Inside Out

Inside Out

Inside Out is a 2015 American 3D computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by veteran Pete Docter, the film is set in the mind of a young girl, Riley Anderson, where five emotions—Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear, and Sadness—try to lead her through life as she moves with her family to a new city. The film was co-directed by Ronnie del Carmen, and produced by Jonas Rivera with music composed by Michael Giacchino.

Genre: Family
Meet the little voices inside your head.
A Major Emotion Picture

[Little Riley is seated at the table with her parents. Her dad is about to give her broccoli.]

Here we go, all right, open.

Hm, this looks new.

Think it's safe?

What is it?

Aah... [inches the broccoli towards Riley]

[enters the screen] Okay, caution! There is a dangerous smell, people... [notices the broccoli] Hold on, what is that?

[narrating] This is Disgust. She basically keeps Riley from being poisoned, physically and socially.

That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur. Hold on, guys... It's BROCCOLI! [gags and presses a button]

Little Riley:
Yucky! [flips the bowl of broccoli, getting some on her dad's face, and adding a disgusting memory]

[proudly] Well, I just saved our lives. [the other three sigh in relief] Yeah, you're welcome.

Riley, if you don't eat your dinner, you're not going to get any dessert.

[looks up from his newspaper titled "The Mind Reader", the headlines saying "NO DESSERT!"] Wait, did he just say we couldn't have dessert? [puts the paper down and begins stomping towards the console]

[narrating] That's Anger. He... cares very deeply about things being fair.

So that's how you want to play it, old man?! No dessert?! [the top of his head begins to glow with embers] Oh sure, we'll eat our dinner, right after YOU eat THIS! [pushes a couple levers and screams while his head erupts like Hades from Hercules, making Little Riley scream and throw a tantrum and adding an angry memory]

Riley, Riley! Here comes an airplane! [imitates airplane, bringing the broccoli closer to her as she calms down]

AAAAH...! [instantly calms down] Oh, airplane. We've got an airplane, everybody.

Oooooohh... [They all gather around and watch the "airplane", and Riley happily eats it, adding a happy memory.]

Okay! First day of school! Very, very exciting! I was up late last night figuring out a new plan. Here it is! Fear! [Fear gasps] I need a list of all the possible negative outcomes on the first day at a new school.

Way ahead of you there. [to the other emotions] Does anyone know how to spell 'meteor'?

Disgust, make sure Riley stands out today. But also blends in.

[confidently] When I'm through, Riley will look so good, the other kids will look at their own outfits and barf.

[talking to herself] Joy. "Yes, Joy?" You'll be in charge of the console, keeping Riley happy all day long. And may I add I love your dress. It's adorable... "Oh, this old thing? Thank you so much. I love the way it twirls." [Joy runs up to the window and waves at the Train of Thought as it passes through, in normal voice again] Train of Thought! Right on schedule! Anger, unload the daydreams. I ordered extra in case things get slow in class.

Might come in handy, if this new school is full of boring, useless classes. Which it probably will be.

Oh, Sadness! I have a super important job just for you.

[hopefully] Really?

Mmm-hmm. Follow me. [leads Sadness to the Mind Manual shelf and starts to draw a circle around her]

What are you doing?

[finishes up] And... there! Perfect! This is the Circle of Sadness. Your job is to make sure that all the sadness stays inside of it.

Sadness: want me to just stand here?

Hey, it's not my place to tell you how you do your job. [She pushes Sadness's leg inside of the circle.] Just make sure that all the sadness stays in the circle. See? You're pro with this. Isn't this fun?



[Joy and Sadness meet the Memory Workers, who are in charge of dumping out memory orbs that are faded into the Memory Dump.]

Hey! Bring those back!

Worker Paula:
They're in the dump. Nothing comes back from the dump.

Worker Bobby:
Yeah. Look, lady, this is our job, okay?

Worker Paula:
When Riley doesn't care about a memory, it fades.


Worker Paula:
Happens to the best of them.

Worker Bobby:
[grabs a happy memory] Yeah, except for this bad boy. This one will never fade. [the aforementioned memory contains the annoying TripleDent Gum jingle]

TripleDent Gum will make you smile...

[shocked] The song from the gum commercial?

Worker Bobby:
You know, sometimes we send that one up to Headquarters for no reason!

