The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone is an American media franchise based on the anthology television series created by Rod Serling. The episodes are in various genres, including fantasy, science fiction, suspense, horror, and psychological thriller, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist, and usually with a moral. A popular and critical success, it introduced many Americans to common science fiction and fantasy tropes. The original series, shot entirely in black and white, ran on CBS for five seasons from 1959 to 1964. The Twilight Zone followed in the tradition of earlier television shows such as Tales of Tomorrow (1951–53, which also dramatized the short story "What You Need") and Science Fiction Theatre (1955–57); radio programs such as The Weird Circle, Dimension X, and X Minus One; and the radio work of one of Serling's inspirations, Norman Corwin. The success of the series led to a feature film, a radio series, a comic book, a magazine, a theme park attraction, and various other spin-offs that spanned five decades, including two revival television series. The first revival ran on CBS and in syndication in the 1980s, while the second ran on UPN from 2002 to 2003. TV Guide ranked the original TV series #5 in their 2013 list of the 60 greatest shows of all time and #4 in their list of the 60 greatest dramas. In December 2017, CBS All Access officially ordered the third Twilight Zone revival to series, which will be helmed by Jordan Peele. It is slated for a 2019 premiere.


[first lines]

[Opening Narration] Tonight's story on The Twilight Zone is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction. This, as you may recognize, is a map of the United States, and there's a little town there called Peaksville. On a given morning not too long ago, the rest of the world disappeared and Peaksville was left all alone. Its inhabitants were never sure whether the world was destroyed and only Peaksville left untouched or whether the village had somehow been taken away. They were, on the other hand, sure of one thing: the cause. A monster had arrived in the village. Just by using his mind, he took away the automobiles, the electricity, the machines - because they displeased him - and he moved an entire community back into the dark ages - just by using his mind. Now I'd like to introduce you to some of the people in Peaksville, Ohio. This is Mr. Fremont. It's in his farmhouse that the monster resides. This is Mrs. Fremont. And this is Aunt Amy, who probably had more control over the monster in the beginning than almost anyone. But one day she forgot. She began to sing aloud. Now, the monster doesn't like singing, so his mind snapped at her, turned her into the smiling, vacant thing you're looking at now. She sings no more. And you'll note that the people in Peaksville, Ohio, have to smile. They have to think happy thoughts and say happy things because once displeased, the monster can wish them into a cornfield or change them into a grotesque, walking horror. This particular monster can read minds, you see. He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion. Oh yes, I did forget something, didn't I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster. This is the monster. His name is Anthony Fremont. He's six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you'd better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge. This is the Twilight Zone.

Talky Tina:
[winds doll and she moves back and forth] My name is Talky Tina, and I think I could even hate you. [Erich looks at the doll and then flings her across the room; Tina lands on her back and Erich looks at the doll from where he stands. Tina then opens her eyes] My name is Talky Tina, and you'll be sorry.

Annabelle Streator:
[Erich looks from the doll to Annabelle, who comes down the stairs and her eyes shift to Tina, obviously thrown on the floor. She backs up a bit, holding onto the stair rail] Why, Erich?

Erich Streator:
I don't like what it says.

Annabelle Streator:
You didn't have to throw it. [she picks up the doll and Erich begins to walk over]

Erich Streator:
It has quite the vocabulary. [he takes the doll from Annabelle] Here, listen. [he manipulates the doll to make her speak]

Talky Tina:
My name is Talky Tina, and I love you very much. [Erich stares at the doll]

Erich Streator:
Yeah, well, that's not what it said a minute ago. [he throws the doll back into Annabelle's arms and puts his hands on his hips]

Annabelle Streator:
[walks away from Erich, clutching Tina] I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Erich Streator:
Exactly what is it you're taking, Annabelle? [she turns to him]

Annabelle Streator:
Your anger toward Christie. I know you're having a difficult time adjusting to her, but I can't let you treat her this way. She's my daughter, Erich. I love her.

Erich Streator:
[mockingly] "I love her." But I don't love her. I'm only her stepfather and I'm incapable of loving children because we can't have any of our own. [face and voice show a small degree of amusement] Isn't that what you are saying, Annabelle?

