violation when you let them suffer unfair pain. You are not a criminal for humanely helping someone die when they're ill and don't want to continue on with their lives, you are only a criminal if you unjustly cause harm to someone's life. You take your dog and cat to the vet when they're ill to euthanize them so they don't suffer. You should show the same empathy, compassion, mercy, and respect to your fellow humans as you do for animals. You should show integrity, justice, courage, compassion, mercy, respect, love, and peace to all living things so long as they deserve it.

– Ryan Pack

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First offense, good behavior: When a person commits a crime no matter how petty or heinous, it requires justice. The crimes that you committed are no less egregious because it was your first offense, and even though you supposedly have good behavior it does not excuse the crimes you've committed. Therefore when a person commits crimes it is required that they suffer fair penalties. First offenses and good behavior does not excuse what ever it is that you've done. My life is no less valuable just because it is your first offense, the crimes you committed are no more justifiable just because you have good behavior. If you unjustly take my life, if you murder me, it wouldn't be fair to me if you get a reduced sentence for a first offense, and it wouldn't be fair to me if you got out early on good behavior. I lost my life forever because of you and so you deserve to forever lose yours. Only if you had some sort of a just cause for taking my life could you be excused. Only if you met certain eternal probationary standards set by me might you be forgiven.

– Ryan Pack

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God: God created us out of one of his many images and many pieces. He is all of us but we are only pieces of him. He created us to be talented, malicious and cruel similar to himself but not the same as him. He created us not because he loves us but so he can use us as instruments of evil, to harm and hurt one another and to do evil things. God is pure evil and that is why he created us to be evil. Every time us humans do something evil God gets off on it, he grows in influence and power. When you do evil things you let him win which is what he wants, don't let him win. Stop doing evil things, stop letting him win, that may be the only way to stop the cruelty from getting worse, it may be the only way to stop humanities suffering. I don't know if God can ever be destroyed but if humanity stands up to him maybe at the very least we can stop humanities suffering or maybe not I don't know but it's the only thing I can think of right now, it might be worth a try.

– Ryan Pack

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Marriage: What is marriage? Marriage is a legally and socially sanctioned union regulated by laws, rules, beliefs, customs, and attitudes. You see the task you perform when your married are the same task you perform when your not married, so is there really any reason to get married, no. Its just something people do for attention and entertainment. People are too unstable and unpredictable, you never know if the person you want to marry is good or bad. I don't think marriage is safe, I don't think its worth the risk. You never know how its going to end, in success or tragedy. You could become a victim of violence, you could end up in the courtroom for years arguing over who gets custody of the children, how much your going to pay in child support, how much your going to pay in alimony, and who gets what possessions. It's stressful and a waste of your life. You don't need a marriage certificate, a wedding dress, a fancy, expensive ring, a big ceremony, or a honeymoon to show your loyalty, respect, and love to someone. Qualities like loyalty, respect, and love come from always doing what's just, not from getting married and having children.

– Ryan Pack

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Martial arts: Martial arts conditions the mind, body and spirit. It teaches you about integrity, perseverance, courtesy, loyalty, self-control, discipline, courage, etc. Martial arts teaches you how to defend yourself, knowing how to defend yourself is one of the greatest highs in life, martial arts might even save your life at some point. It can also reward you with the freedom of movement. Martial arts teaches you how to use your body properly, appropriately, effectively, and efficiently. It teaches you patterns, chokes and holds, takedowns and throws, vital points, board breaking techniques, joint manipulations, weapons and more. Martial arts can make you smarter, tougher, more confident and it can improve your self- esteem. Martial arts offers internal and external strength to its students. It can make a person a better person inside and out. Martial arts is a magical sport in my opinion because of the way it transforms people. Martial arts can transform you mentally, emotionally, and physically thereby making your spirit stronger. Martial arts has much to offer.