Worker Paula:
It just plays in Riley's head over and over again, like a million times! [Joy is visibly annoyed at this]

Worker Bobby:
Let's watch it again! [he rewinds the memory, and he and Paula sing along to the jingle] TripleDent Gum will make you smile...

Yeah, I know. We all know the song. OK, yeah, real catchy, OK.

Worker Bobby:
Hey, what do you think? Should we do it?

Worker Paula:

Worker Bobby:
[he shoves the memory orb into the shelf and shoots it up a pipe to Headquarters.] Okay, here we go!

[in Headquarters, Fear is drinking coffee, Disgust is doing her nails and Anger is reading a newspaper with the headline reading "GOLDEN STATE BLUE MOOD". The jingle pops up.]

TripleDent Gum will make you smile...

[looks up] What the...? THIS AGAIN?!

[to the workers, who are walking away singing] Wait! Do you know how to get to Friendship Island?

[while using a laptop to talk to Meg] TripleDent Gum...

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this day an “F”.

[throws down a copy of "The Mind Reader" with the headline, "Riley Quits Hockey"] Well, why don’t we quit standing around and do something? [kicks a chair]

Like what, genius?

[walking towards the recall tube with a suitcase] Like quitting! That’s what I’m doing. Sure, it’s the coward’s way out, but this coward’s gonna survive! [the tube closes around him, but he clogs it up and the massive amount of memory orbs force it open and he lands back down on the floor]

Emotions can’t quit, genius! [Fear has accidentally swallowed a disgusting memory and spits it up, making Disgust recoil] Ugh! I thought we were supposed to be keeping Riley happy!

Wait a minute. Wait a minute! [runs over to the idea shelves] Ah-ha! [he grabs a bulb]

What is it?

Oh, nothing. Just the best idea ever.


All the good Core Memories were made in Minnesota. Ergo, we go back to Minnesota and make more. Ta-da!

Wait wait wait. You’re saying we... run away?

Well, I wouldn’t call it that. I’d call it the “Happy Core Memory Development Program”.

You can’t be serious!

Hey! Our life was perfect, until Mom and Dad decided to move us to San Fran-Stink-Town!

But-but-but I mean, it’s just so drastic!

Need I remind you how great things were there? Our room, our backyard, our friends. [he recalls a happy memory, but instead it plays the annoying gum commercial]

TripleDent Gum will make you smile...

DID I ASK FOR THE GUM COMMERCIAL?! [shuts it off] Anyway, it was better, that’s my point.

Yeah. Riley was happier in Minnesota.

Wait, hold on. Shouldn’t we sleep on this or something?

Fine, let’s sleep on it. Because hey, I’m sure jolly, fun-filled times are just around the corner!

[walking into Headquarters, sleepy along with Anger thanks to Riley waking up from a nightmare] What is going on?

He did it again!

[curled up in a fetal position under the control panel] We were at school, and we were naked, and there was a dog, and his back half was chasing him, and then we saw Bing Bong...!

You idiot! It was a dream! This is ridiculous! [stomps toward the idea shelves] We can't even get a good night's sleep anymore. [he picks up the idea bulb that he had planned to use] Time to take action. Stupid mom and dad. If they hadn't moved us, none of this would've happened. Who's with me? [glances over to Fear]

[stammers a bit] No, no, no, no, no. [Anger brings the bulb to Disgust]

Yeah. Let's do it.

[Anger installs the bulb, which lights up. Riley's eyes light up as well with the idea, then she picks up her laptop. The bulb sinks all the way into the console.]

She took it. There's no turning back.

So how are we going to get to Minnesota from here?

[sarcastically] Well, why don't we go down to the elephant lot and rent an elephant?

Hey, that sounds nice.

WE'RE TAKING THE BUS, NITWIT! [Fear winces and dives behind Disgust; Riley is now on a city bus website on her laptop] There's a bus leaving tomorrow. Perfect!

A ticket costs money. How do we get money?

Mom's purse.

[gasps in shock] You wouldn't.

[smugly] Oh, but I would. Where was it we saw it last? [recalls a memory, only for the umpteenth time it plays the gum commercial...]

TripleDent Gum...

NO! [shuts off the jingle] It's downstairs somewhere. Mom and Dad got us into this mess. They can pay to get us out.

[Joy and Bing Bong have fallen into the Memory Dump and are stuck down there, doomed to be forgotten forever. Joy tries fruitlessly to climb up the piles of old memories to get out.]