Annabelle Streator:
[slowly shaking her head] Oh, no, Erich, believe me, it's not. You could love Christie; I *know* you could. If you'd only give yourself half a chance.

Erich Streator:
Good. [goes to sit down and she follows him] I'm glad I'm not cold, cruel ogre that mommy and daughter think I am; I appreciate all the *faith* you have in me! [looks down from his seated position]

Annabelle Streator:
Erich, please give us a chance. Christie and me. I know you got more than you bargained for when you married me. Two for the price of one, wasn't it. But we'll do anything to make you happy - both of us.

Christie Streator:
[offscreen] Daddy? [Erich's eyes shift to Christie and she bounces down the stairs and comes over to him] I'm sorry, Daddy, if I made you mad.

Erich Streator:
It's alright, Christie. [he cusps her chin in his hand and rubs it] It's all Daddy's fault, okay?

Christie Streator:
[smiles] Sure, Daddy.

Annabelle Streator:
Here, dear. [hands Christie the doll, who hugs the doll to her shoulder and turns to go back upstairs with Tina and winds the key to hear her speak]

Talky Tina:
My name is Talky Tina and I love you very much. [Erich turns his head from Christie to look stony-faced into the distance]

Christie Streator:
[Christie is feeding Tina food and the camera pans to show Erich and Annabelle eating across from each other, on each side of Christie] Be a good girl, Tina, and eat your supper.

Erich Streator:
Eat your own supper, Christie. [Tina is shown with food on her mouth and she opens an eye to Erich, and then closes it]

Erich Streator:
[subdued] Oh, I didn't know your doll could wink.

Christie Streator:
Tina can't wink, Daddy.

Erich Streator:
Really? I thought... never mind. Where'd you buy her? [drinks from a teacup]

Annabelle Streator:
[with a smile] Mason's. Should be a good playmate for Christie.

Erich Streator:
Mmmhmm. Lacking a brother or sister; is that what you mean? [mood and tone changes]

Annabelle Streator:
I didn't say that.

Erich Streator:
But that's why you bought the doll, isn't it? Sort of a reminder? [drinks from teacup again]

Annabelle Streator:
It hadn't occurred to me, but if that's what you want to think... [she stands and the doorbell immediately rings and she goes to the door. As Christie is busy with Tina, Annabelle speaks again] It's Linda. [Christie immediately turns back] Are you through with your dinner?

Christie Streator:
Yes, Mommy. May I take Tina?

Annabelle Streator:
Not outside. You can show her to Linda later. [as Tina gets up and goes out and Annabelle is busy cleaning, Tina is moving on her own]

Talky Tina:
My name is Talky Tina, and I'm beginning to hate you. [Erich stares at her and wipes his mouth, then slowly goes to sit in Christie's chair and uses a napkin to wipe Tina's mouth]

Erich Streator:
[mock kindness] My name is Erich Streator and I'm gonna get rid of you.

Talky Tina:
[moving] You wouldn't dare!

Erich Streator:
Oh? Wouldn't I? [takes Tina and sits her in front of him on the table]

Talky Tina:
Annabelle would hate you, Christie would hate you, and I would hate you. [Erich chuckles, takes out a cigarette and Annabelle enters the room]

Erich Streator:
[cigarette in his mouth] Just seeing how it works. [takes out matches and lights one and flicks it at the doll]

Talky Tina:
Ow! [Erich chuckles a bit and lights his cigarette]

Erich Streator:
So, you have feelings.

Talky Tina:
Doesn't everything?

Erich Streator:
Then I can hurt you.

Talky Tina:
Not really, but I could hurt *you*.

Erich Streator:
[laughs] Threats from a doll. [Annabelle comes back in]

Annabelle Streator:
Who're you talking to?

[at dinner]... So what are your world views, Driscoll?

Paul Driscoll:
...I don't have any, Mr. Hanford.

Of course you do, man. We ALL do! Like all this nonsense about giving the Indians land. What we need are twenty General Custers and a hundred thousand men! What we should have done is swept across the prairie, destroying every redskin that stood before us. After that, we should have planted the American flag deep, high and proud!