– Ryan Pack

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Miracles: There's a lot of people in this world that don't believe in miracles. I used to be one of them. I didn't think miracles were possible, I thought they were just something somebody made up. But then something happened. I was on my way home from a Florida family vacation and I took a picture of the touchdown Jesus statue at the Solid Rock church in Monroe Ohio on March 13, 2010 and 3 months and one day later on June 14th 2010 it was struck by lightening. Most people believe that it was just bad weather or arson but I believe it was a miracle from God. The Touchdown Jesus Statue stood there since 2004 surviving many bad storms and no one ever had tampered with it before so I ask myself why all of the sudden, why only 3 months and one day after I took a picture of it? Maybe he's revealing himself to me, maybe he's communicating to me, maybe he's trying to tell me something. I had chronic incurable illnesses that the doctors couldn't cure but then all of the sudden they completely went away. I noticed something, that when I truly had faith in God's existence, the day I really believed in God, that's the day all my pain went away. I ask myself how is this possible? The doctors with medical degrees couldn't fix me, I couldn't fix me, medication couldn't fix me, so how did all my pain just go away? Well the only thing I can think of is that when I actually believed in God, the day I actually had faith in his existence it must have activated God's spiritual power and cured me, or as some would consider it a miracle. Miracles happen around us everyday, people just don't care enough, they just don't pay enough attention to see them. Some of these miracles are micro miracles aka small miracles, they may not have much effect on your life, but then there are the gigantic, life changing miracles, the ones that will change your life forever. Whether their micro miracles or gigantic life changing miracles they are very hard to see. So its going to be required that you really, really, care and pay very close attention so that way when these miracles happen you might be able to spot them. Pay attention to the rare, the uncommon, the unexplainable, events in your life, the things you don't care enough to pay attention to, the things you blow off, they might be signs, miracles from God. God might be communicating to you. God might be trying to tell you something.

– Ryan Pack

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Religious Opinions: Are you dead because Satan pulled the trigger or are you dead because God didn't protect and defend you? When Satan pulled the trigger what happened? You died. When God didn't protect and defend you what happened? You died. God not protecting and defending you is equally malicious to Satan pulling the trigger. That is why I think God is Satan and Satan is God because they seem to have equally malicious wills. They both killed you. Satan killed you when he pulled the trigger and God killed you when he didn't protect and defend you. When you die you will either go to Heaven or Hell. If you go to Heaven you will be walking with the will of Satan and the image of God who will pretend to love you and give you peace and if you go to Hell you will be walking with the will of God and the image of Satan who will torture you, harm you and cause you pain. Satan will love you in Heaven and God will torture you in Hell. God wants you to think he's good so he uses Satan's image to harm you. Satan doesn't want you to think he's evil so he uses God's image to give you love and peace. Why does God need Satan? To deceive you. Why does Satan need God? To deceive you. There is no good God of Heaven just as there is no evil Satan of Hell, it is just the will of evil playing both roles of God and Satan to confuse/deceive you. If God can turn water into wine then he could just as easily turn God into Satan or Satan into God. If God has the power to create the sun, the moon, the stars, the oceans, the mountains, life, the universe then he has the power to do anything. If God has the power to create Heaven then he has the power to create Hell. If God has the power to create day then he has the power to create night. If God has the power to create birth/life then he has the power to create dying/death. If God has the power to create pleasure then he has the power to create pain. If God has the power to create peace then he has the power to create suffering. If God has the power to create good then he has the power to create evil. If God created Heaven and Hell then why would you need Satan? If God is responsible for all peace and suffering then why would you need Satan? I believe that the will of evil is in control of the universe so it is my opinion that good people will go to Hell and suffer and evil people will go to Heaven and have peace. The will of evil wants to see good suffer and evil prosper and that's why I think good people will go to Hell and evil people will go to Heaven. It is my opinion that if you go to Heaven you are evil and if you go to Hell you are actually good. God may also take some good people to Heaven and throw some bad people in Hell to confuse and deceive you.

– Ryan Pack

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Sports: Sports condition the mind, body, and spirit. They can make you smarter, healthier, stronger, tougher, more confident, and more talented. They can be very fun, and they can sometimes relieve stress. They can make your life a better place. Football is great for cardio and losing weight, plus it can be very fun if you know what your doing. Bodybuilding is great for strength and overall health. Gymnastics is great for flexibility/acrobatics. Karate teaches you self-defense and it can reward you with the gift of movement. Knowing how to defend yourself is one of the greatest highs in life. And you'll never know complete physical freedom until you know all the patterns and movements of karate. All sports are important, they all have something special to teach you, they all have something special to offer you, even if its just fun.

– Ryan Pack

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Statute of limitations: Once a crime happens its apart of history forever, it will never go away. Maybe memories fade, maybe witnesses die, maybe evidence gets lost, destroyed, tampered with, or expires but the crimes themselves never actually expire. Therefore they require justice. The only time there should ever be a limitation on charging a crime is if there's not enough truth, facts, and evidence to support it. You don't ever want to convict innocent people of crimes they never committed, you don't ever want to unjustly penalize people. As long as there's enough truth, facts and evidence to support the crime then just penalties should be administered to the appropriate people no matter if its been a 100 plus years since the crime took place. If there's no justice for the crime in life then justice is required for the crime in the afterlife. Either way it go's justice is required for the crime. You don't ever want guilty people getting away with crimes, whether it's in life or in the after life.

– Ryan Pack

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