Bing Bong:
Joy? Joy, what are you doing? Would ya stop it, please? [Joy ignores his please and keeps trying to get out, once again, to no avail.] Don't ya get it, Joy?! We're stuck down here! We're forgotten.

[Joy pauses to realize her situation. In the background, the discarded sad core memory of Riley breaking down into tears on her first day at school begins to play.]

[in the memory orb] We... used to play tag... and stuff... [Joy walks over to the memory, and holds it somberly] But... everything is different now. Since we moved... [The memory keeps playing the "video" of Riley's emotional breakdown at school. Joy keeps staring at the memory orb, in complete helpless despair. She sits down and begins to stifle tears. The sound of a discarded memory of Riley happily coloring as a toddler begins to play next to Joy, who picks it up and looks at it with a sad smile.]

[tearing up] Do you remember how she used to stick her tongue out when she was coloring? [continues to fight back tears. She picks up another memory orb, this time of a younger Riley telling a story to her parents.] I could listen to her stories, all day... [Joy picks up another memory of Riley playing in her backyard as a toddler. Joy's eyes well up with tears, but she keeps holding back.] I just wanted Riley to be happy... [she picks up the sad core memory of Riley crying in school. As she looks at it, she begins to sob, and completely breaks down into hopeless tears while Bing Bong sadly looks on. Joy's tears fall onto the happy memory orb of Riley after the Prairie Dog hockey game. As Joy wipes the tear off of it, she scrolls through the memory to see it was previously a sad memory turned happy. The sad portion consists of Riley sitting sadly with her parents on a tree branch. Curiously, Joy "rewinds" the memory to the point where Mom and Dad came to Riley to comfort her. Joy begins to hear Sadness's description of the memory in her head.]

[voice-over] It was the day the Prairie Dogs lost the big playoff game. Riley missed the winning shot, she felt awful. She wanted to quit.

[Joy scrolls through the memory to see the blue sad memory of her and her parents turn a happy yellow when Riley's friends come to cheer her on.]

Sadness... Mom and Dad... The team. They came to help... because of Sadness. We have to get back up there.

Bing Bong:
Joy, we're stuck down here. We might as well be on another planet.

[getting an idea] "Another planet"...! [turns and calls out in a sing-song voice] Who's your friend who likes to play? [silence, Bing Bong looks up in surprise] Who's your friend who likes to play?

Bing Bong:
[also singing] His rocket makes you yell "Hooray"...

[Bing Bong's wagon rocket makes its signature tune in the distance. Encouraged, Joy and Bing Bong rush to find it as Bing Bong keeps singing]

[Riley storms off from the ice hockey rink after botching a fumbling shot]

Riley, what's wrong?

Let's go!

You're not going to finish tryouts?!

What's the point?

Hey, it will be all right. Let's just--

Stop saying everything will be all right!

[As Riley storms off, back in Mind World, Hockey Island collapses and falls into the Memory Dump]

Hockey!? Oh, no, no, she loves hockey. She can’t give up hockey. Bing Bong, we have to get to that station.

Bing Bong:
Sure thing. This way, just past Graham Cracker Castle. Hey, that’s weird. Graham Cracker Castle used to be right here. I wonder why they moved. Well, that's... odd. I would have sworn Sparkle Pony Mountain was right here. Hey, What’s going on.

Yeah, yeah. I don’t know. We’ll have to come back.

Bing Bong:
Princess Dream World! Oh, no. The stuffed Animal Hall of Fame! My rocket! Wait! Riley and I, we’re still using the that rocket! It still has some song power left! Who’s your friend who likes to play? No! No, no, no. NO, You can’t take my rocket to the dump! Riley and I are going to the moon! Riley can’t be done with me. [Sits down]


Hey, it’s going to be okay! We can fix this! We just need to get back to Headquarters. Which way to the train station?

Bing Bong:
I had a whole trip planned for us.

[gasps] Hey, who’s ticklish, huh? Here comes the tickle monster! Hey, Bing Bong! Look at this! Oh, here’s a fun game! You point to the train station and we all go there. Won’t that be fun? Come on, Let’s go to the train station.

I’m sorry they took your rocket. They took something that you loved. It's gone. Forever.

Sadness. Don't make him feel worse.


Bing Bong:
It's all I had left of Riley.

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