Abigail Sloan:
I think the country is tired of fighting, Mr. Hanford. I think we were bled dry by the Indian Wars. I think anything we can accomplish peacefully, with treaties, we should accomplish that way.

Now, I trust this isn't the path you spoon-feed your students. Treaties, indeed! Peace, indeed! Why, the virility of a nation is in direct proportion to its military prowess. I LIVE for the day when this country SWEEPS AWAY... [notices Driscoll's disapproving look]... You some kind of a pacifist, Driscoll?

Paul Driscoll:
No, just some sick idiot who's seen too many boys die because of too many men who fight their battles at dining room tables... and who probably wouldn't last forty-five seconds in a REAL skirmish if they WERE thrust into it.

Paul Driscoll:
...I take offense at that remark, Mr. Driscoll!

Paul Driscoll:
And I take offense at "armchair warriors," who don't know what a shrapnel, or a bullet, or a saber wound feels like... who've never smelled death after three days on an empty battlefield... who've never seen the look on a man's face when he realizes he's lost a limb or two, and his blood is seeping out. Mr. Hanford, you have a great affinity for "planting the flag deep." But you don't have a nodding acquaintance of what it's like for families to bury their sons in the same soil!

Captain Benteen:
Now listen to me. I want to tell you some things about the Earth that you haven't heard before. Things that are ugly. Things that are wrong. Things - that cannot be lived with. There is violence on Earth. There are hatreds! And jealousy! Now listen to me, listen to me and listen carefully. The Earth is a place we do not know. The Earth is a place we have never lived in. It is a society we do not belong in. If we leave here, we will die. We will *die*! We'll be committing suicide, if we go back to Earth. We will die of a misery we have never experienced before. Loneliness. Loneliness like animals in a zoo. We do not belong there.

[points to Col. Sloane]

Captain Benteen:
We do not belong to his kind. We do not belong *there*. We do not belong *there*.

Col. Sloane:
Captain Benteen! Why don't you let your "children" vote on it?

Captain Benteen:
Only if they know what's waiting for them! Only if they know that the Earth is not a garden. Never was a garden! And it never will be a garden!

Col. Sloane:
[Stepping forward] Fair enough! Fair enough! Then I'll tell you what Earth is. It's a race of men - struggling for survival. Just as you have survived. And Captain Benteen is quite right when he tells you it isn't a place of all beauty. We may yet have wars. And there still remains prejudice. And I suppose as long as men walk, there'll be angry men, jealous men, unforgiving men. But it has one thing that you don't have. One thing. It lets every man be his own master. There won't be any Captain Benteens down there for you. There won't be anybody to tell you when to eat, and when to sleep, and when to meet. There won't be anyone to tell you when to dance or what to sing or how to play. And instead of the thirst, you may feel hunger. Instead of heat, you may feel cold! But you'll be men and women. You won't be sheep. You won't be a kindergarten. And when you pray to God, his name won't be "Benteen"!

Stand where you are. No further. You have been removed from office. The Field Investigators have declared you "Obsolete".


[robotic monotone] You have disgraced the State, you have proven yourself a coward; you have, therefore, no function. You are Obsolete!

But I'm not. I'm not obsolete!


Obsolete! Obsolete!


[hysterical] You're making a terrible mistake, a tragic mistake! I'm not obsolete! I *work* for the State, I *believe* in the state! I help give the State its strength! How can you call me obsolete, HOW CAN YOU?

[the Chancellor raises his hand to snap his fingers]

Please, I'm not obsolete...

[makes to run but finds one side of the crowd rising against him, he goes in the opposite direcrtion and the same happens, he looks desperately around]

Please... please, I'm not obsolete; I have a function, I have a purpose. Please. I want to *serve* the State. Please... please, no... I'm not obsolete! No, no! Please! I'm not obsolete. No! I want to serve the state; please, please, no! I'm not obsolete! I, I - please, no, I'm not obsolete, no! I want to *serve* the State... Please, please! NO! I want to SERVE the State!

[the growling jurors close in on the ex-Chancellor, who breaks away with a yell and is chased across the room to the new Subalturn's seat where he is grabbed, pulled down the length of the table, and dragged off to be killed]

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